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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Orange, turquoise, black, and white insects mating [west-papua_5418] (Indonesia)
Bromeliad (Ecuador)
Birds (Sri Lanka)
Yellow butterfly (Cambodia)
Gecko [west-papua_5200] (Indonesia)
Nazca booby with chick (Ecuador)
Bird [colombia_6007] (Colombia)
Green metallic beetle (Indonesia)
Wasp eating a caterpillar [manu_0609] (Peru)
Hippopotamus (0)
A Hispaniolan solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus) with a radial collar near Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
White-fronted Capuchin (Cebus albifrons) [colombia_0760] (Colombia)
Brown-throated Parakeets (Aratinga pertinax) [colombia_5866] (Colombia)
Mahout atop an Sumatran elephant (Indonesia)
Baboons atop a rock outcropping -- tz_2070 (Tanzania)
Madagascar Pygmy-kingfisher (Ceyx madagascariensis) [madagascar_4890] (Madagascar)
Mother tarsier and baby (Indonesia)
Greater mousedeer (0)
Bird [colombia_6524] (Colombia)
Red, yellow, black, and white caterpillar [kalbar_0921] (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Orangutan feeding on string beans [sabah_sepilok_0189] (Malaysia)
Panda eating bamboo (0)
Polyura athamas faliscus [Butterfly with yellow-green and gray underparts] [sumatra_1319] (Indonesia)
Hatchling sea turtle headed toward the Pacific ocean (Costa Rica)
Madagascar skink (0)
Madagascar giant day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) [calacad_058] (Madagascar)
Slaty-tailed Trogon, not the Collared Trogon (Belize)
Macaws flying over the Amazon (Peru)
Pinktoed tarantula (Avicularia avicularia) [colombia_1257] (Colombia)
Caterpillar eating a leaf (China)
Jumping spider [kalbar_1901] (Indonesia)
Tortuga bay sign (Ecuador)
Orb spider [mcar_0176] (Madagascar)
Batfish (Malaysia)
Red-orange insect (Laos)
Sea lions in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Red howler monkey [colombia_5022] (Colombia)
Three-toed Sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) [costa-rica_0563] (Costa Rica)
Mouthless crab, Cardisoma crassum (Colombia)
0 (Malaysia)
Brown Capuchin (Cebus apella) with crazy eyes [suriname_1977] (Suriname)
Anole lizard seen through a sun-lit leaf (Costa Rica)
Frog (Malaysia)
Snake [colombia_3085] (Colombia)
Sally Lightfoot Crab (Ecuador)
Grasshopper [sabah_sepilok_0600] (Malaysia)
Orphaned orangutan playing with a stick of sugar cane at Sepilok -- borneo_5363 (Malaysia)
Sea turtle hatchlings [cr_4257a] (Costa Rica)
Immature Leaf Beetles, Chrysomelidae devouring a plant leaf (Costa Rica)
Rhetus periander: iridescent blue butterfly with neon pink spots near its tail (Peru)
Deer [colombia_5858] (Colombia)
Yellowhead Parrot (Amazona oratrix) [belize_7458] (Belize)
Blue morpho with wings closed (Peru)
Butterfly [kalbar_2156] (Indonesia)
Sumatran rhino at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (Indonesia)
Common woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) [colombia_0835] (Colombia)
Black bug with an orange fringe [west-papua_6216] (Indonesia)
Borneo orangutan at Sepilok Rehabilitation Center -- sabah_3945 (Malaysia)
Collection of geckos (Indonesia)
Parrot [colombia_6291] (Colombia)
Green grasshopper in Uganda (Uganda)
Plated Leaf Chameleon (Brookesia stumpffi) [madagascar_3429] (Madagascar)
Great hornbill (Thailand)
Large forest cicada (Indonesia)
Hawk [colombia_4771] (Colombia)
insect [colombia_0097] (Colombia)
Red-shanked douc (0)
Orangutan hanging in tree (Indonesia)
Panther chameleon feeding on a cricket (Madagascar)
Chestnut-eared Aracari (Pteroglossus castanotis) [colombia_6049] (Colombia)
Bat (Indonesia)
Spotted dove (Spilopelia chinensis) (Sri Lanka)
Tiger in Cambodia (Cambodia)
Hummingbird (Ecuador)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
White insect [sabah_sepilok_0276] (Malaysia)
Assassin bugs (China)
Maasai giraffe feeding -- tz_1891 (Tanzania)
Group of capybara on a river bank [colombia_3357] (Colombia)
Douc langur feeding (Vietnam)
Geoffroy's Tufted-eared Marmoset (0)
Green and orange flat-footed bug [manu_0500] (Peru)
Orangutan (0)
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher, Mionectes oleagineus [cr_3861] (Costa Rica)
Tiger and tourists (India)
Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) in flight [colombia_5929] (Colombia)
Borneo orangutan at Sepilok Rehabilitation Center -- sabah_3944 (Malaysia)
Common Laughing Frog (Osteocephalus taurinus) (Peru)
Spiny crab spider (Gasteracantha sp.) (Madagascar)
Capybaras on the bank of the Tambopata River (Peru)
Green sea turtle [sabah_underwater_0667] (Malaysia)
Orangutan with long beard [sumatra_0429] (Indonesia)
Walking stick insect [kalbar_1575] (Indonesia)
Blue-tailed bee-eater (Merops philippinus) (Sri Lanka)
Coralscape in Sabah [sabah_underwater_0074] (Malaysia)
Baby tarsier with mother (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Leaf-mimicking praying mantis [suriname_0961] (Suriname)
Verreaux's Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) [madagascar_2783] (Madagascar)
White-faced capuchin [costa-rica_1343] (Costa Rica)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Binturong (Arctictis binturong) (0)
Eastern woolly lemur [madagascar_1230] (Madagascar)
Sun bear in a tree [sabah_sepilok_0320] (Malaysia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Bornean white-bearded gibbon [kalbar_0992] (Indonesia)
Red-eyed Treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas) [panama_1272] (Panama)
Fire-red bird (Mexico)
Bear Cuscus and baby (Indonesia)
Orangutan making faces [sumatra_0269] (Indonesia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0863] (Malaysia)
Parakeets (India)
rhinoceros hornbill in flight (Indonesia)
Green praying mantis [sumatra_9159] (Indonesia)
Pair of Ruppell's Vulture (Gyps rueppelli) (Kenya)
Maroon langur [kalbar_1074] (Indonesia)
Adult and infant orangutan (0)
Sanford's Brown Lemur chewing (Madagascar)
Red, blue, and yellow (on the underside) butterfly in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Captive spider monkey [panama_0401] (Panama)
Large group of banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) -- tz_1498 (Tanzania)
Grasshopper [colombia_2722] (Colombia)
Orange beetle being carried by ants (Indonesia)
Green beetle (Indonesia)
Bear Cuscus and baby (Indonesia)
Shark (Ecuador)
Giant locust [colombia_1359] (Colombia)
Bird [panama_0497] (Panama)
Pair of babirusa (0)
Heron at the Oviedo Lagoon in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Eastern bamboo lemur (Madagascar)
Pattern of jaguar fur (Belize)
Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) (Kenya)
Rhinoceros hornbill (Indonesia)
Macaque (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran elephant [sumatra_9184] (Indonesia)
Boat-billed Heron (Cochlearius cochlearius) (Costa Rica)
Female Coquerel's Sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) with baby (Madagascar)
Coquerel's sifakas kissing [madagascar_2317] (Madagascar)
Yellow butterfly (China)
Chinese katydid (China)
Orange insect with a blue fringe [west-papua_5914] (Indonesia)
Bird [colombia_4240] (Colombia)
Festive Amazons in flight [colombia_1907] (Colombia)
Stick insect [madagascar_4870] (Madagascar)
Warthog (0)
Bird [colombia_5309] (Colombia)
Orange planthopper (Peru)
Butterfly or moth in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Pill millipede (Glomeris connexa) -- borneo_3583 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0787] (Malaysia)
Herpetologist trying to save a Hyloscirtus colymba tree frog [panama_1139] (Panama)
Red and blue poison arrow frogs (Dendrobates pumilio) modeled in a canopy bromeliad (0)
Female Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Green Vine Snake (Ahaetulla prasina) (Indonesia)
Sunset in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Male howler monkey [panama_0129] (Panama)
Gray langur (India)
Blue-and-yellow macaw [colombia_6117] (Colombia)
Crested black macaque foraging (Indonesia)
Red and green stick insect [kalbar_1926] (Indonesia)
Caterpillar (Indonesia)
Birds [colombia_4184] (Colombia)
Jeweled Chameleon (Furcifer campani) [female] (Madagascar)
Collared peccary [suriname_1678] (Suriname)
Jungle fowl (Sri Lanka)
Madagascar Tomato frog (Dyscophus antongilii) (0)
Sumatran elephants moving through the forest in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (Indonesia)
Crowned Sifaka (Propithecus coronatus) [madagascar_2326] (Madagascar)
Scarlet macaw in the Amazon [manu_0997] (Peru)
Leaf mimicking toad [suriname_1058] (Suriname)
Tree frog [kalbar_1690] (Indonesia)
Green water dragon with blue eyes [kalbar_0955] (Indonesia)
Orange moth (China)
Violet grasshopper [west-papua_6366] (Indonesia)
White-headed capuchin monkey [colombia_4087] (Colombia)
Female velvet asity (Madagascar)
Mother Mexican Spider Monkey with baby (Mexico)
Green and gray grasshopper (Indonesia)
Yellow and blue poison dyeing dart frog guarding its nest (Suriname)
Sunset in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Adult Male Orang-utan (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Black, green, and red leafhopper [manu_0588] (Peru)
Leaf frog [costa-rica_0963] (Costa Rica)
Nazca booby with a chick (Ecuador)
Golden Lemur (Hapalemur aureus) (Madagascar)
Green and brown bug or beetle (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Gecko [colombia_2826] (Colombia)
Kalimantan tiger beetle [kalbar_1596] (Indonesia)
Rhacophorus pardalis tree frog -- sabah_2687 (Malaysia)
A Hispaniolan solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus) with a radial collar is released back into the forest near Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Orange insect with black spots (Indonesia)
Green bee-eater (Sri Lanka)
Proboscis monkey -- sabah_3101 (Malaysia)
Snail-slug (China)
Praying mantis [panama_0749] (Panama)
Turquoise blue katydid larva [west-papua_6134] (Indonesia)
Great Blue Heron Fishing in Virgin River (United States)
Yellow and black tortoise beetle (Indonesia)
Blue and yellow leafhopper [madagascar_5428] (Madagascar)
Sunset in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Common woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) [colombia_0846] (Colombia)
Frog (Malaysia)
Caterpillar with blue and black spines [mcar_0185] (Madagascar)
Spider [java_0342] (Indonesia)
Wasp [manu_0761] (Peru)
Silhouette of a hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Mexican Spider Monkey feeding in the forest canopy (Mexico)
Bear Cuscus and baby (Indonesia)
Black Kite (Milvus migrans) taking flight (Tanzania)
Mother crocodile with babies (India)
Helmeted guineafowl (Uganda)
Mother marsh crocodile with offspring (India)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Two young male woolly monkeys at play (Colombia)
Capabaras [colombia_6544] (Colombia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Blue-headed parrot; Pionus menstruus; atop dead tree (Peru)
Jay [colombia_6043] (Colombia)
Nazca booby with chick (Ecuador)
Sunset over Quito (Ecuador)
Pair of Sulawesi knobbed hornbills (Indonesia)
Captive fossa [madagascar_1610] (Madagascar)
Butterfly (unidentified species) in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
African skimmers (Rynchops flavirostris) in flight (Gabon)
Red-necked Spurfowl (Francolinus afer) (Tanzania)
White squirrel (Callosciurus finlaysoni) (Thailand)
Male tapir at the Belize Zoo (Belize)
Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemur (Hapalemur griseus) [madagascar_1526] (Madagascar)
Gorgeous red,white, and blue butterfly - Malay Red Harlequin (Paralaxita damajanti) butterfly (Indonesia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Brown stick insect (Indonesia)
Orange and yellow dragonfly with red eyes (Indonesia)
Female lion standing over its kill as a jackal watches -- tz_2322 (Tanzania)
Brahminy kite (Haliastur indus) (Sri Lanka)
Toad missing its front leg [colombia_1559] (Colombia)
Manatee (0)
Adult female Komodo dragon (Indonesia)
Brown-throated Parakeets (Aratinga pertinax) [colombia_5908] (Colombia)
Blue and black butterfly on ground with wings closed (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
birds [colombia_1498] (Colombia)
Grasshopper on an Apple Air computer (Indonesia)
Orb spider (Vietnam)
Shark underwater (Ecuador)
Pygmy Marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea) [colombia_0979] (Colombia)
Pair of Yellow-throated Sandgrouse (Pterocles gutturalis) (Tanzania)
African elephants -- tz_1471 (Tanzania)
Mother orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Ants on a ginger flower (China)
Male Sulawesi wrinkled hornbill (Indonesia)
Tree viper (Indonesia)
Male orangutan (0)
Flowers (Ecuador)
Three-toed Sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) on the trunk of a cecropia tree (Costa Rica)
Leaf-like moth [manu_0379] (Peru)
Chinese moth (China)
Douc langurs (Vietnam)
Skink (Indonesia)
Sumatran rhino at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (Indonesia)
Bufo guttatus (Smooth-sided toad) [suriname_1313] (Suriname)
Common woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) [colombia_0787] (Colombia)
Turquoise water off Rabida Island (Ecuador)
Metallic beetle [kalimantan_0484] (Indonesia)
Nazca booby with a chick (Ecuador)
Squirrel monkey (0)
Cricket [madagascar_3532] (Madagascar)
Ants feeding on bird dropping (Indonesia)
Ray (Ecuador)
Changeable hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) (0)
Green forest dragon [sabah_tawau_0209] (Malaysia)
Tree frog in New Guinea (Torrent Litoria species, very probably aligned with Litoria arfakiana) [west-papua_5761] (Indonesia)
Black and yellow grasshopper (Indonesia)
Scarlet macaw (Peru)
White-headed capuchin monkey [colombia_4080] (Colombia)
Coralscape in Sabah [sabah_underwater_0075] (Malaysia)
Cattle egret in Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
Butterflies feeding on a flower [manu_0708] (Peru)
Hoatzin in the Amazon (Peru)
Javan langur (0)
Birds and capybara [colombia_6437] (Colombia)
Bird [colombia_3340] (Colombia)
Sun bear -- sabah_4076 (Malaysia)
Male and female Papuan Hornbills (Rhyticeros plicatus) in the rainforest canopy in New Guinea [west-papua_0296] (Indonesia)
White furry insect (possibly Fulgorid Planthopper nymph) [sumatra_1245] (Indonesia)
Black and red beetle [west-papua_6384] (Indonesia)
Borneo orangutan at Sepilok Rehabilitation Center -- sabah_3900 (Malaysia)
Bird (Malaysia)
Rana grisea frog in New Guinea [west-papua_5754] (Indonesia)
Sulawesi wrinkled hornbill (Indonesia)
Multicolored fly (Panama)
Maroon, yellow, black, and white caterpillar (Indonesia)
Parrot [colombia_5915] (Colombia)
Superb Starling, Lamprotornis superbus -- tz_1446 (Tanzania)
White butterfly with its wings in a 'forward' position (Laos)
Slate-throated redstart (Myioborus miniatus) or Slate-throated Whitestart (Myioborus miniatus) (?) [wayquecha-andes_0596] (Peru)
Rainforest land crab [colombia_2218] (Colombia)
Male cock-of-the rock performing in the Manu cloud forest (Peru)
Butterfly [wayquecha-andes_0547] (Peru)
Black wasp with turquoise markings and orange antenna (Peru)