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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) (Belize)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Frigatebird in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Green grasshopper (Indonesia)
Camouflaged flying dragon (Indonesia)
Long-tailed macaque (Indonesia)
Female magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) (Ecuador)
Frigatebird displaying in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
0 (Malaysia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Douc langur (Vietnam)
House gecko on a man's hand [sabah_sepilok_0111] (Malaysia)
Hoatzins [colombia_5015] (Colombia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Amber Mountain Rock-thrush (Monticola erythronotus) [male] (Madagascar)
Woodland kingfisher (Halcyon senegalensis) perched on a branch (Uganda)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Orange-eyed cicada (Vietnam)
Rufous-tailed Jacamar (Galbula ruficauda) (Belize)
Orange and black leafhopper (Madagascar)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Ants fighting (Indonesia)
Mass of caterpillars (Peru)
Orb weaving spider (Indonesia)
Female Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Red Leaf-monkey (Presbytis rubicunda) -- borneo_3127 (Malaysia)
Green Vine Snake (Ahaetulla prasina) [kalsel_0072] (Indonesia)
Iridescent blue butterfly (Indonesia)
Red howler monkey (Peru)
Kinkajou at a rescue center in Peru (Peru)
Blue-and-yellow macaw [colombia_6108] (Colombia)
Giraffe-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) [madagascar_1239] (Madagascar)
Red howler monkey [colombia_5115] (Colombia)
Indian grey mongoose (India)
Research revealing the dewlap of the Many-scaled Anole (Anolis polylepis ) (Costa Rica)
Sun conure (Aratinga solstitialis) (0)
Mother orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Tree runner (Plica umbra) (Peru)
Frog (Peru)
Male iguanas fighting [colombia_6358] (Colombia)
Lizard -- sabah_3317 (Malaysia)
African skimmers (Rynchops flavirostris) in flight (Gabon)
Wreathed hornbill at a rescue center (Cambodia)
Madagascar Tomato frog (Dyscophus antongilii) (0)
Adult male gorilla (Gabon)
Orangutan (0)
Lizard (Indonesia)
Orangutan stands up on two legs (Indonesia)
Pangolin eating ants (Cambodia)
Spider monkey (Belize)
Frigatebirds displaying in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Scarlet macaw (Peru)
White-faced Capuchin (Cebus capucinus) (Costa Rica)
Blue morpho Butterfly (Peru)
Jaguar on the bank of the Tambopata River (Peru)
Green Basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons) (0)
White-faced Capuchin baring its teeth (Costa Rica)
Strangler fig wrapped around a canopy tree (Belize)
Macaque (Indonesia)
Blue-and-yellow macaw [colombia_6185] (Colombia)
Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta palliata) [costa-rica_0261] (Costa Rica)
Red-eyed green katydid (Panama)
Frog (Peru)
Blue-eared Kingfishers (Malaysia)
Baby gray langur (India)
Frigatebird displaying in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Shield bug (Peru)
Dead seabird (Ecuador)
Melanerpes Woodpecker (Colombia)
Piranhas (0)
Parrot (Colombia)
Insect (Malaysia)
Gal‡pagos Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis urinator) (Ecuador)
White-browed Owl (Ninox superciliaris) [madagascar_2728] (Madagascar)
Multicolored grasshopper (Vietnam)
Tarantula laying eggs at night in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi ornatus) feeding on a tamarind (Costa Rica)
Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) in Chobe National Park (Botswana)
Red-and-green macaws (Ara chloroptera) (Peru)
Gray Gentle Lemur (Hapalemur griseus) [madagascar_1517] (Madagascar)
Madagascar leaf-nosed snake (Langaha madagascariensis) (0)
Galapagos penguin (Ecuador)
Kangaroo (0)
Forest dragon (Vietnam)
Frigatebird displaying in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Colony of termites in moving along a log in the jungle (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Frog with glowing green spots in Borneo (Malaysia)
Vietnamese snail (Vietnam)
Cane toad (Peru)
Orange spider [colombia_1241] (Colombia)
Male cock-of-the rock (Peru)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Frog in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Gal‡pagos Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis urinator) (Ecuador)
Frigatebird sitting on its nest (Ecuador)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Rhacophorus pardalis tree frog -- sabah_2698 (Malaysia)
Verreaux's Sifaka dancing [madagascar_2593] (Madagascar)
Indian Pond Heron (India)
Male flying dragon doing a territorial display (Indonesia)
Young Red-footed Booby (Belize)
Brown frog on leaf in Ubud (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Stick insect (Vietnam)
Monitor lizard (Malaysia)
Red howler monkey (Peru)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Blushing Phantom butterfly (Cithaerias pireta) (Panama)
Ringed Kingfisher (Megaceryle torquata) (Costa Rica)
Skink (Indonesia)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Black-tailed Trogon (Trogon melanurus) (Peru)
Chinese butterfly (China)
Giant red-eyed green katydid (Costa Rica)
Light green grasshopper with yellow and maroon striped legs (Peru)
Leatherback sea turtle returning to the ocean (Suriname)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
House gecko (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Sugar glider (0)
Small copper colored spider in Gabon (Gabon)
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Red and black insect (Peru)
Glow worm (China)
Jaguar on the bank of the Tambopata River (Peru)
Black agouti (Dasyprocta fuliginosa) (Colombia)
Turquoise and orange planthopper (Panama)
Gal‡pagos Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis urinator) (Ecuador)
Falcon (India)
Chestnut-eared Aracari (Pteroglossus castanotis) [colombia_6001] (Colombia)
Giant cane toad (Panama)
Red-eyed fly [sumatra_1310] (Indonesia)
Malayan softshell turtle (0)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Young green iguana (Colombia)
Macaque feeding [sabah_kinabatangan_0094] (Malaysia)
White tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) (Belize)
Swainson's Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii) in flight (Costa Rica)
Dendrobates pumilio poison dark frog; blue color form (Panama)
Sambar deer (Cambodia)
Tropical Kingbirds in flight (Suriname)
Red and black caterpillar (China)
Elephant in Udawalawe (Sri Lanka)
Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata) (Belize)
0 (Malaysia)
Male iguanas fighting [colombia_6368] (Colombia)
Panda eating bamboo (0)
Madagascar giant day gecko (Phelsuma madagascariensis) [madagascar_4444] (Madagascar)
Tikal (Belize)
Orangutan eating flowers (Indonesia)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Red howler monkey (Peru)
Zebra (0)
Proboscis monkeys in a mangrove forest [sabah_sepilok_0449] (Malaysia)
Moth on the underside of a leaf caught by the sun [costa-rica_0966] (Costa Rica)
Orangutan (0)
Pair of orphaned orangutans -- sabah_3986 (Malaysia)
Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Sri Lanka)
Large grasshopper in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Scrube hare (Lepus saxatilis) (Kenya)
Ebony langur (Trachypithecus auratus) (0)
Baby brown lemur [madagascar_1477] (Madagascar)
Rufous-tailed Jacamar (Galbula ruficauda) (Costa Rica)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0475] (Malaysia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Forest leaf litter toad (Indonesia)
Orange and black Assassin Bug, family Reduviidae (Colombia)
Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Sri Lanka)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Peacock (India)
Javan lutung (Trachypithecus auratus) (0)
Butterfly (Belize)
Baby Tarsier (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Panda eating bamboo (0)
African dwarf crocodile (0)
White-faced capuchin [costa-rica_1324] (Costa Rica)
This Bornean rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harrissoni), Tam, is a captive individual representing hopes for ex-situ breeding of the Critically Endangered subspecies of the Sumatran rhino (also Critically Endangered). (Malaysia)
Tropical Rat Snake (Spilotes pullatus). Identification by Anna Vittone (Colombia)
Peruvian tarantula (Peru)
Tractor millipede [sabah_tawau_0316] (Malaysia)
Stork (Sri Lanka)
Indian stone-curlew (India)
Uroplatus fimbriatus - dialated pupil (Madagascar)
Green-tailed Jacamar (Galbula galbula) [colombia_5679] (Colombia)
Capybara (Peru)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Orangutan eating a stick (Indonesia)
Gal‡pagos Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis urinator) at the Puerto Ayora fish market (Ecuador)
Capybara, including babies, on a beach (Colombia)
African skimmers (Rhynchops flavirostris) on a beach along the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Asian elephant in Cambodia (Cambodia)
Young Orangutans learning to using tools [kalimantan_0574] (Indonesia)
Mother Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Cobalt-winged parakeet (Brotogeris cyanoptera) feeding on Ceiba seeds (Peru)
Ringed Kingfisher (Megaceryle torquata) [costa-rica_0108] (Costa Rica)
Pair of jaguars in Peru (Peru)
Light green grasshopper with yellow and maroon striped legs (Peru)
Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) standing on its hind legs [madagascar_1548] (Madagascar)
Orange butterfly on forest floor in Borneo (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Blue auratus poison arrow frog (0)
Orange assassin bug (Indonesia)
Caiman [colombia_5639] (Colombia)
Peacock displaying for a peahen (Sri Lanka)
Female Indian gazelle (India)
Galapagos penguins holding flippers (Ecuador)
Squirrel monkey (Peru)
Male ostrich (Tanzania)
Red-bodied Orthetrum chrysis dragonfly in Malaysia (Malaysia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Young Orangutans learning to using tools (Indonesia)
Hoatzin [colombia_5456] (Colombia)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Passerini's Tanager (Ramphocelus passerinii) (Costa Rica)
Forest dragon (Vietnam)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
A praying mantis near Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Spider monkey in a yoga pose (Belize)
Frog (Peru)
Ailanthus Webworm Moth (Atteva punctella) [Lime green and orange polka dot insect] (Costa Rica)
Red brocket (Mazama americana) (Peru)
Wood-like praying mantis [kalbar_1715] (Indonesia)
Hoatzins in Peru (Peru)
Meneria Metalmark (Amarynthis meneria) (Peru)
Oustalet's chameleon walking across sand near Isalo [madagascar_7347] (Madagascar)
Butterfly [colombia_5437] (Colombia)
Margay (Leopardus wiedii) (Peru)
Brown skink with white spots (Uganda)
Axis deer (India)
Brahminy kite (Haliastur indus) (Sri Lanka)
Skink (Indonesia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Striped house gecko (Indonesia)
Flat-casqued Chameleon (Calumma globifer) (male) (Madagascar)
Male Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) (0)
Rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa) (United States)
Bird (Colombia)
Black and yellow grasshopper (Indonesia)
Tail-less whip scorpion (Amblypygid sp) (Peru)
Frigatebird displaying in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Frigatebird displaying in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Great stone-curlew (Esacus recurvirostris) (India)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Ex-captive adult male Borneo Orangutan drinking at Pondok Tanggui (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Meneria Metalmark (Amarynthis meneria) [manu_0662] (Peru)
Green peafowl (Cambodia)
Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) (India)
Leatherback sea turtle laying eggs on the beach (Suriname)
Cliffs at Witch Hill (Ecuador)
Elephant in Udawalawe (Sri Lanka)
Orange butterfly (Vietnam)
Red-Eyed Tree Frog in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Herd of African buffalo (Syncerus caffeer) in Chobe Naitonal Park (Botswana)
Gal‡pagos penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus) (Ecuador)
Transparent butterfly (Pseudohaeterea hypaesia) in Colombia. This (Colombia)
Meneria Metalmark (Amarynthis meneria) (Peru)
Proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0455] (Malaysia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Leaf katydid (Vietnam)
Fish eagle in its nest (Indonesia)
Biblis hyperia butterfly; brown to black with red on its wings (Peru)
Capybara (Peru)
Male flying dragon doing a territorial display (Indonesia)
Yellow-, green-, and orange-spotted butterfly with blue underparts (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Cabybara [colombia_5746] (Colombia)
Monitor lizard (0)
Grasshopper (Panama)
Cliffs at Witch Hill (Ecuador)
Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos salfuratus) [belize_7272] (Belize)
Gecko eggs on a beach (Malaysia)
Neon pink planthopper (Mexico)
Multi-colored spider -- borneo_3475 (Malaysia)
Frigatebird displaying in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Gal‡pagos penguins mating (Spheniscus mendiculus) (Ecuador)
Brown grasshopper (Colombia)
Bower built by a male Vogelkop Bowerbird (Amblyornis inornatus) using blue colored objects to attract a female (Indonesia)
Giant gourami (0)
Brown Vine Snake (Oxybelis aeneus) [colombia_4361] (Colombia)
Sub-adult Rufescent Tiger Heron (Tigrisoma lineatum) (Peru)
Orange planthopper (Vietnam)
A radiant blue and yellow spider in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Squirrel (China)
Green grasshopper with yellow and black bands; and red; yellow; orange; and black striped legs (Peru)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
African skimmers (Rynchops flavirostris) (Gabon)
Black-headed parrot (Pionites melanocephala) (Suriname)
Indri lemur (Indri indri) [madagascar_0591] (Madagascar)
Wild boar (Malaysia)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5551] (Colombia)
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) swinging grass in Chobe National Park (Botswana)
Canopy tree along the Seikonyer River (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Chinese butterfly (China)
Red grasshawk (Indonesia)
Giant katydid (Vietnam)
Stick insect (Malaysia)
Sleeping gliding leaf frog (Panama)
Leatherback sea turtle laying eggs on the beach (Suriname)
Red-and-green macaws in flight above clay lick (Peru)