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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Orange-eyed purple crab (Indonesia)
Arapaima (0)
Giant katydid (Vietnam)
Glow worm (Lampyris noctiluca) (China)
Male spider monkey standing (Belize)
Pond turtle (Vietnam)
Victoria crowned pigeon (Goura victoria) (0)
Saddle-billed stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) (0)
Green, white, and orange planthopper (China)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Tree frog in the tropical forest of Borneo (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Orangutan with Large Face Plate [sumatra_0371] (Indonesia)
Scarlet ibis (Colombia)
Wreathed hornbill (Cambodia)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Celebes crested macaque (Macaca nigra) (Indonesia)
Giant day gecko (Phelsuma madagascariensis) (Madagascar)
Orphaned Orangutan in Central Kalimantan (Indonesia)
Uroplatus fimbriatus gecko on Nosy Mangabe [uroplatus_fimbriatus-0124] (Madagascar)
Beach on BartolomŽ (Ecuador)
Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura similis) (Belize)
Transparent butterfly of the Nymphalidae family (Subfamily Satyrinae) (Colombia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Long-tailed macaque feeding on fruit of the 'Tukas' palm (Caryota milis) (Malaysia)
Maasai Mara sunset width buffalo (Kenya)
Mekong River Dolphin (Laos)
Tiger Longwing (Heliconius hecale) [Orange, yellow, and black butterfly] (Costa Rica)
Blue-and-yellow macaw (Colombia)
Collared puffbird (Bucco capensis) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Giant Leaf-tailed Gecko (Uroplatus fimbriatus) (Madagascar)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Bohor Reedbuck doe (Kenya)
Mekong giant catfish (0)
Thomas' Leaf Monkey (Indonesia)
Silverback Bwindi gorilla (Uganda)
Algae and seaweed in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Superb starling (Lamprotornis superbus) collecting grass (Tanzania)
Bat (Peru)
Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog (Phyllomedusa sauvagii) (0)
Green Crested Lizard high in the rainforest canopy (Malaysia)
Snake in China (China)
Mantled Howler Monkey (Panama)
Giant dragonfly (China)
Jungle spider in Malaysia (Malaysia)
Black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) with fly in an ox-bow lake in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Madagascar leaf-nosed snake (Langaha madagascariensis) (0)
American oystercatchers (Ecuador)
Cinnamon-chested bee-eater (Merops oreobates) (Uganda)
Bats in a Malaysian limestone cave (Malaysia)
Red and black katydid (Vietnam)
Pair of Helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) (Uganda)
Poisonous Automeris moth caterpillar displaying its neon green but venemous spines (Colombia)
American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) (Ecuador)
Blue-eyed lizard in Malaysian rainforest (Malaysia)
White tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) [local name: Venado] (Belize)
Elephants on a sandy riverbed (Tanzania)
Yellow planthopper (Indonesia)
Orangutan with a coconut hat and leaf in mouth (Indonesia)
Changeable hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) (Indonesia)
American oystercatcher on a white sand beach (Ecuador)
Stink birds in the Amazon (Peru)
Arapaima (0)
Pill Millipede (Green color) (Madagascar)
Coquerel's Sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) [madagascar_0032] (Madagascar)
Juvenile African puff adder (Bitis arietans) (Tanzania)
Pale-throated Three-toed Sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) (Costa Rica)
Red, black, yellow, and white caterpillar (Colombia)
Lizard [madagascar_6679] (Madagascar)
American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) (Ecuador)
Meneria Metalmark (Amarynthis meneria) (Peru)
American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) (Ecuador)
Andean cock of the rock (0)
Adult male Proboscis monkey (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
American oystercatchers (Ecuador)
Latern bug (Fulgora lampestris) [sabah_kinabatangan_0383] (Malaysia)
American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) (Ecuador)
Rhinoceros hornbill (Indonesia)
Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) (Tanzania)
Green katydid with a neon turquoise stripe (Indonesia)
Red poison-dart frog (Dendrobates pumilio) (Panama)
Saddle-billed stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) (0)
Silverback gorilla (Gabon)
Harpy Eagle at Summit Park (Panama)
Gray Mouse Lemur (Microcebus murinus) [madagascar_2474] (Madagascar)
American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) with its mouth open (Costa Rica)
Butterfly on a man's hand (Peru)
Male iguanas fighting [colombia_6318] (Colombia)
Tikal (Belize)
Frog (China)
Black-headed Heron (Ardea melanocephala) (Indonesia)
Beach on BartolomŽ (Ecuador)
Jaguarundi (0)
Green grasshopper with an orange abdomen (Costa Rica)
A broad-billed Tody (Todus subulatus) near Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Guibemantis pulcher [madagascar_0549] (Madagascar)
Peacock in Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
Stream Glory (Neurobasis chinensis) a metallic green damselfly (Indonesia)
Stink birds in Peru (Peru)
Comb crested forest lizard, Gonocephalus liogaster (Malaysia)
Black-and-yellow Broadbill (Eurylaimus ochromalus) (Malaysia)
Madagascar leaf-nosed snake (Langaha madagascariensis) [calacad_036] (Madagascar)
Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta palliata) (Costa Rica)
Scale-crested Pygmy-tyrant (Lophotriccus pileatus) (Costa Rica)
Common hill myna (Gracula religiosa) (Cambodia)
Red-eyed Treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas) (Panama)
Varanus salvator monitor lizard (Malaysia)
White-headed Vulture (Trigonoceps occipitalis) (Tanzania)
Deep red millipede on forest floor (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Orangutan at Sepilok (Malaysia)
Pair of vervet monkeys standing on rear legs (Tanzania)
Brown wood owl (Strix leptogrammica) in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Green Bright-eyed Frog (Boophis viridis) [madagascar_0513] (Madagascar)
Plains zebra (Equus quagga burchellii) (Tanzania)
Chinese forest dragon (China)
Salmon-bellied Snake (Mastigodryas melanolomus) (Costa Rica)
Tayassu tajacu (Panama)
Aldabra giant tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea) (0)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Male Defassa waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) chewing on grass (Kenya)
Long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) peeking over a roof so only its head is visible (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Algae and seaweed in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Mangrove snake (Malaysia)
Beach at Tortuga bay (Ecuador)
Clown tree frog (Dendropsophus leucophyllatus) (Colombia)
Butterfly (Peru)
Male waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) (Uganda)
Red-eyed dragonfly [kalbar_1607] (Indonesia)
Polybothris Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae) [madagascar_5349] (Madagascar)
Green and Black Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus) in the rainforest canopy (Colombia)
Beach at Witch Hill (Ecuador)
Cerro Brujo beach (Ecuador)
Long-tailed macaque (Indonesia)
Hypsiboas rosenbergi tree frog [colombia_2345] (Colombia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) in flight [colombia_5896] (Colombia)
Panamanian Three-toed Sloth (Bradypus variegatus) (Panama)
Snakebird (India)
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) feeding on canopy fruit (Uganda)
Frog [java_0595] (Indonesia)
Orthetrum dragonfly species (Malaysia)
Red, black, and white butterfly - Scarlet Peacock (Anartia amathea) (Colombia)
Cabybara [colombia_5964] (Colombia)
BartolomŽ Island (Ecuador)
Moth [madagascar_1648] (Madagascar)
Borneo orangutan at Sepilok Rehabilitation Center -- sabah_3953 (Malaysia)
African elephants (Loxodonta africana) drinking in the Chobe River (Botswana)
Baby marine iguanas (Ecuador)
Colorful butterflies feeding on minerals on a river beach (Malaysia)
Monitor lizard (0)
Butterfly (Colombia)
Richardson's Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus richardsonii) (United States)
Puma (0)
American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) (Ecuador)
White Spotted Reed Frog (Heterixalus alboguttatus) [madagascar_5147] (Madagascar)
Cerro Brujo beach (Ecuador)
False coral snake (Colombia)
Orange, green, black, yellow, and turquoise grasshopper (Colombia)
Baby caiman [costa-rica_0208] (Costa Rica)
Rainforest frog in leaf litter (Gabon)
Mama Orangutan Carrying Baby (Indonesia)
Pair of Grey crowned cranes "kissing" (Uganda)
Close up on leaf insect (Malaysia)
Red Bill Toucan (Ramphastos tucanus) (Colombia)
Verreaux's Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) on the lookout (Madagascar)
African Pygmy-falcon (Polihierax semitorquatus) (Tanzania)
White tiger (0)
Leatherback sea turtle camoflauging nest (Suriname)
Hot pink and turquoise insect (leafhopper nymph) (Suriname)
Guide picking up a bom jardim toad (Rhinella dapsilis) with a leaf in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Red-wattled lapwing (Vanellus indicus) (India)
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) (Kenya)
Hyla frog (Peru)
Java Rusa (Indonesia)
Sifaka in a dry gallery forest in southern Madagascar (Madagascar)
Borneo orangutan at Sepilok Rehabilitation Center -- sabah_3921 (Malaysia)
Crested anole shedding (Costa Rica)
Uroplatus fimbriatus gecko on Nosy Mangabe [uroplatus_fimbriatus-211] (Madagascar)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Common woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) (Colombia)
Baby gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) (Gabon)
Green-tailed Jacamar (Galbula galbula) (Colombia)
Chinese Hat Island landscape (Ecuador)
Chinese Hat Island landscape (Ecuador)
American oystercatchers (Ecuador)
Infant Chacma Baboon (Papio ursinus) in Chobe National Park (Botswana)
Female Long-haired Spider Monkey (Ateles belzebuth) (Belize)
Infant elephant (Kenya)
Orange-eyed cicada (Vietnam)
Forest elephant heading toward the jungle in Loango National Park (Gabon)
Spider monkey hanging in a tree (Belize)
Bohor Reedbuck doe licking her ankle (Kenya)
Cactus on Rabida Island (Ecuador)
0 (Malaysia)
African Fish Eagle, Haliaeetus vocifer (Uganda)
Giraffe (0)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Beach at Witch Hill (Ecuador)
Uganda kob "kissing" (Uganda)
Broken booby egg (Ecuador)
Pebas stubfoot toad (Suriname)
Bird (Ecuador)
Pair of orphaned orangutans (Malaysia)
Mama Orangutan with baby in her lap (Indonesia)
American oystercatchers (Ecuador)
Leaf-mimicking praying mantis [suriname_1008] (Suriname)
Satanic Leaf-tail Gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus) (Madagascar)
Black caterpillar with off-white stripes; yellow spines; and orange antenna (Panama)
Black-headed trogon (Trogon melanocephalus) (Costa Rica)
White-faced capuchin (Costa Rica)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Halfbeak fish in the wild (Malaysia)
Beach on BartolomŽ (Ecuador)
Jaguar (Panthera onca) (Colombia)
Chital (India)
American oystercatchers (Ecuador)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Bee approaching a bird-of-paradise flower (Costa Rica)
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) (Indonesia)
Hippo tracks leading into the Atlantic Ocean at sunset (Gabon)
Cape buffalo and hippo in the Kazinga channel (Uganda)
Ebony langur (Trachypithecus auratus) (0)
Peacock Day Gecko (Phelsuma quadriocellata) (Madagascar)
Margay (Leopardus wiedii) (Belize)
Red-eyed tree frog (Panama)
Pseudophasma unicolor stick insect [costa-rica-d_0421] (Costa Rica)
Chinese butterfly (China)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Barking deer (0)
Female Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Anisocelis flavolineata, an orange, black, yellow, and red flag footed bug (Colombia)
Brookesia peyrierasi chameleon in hand (Madagascar)
Brown spider (Colombia)
Territorial chase between a pair of Verreaux's Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) (Madagascar)
Baby kinkajou (Costa Rica)
Beach at Tortuga bay (Ecuador)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
African elephants wading in a marsh (Tanzania)
Uroplatus fimbriatus gecko on Nosy Mangabe [uroplatus_fimbriatus-214] (Madagascar)
Clouded monitor lizard (Varanus bengalensis nebulosus) (Laos)
Female lion with wildebeest kill (Tanzania)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Suni (Neotragus moschatus) on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Red howler monkey howling (Colombia)
Orphaned elephant drinking milk at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (Kenya)
American oystercatchers (Ecuador)
Unknown frog with broad tan and brown bands and blue spots (Gabon)
Bornean Flying leopard tree frog (Rhacophorus pardalis) [kalbar_1990] (Indonesia)
Red Leaf Monkey jumping (Indonesia)
American oystercatcher on a white sand beach (Ecuador)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Pink blossoms (Indonesia)
Black dragonfly eating an assassin bug (Indonesia)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Female lion with wildebeest kill -- tz_2221 (Tanzania)
Forest elephant in Gabon (Gabon)
Close-up of pattern on South African giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa) in Chobe National Park (Botswana)
Mother orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Beach at Witch Hill (Ecuador)
King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa) (0)
Black and white striped caterpillar with orange head (Gabon)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Cactus on Rabida Island (Ecuador)
Beetle (Peru)
The Green Basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons) is found on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Beach at Cerro Brujo (Ecuador)
Shadow of a gecko on a sunlit leaf (Madagascar)
Owl butterfly (Peru)
A gecko in Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Beach at Cerro Brujo (Ecuador)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Pair of plains zebra (Kenya)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Red-tailed squirrel (Sciurus granatensis) feeding on a flower in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra) (Belize)
Forest dragon (Vietnam)
Festive Amazon Parrot (Amazona festiva) (Colombia)
Uroplatus fimbriatus gecko on Nosy Mangabe [uroplatus_fimbriatus-0142] (Madagascar)
Cheirogaleus major lemur (Madagascar)
Orangutan (Indonesia)
Collared Aracari (Pteroglossus torquatus) (Panama)
Lizard (Malaysia)
Papuan wreathed hornbill (0)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Beach at Witch Hill (Ecuador)
BartolomŽ Island (Ecuador)
Eastern Black and White Colobus Monkeys (Uganda)
Blue-and-yellow macaw in Peru (Peru)
American oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) (Ecuador)
Mother tarsier and baby (Indonesia)
Orange and black beetle (Indonesia)
Chestnut-eared Aracari (Colombia)
Tree climbing lion (Panthera leo) (Uganda)
Male Common Impala (Aepyceros melampus melampus) next to the Blue wildebeest or gnu (Connochaetes taurinus) (Botswana)
Orangutan peaking around a canopy tree trunk (Malaysia)
Orange butterfly (Vietnam)
Discus (0)