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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Butterfly [panama_0638] (Panama)
Marine iguana (Ecuador)
Golden Rays (Rhinoptera steindachneri) (Ecuador)
Heliconius butterfly feeding on a hot lips flower (Panama)
Horned screamer [colombia_6169] (Colombia)
Aruba island rattlesnake (Crotalus unicolor) (0)
Red-rumped swallow (Hirundo daurica) (Tanzania)
Peacock displaying for a peahen (Sri Lanka)
Ferocious looking insect in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
White-footed Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur leucopus) in a spiny Alluaudia procera plant [madagascar_2496] (Madagascar)
Forest dragon [sabah_tawau_0477] (Malaysia)
Proboscis monkey [sabah_kinabatangan_0131] (Malaysia)
Moon Jellyfish (0)
Black wasp-like insect with indigo blue eyes, orange wings, and orange antenna. This robber fly or mydas fly, (Asilidae or Mydidae family) is a mimic of the Tarantula Hawk Wasp (Pepsis formosa) [costa_rica_5269] (Costa Rica)
Grasshopper (Vietnam)
Orphaned orangutan chewing on sugar cane at Sepilok -- borneo_5380 (Malaysia)
Caterpillar (Indonesia)
Hippos standing and lying on a beach (Kenya)
Long-tailed macaque (Indonesia)
Stick insect (Vietnam)
Jumping spider (Indonesia)
Indian Pond Heron (India)
Blue, yellow and orange grasshopper (male) mating with a green and turquoise grasshopper (female) [west-papua_0397] (Indonesia)
Changeable hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) (Indonesia)
Black-naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) (Sri Lanka)
Orange and red butterfly with blue and black spots [kalbar_2112] (Indonesia)
Moth [costa-rica-d_0354] (Costa Rica)
Marine iguana (Ecuador)
Rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) (India)
Red-eyed tree frog on a greenhouse on BCI (Panama)
Red-eyed Treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas) [panama_1270] (Panama)
Southern Leaftail Gecko (Uroplatus sikorae) [madagascar_0373] (Madagascar)
Orange beetle being carried by ants (Indonesia)
Rain frog [costa-rica-d_0490] (Costa Rica)
Moth (Indonesia)
Black skimmers [colombia_3381] (Colombia)
Giant daddy longlegs (Costa Rica)
Male Fiji Iguana (0)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Red giant millipede (Kenya)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5455] (Colombia)
Mother Tarsier and Baby (Indonesia)
Pangolins being fed ants at a rescue center (Cambodia)
Ants in a symbiotic relationship with a plant in the Amazon rainforest (Colombia)
Tiger in Cambodia (Cambodia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Male howler monkey (Costa Rica)
Red beetles on tree trunk in Bali (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Blue morpho with wings closed feeding on a bird dropping (0)
Owl butterfly (Peru)
Carpet Chameleon (Furcifer lateralis) [madagascar_6029] (Madagascar)
Clear-wing butterfly [colombia_1697] (Colombia)
Lizard [belize_8149] (Belize)
Leatherback sea turtle returning to the ocean (Suriname)
Yellow grasshawk dragonfly [west-papua_6110] (Indonesia)
African dwarf crocodile (0)
Red howler monkey (Peru)
Male Panther chameleon [madagascar_3852] (Madagascar)
Blue-and-yellow macaws (Ara ararauna); Yellow-crowned parrots (Amazona ochrocephala); and Scarlet macaws feeding on clay [tambopata-Tambopata_1027_4178] (Peru)
Gladiator tree frog (Hyla rosenbergi) [costa-rica_1364] (Costa Rica)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Bohor Reedbuck doe (Kenya)
Oriental vine snake (Indonesia)
Black, turquoise, yellow, orange, brown, and pink grasshopper [west-papua_6433] (Indonesia)
Giant wasp eating an insect [kalbar_0942] (Indonesia)
Cicada (Panama)
Profile of a laughing hyena -- tz_2398 (Tanzania)
Common green iguana [colombia_5817] (Colombia)
Dendrobates pumilio toxic arrow frog; blue color form (Panama)
Green Arachides toras caterpillar munching on a leaf (Panama)
Green and Black Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus) in Colombia [colombia_2729] (Colombia)
Red-and-green macaws (Ara chloroptera) [manu-Manu_1024_2839] (Peru)
Common hill myna (Gracula religiosa) (Cambodia)
Cambodian elephant (Cambodia)
White-gray bird feeding on an apple core (Jimbaran, Bali (Indonesia)
Multicolored dragonfly (Indonesia)
Pink, orange, yellow, violet katydid with spots and green eyes [west-papua_0179] (Indonesia)
Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo (0)
Pink insect with turquoise feet and eyes [suriname_0681a] (Suriname)
Green tree python (Morelia viridis) (0)
Butterflies feeding on a flower (Peru)
Fish -- sabah_underwater_0005 (Malaysia)
Orange, blue, and yellow lizard [colombia_5470] (Colombia)
White butterfly (Indonesia)
Orangutan (0)
Rainbow finch (Erythrura gouldiae) (0)
Borno Flying leopard tree frog (Rhacophorus pardalis) (Indonesia)
Brown praying mantis on a lichen-covered tree trunk (Colombia)
Bornean sun bear (Malaysia)
Stick insect [madagascar_3530] (Madagascar)
Black moth with orange and green spots (Madagascar)
Profile of a laughing hyena (Tanzania)
Red River Hog (Potamochoerus porcus) (0)
Baby douc langur (Vietnam)
Capybaras on the bank of the Tambopata River (Peru)
Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata) (Mexico)
Peacock showing off to a peahen (Sri Lanka)
Giant green cicada (Malaysia)
Cabybara [colombia_5614] (Colombia)
Butterfly [colombia_5021] (Colombia)
Hatchling Olive ridley sea turtle headed out to sea [costa_rica_5698] (Costa Rica)
Butterfly (Vietnam)
Cane toad (Panama)
Leaf cutter ants entering their nest (Colombia)
Spotted Indian deer (India)
Mosiac butterfly (Colobura dirce) feeding on fruit [pan02-2053] (Panama)
Black ants (Thailand)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Bearcat (Arctictis binturong) (Cambodia)
Black-necked stork (Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus) (Cambodia)
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) - headshot (Kenya)
Frog [sabah_tawau_0167] (Malaysia)
Tiger beetle [java_0676] (Indonesia)
Vogelkop Bowerbird bower with red fruit and other items to attract females [west-papua_0752] (Indonesia)
Jungle fowl (Sri Lanka)
Juvenile basilisk (Panama)
Young female lion -- tz_1727 (Tanzania)
Marine iguana on a white sand beach (Ecuador)
Black vulture [colombia_5487] (Colombia)
Southern crested caracara (Caracara plancus) (0)
Long-tailed macaque (Cambodia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Elephant in Udawalawe (Sri Lanka)
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0752 (Malaysia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Frog (Peru)
Cabybara [colombia_5874] (Colombia)
Macaques sitting on statue (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Large herd of wildebeest and zebra (Kenya)
Royal Starling (Cosmopsarus regius) (0)
Marine iguana (Ecuador)
Herpetologist trying to save a Hyloscirtus colymba tree frog [panama_1135] (Panama)
Land iguana (Ecuador)
Kingfisher (Indonesia)
Red howler monkey (Peru)
Painted Bronzeback Gmelin (Dendrelaphis pictus) snake eating a frog (Malaysia)
Orangutan in nest (Indonesia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Pair of babirusa (0)
Water monitor (Sri Lanka)
Orangutan hanging by its feet while eating sugar cane (Malaysia)
Celebes crested macaque (0)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Verreaux's Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) on a spiny Alluaudia procera plant [madagascar_2561] (Madagascar)
Baby Orangutan Playing with a Branch (Indonesia)
Hoatzin in the Amazon (Peru)
Melanerpes Woodpecker [colombia_5591] (Colombia)
Crested black macaque foraging (Indonesia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Insect [suriname_2477] (Suriname)
Dragonfly eating a fly (United States)
Mantidactylus pulcher [mantidactylus_pulcher_0093] (Madagascar)
Black-headed trogon (Trogon melanocephalus) [costa-rica_0274] (Costa Rica)
Galapagos sea lion (Ecuador)
Pangolins being fed ants at a rescue center (Cambodia)
Male Argus Pheasant (Argusianus argus) (Malaysia)
Orange, blue, and yellow lizard [colombia_5371] (Colombia)
Insect [mcar_0036] (Madagascar)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Chital (India)
Vietnamese pitviper (Cryptelytrops albolabris) (Vietnam)
Endangered proboscis monkeys in Sabah [sabah_sepilok_0442] (Malaysia)
Frog (Peru)
Lion scratching itself in the morning sun (Kenya)
Cabybara [colombia_5616] (Colombia)
Numerous many-banded aracaris (Pteroglossus pluricinctus) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (look closely) (Ecuador)
Leaf katydid (Peru)
Elephant in Udawalawe (Sri Lanka)
Red-shanked douc (0)
Monitor lizard (0)
Male magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) (Ecuador)
Satanic Leaf-tail Gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus) [madagascar_5221] (Madagascar)
Lime green, turquoise, yellow, and orange grasshopper (Colombia)
Stick insect with legs out (Malaysia)
Changeable hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) (0)
Blue-tailed bee-eater (Merops philippinus) (Sri Lanka)
Ostrich family including male, female, and chicks (Tanzania)
Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog (Phyllomedusa sauvagii) (0)
Undeveloped green turtle egg found dead in nest (Suriname)
Wild boar in Malaysia -- malaysia1159 (Malaysia)
Sambar deer (India)
Walking stick insect (Vietnam)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Scarlet macaw (Peru)
Sharp-tailed Ibis (Cercibis oxycerca) [colombia_4796] (Colombia)
Green stick insect (Indonesia)
Annam leaf turtle (Mauremys annamensis) (Vietnam)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Cabybara [colombia_5724] (Colombia)
Male Common Brown Lemur (Eulemur fulvus) (Madagascar)
Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) (0)
Male White-Fronted Brown Lemur (Eulemur albifrons) (Madagascar)
Avahi laniger (woolley lemur) (Nosy Mangabe) (Madagascar)
Ruppell's Vultures (Gyps rueppelli) (Kenya)
Sulawesi forest toad (Indonesia)
Phelsuma abbotti [madagascar_4180] (Madagascar)
Green, black, and yellow insect -- borneo_6144 (Malaysia)
Baby howler monkey (0)
Sambar (Rusa unicolor) (India)
Pigeon (unknown species) (Botswana)
Mother and baby orangutan on the ground (Indonesia)
Pair of vervet monkeys (Tanzania)
Blue bird with a moderately long tail (African blue-flycatcher (Elminia longicauda)?) (Uganda)
White-footed Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur leucopus) in a spiny Alluaudia procera plant (Madagascar)
Sharp-tailed Ibis (Cercibis oxycerca) [colombia_5722] (Colombia)
Mother White-faced Capuchin with a baby on its back [costa_rica_5164] (Costa Rica)
Ugandan kob mating (Uganda)
Parrots feeding on clay (Peru)
Mottled moth (Suriname)
Reddish-brown moth (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Adult silberback gorilla (Gabon)
Butterfly (Great Mormon - Papilio memnon?) (Indonesia)
Mangrove crab [sabah_sepilok_0540] (Malaysia)
Bat (Indonesia)
Jungle fowl (Sri Lanka)
Turquoise, violet, and black damselfly [sumatra_9105] (Indonesia)
Orange-eyed, green, brown, and yellow leaf-hopper (Colombia)
Bird (China)
Male frigatebird with its red throat pouch inflated (Ecuador)
Wildebeest (Kenya)
Kicker Rock (Ecuador)
Sleeping sunbird (Masoala NP) (Madagascar)
Panda eating bamboo (0)
Brown pelican (Pelicanus occidentalis) in flight (Belize)
Shield bug (Peru)
Yellow-headed Caracara (Milvago chimachima) [colombia_5651] (Colombia)
American crocodile [belize_7374] (Belize)
Insect resembling a partially chewed leaf (Masoala NP) (Madagascar)
Stick insect in defensive position (Malaysia)
Male frigatebird displaying (Ecuador)
Greater ani (Crotophaga major) (Peru)
Tiger beetle in Malaysia [sabah_tawau_0397] (Malaysia)
White-lined monkey frog (Phyllomedusa vaillantii) at night in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Female Crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus) [madagascar_4022] (Madagascar)
Tomato frog (Dyscophus antongilii) [madagascar_0402] (Madagascar)
Petulu heron (Ubud, Bali) -- bali8322 (Indonesia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Male frigatebird with its red throat pouch inflated (Ecuador)
Male proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0527] (Malaysia)
Spider [java_0340] (Indonesia)
Radiated tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) [madagascar_7703] (Madagascar)
Giant green-black scorpion (Indonesia)
Green tree Agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) on a tree trunk (Uganda)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Impala (Aepyceros melampus ) (Kenya)
Binturong (Cambodia)
Amazon thornytail (Uracentron flaviceps) (Colombia)
Bat (Peru)
Chinese dragon (China)
Lined Leaf-Tail Gecko (Uroplatus lineatus) [madagascar_0391] (Madagascar)
Heron in flight (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Tractor millipede [sabah_tawau_0314] (Malaysia)
Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) (Thailand)
Sticks insect (Vietnam)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Baby brown lemur [madagascar_1452] (Madagascar)
Red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) (India)
Red Ruffed Lemur (Varecia rubra) (0)
Orangutan on the ground (Indonesia)
Blackfin barracuda [sabah_underwater_0703] (Malaysia)
Swainson's Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii) in flight [costa-rica_1109a] (Costa Rica)
Cockroaches in the Gomantong Cave in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Red frog [costa_rica_4656] (Costa Rica)
Green forest dragon [sabah_tawau_0206] (Malaysia)
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) (Peru)
Magnificent Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) with an inflated gula pouch (Belize)
Long-tailed macaque (male) [sumatra_0590] (Indonesia)
Indri lemur (Indri indri) [madagascar_0595a] (Madagascar)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Blue-and-yellow macaws (Ara ararauna); Yellow-crowned parrots (Amazona ochrocephala); and Scarlet macaws feeding on clay [tambopata-Tambopata_1027_4176] (Peru)
Orange bug on a flower (China)
Latern bug (Fulgora lampestris) [sabah_kinabatangan_0377] (Malaysia)
Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo (0)
Marine iguana (Ecuador)
Nilgai (India)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Orange and black leafhopper (Suriname)
Chital with fawn (India)
Female Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Female Crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus) [madagascar_3994] (Madagascar)
Spotted Indian deer (India)
Female lion with wildebeest kill -- tz_2260 (Tanzania)
Celebes crested macaque (Macaca nigra) (0)
Chinese katydid (China)
Wild pig in Borneo (Malaysia)
Bats hanging out on ox-bow lake in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Male frigatebird displaying (Ecuador)
African elephants in a wetland (Tanzania)
Snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) (Costa Rica)
Amber Mountain chameleon (Calumma ambreense) [madagascar_3719] (Madagascar)
Great Egret (Ardea alba) (Costa Rica)
Yellow-headed Caracara (Milvago chimachima) [colombia_5684] (Colombia)
Orange-eyed cicada (Vietnam)
Red forest squirrel (Malaysia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Manatee (0)
Uaru cichlid (0)
Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta) (Tanzania)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Hoatzins in Peru (Peru)