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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Red-footed booby (Ecuador)
Bird (China)
Anole lizard silhouette on a leaf (Panama)
Coquerel's Sifaka eating leaves (Madagascar)
Javan langur (Indonesia)
Frog [sabah_tawau_0289] (Malaysia)
Peacock in Ranthambore (India)
Hoatzins [colombia_5145] (Colombia)
Cloud forest bromeliad (Ecuador)
Mama Orangutan Carrying Baby [sumatra_0091] (Indonesia)
Borneo Orang-utan standing on boardwalk (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Turquoise and black jumping spider [kalbar_2120] (Indonesia)
Transparent wing butterfly (Peru)
Male and Female Sulawesi Wrinkled Hornbill (Aceros cassidix) (Indonesia)
Flowers (Ecuador)
Tropical kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus) (Peru)
Sea lion (Ecuador)
Moth (Peru)
Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus) in its natural habitat: Lake Sentani [papua_0835] (Indonesia)
Leaf-footed Bug, family Coreidae [belize_8446] (Belize)
Baby spider monkey [panama_0301] (Panama)
Flock of Grey crowned cranes (Balearica regulorum) feeding near a waterhole (Uganda)
Blue-grey tanager (Colombia)
Lineated Woodpecker (Dryocopus lineatus) [colombia_4716] (Colombia)
Plains zebra and wildebeest (Kenya)
Mantidactylus melanopleura [madagascar_5515] (Madagascar)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle in Malaysia [sabah_tawau_0385] (Malaysia)
Orange, turquoise, black, and white insects mating [west-papua_5415] (Indonesia)
Saddle-billed stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) (0)
Turquoise bug with orange legs [suriname_2128] (Suriname)
Sulawesi bear cuscus (Ailurops ursinus) (Indonesia)
Black-billed Sicklebill (Drepanornis albertisi) (Indonesia)
Pink and orange spider (Madagascar)
Red beetles (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Borneo orangutan at Sepilok Rehabilitation Center -- sabah_3908 (Malaysia)
American wolf (0)
Butterflies feeding on a flower [manu_0628] (Peru)
Parakeet (Sri Lanka)
Male iguanas fighting [colombia_6323] (Colombia)
Brownish-green anole [costa_rica_4568] (Costa Rica)
White-throated kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis) (Sri Lanka)
Orange and brown dung beetle [panama_0791] (Panama)
Hoatzin in the Amazon (Peru)
Mother and baby orangutan on the ground (Indonesia)
Pangolins being fed ants at a rescue center (Cambodia)
Red Rainbowfish biotope [papua_1033] (Indonesia)
Green grasshopper [java_0323] (Indonesia)
Giant river otter (0)
Sun bear in Malaysian Borneo [sabah_sepilok_0303] (Malaysia)
Spiny orb-weaver spider (Gasteracantha sp) [west-papua_5402] (Indonesia)
Asian water monitor (Sri Lanka)
Black-necked stork (Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus) (Cambodia)
Sea turtle hatchlings [cr_4202] (Costa Rica)
Giant Milkweek Locust [madagascar_5792] (Madagascar)
Pair of babirusa (0)
Red-eyed tree frog [panama_0609] (Panama)
Green-headed lizard, perhaps a juvenile green basilisk [costa-rica_0194] (Costa Rica)
Hooded mountain-tanager (Buthraupis montana) [manu_0028] (Peru)
Millipedes (Indonesia)
Unidentified frog -- sabah_2941 (Malaysia)
Male ostrich defending chicks -- tz_1876 (Tanzania)
Green katydid with a neon blue stripe (Indonesia)
Blue orange and black damselfies (China)
Hippo (Kenya)
Cocoi Heron (Ardea cocoi) [colombia_3319] (Colombia)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Black, green, and red leafhopper [manu_0589] (Peru)
Gray langur (India)
Common brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus) [madagascar_0177] (Madagascar)
Black-stripe lizard in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Scorpion [belize_8602] (Belize)
White-tipped reef shark (Ecuador)
Male Magnificent Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) [belize_0402] (Belize)
Flowers (Ecuador)
Red-shanked douc (Pygathrix nemaeus) (0)
Pair of golden orb spiders (Costa Rica)
Green leaf-like katydid [kalbar_0091] (Indonesia)
Great Blue Heron in Egypt [egypt_0283] (Egypt)
Caiman on a beach along the Tambopata river (Peru)
Madagascar day gecko (Phelsuma madagascariensis) [madagascar_4292] (Madagascar)
Orange, black, and white butterfly [panama_0176] (Panama)
Halfbeak fish in the wild (Malaysia)
Squirrel [sabah_sepilok_0818] (Malaysia)
Colombian woolly monkey at a rehabiltiation center in the Amazon [colombia_0893] (Colombia)
Royal Terns (Thalasseus maximus) Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Orange flies with purple eyes [kalbar_1530] (Indonesia)
Three-striped poison dart frog (Epipedobates trivittatus) [suriname_2208] (Suriname)
Cicada in New Guinea [west-papua_5856] (Indonesia)
Lizard in the anolis genus in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
White-bellied go-away bird (Corythaixoides leucogaster) (Tanzania)
Black and white marbled weevil (Curculionidae family) [madagascar_4918] (Madagascar)
White furry insect (possibly Fulgorid Planthopper nymph) [sumatra_0986] (Indonesia)
Stone split by a strangler fig (Belize)
Heliconius melpomene butterflies mating (0)
Shield bug (Peru)
Red-fronted brown lemur (Madagascar)
Mottled moth (Mexico)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0795] (Malaysia)
Fish eagle in its nest (Indonesia)
Butterfly [panama_0916] (Panama)
Multicolored spider [mcar_0027] (Madagascar)
Lantern bug [madagascar_3526] (Madagascar)
Flock of egrets [colombia_3550] (Colombia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0842] (Malaysia)
Douc langur (Vietnam)
Fish [belize_uw0137] (Belize)
Golden Mantella (Mantella aurantiaca) [madagascar_0299] (Madagascar)
Water monitor lizard under a house (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Nazca booby with chick (Ecuador)
Forest buffalo on savanna in Gabon (Gabon)
Ants on a ginger flower (China)
Peahen crossing a road (Sri Lanka)
Blue-tailed bee-eater (Merops philippinus) (Sri Lanka)
Pearled Treerunner (Margarornis squamiger) (Peru)
Pink, orange, yellow, violet katydid with spots and green eyes [west-papua_0172] (Indonesia)
Xingu platinum catfish (Panaque nigrolineatus) (0)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Bird (India)
Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur (Cheirogaleus medius) [madagascar_3492] (Madagascar)
Panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis) sleeping (Madagascar)
0 (Malaysia)
A broad-billed Tody (Todus subulatus) near Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0764] (Malaysia)
Sumatran rhino at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (Indonesia)
Mantled Howler (Alouatta palliata) or Golden-mantled Howling Monkey [costa-rica_1316] (Costa Rica)
Cloud forest (Ecuador)
Palm civet (Cambodia)
White-faced Capuchin baring its fangs [costa_rica_5133] (Costa Rica)
Baboons atop a rock outcropping -- tz_2062 (Tanzania)
Marsh crocodiles (India)
Proboscis monkey -- sabah_3327 (Malaysia)
Mexican Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus) (Mexico)
Brown and yellow insect with a false eye spot [costa_rica_4577] (Costa Rica)
Douc langur (Vietnam)
Painted stork (Mycteria leucocephala) (Sri Lanka)
Long-tailed macaque eating a banana (Ubud, Bali) -- bali7952 (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Sea lions barking (Ecuador)
Flying dragon extending its dewlap [sabah_kinabatangan_0367] (Malaysia)
Hoatzin in the Amazon (Peru)
Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo (0)
Panda eating bamboo (0)
Yellow and brown grasshopper (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Frog [suriname_0747] (Suriname)
Bornean white-bearded gibbon [kalbar_0996] (Indonesia)
Papuan Hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus) [Male and female] [west-papua_0298] (Indonesia)
Beige and green grasshopper [kalsel_0037] (Indonesia)
Panda eating bamboo (0)
Black and white butterfly (Thailand)
Green and dark gray planthopper (Indonesia)
Green-bellied waterfall frog [kalbar_1770] (Indonesia)
Orang sitting on ground with ribbon in hand (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Celebes crested macaque (Macaca nigra) (0)
Elephants at water's edge (Uganda)
Green grasshopper with turquoise legs [west-papua_6313] (Indonesia)
Green bird with a lavender face, a red chest, and a yellow and black tail -- borneo_4333 (Malaysia)
Insect (Peru)
Cricket [madagascar_3471] (Madagascar)
Baby caiman [colombia_5853] (Colombia)
Elephants -- tz_1774 (Tanzania)
Orangutan eating string beans [sabah_sepilok_0231] (Malaysia)
Ebony lutung (0)
White heron (Mexico)
Swainson’s Toucan (Costa Rica)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Cane toad (Peru)
Madagascar fruit bat (Pteropus sp) (Madagascar)
Orphaned orangutan at Sepilok -- borneo_5431 (Malaysia)
Adult and infant orangutan (0)
Juvenile orangutans at the Sepilok rehabilitation center [sabah_sepilok_0254] (Malaysia)
Orb weaving spider (Indonesia)
American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) [colombia_4846] (Colombia)
Stick insect [kalbar_1469] (Indonesia)
Red frog [costa_rica_4659] (Costa Rica)
Little Egret, Egretta garzetta (Uganda)
Timor deer (Indonesia)
Agouti (Peru)
Bird [panama_0056] (Panama)
Female lion with wildebeest kill -- tz_2254 (Tanzania)
Flower-like ballet bug [west-papua_6583] (Indonesia)
River turtles [colombia_3351] (Colombia)
Giant anole [colombia_2657] (Colombia)
Cicada emerging from from its larval stage [java_0663] (Indonesia)
Young orangutan in Indonesia's Tanjung Puting National Park (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Pangolin at a rescue center (Cambodia)
Cyprind fish in Malaysian blackwater creek (Malaysia)
Douc langur feeding (Vietnam)
Proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0828] (Malaysia)
Female Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Borno white-bearded gibbon (Hylobates albibarbis) [kalbar_0657] (Indonesia)
Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Pair of Magpie shrike (Corvinella melanoleuca) (Tanzania)
White Spotted Reed Frog (Heterixalus alboguttatus) [madagascar_5169] (Madagascar)
Grasshopper [sabah_tawau_0524] (Malaysia)
Male Andean Cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola peruvianus) (Peru)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0004] (Malaysia)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5486] (Colombia)
Pangolin (Vietnam)
Mother long-tailed macaque holding its baby (Indonesia)
Wattled jacanas [colombia_3374] (Colombia)
Sunset in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Tiny Rainforest rocket frog (Silverstoneia flotator) (Panama)
Sambar (Rusa unicolor) (India)
Orangutan (Indonesia)
Sumatran rhino at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (Indonesia)
Yellow butterfly (Cambodia)
Gray langurs grooming (India)
Small-clawed otter (Cambodia)
Infant Crested Back Macaques Playing (Indonesia)
Blue morpho with wings closed [manu_0846] (Peru)
Blue-winged mountain tanager (Anisognathus somptuosus) (Ecuador)
Red and black beetle (Indonesia)
Cambodian elephant (Cambodia)
Turtle (Panama)
Black vulture [colombia_5119] (Colombia)
Tiger (0)
Black spier with red legs [wayquecha-andes_0164] (Peru)
Stick insect [west-papua_6474] (Indonesia)
Jabiru Stork (Jabiru mycteria) [local name in Belize: turk or fillymingo] (Belize)
Flowers (Ecuador)
Deer on the grass at Peucang Island camp (Indonesia)
Caterpillar [manu_0538] (Peru)
Bear Cuscus and baby (Indonesia)
Mottled cricket (Madagascar)
Frog being examined by researcher [tambopata-Tambopata_1028_4592] (Peru)
Great hornbill (Buceros bicornis) (Cambodia)
Pygmy marmoset (0)
Sea lion underwater (Ecuador)
Turquoise eggs (Colombia)
Aldabra giant tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea) (0)
Cattle egret (Sri Lanka)
Verreaux's Sifaka dancing [madagascar_2580] (Madagascar)
Turkey vulture [colombia_5037] (Colombia)
Green metallic beetle (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Orange and black moth [sabah_kinabatangan_0398] (Malaysia)
Hummingbird (Ecuador)
Herd of spotted deer (Sri Lanka)
Monk saki (Pithecia monachus) monkey in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Knobbed Hornbil (Indonesia)
One-eyed civet (Vietnam)
Tiger (0)
Capybaras in a river [colombia_3427] (Colombia)
Orb spider (China)
? (Kenya)
Coquerel's sifaka [madagascar_2313] (Madagascar)
Female lion with wildebeest kill -- tz_2284 (Tanzania)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Female Red-tailed Vanga (Calicalicus madagascariensis) holding a stick insect (Madagascar)
King vulture (captive) [panama_0398] (Panama)
Oriental Vine Snake (Ahaetulla prasina) (Indonesia)
Adult male vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) in a tree (Uganda)
Adult male Proboscis Monkey in tree (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) -- kali9057 (Indonesia)
Borneo orangutan at Sepilok Rehabilitation Center -- sabah_3888 (Malaysia)
White-faced Capuchin [costa_rica_5176] (Costa Rica)
Hornbill (Indonesia)
Spotted deer (India)
Fish gasping for air at the surface of a pond in the Amazon [colombia_6228] (Colombia)
Green grasshopper with an orange abdomen [costa_rica_4739] (Costa Rica)
Sumatran elephants in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (Indonesia)
People in canoe on the Rio Tambopata (Peru)
Toad (Costa Rica)
Purple leafhopper with light green and magenta markings [manu_0952] (Peru)
Purple heron (Ardea purpurea) in flight over forest in Gabon (Gabon)
Sea turtle [sabah_underwater_0227] (Malaysia)
Leaf-cutter ants [costa-rica_0817] (Costa Rica)
Sea lions in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Leaf-mimicking butterfly (Indonesia)
Pig-tailed macaque [sabah_kinabatangan_0159] (Malaysia)
Orange spider [colombia_2200] (Colombia)
Blue dragonfly [madagascar_6121] (Madagascar)
Pangolin (Vietnam)
Green sea turtle [sabah_underwater_0721] (Malaysia)
Red-billed Hornbill (Tockus erythrorhynchus) -- tz_1367 (Tanzania)
Manatee (0)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Yellow-Banded Poison Frog (Dendrobates leucomelas) (0)
Pair of African fish eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) atop a tree -- tz_1560 (Tanzania)
Flying dragon (Indonesia)
Grey-necked Wood Rail (Aramides cajanea) (Colombia)
Malaysian sun bear in a tree [sabah_sepilok_0751] (Malaysia)
Ant (Indonesia)
Turquoise water off Rabida Island (Ecuador)
0 (Malaysia)
Bat (Peru)
Leaf-footed bug nymph [colombia_2838] (Colombia)
Douc langur (Vietnam)
Tarantula (Peru)
Orinoco geese [colombia_3378] (Colombia)
Red-footed booby with a broken wing (Ecuador)
Latern bug (Fulgora lampestris) [sabah_kinabatangan_0374] (Malaysia)
Hoatzins [colombia_5147] (Colombia)
Male proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0387] (Malaysia)
Clown tree frog (Dendropsophus leucophyllatus) [colombia_1198] (Colombia)
Orange and brown butterfly (Malaysia)
Mother and baby orangutan in at tree (Indonesia)
Verreaux's Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) [madagascar_2793] (Madagascar)
Male cock-of-the rock performing at a lek (Peru)
Mantidactylus asper? [madagascar_3595] (Madagascar)