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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Hermit Ibis (Geronticus eremita) (0)
Orinoco geese [colombia_6419] (Colombia)
Macaws in flight (Peru)
Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis rudis) (Gabon)
Black skimmer (family Libellulidae) with red rearparts (Colombia)
Flock of egrets [colombia_3536] (Colombia)
Spotted hyena (0)
Tiger in Ranthambore (India)
Giant black planaria (Java) (Indonesia)
Ring-tailed lemur with baby [madagascar_5733] (Madagascar)
Stork-billed Kingfisher (Pelargopsis capensis) [sabah_kinabatangan_0008] (Malaysia)
rhinoceros hornbill in flight (Indonesia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Skink [costa-rica_0978] (Costa Rica)
Baby gray langur (India)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5806] (Colombia)
Stick insect (Vietnam)
Orange-eyed grasshopper [panama_0684] (Panama)
Turquoise bug with orange legs (Suriname)
Calumma Parsonii (Andasibe) [calumma_parsonii0014] (Madagascar)
Mossy Leaf-tail Gecko (Uroplatus sikorae) [madagascar_0695] (Madagascar)
Boa (Peru)
Gal‡pagos sea lion at the Puerto Ayora fish market (Ecuador)
A broad-billed Tody (Todus subulatus) near Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Changeable hawk-eagle (Sri Lanka)
0 (Malaysia)
Shield bug (Peru)
Group of hoatzin (Peru)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) in vegetation along oxbow lake [manu-Manu_1022_2166] (Peru)
White-faced capuchin [costa-rica_1336] (Costa Rica)
Black and tan dragonfly (Gabon)
Honey bear or kinkajou (Potos flavus) in the process of being rehabilitated (Costa Rica)
Orange, black, and white bug (Colombia)
Red howler monkey (Peru)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Bornean white-bearded gibbon [kalbar_0998] (Indonesia)
Striped Civet (Fossa fossana) (Ranomafana N.P.) [Striped_Civet_0193] (Madagascar)
Moth (Peru)
Yellow grasshawk dragonfly (Indonesia)
Indochinese lutung (Trachypithecus germaini) (Cambodia)
Crested black macaque (0)
0 (Malaysia)
African skimmers on a beach along the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Orangutan at Sepilok -- borneo_5383 (Malaysia)
Hot pink insect with light blue feet and eyes (Suriname)
Ugandan mountain gorilla (Uganda)
Male Verreaux's Sifaka dancing (Madagascar)
Gray Potoo (Nyctibius griseus) [formerly tagged Short-tailed Nighthawk (Lurocalis semitorquatus)] (Costa Rica)
Yellow caterpillar (Indonesia)
Male frigatebird with its red throat pouch inflated (Ecuador)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Sykes's Monkey feeding (Kenya)
Female Red-tailed Vanga (Calicalicus madagascariensis) holding a stick insect [madagascar_5282] (Madagascar)
Grasshopper (Vietnam)
Ebony langur (Trachypithecus auratus) (0)
Capybara (Peru)
Marine iguana (Ecuador)
Bengal monitor lizard (Varanus bengalensis nebulosus) (Laos)
Male black lemur (Eulemur macaco) (Madagascar)
Lesser Anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) (Costa Rica)
White insect (Malaysia)
Young orphan orang-utan -- borneo_6594 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0734] (Malaysia)
Red and black millipede [sabah_tawau_0260] (Malaysia)
Three-striped poison dart frog (Ameerega trivittata) (Peru)
Turquoise blue katydid larva [west-papua_6151] (Indonesia)
Leaf-tailed gecko on Nosy Mangabe (Madagascar)
Giant Pink-toed tarantula (Avicularia avicularia) (Colombia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Jabiru stork standing in its nest (Colombia)
Oriental darter (India)
Macaw in flight (Peru)
Sea turtle hatchlings [cr_4268] (Costa Rica)
Ectatomma tuberculatum stick insect with orange feet on an Inga legume plant (Colombia)
Tiger in Ranthambore (India)
Male panther chameleon (breeding coloration) [animals_zh_061] (Madagascar)
Chinese Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) (0)
Baby Mexican Spider Monkey on its mother's back (Mexico)
Parrot [br_co-9999] (Colombia)
Dusky heron on a tropical beach (Indonesia)
Blue-eyed forest lizard in the Malaysian jungle; greenish-brown body (Malaysia)
Blue-eyed butterfly [sumatra_9079] (Indonesia)
Horned screamer [colombia_6022] (Colombia)
Tree runner (Plica plica) (Peru)
Elephant feeding in the late afternoon (Uganda)
African elephants -- tz_1473 (Tanzania)
Red beetle [suriname_1494] (Suriname)
Peacock displaying for a peahen (Sri Lanka)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Gray-winged Trumpeters (Psophia crepitans) [suriname_1276] (Suriname)
Male frigatebird with its red throat pouch inflated (Ecuador)
Red, blue, and yellow (on the underside) butterfly in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
0 (Malaysia)
Katydid (Peru)
Red assassin bug (China)
Green praying mantis [madagascar_3281] (Madagascar)
Plains zebra (Equus quagga) (Botswana)
Bwindi gorilla hanging from a tree (Uganda)
Red and green eyelash viper (Bothriechis schlegelii) [costa-rica_0839] (Costa Rica)
Sulawesi bear cuscus (Ailurops ursinus) (Indonesia)
Pair of jaguars on the bank of the Tambopata River (Peru)
American Bison (Bison bison) (Colombia)
Green and Black Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus) in Colombia [colombia_2727] (Colombia)
Endangered proboscis monkeys in Sabah (Malaysia)
Cricket [madagascar_3470] (Madagascar)
Tractor millipede [sabah_tawau_0318] (Malaysia)
Green Basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons) (0)
Uroplatus sikorae [madagascar_0528] (Madagascar)
Green Jay (Cyanocorax yncas) (Mexico)
Leaf-like moth (Indonesia)
Red river hog (0)
Sambar (Rusa unicolor) (India)
Tree frog in the Borneo rainforest (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Green stick insect (Peru)
Green and Black Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus) in the wild [panama_0801] (Panama)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Crab-eating monkey (Macaca fascicularis) eating fruit of the 'Tukas' palm (Caryota milis) (Malaysia)
Common hill myna (Gracula religiosa) (Cambodia)
Yellow and purple butterfly (Laos)
Blue-crowned Motmot (Momotus momota) (Peru)
Pair of sun bears in a tree (Cambodia)
Caiman [colombia_4758] (Colombia)
Scarlet macaw (Peru)
White-blue leafhopper [colombia_3574] (Colombia)
Orange and black beetle (Malaysia)
Group of caterpillars (Costa Rica)
Sun beams in Khao Yai rainforest (Thailand)
Hypsiboas pugnax Tree frog [colombia_2466] (Colombia)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) (Uganda)
Beetle (China)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Grey tree frog (Indonesia)
Elephants in the rearview mirror (Uganda)
Captive albino zebra (Kenya)
Butterfly (Great Mormon - Papilio memnon?) (Indonesia)
Orange bug on a flower (China)
Manatee (0)
Critically endangered Eastern Mountain gorilla in the Bwindi jungle (Uganda)
Fish (Malaysia)
Rock hyrax feeding on alpine moss on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Monk saki (Pithecia monachus) monkey in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Herd of spotted deer (Sri Lanka)
Thomson's Gazelle (Gazella thomsoni) (Kenya)
Red orangutan eating rambutan fruit (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Ex-captive adult male Borneo Orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Hoatzins [colombia_5539] (Colombia)
Scarlet ibis [colombia_5490] (Colombia)
Green wasp (Colombia)
Parrots feeding on clay (Peru)
Galapagos Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus galapagoensis) (Ecuador)
Galapagos Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus galapagoensis) (Ecuador)
Orinoco goose (Colombia)
0 (Malaysia)
Snake anti-venom (Colombia)
Rufous treepie (Dendrocitta vagabunda) (India)
Long-tailed macaques sharing fruit (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5686] (Colombia)
Dove (Indonesia)
Green, black, and yellow grasshopper (Indonesia)
Mantella laevigata frog (Madagascar)
Shield bug (Indonesia)
Grasshopper (Vietnam)
Manta ray (Ecuador)
A brilliantly colored lizard in Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Hooded Tinamou (Nothocercus nigrocapillus) (Peru)
Kicker Rock (Ecuador)
Douc langurs (Vietnam)
Yellow-headed Caracara (Milvago chimachima) [colombia_5676] (Colombia)
Lories (0)
Brown Capuchin (Cebus apella) [suriname_1958] (Suriname)
Colony of insect-eating bats in a limstone cave in Malaysia (Malaysia)
Rainforest rocket frog (Silverstoneia flotator) [panama_1092] (Panama)
Stick insect (Vietnam)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Snail (Vietnam)
Captive banteng calf (Cambodia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Black, red, and yellow insect [cr_3973] (Costa Rica)
Neon pink planthopper (Peru)
Daddy longlegs (Costa Rica)
Monitor lizard (0)
Asian elephant (0)
Thomson's Gazelle (Gazella thomsoni) (Kenya)
Brown grasshopper (Indonesia)
Sea turtle hatchlings [cr_4263a] (Costa Rica)
Shield bug (Peru)
Close encounter with an African elephant (Loxodonta africana) (Botswana)
Polyrhachis pruinosa ant, a species that specializes on pitcher plant feeding (Malaysia)
Jungle babbler (Turdoides striata) (India)
Mossy Leaf-tail Gecko (Uroplatus sikorae) [madagascar_0747] (Madagascar)
Green praying mantis (Malaysia)
Mottled moth (Mexico)
Eagle nest (Malaysia)
Arowana (0)
Sumatran heron (Indonesia)
Gal‡pagos sea lion at the Puerto Ayora fish market (Ecuador)
Red and orange insect (Indonesia)
Red Leaf-monkey (Presbytis rubicunda) -- borneo_3185 (Malaysia)
Proboscis monkey -- sabah_3334 (Malaysia)
Red-and-green macaws (Ara chloroptera) [manu-Manu_1024_2817a] (Peru)
Calumma Parsonii (Andasibe) [calumma_parsonii0008] (Madagascar)
Red howler monkey [colombia_5013] (Colombia)
Baby gray langur (India)
Scarlet macaws in flight [costa-rica_1156] (Costa Rica)
Caterpillar eating a leaf (China)
Pelican in flight over Big Sur (United States)
Mama Orangutan climbing with baby (Indonesia)
Katydid at night in Yasuni National Park in th Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Caiman [colombia_4754] (Colombia)
Douc langur feeding (Vietnam)
Grasshopper (Vietnam)
Hammerhead sharks (Ecuador)
Varecia variegata variegata (Madagascar)
Small neon green insect with orange spots [kalbar_0202] (Indonesia)
Black-headed ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus) (India)
Red-eyed tree frog [panama_0614] (Panama)
Squirrel (China)
Land iguana (Ecuador)
Buffalo (Kenya)
Praying mantis (Vietnam)
Black caterpillar with long white hairs, a yellow stripe, and red parts (Colombia)
Anhinga in Oxbow lake (Peru)
Butterfly on fern (Costa Rica)
Blue-eared Kingfisher (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Critically endangered mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)
Royal Terns (Thalasseus maximus) Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Common langur (India)
Amber Mountain chameleon (Calumma ambreense) [male] (Madagascar)
Hammerhead sharks (Ecuador)
Red-eyed tree frog [panama_0586] (Panama)
Klemmer's Yellow-headed Day Gecko (Phelsuma klemmeri) (0)
Orange translucent butterfly in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Purple leafhopper with light green and magenta markings [manu_0955] (Peru)
Orange and black Reduviidae juvenile bug, with the abdomen sticking up to look like a fierce mantis [madagascar_1058] (Madagascar)
Purple, yellow, and brown planthopper [kalbar_0668] (Indonesia)
Swainson’s Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii) [cr_3887] (Costa Rica)
Lizard (Ecuador)
Green Bee-eater (Egypt)
Emerald Tree Monitor (Varanus prasinus) (0)
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) (Uganda)
Three lions, panting after a meal (Tanzania)
Green bird (0)
Tiny spider in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Large ant [colombia_2929] (Colombia)
Radiated tortoise (Geochelone radiata) (0)
Land iguana (Ecuador)
Jumping squirrel (China)
Deer (Indonesia)
Sweat bees emerging out of their nest (Mexico)
Bali snake (Indonesia)
Marine iguana on a red sand beach (Ecuador)
Blue-eared Kingfishers [sabah_kinabatangan_0287] (Malaysia)
Green and Black Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus) in the rainforest canopy [colombia_2789] (Colombia)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Glow worm (Lampyris noctiluca) (China)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Flying Lizard, Draco volans (Malaysia)
Sifaka [mcar_0174] (Madagascar)
Madagascarophis colubrinus [madagascar_2091] (Madagascar)
Common chunk headed snake - Imantodes cenchoa [costa_rica_5517] (Costa Rica)
Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) in flight [costa-rica_1406] (Costa Rica)
Elephants (Tanzania)
Butterfly (Great Mormon - Papilio memnon?) (Indonesia)
Sambar deer (India)
Blue, orange, and green beetle on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Brown lemur (0)
Bird (Sri Lanka)
Colorful snail in Borneo [kalsel_0187] (Indonesia)
Madagascar Tomato Frog (Dyscophus antongilii) (0)
Helicophanta farafanganensis land snail, which eats moss and fungi and is hunted by the short-legged ground roller (Madagascar)
Peacock displaying to a peahen (Sri Lanka)
Red and black butterfly (Kenya)
Skink on tree trunk in Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Brown butterfly (Panama)
Green and Black Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus) (Panama)
Red-eyed tree frog on BCI [panama_1018] (Panama)
Marine iguana (Ecuador)
Saddle-billed stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) (0)
Forest anole (Colombia)
Light green stick insect (Malaysia)
Giant walking stick [suriname_0319] (Suriname)
Marine iguana (Ecuador)
Red-billed oxpecker on a water buffalo (Kenya)
Amazon race runner (Peru)
Orb spider (0)
Crested black macaques (Indonesia)
Giant anole [colombia_2660] (Colombia)
Shedding forest anole [panama_0811] (Panama)
Tiny mantid (Malaysia)
Male frigatebird with its red throat pouch inflated (Ecuador)
Green forest dragon [sabah_tawau_0207] (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Warthog (Kenya)
Blue-headed Amazon (Pionus menstruus) (Peru)
Father warthog chasing a baby warthog (Kenya)
Galapagos sea lion (Ecuador)
Grasshopper [panama_0768] (Panama)