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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Darth Vader planthopper (Peru)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Toad [sumatra_1106] (Indonesia)
Bornean white-bearded gibbon [kalbar_0995] (Indonesia)
Black skimmer [colombia_3280] (Colombia)
Oriental Vine Snake (Ahaetulla prasina) [kalsel_0280] (Indonesia)
Malayan porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) (0)
Turquoise and black jumping spider [kalbar_2130] (Indonesia)
White-throated toucan (Ramphastos tucanus) (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
Metallic spider -- borneo_4273 (Malaysia)
Saddle-billed stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) (0)
Transparent moth [cr_3679] (Costa Rica)
Skink (Indonesia)
Female tiger (India)
Moth (Peru)
stick insect seen through a heliconia leaf [panama_1084] (Panama)
Orangutan relaxing in tree (Indonesia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Red millipede in Madagascar [madagascar_0942] (Madagascar)
Toad [java_0240] (Indonesia)
Mossy stick insect headshot (Madagascar)
Adult female Komodo dragon (Indonesia)
Sea turtle hatchlings [cr_4256a] (Costa Rica)
Oropendola nest in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Palm civets (Cambodia)
Harvestman [sabah_kinabatangan_0415] (Malaysia)
Amazon race runner (Ameiva ameiva) (Colombia)
Black spider [kalbar_1711] (Indonesia)
Chachalaca (Mexico)
Red-footed booby (Ecuador)
Milky stork (Mycteria cinerea) (Cambodia)
Green and brown cicada -- borneo_4068 (Malaysia)
Male proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0505] (Malaysia)
Petter's Chameleon (Furcifer petteri) [female] [madagascar_3424] (Madagascar)
Red-footed booby with a broken wing (Ecuador)
Proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0836] (Malaysia)
Moon Jellyfish (0)
Flying dragon (Indonesia)
Hyla frog (Peru)
Purple, orange, and black insect [java_0256] (Indonesia)
Butterfly [colombia_4688] (Colombia)
Black moth with a pair of orange spots and transparent patches on its wings [madagascar_5268] (Madagascar)
Nazca booby with chick (Ecuador)
Borneo Bloodsucker Lizard ( Bronchocela cristatella ) (Malaysia)
Hoatzins in Peru (Peru)
Blue-eared Kingfishers (Alcedo meninting phillipsi) [sabah_kinabatangan_0269] (Malaysia)
Peacock (Sri Lanka)
Green, white, and orange planthopper (China)
Capped Heron (Pilherodius pileatus) [colombia_3492] (Colombia)
Frog [madagascar_1903] (Madagascar)
Endangered proboscis monkeys in Borneo (Malaysia)
Bird [colombia_4200] (Colombia)
Hornbill (0)
Amber Mountain chameleon (Calumma ambreense) [madagascar_3718] (Madagascar)
Hypsiboas crepitans Tree frog [colombia_6483] (Colombia)
Brown grasshopper (Peru)
Giant river otter (0)
Colorful flies feasting on dung (Uganda)
Marine toad (Bufo marinus) [costa-rica-d_0460] (Costa Rica)
Mother orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Leopard cat (0)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Macaque (Indonesia)
Flying dragon extending its dewlap [sabah_kinabatangan_0361] (Malaysia)
Bird (Peru)
Brown mouse lemur (Microcebus rufus) [madagascar_5540] (Madagascar)
Ruddy kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda) (0)
Orang-utan examining a rambutan fruit (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Plated lizard (Zonosaurus madagascariensis) [madagascar_1002] (Madagascar)
Furcifer gastrotaenia (Andasibe) [Furcifer_gastrotaenia0046] (Madagascar)
Butterflies (Uganda)
Bird [west-papua_5840] (Indonesia)
Sloth in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Long-necked black insect (Indonesia)
Green katydid [manu_0604] (Peru)
Yellow fungi (Ecuador)
Christmas dung beetle (Indonesia)
Red beetle with black spots [sumatra_9415] (Indonesia)
Herd of elephants in a riverbed -- tz_1685 (Tanzania)
Red howler monkey (Peru)
Flatid leaf bug nymphs, resembling white lichen [madagascar_4109] (Madagascar)
Brown weevil -- borneo_4034 (Malaysia)
Orange moth with black and yellow polkadots [west-papua_5578] (Indonesia)
Sumatran elephants in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park [sumatra_9271] (Indonesia)
Sleeping hippo (Uganda)
Eagle nest (Tanzania)
Nazca booby with chick (Ecuador)
Jumping spider [kalbar_1898] (Indonesia)
Nephila orb spider [costa_rica_5202] (Costa Rica)
Yellow flower (Ecuador)
Blue-grey tanager (Thraupis episcopus) (Colombia)
Santiago Island (Ecuador)
Turtledove (Madagascar)
Magpie tanager (Peru)
Baby Olive ridley sea turtle headed out to sea [costa_rica_5721b] (Costa Rica)
A foal, as a baby zebra is called (Kenya)
Damselfly [colombia_3120] (Colombia)
Heliconius melpomene butterfly with child's hand (0)
Sharp-tailed Ibis (Cercibis oxycerca) [colombia_4809] (Colombia)
Common chunk headed snake - Imantodes cenchoa [costa_rica_5512] (Costa Rica)
Long-tailed macaque (Indonesia)
Black and yellow weevil [colombia_2577] (Colombia)
Beetle orgy (United States)
Skink [cr_4313] (Costa Rica)
Black macaque (Indonesia)
Palm civet (Cambodia)
Beetle [suriname_0702] (Suriname)
Giant cowbird [manu_0444] (Peru)
Nazca booby (Ecuador)
Young sea lion (Ecuador)
Rhacophorus pardalis tree frog -- sabah_2669 (Malaysia)
White-headed capuchin monkey (Cebus capucinus) tearing open an ant nest [colombia_2987] (Colombia)
Bird [colombia_4096] (Colombia)
Crested black macaques grooming (Indonesia)
Blue wildebeest or gnu (Connochaetes taurinus) (Botswana)
Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi) [colombia_1444] (Colombia)
Eld's deer (Panolia eldii) (Cambodia)
Green-blue tiger beetle (Indonesia)
Moth [sabah_sepilok_0574] (Malaysia)
Metallic black spider [madagascar_3278] (Madagascar)
Mother Common Brown Lemur (Eulemur fulvus) with baby (Madagascar)
Green tree Agama on a tree trunk (Uganda)
A local woman carries fish on her head at the Oviedo Lagoon in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Baby howler monkey (0)
Blue-and-yellow macaws (Ara ararauna); Yellow-crowned parrots (Amazona ochrocephala); Red-and-green macaws and Scarlet macaws feeding on clay [tambopata-Tambopata_1027_4114a] (Peru)
Golden-breasted Starling (Cosmopsarus regius) (0)
Caraugastor species in danger of extinction (Panama)
Gecko [java_0618] (Indonesia)
Jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) (0)
Macaque grooming another macaque (Indonesia)
Royal Terns (Thalasseus maximus) Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemur (Hapalemur griseus) [madagascar_1488] (Madagascar)
Male proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0461] (Malaysia)
Giant black carpenter bee - Xylocopa sp (Indonesia)
Mouthless crab, Cardisoma crassum [colombia_4060] (Colombia)
Komodo dragon (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Chinese highfin loach (0)
Striped Cuckoo (Tapera naevia) (Colombia)
Herd of spotted deer (Sri Lanka)
Juvenile great hornbill (Buceros bicornis) (Cambodia)
Mongabay Latam team (Ecuador)
Jaguarundi (0)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5255] (Colombia)
Red Leaf Monkeys [kalbar_0593] (Indonesia)
Small stick insect in New Guinea (Indonesia)
Jaguar in Peru (Peru)
Walking stick insect (Indonesia)
Turtle (0)
Nazca booby (Ecuador)
Borneo orangutan at Sepilok Rehabilitation Center -- sabah_3924 (Malaysia)
Red beetle with black spots [sumatra_9414] (Indonesia)
Strange flies mating [west-papua_5413] (Indonesia)
Herd of hippos (Hippopotamus amphibius) wallowing in Chobe National Park (Botswana)
Swainson’s Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii) [cr_3893] (Costa Rica)
Buff-necked Ibis (Theristicus caudatus) [colombia_6121] (Colombia)
Bird in flight over Lake Karakol (China)
Butterfly [colombia_3874] (Colombia)
Sumatran serow (Capricornis sumatraensis) (Cambodia)
Hoatzins sitting on a branch (Peru)
Proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0827] (Malaysia)
Red and green dung beetle (Indonesia)
Parrot [colombia_6286] (Colombia)
Squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Orinoco geese [colombia_3328] (Colombia)
Madagascar giant hognose snakes [madagascar_4565] (Madagascar)
Wild female Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), which was raised by an indigenous tribe after her mother was hunted for food, periodically seeks out humans (Ecuador)
Red leaf monkey -- sabah_4047 (Malaysia)
Frogs in a lake in India (India)
Green forest anole (Peru)
Orangutan hanging in tree (Indonesia)
Green longhorn beetle [java_0030] (Indonesia)
Sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) at night (Thailand)
Red-footed booby (Ecuador)
Sunset in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Red-breasted Blackbird (Sturnella militaris) (Costa Rica)
0 (Malaysia)
American Crocodile (Costa Rica)
Water monitor -- sabah_0164 (Malaysia)
Verreaux's Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) [madagascar_2866] (Madagascar)
Young hippo (Kenya)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5330] (Colombia)
0 (Malaysia)
Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta) (0)
Tiger beetle [java_0678] (Indonesia)
Green Ibis (Mesembrinibis cayennensis) [colombia_5018] (Colombia)
Thomas' Leaf Monkey in tree (Indonesia)
Wreathed hornbill (Rhyticeros undulatus) (Cambodia)
Muscovy duck [colombia_4789] (Colombia)
Brown grasshopper [kalsel_0032] (Indonesia)
Costumed langur (Pygathrix nemaeus) (0)
Colorful long-horned beetle (Family Cerambycidae) (Laos)
Coquerel's Sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) (0)
Oustalet's chameleon walking across sand near Isalo [madagascar_7351] (Madagascar)
Katydid [madagascar_4919] (Madagascar)
Tawny eagle (Aquila rapax) (Tanzania)
Leech [sabah_tawau_0350] (Malaysia)
Wild female Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), which was raised by an indigenous tribe after her mother was hunted for food, periodically seeks out humans (Ecuador)
Researchers carry a Hispaniolan solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus) in a cloth sack. This keeps the animal safe and calm before the radial collar fitting needed for their research. (Dominican Republic)
Crowned lemur in the forest floor (Madagascar)
Mother tarsier and baby (Indonesia)
Orange spider with black legs [west-papua_0310] (Indonesia)
Gray-blue tanager (Costa Rica)
Nazca booby with chick (Ecuador)
Pygmy Marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea) [colombia_1016] (Colombia)
Gecko [java_0613] (Indonesia)
Wild jaguar in Peru (Peru)
White-headed vultures (Kenya)
Yellow caterpillar with a blue head (China)
Sumatran elephants in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park [sumatra_9252] (Indonesia)
Leaf-mimicking butterfly (Madagascar)
Orange, turquoise, black, and white insects mating [west-papua_5397] (Indonesia)
Shield bug [west-papua_6311] (Indonesia)
Spotted Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae, genus Polybothris) [madagascar_5442] (Madagascar)
Jungle fowl (Sri Lanka)
Fulgoridae family bug [colombia_2806] (Colombia)
Darter (Peru)
Male iguanas fighting [colombia_6370] (Colombia)
Excited female proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Bright green crested forest dragon [kalbar_1958] (Indonesia)
Pangolin at a rescue center (Cambodia)
Brownish-red Long-horned Beetle (family Cerambycidae, subfamily Prioninae) [costa_rica_5657] (Costa Rica)
Satanic Leaf-tail Gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus) [madagascar_5218] (Madagascar)
Bird [colombia_6154] (Colombia)
Baby caiman [colombia_5890] (Colombia)
Spider (Indonesia)
Bornean Bearded Pig (Sus barbatus) consuming rambutan fruit (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Monk Saki (Pithecia monachus) [colombia_0793] (Colombia)
Orangutan (0)
Crab-eating Fox (Cerdocyon thous) [panama_0403] (Panama)
Saddle-billed stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) (0)
Baby Sumatran rhino in a wallow (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Male proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0496] (Malaysia)
Oustalet's chameleon (Madagascar)
Giant river otter (0)
Captive gibbon in Vietnam (Vietnam)
White-headed capuchin monkey [colombia_4084] (Colombia)
Frog with glowing green spots in Borneo -- borneo_4111 (Malaysia)
Butterfly [madagascar_3416] (Madagascar)
Kinkajou (0)
Sea turtle hatchlings [cr_4270] (Costa Rica)
Peacock showing off to a peahen (Sri Lanka)
Blue-nosed Chameleon (Calumma boettgeri) in leaf litter [madagascar_3550] (Madagascar)
Powdered glass frog (Cochranella pulverata) [panama_1045] (Panama)
Insect larvae [kalbar_0681] (Indonesia)
Cottontop tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) [panama_0477] (Panama)
Millipedes (Indonesia)
Red muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) (Cambodia)
Bright orange-pink planthopper [kalsel_0054] (Indonesia)
Sumatran frog (Indonesia)
Gray langur (Sri Lanka)
American Painted Lady or Postman butterfly (Heliconius melpomene) (0)
Puma (0)
Red and black millipede [sabah_tawau_0266] (Malaysia)
Royal Terns (Thalasseus maximus) Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Black hornbills (Anthracoceros malayanus) [sabah_kinabatangan_0308] (Malaysia)
Wreathed hornbill at a rescue center (Cambodia)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5900] (Colombia)
Tiger beetle in Malaysia [sabah_tawau_0398] (Malaysia)
Proboscis monkey -- sabah_3095 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Red katydid with a green head [west-papua_0165] (Indonesia)
Oustalet's chameleon walking across sand near Isalo [madagascar_7343] (Madagascar)
Orange butterfly in China (China)
Male iguanas bloodied during a fight [colombia_6399] (Colombia)
Red and orange Galerucinae Leaf Beetle [madagascar_6792] (Madagascar)
Proboscis monkey -- sabah_3333 (Malaysia)
Tree frog in New Guinea (Torrent Litoria species, very probably aligned with Litoria arfakiana) [west-papua_5762] (Indonesia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Long-tailed macaque eating a banana (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Coquerel's Sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) [madagascar_0047] (Madagascar)
Cichlid in the wild [colombia_6220] (Colombia)
Red Head Gecko (Gonatodes albogularis) [colombia_2572] (Colombia)
Melanerpes Woodpecker [colombia_5577] (Colombia)
Common green iguana [colombia_5341] (Colombia)
Chinese jumping spider (China)
Green leaf katydid [belize_8551] (Belize)
Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) (0)
Blue-eyed butterfly [sumatra_9085] (Indonesia)
Stingless bee nest (Peru)
Cicada that has trapped itself in a leaf -- malaysia0199 (Malaysia)
Bear Cuscus and baby (Indonesia)
Scarlet ibis [colombia_5905] (Colombia)
Deer [colombia_5856] (Colombia)
Red Ruffed Lemur (Varecia rubra) (0)
Researcher trying to save a Hyloscirtus colymba tree frog [panama_1142] (Panama)
Tortoise [colombia_6496] (Colombia)
Baby Mexican Spider Monkey on its mother's back (Mexico)
Red and black weevil eating a spider [kalimantan_0463] (Indonesia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Bright orange assassin bug larvae [colombia_2259] (Colombia)
Flat-tailed house gecko (Cosymbotus platyurus) (Thailand)
Black-tailed Trogon (Trogon melanurus) (Peru)
Red-footed booby with a broken wing (Ecuador)
Lemon ant (Indonesia)
Leaf-cutter ants [costa-rica_0823] (Costa Rica)