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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Brownish frog with green spots -- borneo_4082 (Malaysia)
Verreaux's Sifaka feeding [madagascar_2629] (Madagascar)
Hornbill (Indonesia)
Hermit crabs in an estuary near Manokwari (Indonesia)
Bornean ant -- borneo_4042 (Malaysia)
Sumatran serow (Capricornis sumatraensis) (Cambodia)
Common langurs grooming (India)
Asian otter (0)
Melanerpes Woodpecker [colombia_5597] (Colombia)
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) -- tz_2535 (Tanzania)
Green cicada [costa_rica_5453] (Costa Rica)
Neon green katydid [kalbar_1426] (Indonesia)
Orangutan in nest (Indonesia)
Orangutan hanging in tree (Indonesia)
Golden-headed Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) (0)
Trail of termites [kalbar_1790] (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran elephant (Indonesia)
Cryptic grasshopper -- borneo_3326 (Malaysia)
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) -- tz_2529 (Tanzania)
Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) (0)
Maroon langur [kalbar_1063] (Indonesia)
Sambar deer (Cambodia)
Red macaw [panama_0433] (Panama)
Spider [madagascar_3472] (Madagascar)
Red, blue, and yellow (on the underside) butterfly in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Frog seen through a leaf (Costa Rica)
Male Andean Cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola peruvianus) (Peru)
Wild jaguar in Peru (Peru)
Praying mantis in the lowland rainforest of New Guinea (Indonesia)
Hornbill (Indonesia)
Hoatzins in Peru (Peru)
Margay (Leopardus wiedii) (Peru)
Anole on a red plant stem [cr_3788] (Costa Rica)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0019] (Malaysia)
Sumatran elephants in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park [sumatra_9265] (Indonesia)
Douc langurs (Vietnam)
Black and yellow weevil [colombia_2543] (Colombia)
Bats in Abydos temple [egypt_1200] (Egypt)
Baboon as viewed from behind (Uganda)
Leopard cat in Vietnam (Vietnam)
Blue butterfly with orange and yellow spots (Ecuador)
Orangutan (Indonesia)
Jaguar in Peru (Peru)
School of fish (Ecuador)
White butterfly (Vietnam)
Fulgoridae family bug [colombia_2810] (Colombia)
Tarantula on the ceiling of a thatch hut (Suriname)
Hoatzin [colombia_3506] (Colombia)
Jungle fowl (Sri Lanka)
Coquerel's Sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) (0)
Green spider eating a butterfly [panama_0674] (Panama)
Bear Cuscus and baby (Indonesia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Sea lion nursing its pup (Ecuador)
Hornbill (Indonesia)
Social flycatcher bathing [colombia_2423] (Colombia)
Water monitor lizard walking on river rocks [sumatra_1406] (Indonesia)
Deer [colombia_5822] (Colombia)
Caiman hatchlings [costa-rica_0185] (Costa Rica)
Nazca booby with chick (Ecuador)
Hoatzins in Peru (Peru)
Black-headed Trogon (Trogon melanocephalus) (Mexico)
Colorful metallic beetle (Thailand)
Leopard cat (0)
Hummingbird (Ecuador)
Slug suspended in mid air (China)
Stork (Sri Lanka)
Coquerel's Sifaka dancing across a clearing [madagascar_2395] (Madagascar)
Augur buzzard -- tz_2197 (Tanzania)
Squirrel feeding on palm fruits (Indonesia)
Plated Leaf Chameleon (Brookesia stumpffi) [madagascar_3431] (Madagascar)
Black and red shield bug with yellow-tipped antennae [colombia_0495] (Colombia)
Ants [java_0183] (Indonesia)
Macaque feeding [sabah_kinabatangan_0086] (Malaysia)
Bright green grasshopper [java_0308] (Indonesia)
Long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) (Ubud, Bali) -- bali8008 (Indonesia)
Leaf frog (Indonesia)
Grasshopper [sabah_tawau_0523] (Malaysia)
White-headed capuchin (Cebus capucinus) tearing open an ant nest [colombia_2985] (Colombia)
Pig-tailed macaque [sabah_kinabatangan_0142] (Malaysia)
Turquoise water off Rabida Island (Ecuador)
id (0)
Lesser mouse-deer (Tragulus kanchil) (0)
Yellow and black insect -- borneo_6373 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0755] (Malaysia)
Green grasshopper [java_0330] (Indonesia)
Ants fighting (Indonesia)
Marabou stork flying overhead (Uganda)
Amazon race runner (Peru)
Flat-tailed house gecko (Cosymbotus platyurus) (Thailand)
Monitor lizard in Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
Oropendula [manu_0305] (Peru)
Male proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0490] (Malaysia)
Thomas' Leaf Monkey (Indonesia)
Lizard (0)
Aplomado falcon [colombia_5707] (Colombia)
Orangutan hanging in tree (Indonesia)
Peccary (Peru)
Flowers (Ecuador)
Male ostrich defending chicks -- tz_1867 (Tanzania)
Mother and infrant howler monkeys (0)
Sulawesi Wrinkled Hornbill (Aceros cassidix) (Indonesia)
Pierella helvetia incanescens butterfly [cr_3731] (Costa Rica)
A baby zebra is called a foal (Kenya)
Sally lightfoot crab [colombia_3106] (Colombia)
Katydid (Malaysia)
Garter snake (Thamnophis atratus) eating a rat in Big Sur (United States)
Large black beetle on a pants leg in Borneo (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Costumed monkey (Pygathrix nemaeus) (0)
Stink bug (Colombia)
Bird (Indonesia)
Beetle with long antennae [madagascar_5491] (Madagascar)
Milne-Edwards' Sifaka (Propithecus edwardsi) [madagascar_4990] (Madagascar)
Orangutan in trees with a bunch of bananas (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Black and White Colobus Monkey (Colobus guereza) (Uganda)
Red-shanked douc (0)
Tidepools at Cerro Brujo (Ecuador)
Sleeping red-eyed tree frog [cr_4302] (Costa Rica)
Multicolored spider [mcar_0026] (Madagascar)
Pill millipede (Madagascar)
Group of Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus) (Peru)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Vine Snake (Ahaetulla prasina) (Indonesia)
Crab-eating monkey (Macaca fascicularis) in a fruit tree (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Black and white colobus monkey feeding in a tree (Kenya)
Sulawesi Scops-Owl (Otus manadensis) (Indonesia)
Pair of orphaned orangutans -- sabah_3965 (Malaysia)
Great cormorants, Pink-backed pelicans, Great white pelicans, Little egret, yellow-billed storks (Uganda)
African Orange-bellied Parrot, Poicephalus rufiventris (Tanzania)
Green katydid with red legs [west-papua_6175] (Indonesia)
Green praying mantis among leaves (Gabon)
Madagascar Tomato frog (Dyscophus antongilii) [brnxz_073] (Madagascar)
Nazca booby with a chick (Ecuador)
Verreaux's sifaka in Isalo [madagascar_7180] (Madagascar)
Sea turtle hatchlings [cr_4243] (Costa Rica)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0792] (Malaysia)
Mother and baby orangutan in at tree (Indonesia)
Indian wild boar (India)
Andasibe Insect (Andasibe) (Madagascar)
Parson's chameleon (Calumma parsonii) [yellow and orange] [madagascar_0221] (Madagascar)
Sunrise over the Amazon rainforest (Peru)
Indri feeding on leaves [madagascar_0587a] (Madagascar)
Brazilian Lady (Vanessa braziliensis) [wayquecha-andes_0572] (Peru)
Parrots gathering to feed on clay (Peru)
Crested hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) (Sri Lanka)
Hooded mountain-tanager (Buthraupis montana) (Peru)
Red Leaf-monkey (Presbytis rubicunda) -- borneo_3155 (Malaysia)
Southern river otter (Lontra provocax) in captivity at the Belize Zoo [belize_6648] (Belize)
Sulawesi crested macaque (Macaca nigra) (Indonesia)
Blue and black butterfly [java_0630] (Indonesia)
A Vervain Hummingbird (Mellisuga minima),the second smallest hummingbird in the world,in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Arboreal Lesser Anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) [cr_4318] (Costa Rica)
Orange, yellow, and black insect (Vietnam)
Turquoise blue katydid larva [west-papua_6125] (Indonesia)
Macaque trying to open a coconut (Indonesia)
One Orangutan looks up from the feast (Indonesia)
Young blacked crested macaque (Indonesia)
Collared Brown Lemur (Eulemur collaris) (0)
Palm civet (Cambodia)
Highland Motmot (Momotus aequatorialis) (Peru)
Female Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Striped leafhopper (green, yellow, blue and black) [manu_0686] (Peru)
Forest anole (Peru)
Crab eating coconut [colombia_4273] (Colombia)
Common Fiscal (Lanius collaris) -- tz_1400 (Tanzania)
Amazon Kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona) [costa-rica_0061] (Costa Rica)
Sun bear in a tree [sabah_sepilok_0311] (Malaysia)
Common bluebottle butterfly (Graphium sarpedon) [sumatra_0566] (Indonesia)
Parson's chameleon (Calumma parsonii) [red-orange with green stripes] [madagascar_0563] (Madagascar)
Male Red-bellied Lemur [madagascar_5253] (Madagascar)
Hummingbird (Ecuador)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Brown butterfly or moth in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorain Amazon (Ecuador)
Caterpillar with horn-like spines (Indonesia)
Southern Ground Hornbills (Bucorvus leadbeateri) -- tz_1998 (Tanzania)
Gliding Dragon (Draco volans) (Indonesia)
Wild boar (Sri Lanka)
Jaguar (Panthera onca) at eye level [belize_7496] (Belize)
Red grasshawk dragonfly [kalimantan_9025] (Indonesia)
Lions showing camouflage abilities -- tz_elf_0492 (Tanzania)
Orphaned elephant playing football (Kenya)
Sulawesi crested macaque (0)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Green and yellow grasshopper (Prionolopha serrata) (Colombia)
Megapode nest (Indonesia)
Northern Cassowary (Casuarius unappendiculatus) [west-papua_5148] (Indonesia)
Brown Capuchin (Cebus apella) [colombia_1073] (Colombia)
Bird (Mexico)
Giant river otter (0)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Sumatran surili (Presbytis melalophos) (Indonesia)
Fist-sized black, green, blue, and red cicada (Indonesia)
Snake [sabah_tawau_0036] (Malaysia)
Young sea lion (Ecuador)
Bird [colombia_5750] (Colombia)
Female Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Spotted deer (India)
Indochinese lutung (Trachypithecus germaini) (Cambodia)
Juvenile pig-tailed macaque [sabah_kinabatangan_0152] (Malaysia)
Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) in flight [colombia_5927] (Colombia)
Orangutan (0)
White-faced capuchin [costa-rica_1339] (Costa Rica)
Baby caiman [colombia_5818] (Colombia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Hoatzins in Peru (Peru)
Scarlet ibis [colombia_5493] (Colombia)
Hoatzin in the Amazon (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
Kinkajou at a rescue center in Peru (Peru)
Hawk [colombia_4855] (Colombia)
Orangutan on a tree trunk -- borneo_5261 (Malaysia)
Brown katydid (Colombia)
Sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekei) doe with fawn (Gabon)
Young sea lion (Ecuador)
Hoatzin in the Amazon (Peru)
Orange and brown dung beetle (Panama)
Ebony langur (Trachypithecus auratus) (0)
Bird [colombia_5893] (Colombia)
Green grasshopper with blue antennae, turquoise hind legs, red front legs, and a black head (Indonesia)
Jaguarundi (Peru)
Bear Cuscus (Indonesia)
Shield bugs [colombia_3882] (Colombia)
Hundreds of tiny spiders [panama_1024] (Panama)
Borneo Orang-utan scratching armpit (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Brilliant blue dragonfly [kalbar_0708] (Indonesia)
Proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0812] (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Goliath heron, Ardea goliath (Uganda)
Forest anole [colombia_2712] (Colombia)
White-collared Seedeater (Sporophila torqueola) (Costa Rica)
Pair of black lemurs (Eulemur macaco) [madagascar_4619] (Madagascar)
Eyra cat (0)
Herd of spotted deer (Sri Lanka)
Cabybara [colombia_5969] (Colombia)
Lineated Woodpecker (Dryocopus lineatus) [colombia_4718] (Colombia)
Crazy giant centipede [kalbar_1941] (Indonesia)
White tiger (0)
Bee approaching a bird-of-paradise flower [cr_3688] (Costa Rica)
Male Red-crowned Ant Tanager (Habia rubica) (Mexico)
Baby hippo on the banks of the Mara river (Kenya)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Leaf-mimicking praying mantis [suriname_1020] (Suriname)
Asian elephant in Cambodia (Cambodia)
Lion approaching a wildebeest herd (Kenya)
0 (Malaysia)
Female Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Giant wasp holding a beetle in its mouth (Indonesia)
Spectral Tarsier (Tarsius tarsier) (Indonesia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0769] (Malaysia)
Golden-collared tanager [wayquecha-andes_0647] (Peru)
Hoatzins [colombia_5073] (Colombia)
Black-chested Snake-eagle (Circaetus pectoralis) -- tz_1533 (Tanzania)
Blue-and-yellow macaw [colombia_6131] (Colombia)
Squirrel (0)
Spider [west-papua_6180] (Indonesia)
Horned screamer [colombia_6173] (Colombia)
Sea turtle [sabah_underwater_0041] (Malaysia)
Brown katydid [costa_rica_5542] (Costa Rica)
Freshwater river turtles (Colombia)
Mexican Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus) (Mexico)
Orangutan (0)
Female Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Pair of elephants along the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Colorful butterflies feeding on minerals on a river beach -- malaysia0632 (Malaysia)
Madagascar skink (0)
Hawkmoth feeding on nectar (Cambodia)
Long-tailed macaque (Vietnam)
Ray (Ecuador)
Female spider monkey [panama_0305] (Panama)
Young green iguana (Iguana iguana) [colombia_3641] (Colombia)
King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa) (0)
Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos salfuratus) [belize_7275] (Belize)
Insect (China)
Proboscis monkey -- sabah_3096 (Malaysia)
Manatee (0)
Leaf-mimicking praying mantis [suriname_1013] (Suriname)
Stick insect (Peru)
Green lizard (Bronchocela cristatella?) in a tree in Java (Indonesia) (Java) (Indonesia)
Black and deep orange butterfly [west-papua_5468] (Indonesia)
Ex-pet orangutan learning forest survival skills at the Orangutan Care Centre and Quarantine in Pangkalan (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Nazca booby with egg (Ecuador)
Giant katydid (Vietnam)
Radiated tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) (Madagascar)
Sleeping red-eyed tree frog [cr_4301a] (Costa Rica)
Infant elephant (Kenya)
Green mantis [west-papua_6196] (Indonesia)
Nephila spider near Pereira, Colombia (Colombia)
Neon blue and green wasp [wayquecha-andes_0634] (Peru)
Stick insect [madagascar_0775] (Madagascar)
Coquerel's Sifaka dancing across a clearing [madagascar_2404] (Madagascar)
Tiger beetle with yellow spots in Kalimantan (Indonesia)
Common green iguana [colombia_5347] (Colombia)
Komodo dragon (Indonesia)
Red and yellow spider (Indonesia)
Black-cheeked Woodpecker (Melanerpes pucherani) [costa-rica_0419] (Costa Rica)
Green leafhopper [kalbar_0353] (Indonesia)
Atelopus certus at the Panama Amphibian Rescue Project (Panama)
Spider [west-papua_6249] (Indonesia)
Grass-green Tanager (Chlorornis riefferii) (Peru)