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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Orange Julia butterfly (Dryas iulia) (0)
Yellow caterpillar with a blue head (China)
A hermit crab at Bahia de las Aguilas at Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Scarlet ibis [colombia_5414] (Colombia)
Blue-and-yellow macaws inflight (Peru)
Yellow-headed Caracara (Milvago chimachima) - juvenile [co07-0579a] (Colombia)
Frilled Leaf-tail Gecko (Uroplatus henkeli) [madagascar_4099] (Madagascar)
Red crabs on Playa Palmera [colombia_4263] (Colombia)
Baby gray langur (India)
Yellow butterfly (China)
Red-vented bulbul (India)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Small praying mantis on white cloth (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Squirrel monkey (Peru)
Godart's Cycadian butterfly [costa_rica_4595] (Costa Rica)
Orangutan eating string beans [sabah_sepilok_0230] (Malaysia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Insect (China)
Multicolored spider [costa-rica-d_0392] (Costa Rica)
Black and yellow grasshopper (Indonesia)
Approaching elephant (Uganda)
Weevil (China)
Tricolored Lory (Lorius lory) (Indonesia)
Leaf-mimicking katydid (Panama)
Bird [colombia_4339] (Colombia)
Spectral tarsier (Indonesia)
Mating butterflies [madagascar_5562] (Madagascar)
Grey-headed kingfisher, Halcyon leucocephala, on a Euphorbia plant (Uganda)
Cabybara [colombia_5940] (Colombia)
Male Indian gazelle (India)
Water monitor [sabah_kinabatangan_0034] (Malaysia)
Blue, green, purple, and red fly [west-papua_5646] (Indonesia)
Douc langur (Vietnam)
Red grasshawk (Indonesia)
Green anole in Colombia (Colombia)
Manta rays (Ecuador)
Sambar deer (India)
Locust with bright orange eyes [panama_0622] (Panama)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Madagascar Bee-eater (Merops superciliosus) [madagascar_4481] (Madagascar)
Blue bull (India)
Rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa) (United States)
Several endangered baby harlequin frogs on a researcher's gloved hand (Panama)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Yellow-speckled Cleonine weevil (genus Lixus - Curculionidae family) (Madagascar)
Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata) [belize_0098] (Belize)
Black-naped Hare (Lepus nigricollis) (Sri Lanka)
Turquoise and black jumping spider [kalbar_2119] (Indonesia)
Blue-and-yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) in flight (Peru)
Orange and brown butterfly (Indonesia)
Hammerhead shark (Ecuador)
Blue and yellow Madagascar Reed Frog (Heterixalus madagascariensis) [madagascar_2150] (Madagascar)
Heliconius melpomene butterflies (0)
Mexican Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus) (Mexico)
Elephants -- tz_1778 (Tanzania)
Young orangutan (Indonesia)
Thomas' Leaf Monkey in tree (Indonesia)
Water monitor lizard (Sri Lanka)
Giant scorpion next to a man's sandal for flip-flop for scale (Indonesia)
Mother and baby orangutan on the ground (Indonesia)
Yellow snail on tree trunk (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Parrots (species?) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Multicolored dragonfly (United States)
Red Leaf-monkey (Presbytis rubicunda) -- borneo_3141 (Malaysia)
Multicolored grasshopper -- borneo_6139 (Malaysia)
Male proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0468] (Malaysia)
Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Gray Gull (Colombia)
Moth that has been invaded by a parasitic fungus (Colombia)
A cattle egret in mangrove trees in Estero Hondo Marine Sanctuary in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Gray-winged Trumpeters (Psophia crepitans) [suriname_0580] (Suriname)
Scarlet ibis [colombia_5419] (Colombia)
Red-eyed Treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas) [panama_1257] (Panama)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Neon green caterpillar in the Amazon rainforest (Colombia)
Mouse lemur [madagascar_2428] (Madagascar)
Squirrel monkey (0)
Malayan softshell turtle (Dogania subplana) (0)
Sumatran heron (Indonesia)
Hoatzin [colombia_5386] (Colombia)
Common green iguana [colombia_5163] (Colombia)
Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) [madagascar_1333] (Madagascar)
Pill millipede [sabah_tawau_0441] (Malaysia)
Monitor lizard in Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
Hammerhead sharks (Ecuador)
Collared tree lizard (Plica plica) (Colombia)
Macaw clay lick from a distance (Peru)
Madagascar crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) (Madagascar)
Frilled Leaf-tail Gecko (Uroplatus henkeli) (Madagascar)
Baby Komodo dragon atop a tree (Indonesia)
Blue-eared Kingfishers (Alcedo meninting phillipsi) [sabah_kinabatangan_0271] (Malaysia)
Clearwing butterfly [colombia_1568] (Colombia)
Crested Oropendola (Psarocolius decumanus) (Peru)
Multi-colored grasshopper (Vietnam)
Mother crowned lemur hoping for food [madagascar_4386] (Madagascar)
Hoatzin [colombia_3311] (Colombia)
Melanerpes Woodpecker [colombia_5573] (Colombia)
Lava lizard (Ecuador)
Yellow leaf-shaped katydid [costa_rica_4515] (Costa Rica)
Turtle (0)
Leaf-mimicking katydid [kalbar_1969] (Indonesia)
Transparent wing butterfly (Peru)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Green and brown cricket (Costa Rica)
Brown-throated Parakeets (Aratinga pertinax) [colombia_5688] (Colombia)
Flat-casqued Chameleon (Calumma globifer) (female) (Madagascar)
Marine iguanas (Ecuador)
White moth (Cambodia)
Domergue's Leaf Chameleon (Brookesia thieli) [madagascar_0424] (Madagascar)
Sulawesi bear cuscus (Ailurops ursinus) (Indonesia)
Blue-headed Amazon (Peru)
Hot pink and turquoise nymph of some leafhopper (Suriname)
Spider (China)
Butterfly [belize_8327] (Belize)
King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa) (0)
Elephant in Udawalawe (Sri Lanka)
Wildebeest migration (Kenya)
Dendrpsophus cf microcephala frog [co04-0936a] (Colombia)
Blue-and-yellow macaws in flight [suriname_2628] (Suriname)
Black-fronted Nunbirds (Monasa nigrifrons) (Peru)
Gaur (Cambodia)
Gray langur (India)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
African White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus) (Tanzania)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5497] (Colombia)
Saddle-billed stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) (0)
Young orphan orang-utan -- borneo_6593 (Malaysia)
Red form of Dendrobates pumilio (Panama)
Asian black chicken (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Red-eyed Treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas) [panama_1267] (Panama)
Blue-throated Bee-eater (Malaysia)
Black-chested Snake eagle (Circaetus pectoralis) (Tanzania)
Black wasp (Suriname)
Red howler monkey howling (Peru)
Cicada [costa_rica_5666] (Costa Rica)
Red frog (Dendrobates pumilio) (Panama)
Orange, metallic green, and black assassin bug [colombia_0567] (Colombia)
Male frigatebird displaying its inflated red throat pouch (Ecuador)
Neon green skipper butterfly [west-papua_5542] (Indonesia)
Marine iguana on a white sand beach (Ecuador)
American wolf (0)
Malaysian ant [sabah_tawau_0372] (Malaysia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Bernier's Striped Snake (Dromicodryas bernieri) [madagascar_5940] (Madagascar)
Madagascar ground boa (Boa madagascariensis) [madagascar_5593] (Madagascar)
Aruba island rattlesnake (Crotalus unicolor) (0)
Brown spider on its web (Colombia)
Macaque feeding on a flower (Malaysia)
Common Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) (United States)
Orange Headed Lizard (Gonatodes albogularis) (Colombia)
Male magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) (Ecuador)
Worm encased in sticks (Indonesia)
Forest dragon (Vietnam)
Ants (Peru)
Spotted dove (Spilopelia chinensis) (Sri Lanka)
Red howler monkey [colombia_5322] (Colombia)
Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur (Cheirogaleus medius) [madagascar_3466] (Madagascar)
Spectral tarsier in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Spider (Panama)
Red, orange, black, and yellow spider (Suriname)
Mantled Howler (Alouatta palliata) [costa-rica_1091] (Costa Rica)
Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) in flight over crashing surf [costa-rica_1430] (Costa Rica)
Heliconius butterfly in Santuario Otún Quimbaya (Colombia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Yellow and blue poison arrow frog (Dendrobates tinctorius) (Suriname)
Gibbon in Vietnam (Vietnam)
Centipedes (Guyana)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Red muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) (Cambodia)
Mother and baby orangutan in at tree (Indonesia)
Green grasshopper feeding on a leaf (Colombia)
0 (Malaysia)
Prasinohaemus sp. skink (Indonesia)
Black-headed Trogon (Trogon melanocephalus) (Belize)
Asian elephant in Cambodia (Cambodia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Green Mantella (Mantella viridis) (0)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Lava lizard (Ecuador)
Ruppell's Long-tailed Starling (Lamprotornis purpuropterus) (Kenya)
Blue-eyed fly [sumatra_0452] (Indonesia)
Douc langur (Vietnam)
Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Sri Lanka)
Dark gray moth with yellow markings and blue-green spots [madagascar_1622] (Madagascar)
Nephila spider (Thailand)
Orange-backed Woodpecker (Reinwardtipicus validus) eating a worm/grub/insect larvae (Malaysia)
Marine iguanas (Ecuador)
Lizard on the beach (Suriname)
Frog (Peru)
Red-eyed tree frog sitting on a greenhouse wall in Panama (Panama)
0 (Malaysia)
Prasinohaemus sp. skink [west-papua_6411] (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Black skimmer [colombia_3383] (Colombia)
Male Common Brown Lemur (Eulemur fulvus) [madagascar_1468] (Madagascar)
Genovesa island (Ecuador)
Swallowtail feeding on red flowers (United States)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
African lion -- tz_1604 (Tanzania)
Elephants in the rearview mirror (Uganda)
Green praying mantis [sabah_sepilok_0588] (Malaysia)
Spider [west-papua_0319] (Indonesia)
Red muntjac (Cambodia)
Katydid (China)
Tiger in Ranthambore (India)
Hoatzins in Peru (Peru)
Black wasp-like insect with indigo blue eyes, orange wings, and orange antenna. This robber fly or mydas fly, (Asilidae or Mydidae family) is a mimic of the Tarantula Hawk Wasp (Pepsis formosa) [costa_rica_5272] (Costa Rica)
Scarlet ibis (0)
Butterfly [colombia_5318] (Colombia)
Gal‡pagos shark (Ecuador)
Giant Leaf-tail Gecko (Uroplatus fimbriatus) [madagascar_2041] (Madagascar)
Agama lizard in Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
Scarlet ibis [colombia_5327] (Colombia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Bear Cuscus and baby (Indonesia)
Hoatzins [colombia_5071] (Colombia)
Binturong (Cambodia)
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) (Botswana)
Male and female Papuan Hornbills (Rhyticeros plicatus) in the rainforest canopy in New Guinea (Indonesia)
Volunteer taking data on leatherback sea turtle (Suriname)
Water monitor (Varanus salvator) making its way through the Borneo swamp forest (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Crowned Sifaka (Propithecus coronatus) [madagascar_2329] (Madagascar)
Changeable hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) (0)
Royal Terns (Thalasseus maximus) Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Marine iguana on a red sand beach (Ecuador)
Peacock showing off to a peahen (Sri Lanka)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Headshot of a common green iguana (Colombia)
Sri Lankan elephant (Sri Lanka)
Adult Female Proboscis Monkey in tree (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Male panther chameleon (breeding coloration) [animals_zh_059] (Madagascar)
Red-headed basilisk [colombia_3149] (Colombia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Openbill stork (Anastomus oscitans) (Sri Lanka)
Arapaima (0)
Bird (Peru)
Pygmy marmoset (0)
Sumatran heron (Indonesia)
Black weevil with orange legs (Indonesia)
Green iguana headshot [colombia_6440] (Colombia)
Common Caiman (Caiman crocodilus) [costa-rica_0277] (Costa Rica)
Common woolly monkey at a rehabiltiation center for animals trafficked for the pet trade [colombia_0856] (Colombia)
Green moth with a black body [costa_rica_4707] (Costa Rica)
0 (Malaysia)
Gecko headshot (Madagascar)
0 (Malaysia)
Chestnut-mandibled Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii) [costa_rica_4929] (Costa Rica)
Gray-winged Trumpeters (Psophia crepitans) [suriname_1284] (Suriname)
Common hill myna (Gracula religiosa) (Cambodia)
Rock hyrax feeding on alpine moss on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Madagascar giant day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) [calacad_059] (Madagascar)
Common green iguana [colombia_5083] (Colombia)
Stick insect [west-papua_5636] (Indonesia)
Elephant in Udawalawe (Sri Lanka)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Blue wildebeest or gnu (Connochaetes taurinus) (Botswana)
Manta rays (Ecuador)
Gal‡pagos sharks (Ecuador)
Sri Lankan elephants (Sri Lanka)
Bornean Bearded Pig (Sus barbatus) eating rambutan fruit (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Spiny stick insect [west-papua_6267] (Indonesia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Cane toad (Peru)
Cave rat snake (Elaphe taeniura ridleyi) grabbing a bat in flight and eating it (Malaysia)
Squirrel (China)
Cabybara [colombia_5764] (Colombia)
Impala at night (Tanzania)
Ground toad (Indonesia)
Adult female Komodo dragon (Indonesia)
African lion (Tanzania)
Blue morpho with wings closed (Peru)
Green heron (Butorides virescens) (Peru)
Green spider eating a butterfly (Panama)
Scarlet ibis [colombia_5645] (Colombia)
Horned screamer [colombia_6041] (Colombia)
Jeweled Chameleon (Furcifer campani) [male] [madagascar_0382] (Madagascar)
Eyra cat (Peru)
Removing a bird from a net during a species survey [cr_3875] (Costa Rica)
Gray frog (Dendropsophus sp) changing from tadpole to adult form (postmetamorphic) (Colombia)
Uroplatus fimbriatus gecko on Nosy Mangabe [uroplatus_fimbriatus-213] (Madagascar)
Ant nest at the best of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Large Orangutan Looking into Camera [kalimantan_0422] (Indonesia)
Group of sharks (Ecuador)
Brown anole lizard in Colombia (Colombia)
Female Crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus) [madagascar_3399] (Madagascar)
Red crabs [colombia_4138] (Colombia)
Female tiger (India)
Bufo typhonius alatus in Soberania National Park (Panama)
Spider (Vietnam)
Great Mormon (Papilio memnon) feeding on a red hibiscus [sumatra_9144] (Indonesia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0007] (Malaysia)
Owl monkey (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
Chital with fawn (India)
Mexican Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus) (Mexico)
Tiger in Cambodia (Cambodia)
Sun bear in Malaysian Borneo [sabah_sepilok_0306] (Malaysia)