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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Bananas cultivated near Bwindi park (Uganda)
Corral of Ankole Longhorn cattle (Uganda)
Old tortoise eating grass (Uganda)
Kabata trading center (Uganda)
Banded mongoose digging in a hole (Uganda)
Chimpanzee in Chumbura Gorge (Uganda)
Headshot of Ugandan tortoise (Uganda)
QENP (Uganda)
Orb spider in Uganda (underside) (Uganda)
Dung beetle in Uganda (Uganda)
African cape buffalo, egrets, and Uganda kob together on the savanna (Uganda)
Male yellow-backed weaver (Ploceus melanocephalus) (Uganda)
A pile of banded mongoose, highly social animals (Uganda)
Setting sun over the Rwenzoris on the border of Congo (Uganda)
Leaves wrapped in a spider web (Uganda)
Corn (maize) field in Uganda (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Baboons along a road in Uganda (Uganda)
Sundown over the Rwenzori mountain range in Uganda (Uganda)
Pile of logs in Uganda (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Male weaver perched on a papyrus stem (Uganda)
Setting sun over the Rwenzoris on the border of DRC (Uganda)
Power lines in Uganda (Uganda)
Grey-backed Fiscal, Lanius excubitoroides, in the savanna (Uganda)
Mating tortoises (Uganda)
The road ahead: more tea (Uganda)
Young gorilla in the underbrush at Bwindi (Uganda)
Bohor Reedbuck doe (Uganda)
Mother baboon with juvenile (Uganda)
Morning fog over Lake Nyinambuga (Uganda)
Adult baboon sitting under a tree (Uganda)
Western Uganda, looking south with smoke from a factory visible (Uganda)
Tea plantations of Uganda in the early morning (Uganda)
Inside of church near Bwindi (Uganda)
Waterbirds with a Kazinga Channel village in the background (Uganda)
Chimp in the tropical rainforest canopy (Uganda)
Butterfly (Uganda)
A day on the savanna (Uganda)
Black caterpillar with red and yellow bands, resting on a green leaf (Uganda)
Banana plantations in Uganda (Uganda)
Male Waterbuck chewing (Uganda)
Cattle traffic jam on a road in Uganda (Uganda)
Wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in Kanyanchu forest (Uganda)
Chimp feeding in a canopy tree (Uganda)
Weaver bird (Ploceus aurantius) guarding its nest (Uganda)
Sunset over the Rwenzori mountain range in Uganda (Uganda)
Red colobus monkey huddled in the canopy (Uganda)
Bwindi rainforest (Uganda)
Corn and banana plants around a Ugandan home (Uganda)
Wild chimps in a tree (Uganda)
Ugandan Woman walking with a backhoe (Uganda)
Sunset over Lake Edward and the Myewa peninsula (Uganda)
Deforestation (Uganda)
Great blue turaco (Corythaeola cristata) (Uganda)
Tortoise feeding on grass (Uganda)
View of the Rwenzoris (Uganda)
Jackfruit in Uganda (Uganda)
Lake flies in an orb spider's web (Uganda)
Orange skipper butterfly (Uganda)
Woodland kingfisher (Halcyon senegalensis) perched in a tree (Uganda)
Great blue turaco (Corythaeola cristata) in a tree (Uganda)
Pale orange butterfly with black and white markings (Uganda)
Black and yellow honey bee (Uganda)
Malachite Kingfisher (Alcedo cristata) on a papyrus stalk (Uganda)
Stacked logs in Uganda (Uganda)
Pair of olive baboon (Papio anubis) (Uganda)
UN pickup truck (Uganda)
Elephants at daybreak (Uganda)
Tea plants growing near the border of Bwindi (Uganda)
Giant forest hogs (Uganda)
View toward Queen Elizabeth NP, with lake George in the background (Uganda)
Grey-headed kingfisher, Halcyon leucocephala, in flight (Uganda)
Eastern Black & White Colobus Monkeys (Colobus guereza) (Uganda)
Headshot of Acanthocerus atricollis (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Vines covering tree trunk in Bwindi forest (Uganda)
Sunset over the Rwenzoris on the border of DRC (Uganda)
Unknown egg case, seed, or flower -- pink and orange in color -- in the jungle of Uganda (Uganda)
Stacked wood along a road in Uganda (Uganda)
Pack of giant forest hogs (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni) (Uganda)
A group of young waterbuck crossing a dirt road in Uganda (Uganda)
Tea plantation (Uganda)
Uniformed kids on their way homefrom school (Uganda)
Pair of Rhino feeding in captivity (Uganda)
Black and White Colobus Monkey (Colobus guereza) (Uganda)
Wood along a road in Uganda (Uganda)
Wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in Kanyanchu forest (Uganda)
Palm-nut Vulture, Gypohierax angolensis, atop a Euphorbia plant (Uganda)
Charcoal being sold along the highway (Uganda)
Road construction equipment and vehicles in Uganda (Uganda)
Patas Monkey (Erythrocebus patas) in captivity (Uganda)
Gray agama lizard (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children singing and dancing near Bwindi Park (Uganda)
Gorilla porters at Bwindi (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans dancing (Uganda)
Pied Kingfisher, Ceryle rudis, with a fish in its mouth (Uganda)
Black and white worm on a plant stem (Uganda)
Tea plantations and secondary tropical forest (Uganda)
Orange skipper butterfly (Uganda)
African blue-flycatcher (Elminia longicauda) (Uganda)
Headshot of Shoebill (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children singing and dancing (Uganda)
Wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in Kanyanchu forest (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans singing and dancing (Uganda)
Hundreds of butterflies gathered on elephant droppings (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Wild chimp high in the forest canopy (Uganda)
Dominant male baboon walking on a dirt road in Uganda (Uganda)
Wild chimp with fruit "lipstick" (Uganda)
Chamaeleo ellioti (Uganda)
Armed park guard in Bwindi (Uganda)
Highway in Western Uganda near Kasese (Uganda)
Dominant male gorilla showing his silverback (Uganda)
Looking south along the Rwenzori mountains towards Queen Elizabeth National Park (Uganda)
Mother baboon protecting baby (Uganda)
A group of waterbuck crossing a dirt road (Uganda)
Black and white butterfly (Uganda)
Lion lounging in a tree (Uganda)
Sunset over the Rwenzori mountain range on the border of DR Congo and Uganda (Uganda)
Adult male gorilla feeding (Uganda)
Running olive baboon (Uganda)
Gorilla dance by Bwindi orphans (Uganda)
Tea workers in the early morning in western Uganda (Uganda)
Chamaeleo ellioti (Uganda)
Chambura Gorge in Queen Elizabeth National Park (Uganda)
Fishermen on the Kazinga Channel heading out to Lake Edward (Uganda)
Men pushing bananas to market (Uganda)
Male Waterbuck chewing (Uganda)
Chimpanzee in the rain forest canopy (Uganda)
Colorful caterpillars eating rainforest vegetation (Uganda)
Hippo with head peaking out of water (Uganda)
Construction equipment in Uganda (Uganda)
Elephants crossing road at sunrise (Uganda)
Pair of Pied Kingfishers, one holding a minnow in its beak (Uganda)
White flowers (Uganda)
Wild chimp in the canopy (Uganda)
Dung beetles on the forest floor (Uganda)
Iridescent flies feasting on animal droppings (Uganda)
Birds in flight over QENP (Uganda)
Wild chimp high in the tropical forest canopy (Uganda)
Uganda kob (Adenota kob thomasi) mating (Uganda)
Orange butterfly landing on a vine leaf (Uganda)
Leaves in the rainforest (Uganda)
Tea leaves (Uganda)
Red Acacia flower (Uganda)
Uganda kob (Adenota kob thomasi) getting frisky (Uganda)
Cultivated corn in Africa (Uganda)
Cloud of flying lake flies (Uganda)
Pair of Rhino in captivity (Uganda)
Fisherman on the Kazinga Channel at daybreak (Uganda)
Fish eagle, elephant, hippos in the same frame (Uganda)
Dark brown to black butterfly with purple, red, and pale yellow markings (Uganda)
Masses of lake flies near Lake Victoria (Uganda)
Immature blue turaco (Corythaeola cristata) (Uganda)
Gorilla dance performed by Bwindi orphans (Uganda)
Chimpanzee in the tropical rainforest canopy (Uganda)
Tiny red beetles with clear insect eggs (Uganda)
Deforestation in Uganda. Forest has been replaced by savanna (Uganda)
Small yellow flowers emerging from a rock (Uganda)
Sunset over the Rwenzori mountain range on the border of DRC (Uganda)
View from Ndali lodge toward QENP (Uganda)
Orange flowers on a shrub (Uganda)
Road construction in Uganda (Uganda)
Male copper sunbird (Uganda)
Cape buffalo standing in the shallows along the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Pale orange butterfly on a dead leaf (Uganda)
White and pink flower (Uganda)
Woman at a roadside fruitstand (back turned) (Uganda)
Hillside clearing for agriculture (Uganda)
Patas Monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) (Uganda)
Olive baboon in a Abyssinian Erythrina Tree (Erythrina abyssinica) (Uganda)
Red-tailed monkey (Cercopithecus ascanius) with red tail visible (Uganda)
Lakes flies in the Entebbe Botanical gardens (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children singing and dancing (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Deforestation in Uganda. (Uganda)
Male copper sunbird (Cinnyris cuprea) (Uganda)
Hamerkop (Scopus umbretta) wading in duckweed (Uganda)
Red-headed caterpillar on small ferns (Uganda)
Bwindi Volcanoes Lodge (Uganda)
School children on a field in Uganda (Uganda)
Long-horned bull (Ankole Longhorn breed) (Uganda)
Red-necked Francolin in grass (Uganda)
Western Uganda, looking south (Uganda)
Butterflies gathering on elephant dung (Uganda)
Waves of lake flies in the air (Uganda)
Kabata trading center (Uganda)
Cattle in the road in Uganda (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Male Silverback (Uganda)
Euphorbia forest in QENP, western Uganda (Uganda)
Wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in Kanyanchu forest (Uganda)
Black, white, orange, and yellow caterpillars eating rainforest plants (Uganda)
Wild chimp with green fruit in its mouth (Uganda)
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) (Uganda)
Black millipede curled around a blade of grass (Uganda)
Male elephant in the bush (Uganda)
Kids paddling a fishing canoe (Uganda)
Red-headed caterpillar (Uganda)
Roots of a strangler fig surrounding a canopy tree (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans drumming during a performance (Uganda)
Mother vervet with baby (Uganda)
Dark sunset (Uganda)
African crowned crane from East Africa (Uganda)
Tortoise orgy (Uganda)
Ferns (Uganda)
Yellow dragonfly resting on a vine's leaf (Uganda)
Elder's tree in Africa (Uganda)
Running waterbuck (Uganda)
Aroused Uganda kob (Uganda)
Vieillot's black weaver nesting (Uganda)
Iridescent flies feasting on animal waste (Uganda)
Wild chimp feeding in the canopy (Uganda)
Grey-headed kingfisher in flight (Uganda)
Maramagambo forest and Lake Edward (Uganda)
Orange weaver bird guarding its nest (Uganda)
Uganda's beautiful and diverse butterflies in the grill of our Land Rover (Uganda)
Black and white butterfly on a dead flower (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children singing and dancing (Uganda)
Deforestation in Uganda (Uganda)
Chimp feeding in a canopy tree (Uganda)
Bird with black back, red chest, and heavy white beak (Uganda)
Waterfall walk at Bwindi (Uganda)
Ugandan countryside with Rwenzoris (Uganda)
Orb spider (Uganda)
Bwindi rain forest (Uganda)
Cultivated maize in Africa (Uganda)
Malachite Kingfisher (Alcedo cristata) in a papyrus swamp (Uganda)
Green fruit (Uganda)
Sundown over the Rwenzoris (Uganda)
Planting tea (Uganda)
Tomatoes stacked in a roadside fruitstand (Uganda)
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in canopy (Uganda)
Leaves views from below (Uganda)
Pair of Rhino in captivity (Uganda)
Banana hut (Uganda)
Tree-climbing lion of Isasha climbing out of a tree (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Road construction in Uganda (Uganda)
Chimp tracking guide holding a fallen rainforest fruit in Ndali forest (Uganda)
Deforested hills near Bwindi (Uganda)
Black and white and gray bird (Uganda)
Wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in Kanyanchu forest (Uganda)
Blue-eyed grey crowned crane (Uganda)
Chamaeleo ellioti (Uganda)
Men bringing goods to market (Uganda)
Pair of Rhinoceros feeding in captivity (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agama (Uganda)
Pair of orange weaver birds nesting (Uganda)
Male orange weaver bird (Uganda)
Workers on a terraced tea plantation (Uganda)
Clouds over the Rwenzoris (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans, some of whom lost their parents to AIDS, singing (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans, some of whom lost their parents to AIDS, dancing (Uganda)
Bwindi children drumming during a performance (Uganda)
Mweya lodge (Uganda)
Butterflies feeding on minerals in the soil (Uganda)
Early morning on the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Waves stirring up sediment in Lake Victoria (Uganda)
Chimpanzee feeding in a canopy tree (Uganda)
Elliot's Chameleon (Chamaeleo ellioti) resting on a person's finger (Uganda)
Ugandan tortoise (Uganda)
Traffic on a rural Ugandan road (Uganda)
Olive baboon playing with a tree branch (Uganda)
African elephant (Uganda)
Adult male kob (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in Kanyanchu forest (Uganda)
Water quality sign - developing countries (Uganda)
Bird with black back, red chest, and heavy white beak (a type of seedcracker? Or barbet) (Uganda)
Loaded truck on a highway in Uganda (Uganda)
Sexually excited male Uganda kob (Adenota kob thomasi) (Uganda)
Female baboon sitting alongside a dirt road (Uganda)
Deforested hillside in Uganda (Uganda)
Pair of Rhinoceros in captivity (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Tree ferns (Uganda)
Tea plantations of the Fort Portal area in the early morning (Uganda)
Savanna (Uganda)
Green caterpillar on a red background (Uganda)
Aqua and black butterfly found on our car windshield (Uganda)
Pair of Pied Kingfishers, Ceryle rudis, sharing a fish (Uganda)
Vine covered trees (Uganda)
Cleared hills (Uganda)
Waves breaking on a Lake Victoria beach (Uganda)
Sunset over the Rwenzori mountain range in Uganda (Uganda)
Black and white colobus Monkey (Colobus guereza) in treetop (Uganda)
Branches used as traffic barriers (Uganda)
Red-billed quela (Quela quela) flock (Uganda)
Equator in Uganda, Land Rover in background (Uganda)
Eastern Bwindi gorilla (Uganda)
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park boundary (Uganda)
Mass of hippos and buffalo in the Kazinga channel (Uganda)
Stacks of charcoal in Kampala (Uganda)
Male Yellow-backed weaver (Uganda)
Warthog with guinea fowl (Uganda)
Hadeda ibis (Bostrychia hagedash) in a tree (Uganda)
Black and white colobus Monkey (Colobus guereza) in treetop (Uganda)
Red "banana" flower (Uganda)