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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Butterfly (Uganda)
Brown skink with stripes (Uganda)
Aggressive cape buffalo with grass hanging out of its mouth (Uganda)
Many hippos in the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Typical home in rural Uganda (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Blue, green, and black sunbird (species unknown) (Uganda)
Male orange weaver (Ploceus aurentius) on a papyrus plant (Uganda)
Butterflies feeding on dung on the forest floor (Uganda)
Black millipede climbing on plant stem (Uganda)
Ugandan tortoise on a lawn (Uganda)
Savanna with elephants and the Rwenzori montains faintly visible in the distance (Uganda)
Chimpazee feeding on canopy tree fruit (Uganda)
Rain forest hills of Bwindi (Uganda)
African pied wagtail perched on a wall (Uganda)
Grey crowned cranes near a savanna waterhole (Uganda)
African elephant emerging from vegetation (Uganda)
Lake Nyinambuga reflecting clouds (Uganda)
African sunrise (Uganda)
Closeup of Acanthocerus atricollis (Uganda)
Black-headed heron (Ardea melanocephala) [headshot] (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group (Uganda)
Cape buffalos (Syncerus caffer) with hippos in the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Ugandan tea plantation (Uganda)
Belenois creona butterflies feeding on minerals and moisture in a dirt road (Uganda)
Butterfly-like moth (Uganda)
Hadida ibis in a tree (Uganda)
Male vervet monkey in a tree (Uganda)
Public transport van in Uganda (Uganda)
Kids and mothers along the highway in Uganda (Uganda)
Mother with baby hippo (Uganda)
Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus), an antelope that is found in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Uganda)
Black, white, orange, and yellow caterpillars (Uganda)
Wild chimpanzee in the canopy (Uganda)
Red-necked Francolin (Francolinus afer) (Uganda)
Devil's flower mantis (Idolomantis diabolica) (Uganda)
Colorful butterflies surround every pothole puddle for miles along this stretch of road in Uganda (Uganda)
Mother vervet monkey with young (Uganda)
Mountain near Kasese with corn fields in foreground (Uganda)
Chumbura gorge (Uganda)
Pair of olive baboon (Papio anubis) in a tree (Uganda)
African elephant approaching our vehicle (Uganda)
Green-eyed great cormorant (Uganda)
Corruption Is deadly, Stop it sign (Uganda)
Cultivated lands in western Uganda, with Rwenzories as a backdrop (Uganda)
Sunset over Lake Edward, shadows of Euphorbia trees in the foreground (Uganda)
Outdoor classroom in Uganda (Uganda)
Clouded sunrise in western Uganda (Uganda)
Dung scarab in Uganda (Uganda)
Olive baboon in a coral tree (Uganda)
Cultivated countryside in western Uganda (Uganda)
100-foot waterfall in Bwindi (Uganda)
Leaf-mimicking butterfly (Uganda)
Buttress roots of rainforest tree in Uganda (Uganda)
Helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) hidden among savanna grass (Uganda)
Church near Bwindi (Uganda)
Two-headed kop -- apparent (Uganda)
Boy tending cattle (Uganda)
Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex), a stork-like bird (Uganda)
Blue-headed coucal, Centropus monachus, in a bush (Uganda)
Mother hippo with baby along the banks of the Kazinga channel (Uganda)
Orb spider - belly side (Uganda)
Tree at sunset (Uganda)
Tree fall in the Ugandan jungle (Uganda)
African elephant charging us (Uganda)
A grassy hill with forest, banana plantations, and the Rwenzori mountains in the background (Uganda)
Bohor Reedbuck (Redunca redunca) doe (Uganda)
Juvenile Montane Side-striped Chameleon (Chamaeleo ellioti) on a man's arm (Uganda)
Blue and black wasp (Uganda)
Bright red flowers of the Coral Tree (Erythrina abyssinica) (Uganda)
Agama lizard in Uganda (Uganda)
Sunbird on a red flower (Uganda)
African elephant emerging from a bush (Uganda)
Edge of Bwindi National Park (Uganda)
Setting sun over the Rwenzori mountain range on the border of DR Congo and Uganda (Uganda)
The spledidly colored Blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Ugandan kob hanging out in the savanna (Uganda)
Black, white, and red caterpillar (Uganda)
Vendor carrying his goods on a bike which he is pushing uphill along a highway in Uganda (Uganda)
Cultivated hillsides in Uganda (Uganda)
Orange and brown butterfly (Uganda)
Wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in Kanyanchu forest (Uganda)
Giant African Forest Hog (Uganda)
Men pushing bicycles laden with bananas towards the market (Uganda)
Green bush viper in Kibale Forest (Uganda)
Goliath heron, Ardea goliath, along the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Laundry hung out to dry in a village in Uganda (Uganda)
An appropriate sign in Queen Elizabeth (Uganda)
Long-crested Eagle, Lophaetus occipitalis (Uganda)
Woman tending a roadside fruit stall (Uganda)
Green dragonfly with dark wings (Uganda)
Tea plants in Uganda (Uganda)
Gorilla arm appearing out of vegetation while grasping a plant shoot (Uganda)
Great cormorants, Pink-backed pelicans, Great white pelicans, Little egret, yellow-billed storks on a beach (Uganda)
Marabou stork (Leptoptilos crumeniferus) in flight (Uganda)
Young wild chimp in the forest canopy (Uganda)
Villagers working on their fishing boat (Uganda)
Hundreds of Belenois creona (the African Caper) butterflies feeding on a pile of elephant dung (Uganda)
Flock of Grey crowned cranes (Balearica regulorum) feeding near a waterhole (Uganda)
Savanna ecosystem of QENP (Uganda)
Elephants at water's edge (Uganda)
Little Egret, Egretta garzetta (Uganda)
Adult male vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) in a tree (Uganda)
Man with bicylce waiting by the highway (Uganda)
Helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) running (Uganda)
Pair of Helmeted guineafowl on a dirt road (Uganda)
Swarms of lake flies in Entebbe Botanical Gardens (Uganda)
Large flock of African skimmers (Rhynchops flavirostris) over the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Sunrise over the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
The Rwenzori mountains on the border of Uganda and Congo (Uganda)
Group of hippos in the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Yellow-billed Stork, Mycteria ibis, along the Kazinga channel (Uganda)
Orange dragonfly (Uganda)
Setting sun in Africa (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Three tortoises getting friendly (Uganda)
Pelicans, cormorants, and other birds on a sandbar in the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Eastern Black and White Colobus Monkeys (Colobus guereza) in the canopy (Uganda)
Children learning traditional tribal songs and dances (Uganda)
Guide swining on a rainforest vine (Uganda)
Dark brown cricket on the forest floor in Uganda (Uganda)
Red fruit with white stripes (Uganda)
Black and White Colobus Monkey (Colobus guereza) (Uganda)
Black millipede balled up (Uganda)
Clouds of lake flies on the edge of Lake Victoria (Uganda)
Tan stick insect on a green leaf (Uganda)
African pied wagtail, Motacilla aguimp (black and white bird with a long tail) (Uganda)
Brown bird, perhaps a flycatcher (Uganda)
Climbing tree lion (Uganda)
Wild chmpanzees in the forest canopy (Uganda)
Women and children dressed up and walking home from church on a Sunday in Uganda (Uganda)
Brown insect on a leaf (Uganda)
Truck fish market -- pickup delivering fish in Uganda (Uganda)
Woodland kingfisher perched in a tree (Uganda)
Giant forest hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni), the world's largest pig (Uganda)
Great cormorants (Uganda)
Sunrise over the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Male waterbuck (Uganda)
Fishermen headed out to Lake Edward (Uganda)
Tourists walking uphill to find gorillas (Uganda)
Euphorbia plants (Uganda)
Many waterbirds on the shore of Lake Edward (Uganda)
Valley of the gorillas -- where we located the silverback (Uganda)
Children walking along a highway in Uganda (Uganda)
Butterflies feeding on dung on the forest floor (Uganda)
Looking across the savanna at the Rwenzoris (Uganda)
Tea workers on a hillside plantation (Uganda)
Rwenzori mountain range at sundown (Uganda)
Tree climbing lion of Ishasha asleep in a Ficus tree (Uganda)
Idolomantis diabolica mantis (Uganda)
Wild chimp feeding in the canopy of Chumbura gorge in Uganda (Uganda)
Black and yellow butterfly (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis), viewed from the back (Uganda)
Gull-billed terns, great cormorants, great white pelicans, and pink-backed pelicans (Uganda)
Street in Kampala (Uganda)
Workers among tea plants (Uganda)
Falling sun in Africa (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Small waterfall on "waterfall walk" at Bwindi (Uganda)
Grey-headed kingfisher, Halcyon leucocephala (Uganda)
Tea workers on a plantation (Uganda)
Hills and banana plantations (Uganda)
Cinnamon-chested bee-eater (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Slug in the rain (Uganda)
Tall palm trees in the Entebbe Botanical Gardens (Uganda)
Homes in rural Uganda (Uganda)
Orange home with red roof (Uganda)
Men bringing corn to market (Uganda)
Orb spider - viewed from the back (Uganda)
Mother vervet monkey with offspring (Uganda)
Crater lake at Ndali lodge (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans singing (Uganda)
Lake Nyinambuga (Uganda)
Construction equipment in Uganda (Uganda)
Tilapia in a pond (Uganda)
Pied Kingfishers, Ceryle rudis (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Brown lizard (Uganda)
Lake Nyinambuga in late afternoon (Uganda)
Canopy tree with buttress roots (Uganda)
Blue bird with a moderately long tail (African blue-flycatcher?) (Uganda)
Cape buffalo eating (Uganda)
Great White Egret (Ardea alba), a wading egret (Uganda)
Ugandan countryside with Rwenzori mountains in background (Uganda)
Redtail Monkey (Cercopithecus ascanius) (Uganda)
Male Yellow-backed weaver (Ploceus melanocephalus) on grass (Uganda)
Fuschia and pink flowers (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children singing and dancing (Uganda)
Western Uganda, towards the Rwenzoris (Uganda)
Orange flowers (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children singing and dancing (Uganda)
Crowned hornbill in treetop (Uganda)
Elephant using its trunk to feed (Uganda)
Safari road through Euphorbia forest (Uganda)
Infant eastern gorilla feeding on plant shoots (Uganda)
Bwindi children, many of whom are AIDS orphans, singing and dancing (Uganda)
Pair of Cinnamon-chested bee-eaters (Merops oreobates) (Uganda)
Ugandan countryside - bananas and maize (Uganda)
Wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in Kanyanchu forest (Uganda)
Pelicans and cormorants on the shore of Lake Edward (Uganda)
African crowned crane (Uganda)
Sunset with cactus in the foreground (Uganda)
Downtown Kampala (Uganda)
Turtle orgy (Uganda)
Black and yellow butterflies gathered on elephant dung (Uganda)
Giant African Forest Hog (Uganda)
Ugandan kob humping (Uganda)
Great blue turaco (Corythaeola cristata) in a treetop (Uganda)
Butterfly on dark green leaf (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children singing and dancing (Uganda)
Vieillot's black weaver perched near a nest (Uganda)
Pair of Crowned hornbill (Tockus alboterminatus) in treetop (Uganda)
Maize in Africa (Uganda)
Tree ferns and forest in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (Uganda)
Boy tending Ankole Longhorn cattle (Uganda)
Bird on cactus (Uganda)
Male copper sunbird (Cinnyris cuprea) feeding on yellow flower (Uganda)
Red fruits (Uganda)
Buttress roots (Uganda)
Pair of tortoises (Uganda)
Sunrise (Uganda)
Pair of Helmeted guinea fowl walking on a dirt road (Uganda)
African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer) (Uganda)
Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) in grass (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Female Bohor Reedbuck (Uganda)
Kids along a highway in Uganda (Uganda)
Chamaeleo ellioti (Uganda)
Woodland kingfisher in flight (blurred) (Uganda)
Tea plantations of Fort Portal in the early morning (Uganda)
Young captive chimp (Uganda)
Chambura Gorge (Uganda)
Red-necked Francolin (Uganda)
Butterflies gathered on the edge of a puddle (Uganda)
Male Yellow-backed weaver (Ploceus melanocephalus) eating a seed (Uganda)
Pair of African crowned cranes (Uganda)
Truck full of people (Uganda)
Dark brown to black butterfly with purple, red, and pale yellow markings showing its light brown underwings (Uganda)
Grey-headed kingfisher flying (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Construction equipment in Uganda (Uganda)
Three tortoises getting frisky (Uganda)
Montane Side-striped Chameleon (Chamaeleo ellioti) with eye looking in reverse (Uganda)
Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) with a cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) on its back (Uganda)
Ankole Longhorn cattle along the highway (Uganda)
AIDS orphans singing and dancing (Uganda)
Sunset by Lake Nyinambuga (Uganda)
Raptor in flight over a crater lake (Uganda)
Pair of Pied Kingfishers, one taking flight (Uganda)
Cactus with Rwenzoris as a backdrop (Uganda)
Electrical power lines at sunrise in Uganda (Uganda)
View of canopy from below. Looking up at epiphytes and lianas (Uganda)
Wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in Kanyanchu forest (Uganda)
Pair of Rhino in captivity (Uganda)
Man pushing a grass-laden bicycle uphill (Uganda)
Black and yellow butterflies gathered on elephant waste (Uganda)
Chumbura gorge fig tree camp (Uganda)
Pied Kingfisher, Ceryle rudis, on a log (Uganda)
Shelter near tea plantation (Uganda)
Green mangos (Uganda)
Lake Nyinambuga, view at lake level (Uganda)
Male weaver building a nest in a papyrus plant (Uganda)
Red tail Monkey (Cercopithecus ascanius) (Uganda)
Green grasshopper on blade of grass (Uganda)
Black and White Colobus Monkey (Colobus guereza) (Uganda)
Sunset over the Rwenzori mountain range in western Uganda (Uganda)
Shoebill in swamp (Uganda)
Raptor in a savanna tree (Uganda)
Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) (Uganda)
Domestic bull in Uganda (Uganda)
Downtown Kampala (Uganda)
Great blue turaco (Corythaeola cristata) in a tree (Uganda)
Rhett with bug in eye (Uganda)
Uganda's beautiful and diverse butterfly fauna in the grill of our Land Rover (Uganda)
Home among banana plants (Uganda)
Papyrus in a swamp (Uganda)
Ploceus aurantius guarding its nest (Uganda)
Pair of giant forest hogs (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni) (Uganda)
Headshot of a pair of grey crowned cranes (Uganda)
Hyena asleep (Uganda)
Tourist in search of gorillas (Uganda)
Young Bwindi gorilla (Uganda)
The Equator in Uganda (Uganda)
Young tobacco plants in Africa (Uganda)
Looking beyond Bwindi park (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Cloud of lake flies in flight (Uganda)
Olive baboon gnawing on a stick (Uganda)
Male cape buffalo in profile (Uganda)
Chimps (Uganda)
Chamaeleo ellioti (Uganda)
Ugandan tortoise (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Black and yellow butterflies (Belenois creona) gathered on elephant droppings (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Man carrying petrol on his bicycle (Uganda)
Warthog visible through the sananna grass of QENP (Uganda)
Baboons on a dirt road (Uganda)