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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Silverback Bwindi gorilla (Uganda)
Cinnamon-chested bee-eater (Merops oreobates) (Uganda)
Pair of Helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) (Uganda)
Euphorbia forest in Uganda (Uganda)
Male waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) feeding on canopy fruit (Uganda)
Pair of Grey crowned cranes "kissing" (Uganda)
Maroon and white vine flower (Uganda)
Euphorbia trees on the savanna (Uganda)
African Fish Eagle, Haliaeetus vocifer (Uganda)
Uganda kob "kissing" (Uganda)
Savanna of Queen Elizabeth National Park (Uganda)
Cape buffalo and hippo in the Kazinga channel (Uganda)
In search of gorillas in Bwindi (Uganda)
Tea plantation on the rolling hills of Uganda (Uganda)
Eastern Black and White Colobus Monkeys (Uganda)
Tree climbing lion (Panthera leo) (Uganda)
Red-orange flowers (Uganda)
Ancient Leopard Tortoise (Geochelone pardalis) (Uganda)
Yellow weavers at breakfast (Uganda)
Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Charging hippo (Uganda)
Swarms of lake flies in a garden near Lake Victoria (Uganda)
Colorful butterflies feeding on minerals in a dirt road (Uganda)
Rainforest in Chambura Gorge (Uganda)
Green bush viper (Atheris species) (Uganda)
Tea plantation lying at the foot of Bwindi rain forest (Uganda)
A serious case of blue balls on a Male vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) (Uganda)
Egyptian Goose, Alopochen aegyptiacus (Uganda)
Agricultural land outside Bwindi park (Uganda)
Malachite Kingfisher (Alcedo cristata) (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Woodland kingfisher (Halcyon senegalensis) perched on a branch (Uganda)
Serval cat (Leptailurus serval) (Uganda)
Red wasp feeding on white flowers (Uganda)
Headshot of the colorful blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Bwindi children, many of whom are AIDS orphans, performing traditional songs and dances (Uganda)
African fish eagle (Uganda)
Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) (Uganda)
Lake Kyemengo in western Uganda (Uganda)
Great blue turaco (Corythaeola cristata) in a treetop (Uganda)
Eastern gorilla (Gorilla gorilla sp) in Bwindi (Uganda)
Silverback Bwindi gorilla (headshot) (Uganda)
Warthog feeding from its knees (Uganda)
Lake Nyinambuga, a crater lake in western Uganda (Uganda)
Great cormorants, Pink-backed pelicans, Great white pelicans on a Lake Edward/Kazinga Channel beach (Uganda)
Great White Pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus) (Uganda)
Young vervet monkey standing upright (Uganda)
Black and yellow butterfly (Uganda)
Orange and black butterfly in Uganda (Uganda)
Rainforest tree leaf (Uganda)
Sun peaking out from under some clouds above the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Mountain near Kasese in Western Uganda (Uganda)
Female Blue-headed Tree Agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Haze rising in the western Uganadan countryside with the Rwenzori mountains in the background (Uganda)
Juvenile Elliott's Chameleon (Uganda)
Fast-flowing creek forming the border of Bwindi park (Uganda)
African elephant charging toward us (Uganda)
Tea workers (Uganda)
Chimp tracking guide holding a fallen rainforest fruit (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children singing and dancing (Uganda)
Warthog running (Uganda)
Sundown over the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
African fish eagle (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Climbing tree lion of Ishasha (Uganda)
Orange and black butterfly on a blade of grass (Uganda)
Large hippo (Uganda)
Large African elephant (Loxodonta africana) (Uganda)
Long-crested Eagle, Lophaetus occipitalis, perched on a tree stump (Uganda)
Waterfall in Bwindi (Uganda)
Elephant with baby emerging from vegetation (Uganda)
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) in a group of mongoose (Uganda)
Elephant in the late afternoon with the Rwenzori mountains in the background (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Elephants at sunrise (Uganda)
Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) drying its wings in the sun (Uganda)
Sunset over the Rwenzori mountain range on the border of Congo and Uganda (Uganda)
Elliot's Chameleon (Chamaeleo ellioti), close headshot (Uganda)
Olive baboon (Papio anubis) (Uganda)
Blue, violet, and purple fly with red eyes (Uganda)
Sleeping tree lion (Uganda)
Pair of African crowned cranes (Balearica regulorum) (Uganda)
Sunrise in QENP (Uganda)
Moon emerging from clouds (Uganda)
Clouds silhouetted by morning sun (Uganda)
Tracking chimps in the jungles of Kibale forest in Uganda (Uganda)
Closeup on an orb spider (Uganda)
Towards the Rwenzori mountains (Uganda)
Sunrise over Lake Edward with the Rwenzoris in the background (Uganda)
Tortoises mating on a lawn (Uganda)
Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) with its mouth slightly agape (Uganda)
Canopy trees in the forest of Bwindi (Uganda)
Sun rising over the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Orange African sunset over Lake Edward (Uganda)
Hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) in the shallows of the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer). Locally known as Jobi (Luo), Nyati (Swahili), Embogo (Luganda), or Ekosobwan (Ateso) (Uganda)
Clown worm (Uganda)
Blue-headed Tree Agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) on a tree trunk (Uganda)
Green bush viper (Atheris species) in Kibale Forest (Uganda)
Deforestation along the road in Uganda (Uganda)
Ugandans walking home from church on a Sunday (Uganda)
Male waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus), an antelope found in Western, Central Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa. (Uganda)
Woodland kingfisher (Halcyon senegalensis) perched on a branch (Uganda)
African skimmers (Rhynchops flavirostris) on a beach along the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Brown skink with white spots (Uganda)
Captive chimpazee in Uganda (Uganda)
African fish eagle, Haliaeetus vocifer (Uganda)
Lion resting in a Ficus tree (Uganda)
Black green and white grasshopper in Uganda (Uganda)
Yellow-billed Stork, Mycteria ibis (Uganda)
African fish eagle perched in a thorn bush (Uganda)
Hundreds of cormorants and pelicans gathered on a sanbar (Uganda)
Empty market stalls outside of Kasese (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Black-headed Heron (Ardea melanocephala) atop a Euphorbia plant (Uganda)
Tan and orange butterfly feeding on bird droppings (Uganda)
Sun rising over Euphorbia plants (Uganda)
Elephants crossing road at short range (Uganda)
Closeup on a hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) in the shallows of the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Male Vieillot's black weaver (Ploceus nigerrimus) nest building (Uganda)
Charging African elephant (Uganda)
Lake Kyemengo, with buffalo on the short (Uganda)
African fish eagle in flight (Uganda)
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo), a social animal (Uganda)
Green flower (Uganda)
Euphorbia plant at daybreak (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Cape buffalo feeding on reeds in the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Male blue-headed agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) on a tree (Uganda)
Elliot's Chameleon (Chamaeleo ellioti) on a plant leaf (Uganda)
Eastern Mountain gorilla (Uganda)
Critically endangered Mountain gorilla in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)
Male cape buffalo with head raised (Uganda)
Green bush viper (Atheris sp) in Kibale (Uganda)
Tea plantations of western Uganda in the early morning (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children singing and dancing (Uganda)
Eastern Mountain gorilla in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (Uganda)
Extreme closeup on an orb spider (Uganda)
Green Tree Agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Critically endangered mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in the Bwindi jungle (Uganda)
Fishing village along the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Approaching elephant (Uganda)
Grey-headed kingfisher, Halcyon leucocephala, on a Euphorbia plant (Uganda)
Rwenzori mountains in western Uganda (Uganda)
Elephants in the rearview mirror (Uganda)
Agricultural lands lying before the Rwenzori mountain range in western Uganda (Uganda)
Hundreds of butterflies feeding on elephant dung (Uganda)
Green caterpillar with dark green and black stripes (Uganda)
Critically endangered Eastern Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)
Flock of African skimmers (Rhynchops flavirostris) on the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Butterfly (Uganda)
Mountain gorilla (Uganda)
Butterflies gathering to feed on elephant dung (Uganda)
Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)
Black and white colobus Monkey (Colobus guereza) in treetop (Uganda)
Blue-headed coucal, Centropus monachus (Uganda)
Gorilla tracking guide in Bwindi (Uganda)
Rapids in a stream on the border of Bwindi park (Uganda)
Sacred ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) (Uganda)
African skimmers on a beach along the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Ugandan mountain gorilla (Uganda)
Elephant feeding in the late afternoon (Uganda)
Bwindi gorilla hanging from a tree (Uganda)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) (Uganda)
Elephants in the rearview mirror (Uganda)
Critically endangered Eastern Mountain gorilla in the Bwindi jungle (Uganda)
Critically endangered mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)
African elephant (Loxodonta africana) (Uganda)
Herd of elephants crossing a road at sunrise (Uganda)
Critically endangered Eastern Mountain gorilla in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)
Mountain gorilla in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)
Blue-headed agamid (Uganda)
Buffalo, pelicans, cormorants on a sandbar in the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Giant hippo (Uganda)
Cape buffalo in the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Silverback feeding while seated in leafy vegetation (Uganda)
Flock of Grey crowned crane (Balearica regulorum) on the African savanna (Uganda)
Hanging caterpillar (Uganda)
Hamerkop (Scopus umbretta) wading in duckweed (Uganda)
Cape buffalo approach on the savanna (Uganda)
Crowned hornbill (Tockus alboterminatus) (Uganda)
Fishing village along the Kazinga Channel across from the Mweya Peninsula (Uganda)
Agamid lizard (Uganda)
Pair of African fish eagles, Haliaeetus vocifer (Uganda)
Blue-headed Tree Agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) on a tree trunk (Uganda)
Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Uganda (Uganda)
Warthog sleeping on grass (Uganda)
Black, blue and white butterfly in Uganda (Uganda)
Mountain gorilla in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (Uganda)
Kazinga Fishing village in QENP across from the Mweya Peninsula (Uganda)
Mountain gorilla in Uganda (Uganda)
White flower in the rain forest (Uganda)
Ugandan home with tea plantation in the background (Uganda)
Tea plantations with native forest in the distance (Uganda)
Black segmented millipede on grass (Uganda)
Eastern Mountain gorilla in Bwindi (Uganda)
Looking south towards Queen Elizabeth National Park (Uganda)
Black and yellow orb spider (Uganda)
Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) (Uganda)
Goliath heron, Ardea goliath, in Uganda (Uganda)
Eastern Mountain gorilla in Uganda (Uganda)
Olive baboon (Papio anubis) in a tree (Uganda)
Hundreds of yellow and black butterflies feeding on minerals and moisture in a pile of elephant dung (Uganda)
Woodland kingfisher (Uganda)
Tea of western Uganda in the early morning (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) (Uganda)
Black and orange millipede (Uganda)
Eastern Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Bwindi (Uganda)
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo), a social animal (Uganda)
African fish eagle perched in a thorny bush (Uganda)
Group of great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) on a beach of the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Trackers in search of gorillas in Bwindi (Uganda)
Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus), Pink-backed Pelican (Pelecanus rufescens), and Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) (Uganda)
Male orange weaver (Ploceus aurentius) on a papyrus stalk (Uganda)
Mock charging African elephant (Uganda)
Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in QENP (Uganda)
Variable sunbird (Cinnyris venusta) or Collared sunbird (Hedydipna collaris) (Uganda)
Butterfly (Uganda)
Black caterpillar with red spots (Uganda)
Eastern Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (Uganda)
Captive chimpazee in Uganda (Uganda)
Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Bwindi (Uganda)
Panoramic view of Lake Kyemengo, a crater lake in western Uganda (Uganda)
African sunset (Uganda)
Montane Side-striped Chameleon (Chamaeleo ellioti) resting on a leaf (Uganda)
Hippopotamus with head peaking out of a river (Uganda)
Warthog feeding on grass (Uganda)
Banded mongoose grooming a friend in a pack of mongoose (Uganda)
Tea plantations of the Fort Portal region (Uganda)
African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), egrets, and Uganda kob on the savanna (Uganda)
Red dirt road among tea plantations (Uganda)
Critically endangered Eastern Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in the Bwindi jungle (Uganda)
Black and white butterfly (Uganda)
Aqua and black butterfly on blade of grass (Uganda)
Butterfly with black wings and white spots (Uganda)
Olive baboon (Uganda)
Manicured tea plantation in Uganda (Uganda)
Elephant doing a "mock charge" (Uganda)
African fish eagle, Haliaeetus vocifer, in flight (Uganda)
Adult male kob (Adenota kob thomasi) (Uganda)
African savanna elephant (Uganda)
Fiery sunrise in Africa, Euphorbia plant silhouetted by rising sun (Uganda)
Waterbuckand warthogs on the Ugandan savanna (Uganda)
Egyptian Geese, Alopochen aegyptiacus, walking in the shallows of the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Male African cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) (Uganda)
Black and yellow butterflies feeding on minerals in elephant dung (Uganda)
Banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) (Uganda)
Immature Black-headed heron (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) [mature adult male] (Uganda)
Fields of tea in Uganda with Rwenzoris as a backdrop (Uganda)
Cape buffalo and hippo in the Kazinga channel (Uganda)
Silverback feeding while sitting in nettles (Uganda)
Savanna in the foreground, Rwenzoris in the background (Uganda)
Blue bird with a moderately long tail (African blue-flycatcher (Elminia longicauda)?) (Uganda)
Ugandan kob mating (Uganda)
Green tree Agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) on a tree trunk (Uganda)
Egyptian Geese, Alopochen aegyptiacus, with pied kingfishers in the background (Uganda)
Black segmented millipede (Uganda)
Pied Kingfisher eating a minnow (Uganda)
Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) (Uganda)
Critically endangered Mountain gorilla in the Bwindi jungle (Uganda)
Guides and tourists leaving Bwindi (Uganda)
Tortoises mating (Uganda)
Climbing tree lion (Panthera leo) of Ishasha (Uganda)
Sleeping warthog (Uganda)
Female tree Agama (Acanthocerus atricollis) on a tree trunk (Uganda)
Elephant crossing (Uganda)
Eastern Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Uganda (Uganda)
Red butterfly with blue eyes (Uganda)
Blue-headed tree agamid (Uganda)
Orb spider in Uganda (Uganda)
Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in the water on the edge of the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (Uganda)
Pink "albino" hippo (Uganda)
Lake Kyemengo, a crater lake (Uganda)
Euphorbia plant silhouetted by sunrise (Uganda)
Bright green leafhopper (Uganda)
Orange sunrise over the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Day breaking over the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
Sunset over the Rwenzoris on the border of Congo (Uganda)
Waterbuck in the Ugandan savanna (Uganda)
Three baboons (Uganda)
View of the Rwenzori mountains (Uganda)
Eastern Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)
Woodland kingfisher (Halcyon senegalensis) perched on a branch (Uganda)
Eastern Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) (Uganda)
Eastern Black & White Colobus Monkeys in a tree (Uganda)
Woodland kingfisher with Rwenzori mountains behind (Uganda)
Giant forest hogs (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni) (Uganda)
Sunset over Lake Edward, Euphorbia trees in the foreground (Uganda)
Hippo emerging from the river (Uganda)
Eastern Mountain gorilla in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)
Mountain gorilla in Bwindi (Uganda)
Waterbucks (Uganda)
Orange insect on our windshield (Uganda)
Setting sun over the Rwenzori mountains on the border of Congo (Uganda)
Lake Nyinambuga reflecting the sky (Uganda)