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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Green, black, and yellow grasshopper (Indonesia)
Shield bug (Indonesia)
Grasshopper (Vietnam)
Insect -- sabah_2716 (Malaysia)
Stick insect (Vietnam)
Snail (Vietnam)
Black, red, and yellow insect [cr_3973] (Costa Rica)
Neon pink planthopper (Peru)
Daddy longlegs (Costa Rica)
Brown grasshopper (Indonesia)
Shield bug (Peru)
Polyrhachis pruinosa ant, a species that specializes on pitcher plant feeding (Malaysia)
Green praying mantis (Malaysia)
Mottled moth (Mexico)
Red and orange insect (Indonesia)
Caterpillar eating a leaf (China)
Katydid at night in Yasuni National Park in th Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Grasshopper (Vietnam)
Spittle bug [madagascar_masoala_0240] (Madagascar)
Small neon green insect with orange spots [kalbar_0202] (Indonesia)
Jumping spider (Indonesia)
Praying mantis (Vietnam)
Black caterpillar with long white hairs, a yellow stripe, and red parts (Colombia)
Butterfly -- sabah_3667 (Malaysia)
Butterfly on fern (Costa Rica)
Orange translucent butterfly in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Purple leafhopper with light green and magenta markings [manu_0955] (Peru)
Orange and black Reduviidae juvenile bug, with the abdomen sticking up to look like a fierce mantis [madagascar_1058] (Madagascar)
Purple, yellow, and brown planthopper [kalbar_0668] (Indonesia)
Snail in Hawaii (United States)
Tiny spider in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Large ant [colombia_2929] (Colombia)
Giant water bug (Abedus herberti) (0)
Sweat bees emerging out of their nest (Mexico)
Glow worm (Lampyris noctiluca) (China)
Red mite with yellow spots [australia_fnq_1037] (Australia)
Butterfly (Great Mormon - Papilio memnon?) (Indonesia)
Blue, orange, and green beetle on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Colorful snail in Borneo [kalsel_0187] (Indonesia)
Helicophanta farafanganensis land snail, which eats moss and fungi and is hunted by the short-legged ground roller (Madagascar)
Red and black butterfly (Kenya)
Tachigali tree; note lack of vegetation around the tree (Peru)
Brown butterfly (Panama)
Light green stick insect (Malaysia)
Giant walking stick [suriname_0319] (Suriname)
Orb spider (0)
Tiny mantid (Malaysia)
Grasshopper [panama_0768] (Panama)
Blue and turquoise beetle from New Guinea [not Eupholus bennetti] (Indonesia)
Rainforest ant (Peru)
Orange moth with black and yellow polkadots [west-papua_5581] (Indonesia)
Galapagos tortoise (Ecuador)
Tractor millipede -- borneo_3445 (Malaysia)
Grasshopper (Amblytropidia trinitatis) (Colombia)
Bug [aceh_0347] (Indonesia)
Spotted tiger beetle (Cicindela aurulenta) -- sabah_3400 (Malaysia)
Green katydid [west-papua_5907] (Indonesia)
Brown leaf katydid in the Colombian Amazon (Colombia)
Orange black and yellow bee (Malaysia)
Weevil (Indonesia)
Red soldier leaf-cutter ant [colombia_3661] (Colombia)
Yellow-, green-, and orange-spotted butterfly in Borneo jungle (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Brown grasshopper -- borneo_6327 (Malaysia)
Light green grasshopper on leaf (Malaysia)
Shield bug (Peru)
Red and black katydid (Vietnam)
Leaf katydid (Peru)
Green damselfly [sabah_tawau_0433] (Malaysia)
Green katydid [sumatra_0872] (Indonesia)
Reef (Belize)
Green, turquoise, orange, and sky-blue leafhopper insect (Costa Rica)
Meneria Metalmark (Amarynthis meneria) (Peru)
Whilte snail [madagascar_masoala_0502] (Madagascar)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0031] (Malaysia)
Praying mantis (Vietnam)
Katydid [madagascar_masoala_0046] (Madagascar)
Orange moth (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Black, violet, and sky blue dragonfly (Colombia)
Beetle (Peru)
Polka-dotted moth (Madagascar)
Mottled moth (Mexico)
Walking stick (Panama)
Katydid [madagascar_masoala_0427] (Madagascar)
Glow worm (China)
Damselfly (Colombia)
Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage [madagascar_perinet_0394] (Madagascar)
Tractor millipede [sabah_tawau_0320] (Malaysia)
Unidentified moth (Malaysia)
Weevil (Panama)
Red katydid with a green head and black antennae [west-papua_0409] (Indonesia)
Spider web in the sunlight (Vietnam)
Shield bug (China)
Flatid leaf bug nymphs; tree trunk (Tsingy de Bemaraha) (Madagascar)
Butterfly (0)
Black and white spider (Panama)
Platynopus melanoleueus, an insect used for integrated pest management of oil palm pests (Malaysia)
Leaf-cutter ants [costa-rica_0826] (Costa Rica)
Moth caterpillar (China)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0132] (Malaysia)
Transparent shrimp with blue and white markings [belize_uw0173A] (Belize)
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Insect (China)
Black and neon green planthopper with red eyes (Mexico)
Red-pink dragonfly [colombia_3560] (Colombia)
White moth (Costa Rica)
Red-eyed fly (Costa Rica)
Moth [costa_rica_la_selva_0285] (Costa Rica)
Mottled moth (Mexico)
Blue, yellow, and orange insect [costa-rica-d_0321] (Costa Rica)
Orange butterfly (Costa Rica)
Orb spider [colombia_2562] (Colombia)
Metallic Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae) (Madagascar)
Stick insect -- sabah_2900 (Malaysia)
Grasshopper on a flower (Suriname)
Green katydid (Panama)
Flatid leaf-bugs having just transitioned from their nymph stage (Madagascar)
Ghost crabs on the beach [java_0827] (Indonesia)
Black moth with orange and green spots [madagascar_3329] (Madagascar)
Red rock crab (Grapsus grapsus) (Colombia)
Moth [panama_1248] (Panama)
Black and orange insect (Indonesia)
Upsidedown jellies (0)
Butterfly [colombia_5004] (Colombia)
Rhinoceros beetles (Indonesia)
Red Grasshawk dragonfly (Neurothemis fluctuans) (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Fuschia, orange, and blue butterfly [kalbar_0345] (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Gaudy Sphinx Moth (Dark green moth) (Belize)
Red assassin bug [kalbar_2054] (Indonesia)
Large brown cricket in the Amazon rainforest (Colombia)
Giant shield bug [kalbar_1404] (Indonesia)
Shield bug (Vietnam)
Leaf-like moth [west-papua_5739] (Indonesia)
Translucent rainforest slug (Masoala NP) (Madagascar)
Butterfly [costa_rica_la_selva_1190] (Costa Rica)
Sea Nettle Jellyfish (0)
Red grasshawk dragonfly [west-papua_6093] (Indonesia)
Red millipede [madagascar_masoala_0132] (Madagascar)
Green praying mantis -- borneo_4172 (Malaysia)
Moth (Peru)
Black butterfly with blue posterior wing sections, resting on a fallen leaf on the forest floor (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Isla Sombrero Chino (Ecuador)
Spider [west-papua_6252] (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Vietnam)
Mating butterflies [aceh_0420] (Indonesia)
Green longhorn beetle [java_0036] (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Blue butterfly wing (Cambodia)
Mottled gray and black grasshopper (Colombia)
Butterfly in Aceh [aceh_0197] (Indonesia)
Blue leafhopper (Colombia)
Ant [suriname_0866] (Suriname)
Yellow assassin bug (Indonesia)
Jumping spider (Madagascar)
Spider eating a red leafhopper (Madagascar)
Black and green grasshopper (Vietnam)
Stick insect (Vietnam)
Metallic green beetle [suriname_2120] (Suriname)
Walking stick insect [costa_rica_5409] (Costa Rica)
0 (Malaysia)
Blue morpho Butterfly (Peru)
Butterfly rests on camera in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Red and black bug (Colombia)
Flatid Leaf Bugs Adult (Andasibe) [flatid_leaf_bugs_adult0082] (Madagascar)
Green grasshopper (China)
Fly [sabah_sepilok_0565] (Malaysia)
Soldier army ants [costa-rica-d_0414] (Costa Rica)
Grasshopper (Peru)
Neon pink planthopper (Peru)
Fly (Peru)
African stick insect (Tanzania)
Bug (Peru)
Shield bug [sabah_tawau_0375] (Malaysia)
Electric mouse or pus catterpillar (Panama)
Grasshopper (Peru)
White moth spotted on a night walk in the Colombian Amazon (Colombia)
Brilliant green beetle [Tortoise beetle of the Chrysomelidae family] [madagascar_5457] (Madagascar)
Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi) [colombia_1467] (Colombia)
Red soldier leaf-cutter ant (Colombia)
Black and yellow dragonfly (Madagascar)
Bug -- sabah_3715 (Malaysia)
Ant (Colombia)
Assassin bug (Peru)
Katydid (Peru)
Rainbow Bush Locust (Phymateus saxosus) [madagascar_5795] (Madagascar)
Orange butterfly [pan02-2045] (Panama)
Sea Nettle Jellyfish (0)
Rainforest cricket (Indonesia)
Blue butterfly (Panama)
Silkworms feeding on Mulberry leaves (Laos)
Red-eyed wasp (Panama)
Metallic blue beetle [suriname_2259] (Suriname)
Red grasshawk dragonfly (Indonesia)
Damselfly [kalbar_0688] (Indonesia)
Orange, yellow, and black insect (Vietnam)
Blue and yellow leafhopper (Madagascar)
Insect [suriname_1488] (Suriname)
Lanternfly in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Orange butterfly in Borneo (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle [kalteng_1035] (Indonesia)
Chinese butterfly (China)
Orange bug on a flower (China)
Butterfly (Peru)
Large ant in Borneo rainforest (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Metallic spider -- borneo_4256 (Malaysia)
Pink translucent butterfly in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Magenta dragonfly [panama_0655] (Panama)
Brown green and white grasshopper (Indonesia)
Grasshopper (Peru)
Parthenos sylvia clipper [aceh_0048] (Indonesia)
Leaf-cutter ant clearing (Panama)
Moth (Peru)
Cicada in New Guinea (Indonesia)
Black and orange beetle [colombia_1644] (Colombia)
Large snail in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Butterfly [aceh_0020] (Indonesia)
Transparent slug on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Blue planthopper [madagascar_masoala_0600] (Madagascar)
Metallic green Euglossa bee (Suriname)
White fly (Panama)
Monarch butterfly; Danaus plexippus; chrysalis at the Bocas Butterfly Garden (Panama)
Mottled green katydid (Indonesia)
Julia (Dryas iulia) (0)
Yellow and black insect -- borneo_3389 (Malaysia)
Cricket (Malaysia)
Mating butterflies [aceh_0423] (Indonesia)
Red-orange beetle (Indonesia)
Insect (Indonesia)
Colorful wing of the Malagasy sunset moth (Chrysiridia rhipheus) (Madagascar)
Butterfly [aceh_0507] (Indonesia)
Butterflies mating [pan02-2031] (Panama)
Tiger leech -- sabah_2757 (Malaysia)
Black and orange beetle (Laos)
Colorful butterfly feeding on a yellow flower [br_co-0047] (Colombia)
Brown bug (Indonesia)
Giant beetle -- sabah_aerial_0982 (Malaysia)
Crabs [colombia_4400] (Colombia)
Orb spider (China)
Green sea anenome (0)
Orange and black fly [colombia_3799] (Colombia)
Caterpillar rolled in a leaf (Suriname)
Giant scorpion next to a man's sandal for flipflop for scale (Indonesia)
Black butterfly with blue-purple markings on its wings (Sulawesi - Celebes) -- sulawesi7828 (Indonesia)
Yellow butterfly (China)
Termites [suriname_8942] (Suriname)
Leaf katydid (Peru)
Pill millipede [sabah_tawau_0454] (Malaysia)
Lobster (0)
Leaf-footed bug (Colombia)
Stick insect (Vietnam)
Sumatran jumping spider with blue and yellow markings (Indonesia)
Owl butterfly (Peru)
Swarm of caterpillars (Costa Rica)
Red and black katydid (Vietnam)
Yellow and black shield bug (Colombia)
Butterfly [aceh_0049] (Indonesia)
Yellow caterpillar with black spots [australia_daintree_246] (Australia)
Ants [australia_road_to_daintree_087] (Australia)
Orange moth [madagascar_masoala_0084] (Madagascar)
Giant sea sponge [belize_uw0041] (Belize)
Red shield bug (Malaysia)
Red-headed spider with yellow and black markings [suriname_0736] (Suriname)
Spider (China)
Skipper butterfly (Panama)
Dark brown moth (Colombia)
Brown, white & green dragonfly (Laos)
Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi) [colombia_1456] (Colombia)
Metallic blue tiger beetle (Indonesia)
Insect (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
Leaf katydid (Peru)
Close up of a cicada [kalbar_1833] (Indonesia)
Brown grasshopper (Costa Rica)
Yellow weevil (Indonesia)
Katydid [riau_0366] (Indonesia)
Red weevil-like insect with yellow and black legs (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) -- kali9500 (Indonesia)
Butterfly [colombia_5333] (Colombia)
Green leaf-mimicking katydid [colombia_0510] (Colombia)
Black, beige, and brown grasshopper (Costa Rica)
Metallic blue-green beetle (Malaysia)
Orange and gray planthopper [kalbar_2048] (Indonesia)
Thorn spider (Malaysia)
Nephila orb spider [costa_rica_5261] (Costa Rica)
Katydid (Vietnam)
Cicada about to emerge from its shell [costa-rica_0856] (Costa Rica)
Metallic blue, green, and orange beetle (Catascopus sp of the Carabidae family) [west-papua_5948] (Indonesia)
Moth [costa-rica-d_0356] (Costa Rica)
Yellow and red thorn spider (Belize)
Vietnamese snail (Vietnam)
Spider eating a bee (0)
Red Borneo centipede -- borneo_3856 (Malaysia)
Worm in a protective case [madagascar_1082] (Madagascar)
Brazilian Lady (Vanessa braziliensis) [wayquecha-andes_0566] (Peru)
White and brown snail (Vietnam)
Orange planthopper (Vietnam)
Leaf cutter ant carrying leaf (Peru)
Moth [costa-rica-d_0352] (Costa Rica)
Caterpillars [riau_0337] (Indonesia)
Moth (Peru)
Rainforest ant [suriname_8799] (Suriname)