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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
White and orange insect [colombia_3889] (Colombia)
Grasshopper [madagascar_masoala_0220] (Madagascar)
Spider [west-papua_6321] (Indonesia)
Mating roaches (Madagascar)
Green mantid [madagascar_masoala_0973] (Madagascar)
Green spider on a white flower (Madagascar)
x -- borneo_3869a (Malaysia)
Giant beetle (Panama)
Fly (Indonesia)
Mottled katydid (Indonesia)
Stick insect [west-papua_0131] (Indonesia)
Spider [costa-rica_0898] (Costa Rica)
Orange and black caterpillar (Peru)
Madagascar Fire Millipede (Aphistogoniulus sp) (Madagascar)
Leaf-cutter ant nest [costa_rica_5429] (Costa Rica)
Orb spider (Cambodia)
Black insect (Malaysia)
Red Grasshawk dragonfly (Neurothemis sp)? [sumatra_0943] (Indonesia)
Giant prickly stick insect (0)
Caligo sp or Owl Butterfly with its wings closed [costa_rica_5014] (Costa Rica)
Moth (Peru)
Black, green, and red leafhopper [manu_0590] (Peru)
Blue and black katydid [panama_0785] (Panama)
Green grasshopper eating a leaf (Peru)
Moth [costa_rica_la_selva_0278] (Costa Rica)
Black, violet, and sky blue dragonfly [colombia_2281] (Colombia)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0141] (Malaysia)
Blue morpho butterfly [costa_rica_la_selva_0357] (Costa Rica)
Planthoppper nymph (China)
Snail (Vietnam)
Hot pink planthopper (Mexico)
Yellow weevil (Indonesia)
Colorful fly (Indonesia)
Cicada in the Borneo rainforest [kalbar_0908] (Indonesia)
Leaf-cutter ants [costa_rica_osa_0488] (Costa Rica)
Parthenos sylvia clipper [aceh_0028] (Indonesia)
Black moth (Peru)
Cangrejo azul, Cardisoma crassum (Colombia)
Orange beetle (Malaysia)
Brazilian Lady (Vanessa braziliensis) [wayquecha-andes_0558] (Peru)
Butterfly [kalbar_2181] (Indonesia)
Wasp [suriname_1514] (Suriname)
0 (Malaysia)
Green Stream Glory Damselfly (Neurobasis chinensis) [sumatra_0960] (Indonesia)
Katydid [sabah_tawau_0199] (Malaysia)
Blue and black damselfly [colombia_2603] (Colombia)
Whip-scorpion [costa_rica_siquirres_0382] (Costa Rica)
Orange beetle being carried by ants (Indonesia)
Red assassin bug (China)
Praying mantis on a pink leaf [papua_6023] (Indonesia)
Black wasp-like insect with indigo blue eyes, orange wings, and orange antenna. This robber fly or mydas fly, (Asilidae or Mydidae family) is a mimic of the Tarantula Hawk Wasp (Pepsis formosa) [costa_rica_5267a] (Costa Rica)
Brown moth [west-papua_6480] (Indonesia)
Shield bug [sabah_tawau_0376] (Malaysia)
Nazca booby with chick (Ecuador)
Green leafhopper (Indonesia)
Tiger leech [sabah_kinabatangan_0412] (Malaysia)
Green cicada (Indonesia)
Spider [madagascar_masoala_0389] (Madagascar)
Orb spider [colombia_2559] (Colombia)
White moth (Indonesia)
Brown insect with a yellow stripe (Indonesia)
Rainbow grasshopper (Indonesia)
Clown leaf-footed bug [colombia_2799] (Colombia)
Butterfly (Malaysia)
Spider eating a katydid (Indonesia)
Black beetle with orange spots [riau_0513] (Indonesia)
Beetle on a ball of dung in the Bornean rainforest (Malaysia)
Caterpillars (Madagascar)
Tourists in a boat in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Ant [costa_rica_siquirres_0615] (Costa Rica)
Insect [sabah_tawau_0224] (Malaysia)
Blue leafhopper [costa_rica_la_selva_0422] (Costa Rica)
Butterfly with brown and white wings and eyespots (Indonesia)
Black and orange beetle (Laos)
Leaf-footed bug nymph [colombia_2835] (Colombia)
Scorpion (Colombia)
Green Katydid [costa_rica_siquirres_0153] (Costa Rica)
Butterfly in Aceh [aceh_0199] (Indonesia)
Heart-shaped insect [kalimantan_0476] (Indonesia)
Leopard Lacewing (Cethosia cyane) (0)
Nest of colony spiders (family: Araneidae) (Peru)
Leaf-cutter ants carrying leaves, with a tiny ant riding the leaves [panama_0717] (Panama)
Orange Julia (Dryas iulia) (0)
Green katydid [panama_1048] (Panama)
Dragonfly (Colombia)
Red soldier ant [colombia_3671] (Colombia)
Komodo snail (Indonesia)
Planthopper nymph [riau_0268] (Indonesia)
Insect (India)
Green longhorn beetle [java_0038] (Indonesia)
White planthopper with orange eyes (China)
Green spider (Costa Rica)
Clear-wing butterfly [colombia_1698] (Colombia)
Orange and black insect (Panama)
Colorful butterflies feeding on minerals on a river beach -- malaysia0613 (Malaysia)
Hissing cockroach in Madagascar [madagascar_4504] (Madagascar)
Ray (Ecuador)
Shield bug (Peru)
Unidentified Dragonfly [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0082] (Madagascar)
Wasp -- sabah_3878 (Malaysia)
Pill millipede (Glomeris connexa) in a ball -- borneo_3590 (Malaysia)
Insect (Vietnam)
Brown beetle [colombia_3870] (Colombia)
Weevil [riau_0352] (Indonesia)
Caterpillar [west-papua_6389] (Indonesia)
Scorpion in tree hollow (Peru)
Eristaline hover-fly (Eristalinus quinquelineatus), not a Buffalo tse-tse fly (Kenya)
Shiny emerald beetle in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Brown katydid (Peru)
Leafcutter ants [colombia_1416] (Colombia)
Yellow, black, and white butterfly (Male Appias lyncida hippona) [sumatra_1323] (Indonesia)
Katydid [costa_rica_siquirres_0927] (Costa Rica)
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Orb spider (Madagascar)
Stick insect [madagascar_4834] (Madagascar)
Insect [suriname_2478] (Suriname)
Rusty caterpillar [colombia_2629] (Colombia)
Grasshopper (Vietnam)
Jumping spider [madagascar_masoala_0515] (Madagascar)
Tiny cicada recently emerged from its shell (Costa Rica)
Multicolored grasshopper -- borneo_6122 (Malaysia)
Sea Nettle Jellyfish (0)
Blue, yellow, and orange insect [costa-rica_0910] (Costa Rica)
Blue and black butterfly [java_0627] (Indonesia)
Meneria Metalmark (Amarynthis meneria) [manu_0666] (Peru)
Millipede [australia_daintree_094] (Australia)
Stick insect (Malaysia)
Katydid (Indonesia)
Orange butterfly on flip flops (Peru)
Leaf-mimicking praying mantis [suriname_0924] (Suriname)
Red assassin bug (China)
Thorn spider (Malaysia)
True bug [colombia_4858] (Colombia)
Red katydid with a green head and black antennae [west-papua_0413] (Indonesia)
Ants feeding on bird droppings (Indonesia)
Purple moth [sabah_tawau_0328] (Malaysia)
Assassin bug spearing a mite -- sabah_3387 (Malaysia)
Orb spiders [costa_rica_la_selva_0019] (Costa Rica)
Moth (Peru)
Ghost crabs on the beach [java_0829] (Indonesia)
Leaf-footed bug nymph [colombia_2837] (Colombia)
Yellow and black caterpillar [aceh_0432] (Indonesia)
Red-orange beetle (Indonesia)
Striped katydid [kalsel_0024] (Indonesia)
Black bumble bee (China)
Harvestman [kalbar_2043] (Indonesia)
Snail [madagascar_maroantsetra_0095] (Madagascar)
Shield bug (China)
Whip scorpion [panama_1031] (Panama)
Orange, turquoise, black, and white insects mating [west-papua_5418] (Indonesia)
Yellow butterfly (Cambodia)
Green metallic beetle (Indonesia)
Wasp eating a caterpillar [manu_0609] (Peru)
Assassin bug [riau_0230] (Indonesia)
Orange leafhopper [kalteng_0724] (Indonesia)
Roach [madagascar_maroantsetra_0149] (Madagascar)
Red, yellow, black, and white caterpillar [kalbar_0921] (Indonesia)
Polyura athamas faliscus [Butterfly with yellow-green and gray underparts] [sumatra_1319] (Indonesia)
Tortoise beetle (Australia)
Pinktoed tarantula (Avicularia avicularia) [colombia_1257] (Colombia)
Caterpillar eating a leaf (China)
Grasshoppers -- sabah_3298 (Malaysia)
Jumping spider [kalbar_1901] (Indonesia)
Tiger leech -- sabah_3312 (Malaysia)
Orb spider [mcar_0176] (Madagascar)
Red-orange insect (Laos)
Glowing green and purple coral (0)
Mouthless crab, Cardisoma crassum (Colombia)
Leaf insect (Phyllium celebicum) (0)
Grasshopper [sabah_sepilok_0600] (Malaysia)
Io Moth (Automeris io) caterpillar [costa_rica_la_selva_0833] (Costa Rica)
Immature Leaf Beetles, Chrysomelidae devouring a plant leaf (Costa Rica)
Rhetus periander: iridescent blue butterfly with neon pink spots near its tail (Peru)
Blue morpho with wings closed (Peru)
Butterfly [kalbar_2156] (Indonesia)
Black bug with an orange fringe [west-papua_6216] (Indonesia)
Large forest cicada (Indonesia)
insect [colombia_0097] (Colombia)
Orange planthopper [madagascar_maroantsetra_0135] (Madagascar)
White insect [sabah_sepilok_0276] (Malaysia)
Assassin bugs (China)
Green and orange flat-footed bug [manu_0500] (Peru)
Harvestman [costa_rica_siquirres_0799] (Costa Rica)
Spiny crab spider (Gasteracantha sp.) (Madagascar)
Walking stick insect [kalbar_1575] (Indonesia)
Pill millipede -- sabah_2873 (Malaysia)
Leaf-mimicking praying mantis [suriname_0961] (Suriname)
Red millipede [madagascar_masoala_0564] (Madagascar)
Blue leafhopper nymph (Brazil)
Green praying mantis [sumatra_9159] (Indonesia)
Black pill millipede -- sabah_3630 (Malaysia)
Red, blue, and yellow (on the underside) butterfly in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Grasshopper [colombia_2722] (Colombia)
Orange beetle being carried by ants (Indonesia)
Green beetle (Indonesia)
Ants [australia_road_to_daintree_092] (Australia)
Giant locust [colombia_1359] (Colombia)
Beetle [brazil_154619] (Brazil)
Yellow butterfly (China)
Chinese katydid (China)
Orange insect with a blue fringe [west-papua_5914] (Indonesia)
Stick insect [madagascar_4870] (Madagascar)
Orange planthopper (Peru)
Butterfly or moth in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Pill millipede (Glomeris connexa) -- borneo_3583 (Malaysia)
Grasshopper [madagascar_masoala_0340] (Madagascar)
Red and green stick insect [kalbar_1926] (Indonesia)
Caterpillar (Indonesia)
Cicada [aceh_0132] (Indonesia)
Orange moth (China)
Violet grasshopper [west-papua_6366] (Indonesia)
Green and gray grasshopper (Indonesia)
Black, green, and red leafhopper [manu_0588] (Peru)
Green and brown bug or beetle (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Kalimantan tiger beetle [kalbar_1596] (Indonesia)
Orange insect with black spots (Indonesia)
Snail-slug (China)
Praying mantis [panama_0749] (Panama)
Turquoise blue katydid larva [west-papua_6134] (Indonesia)
Yellow and black tortoise beetle (Indonesia)
Blue and yellow leafhopper [madagascar_5428] (Madagascar)
Caterpillar with blue and black spines [mcar_0185] (Madagascar)
Spider [java_0342] (Indonesia)
Wasp [manu_0761] (Peru)
Moon jellyfish (Auerlia labiata) (0)
Butterfly (unidentified species) in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Gorgeous red,white, and blue butterfly - Malay Red Harlequin (Paralaxita damajanti) butterfly (Indonesia)
Brown stick insect (Indonesia)
Orange and yellow dragonfly with red eyes (Indonesia)
Blue and black butterfly on ground with wings closed (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Grasshopper on an Apple Air computer (Indonesia)
Orb spider (Vietnam)
Elephant weevil [aceh_0468] (Indonesia)
Ants on a ginger flower (China)
Leaf-like moth [manu_0379] (Peru)
Chinese moth (China)
Stick insect [costa_rica_siquirres_0431] (Costa Rica)
Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) [madagascar_perinet_0323] (Madagascar)
Metallic beetle [kalimantan_0484] (Indonesia)
Nazca booby with a chick (Ecuador)
Cricket [madagascar_3532] (Madagascar)
Ants feeding on bird dropping (Indonesia)
Long-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) (Madagascar)
Black and yellow grasshopper (Indonesia)
Butterflies feeding on a flower [manu_0708] (Peru)
White furry insect (possibly Fulgorid Planthopper nymph) [sumatra_1245] (Indonesia)
Black and red beetle [west-papua_6384] (Indonesia)
Multicolored fly (Panama)
Camouflaged spider on tree trunk [manu-Manu_1023_2310] (Peru)
Maroon, yellow, black, and white caterpillar (Indonesia)
White butterfly with its wings in a 'forward' position (Laos)
Rainforest land crab [colombia_2218] (Colombia)
Butterfly [wayquecha-andes_0547] (Peru)
Black wasp with turquoise markings and orange antenna (Peru)
Green insect with polka dots [costa_rica_4438] (Costa Rica)
Praying mantid with green eyes (Indonesia)
Bright green grasshopper [java_0312] (Indonesia)
Caterpillar [aceh_0606] (Indonesia)
Turquoise blue katydid larva [west-papua_6133] (Indonesia)
Dragonfly on a windshield (Tanzania)
Nephila madagascariensis orb weaving spider (Madagascar)
Moth caterpillar (China)
Chinese butterfly (China)
Malaysian Blue Clipper (Parthenos sylvia) (0)
Platynopus melanoleueus, an insect used for oil palm IPM -- borneo_4650 (Malaysia)
Harvestman [costa_rica_siquirres_1053] (Costa Rica)
Vampire crab (0)
Praying mantis (Vietnam)
Caterpillar (Australia)
Grasshoppers [madagascar_perinet_0306] (Madagascar)
Ant-plant. (Peru)
Butterfly (Cambodia)
Balck mayfly [kalbar_1796] (Indonesia)
Corals [belize_uw0183] (Belize)
Red-orange beetle (Indonesia)
Orange beetle (Costa Rica)
Grasshopper -- sabah_4093 (Malaysia)
Roach in New Guinea (Indonesia)
Red and black insect [kalbar_0182] (Indonesia)
Snail [sumatra_0884] (Indonesia)
Orange and black moth [sabah_tawau_0348] (Malaysia)
Black, red, and yellow insect [cr_3964] (Costa Rica)
Orange-eyed purple crab [java_0292] (Indonesia)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0142] (Malaysia)
Green-yellow locust [kalsel_0043] (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle in Malaysia [sabah_tawau_0408] (Malaysia)
Black tiger beetle with two red spots [kalbar_0368] (Indonesia)
Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi) [colombia_1449] (Colombia)
Meneria Metalmark (Amarynthis meneria) (Peru)
Spider eating an ant -- borneo_3339 (Malaysia)
Bugs (Madagascar)
Geometric wasp nest (Mexico)
Butterfly [colombia_6203] (Colombia)
Yellow butterfly (China)
Katydid (Indonesia)
Donald Trump hairstyle caterpillar (Megalopyge sp) (Costa Rica)
Red harvestman [west-papua_5662] (Indonesia)
Orange-headed moth (Indonesia)
Red and blue planthopper [sabah_tawau_0416] (Malaysia)
Insects (Peru)