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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Silver beetle with a red-orange head
Colorful wing of the Madagascan sunset moth (Chrysiridia rhipheus)
Green, yellow, and turquoise grasshoppers
Crab in Madagascar
Coppery beetle [sumatra_1236]
Leafhopper [madagascar_5486]
Malaysian ant [sabah_tawau_0371]
Katydid [costa_rica_siquirres_0320]
(Costa Rica)
Elongated blue and orange insect -- borneo_3360
Giant Borneo spider [kalbar_1952]
Insect [madagascar_masoala_0234]
Masked trogon (Trogon personatus)
Blue-winged fly
Praying mantis in New Guinea
Beige jumping spider
Fisheye view of a cicada in the Borneo rainforest [kalbar_0904]
Blushing Phantom (Cithaerias pireta), a clear-winged butterfly with pink parts
Chinese butterfly
Madagascar hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa)
Colorful long-horned beetle (Family Cerambycidae)
Forest roach
Malaysian ant [sabah_tawau_0368]
Colony of termites [kalbar_1745]
Leafcutter ants [colombia_1414]
Beetle [brazil_154608]
Glass Wing Butterfly
Yellow and black caterpillar [aceh_0426]
Butterfly [manu_0865]
Beetle [kalteng_0580]
Transparent-winged butterfly
(Costa Rica)
Turquoise blue katydid larva [west-papua_6202]
Pink, orange, yellow, violet katydid with spots and green eyes [west-papua_0169]
Green-eyed fly [sumatra_1056]
Wasp [manu_0759]
Blue dragonfly
(United States)
Green katydid in hiding posture [kalbar_0408]
Green grasshopper [colombia_3612]
White, brown, and orange moth [costa-rica-d_0349]
(Costa Rica)
Brown katydid [colombia_3096]
Light brown grasshopper on plant shoot
Orb spider with eggs
Stunning orange butterfly with eyespots [west-papua_6081]
Shield bug
Orange and black insect
Sweat bee nest
Metallic green dragonfly
Colony spiders
Grasshopper [colombia_0459]
Tractor milliipede [costa_rica_la_selva_0794]
(Costa Rica)
Red mite with yellow spots [australia_fnq_1031]
Butterfly in Aceh [aceh_0201]
Spider [riau_5535]
Red and black caterpillar
Sea nettle
Green katydid [manu_0602]
Orb spider on a web
Red dragonfly [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0450]
Black millipede with yellow legs [madagascar_5465]
Mohawk caterpillar [sumatra_0621]
Yellow and pink caterpillar
Grasshoppers -- sabah_3293
Orange and black moth [sabah_tawau_0349]
Mossy stick insect [madagascar_5307]
Blue-eyed butterfly [suriname_1656]
Shield bug
Grasshopper with orange legs
Ant in Namibia [namibia_2292]
Rainforest roach [kalteng_1138]
Red-footed booby
Unknown caterpillar [madagascar_perinet_0436]
Black and yellow millipede [sumatra_0304]
Mating orange, red, and black bugs [madagascar_4052]
Giant Borneo spider
Orange insect with a blue fringe [west-papua_5921]
Blue morpho, with its wings closed, on a tree trunk [costa-rica_1124]
(Costa Rica)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0158]
Greenish yellow wasp
Orange cricket
Neon pink planthopper
Orange harvestman
Blue leafhopper [costa_rica_la_selva_0410]
(Costa Rica)
Blue-black Leaf Beetles, Chrysomelidae
(Costa Rica)
Fly [sabah_sepilok_0567]
Japanese spider crab
Red millipede in Madagascar [madagascar_0935]
Pinktoed tarantula (Avicularia avicularia) [colombia_1265]
Blue green and copper colored grasshopper with large red eyes and yellow antennae (Java) -- java6325
Blue and orange planthopper [panama_0883]
Black wasp with turquoise markings and orange antenna
Brilliant green beetle [Tortoise beetle of the Chrysomelidae family]
Stick insect [kalbar_1428]
Insect [sabah_tawau_0214]
Pill millipede [sabah_tawau_0449]
Blue butterfly [colombia_4836]
Ants carrying a centipede [costa_rica_osa_0462]
(Costa Rica)
Common cat-eyed snake (Leptodeira annulata) climbing tree
Beetle with long antennae
Assassin bug [colombia_0504]
Polyura athamas faliscus [Butterfly with yellow-green and gray underparts]
Raspberry dragonfly
Turquoise planthopper
Blue and black butterfly
Io Moth (Automeris io) caterpillar [costa_rica_la_selva_0830]
(Costa Rica)
Green mantis [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0215]
Blue orange and black damselfies
Orange planthopper [colombia_1638]
Damselfly shedding
Orange and white planthopper
Damselfly [costa_rica_la_selva_1331]
(Costa Rica)
Beetle [costa_rica_la_selva_0714]
(Costa Rica)
Green and brown katydid [west-papua_5455]
Green-blue bee [costa_rica_la_selva_0168]
(Costa Rica)
White bug -- sabah_3555
Black and neon green planthopper with red eyes
Soldier Beetle, family Cantharidae [costa-rica-d_0024]
(Costa Rica)
Dark brown stick insect
Red shield bug [sumatra_1335]
Green katydid with a neon blue racing stripe [west-papua_0324]
Red crabs eating coconut
Cantheconidea furcellata, an insect predator used to control oil palm pests (IPM)
Red, orange, and blue butterfly
Parthenos sylvia clipper [aceh_0045]
Harvestman [sabah_kinabatangan_0416]
Vietnamese snail
Black insect
Green snail [java_0298]
Orange-eyed purple crab [java_0288]
Brown, white, and orange moth
Beetle on hand (Ranomafana N.P.)
Green katydid with black stripes [west-papua_5481]
Red grasshawk
Skipper butterfly [panama_0754]
Moth [sabah_sepilok_0575]
Orange and maroon beetle
Giant yellow planarian in the rainforest of Indonesia
Thorn spider [australia_daintree_261]
Black, white, orange, and yellow moth [west-papua_5716]
Green katydid
Common bluebottle butterflies (Graphium sarpedon) and other colorful butterflies feeding on minerals [sumatra_0554]
Chinese jumping spider
Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi) [colombia_1453]
Tractor millipede [sabah_tawau_0382]
Butterfly [colombia_5183]
Shield bug
Red damselfly
Wood-like praying mantis
Leafhopper nymph [sabah_tawau_0249]
Meneria Metalmark (Amarynthis meneria) [manu_0653]
Colorful insect
Multicolored spider [mcar_0028]
Pink insect with turquoise feet and eyes [suriname_0681]
Shield bug
Small neon green insect with orange spots [kalbar_0185]
Hanging slug
Walking stick insect [sabah_tawau_0195]
Red and blue damselfly [colombia_0351]
Pink, orange, yellow, violet katydid with spots and green eyes [west-papua_0177]
Katydid that looks like a chewed leaf
Sea Nettle Jellyfish
Giant Borneo walking stick
Long-legged spider
Rainbow grasshopper
Green and beige walking stick [colombia_2379]
Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0300]
Orange and brown cricket [west-papua_6303]
Cicada moult [kalbar_2074]
Blue butterfles mating
Red-orange beetle
Moth [costa_rica_siquirres_0694]
(Costa Rica)
Heliconius butterfly as viewed from above
Ants devouring a fetus [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0350]
Unknown insect -- borneo_4875
Gold dragonfly [kalbar_1767]
Green spider on a white flower [madagascar_perinet_0617]
Black and yellow weevil [colombia_2539]
Orb spider [west-papua_0098]
Red mite with yellow spots [australia_fnq_1038]
A separated tarantula leg near Pedernales,Dominican Republic.
(Dominican Republic)
Planthopper [costa_rica_la_selva_0292]
(Costa Rica)
Butterfly with yellow-green and gray underparts [sumatra_1284]
Spectacular red,white, and blue butterfly - Malay Red Harlequin (Paralaxita damajanti) butterfly
Orange and brown cricket [west-papua_6300]
Blue and black butterfly [west-papua_0328]
Green praying mantis [sabah_sepilok_0578]
Orb spider
Urania leilus moth and Heraclides thoas swallowtail butterfly
Praying mantis
Stream Glory (Neurobasis chinensis) a metallic green damselfly [sumatra_0896]
Yellow grasshopper
Ant [sabah_tawau_0229]
Flat beetle
Ant nest
Light yellow planthopper with green eyes
Mantis [madagascar_masoala_0503]
Hairy Lithinus weevil (Curculionidae) [madagascar_1047]
Grasshopper [costa_rica_la_selva_0564]
(Costa Rica)
Ragged-looking butterfly
Red beetle
Green Katydid [costa_rica_siquirres_0156]
(Costa Rica)
Green-blue bee [costa_rica_la_selva_0169]
(Costa Rica)
Milipede -- sabah_2956
Insect [aceh_0355]
Blue-eyed green grasshopper
Orange and black bug [west-papua_5376]
Black and yellow grasshopper -- borneo_4048
Black, violet, and sky blue dragonfly [colombia_2289]
Wasp eating a caterpillar [manu_0607]
Pink, orange, and blue butterfly [kalbar_0346]
Madagascar moth
Red bug [madagascar_4065]
Orange and gray moth
Red and green katydid [west-papua_6579]
Blue, green, purple, and red fly [west-papua_5657]
Brilliantly-colored wing of the Malagasy sunset moth (Chrysiridia rhipheus)
Junge tick
Millipede [australia_daintree_095]
Red and black tractor millipede [sabah_tawau_0099]
Yellow, green, and black grasshopper (Mastusia quadricarinata)
Orb spider [colombia_2859]
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0137]
Turquoise blue katydid larva [west-papua_6131]
A spider near Pedernales,Dominican Republic.
(Dominican Republic)
Green-blue swallow-tail butterfly [madagascar_7256]
Praying mantis [costa_rica_osa_0751]
(Costa Rica)
Moon jellyfish
Bright green katydid
Black and white moth
Skipper butterfly [panama_0943]
Sweat bees emerging out of their nest
Mating butterflies [aceh_0411]
Black millipedes
Red beetle [panama_0658]
Red shield bug [sabah_tawau_0459]
Butterfly (Great Mormon - Papilio memnon?)
Black, red, and yellow insect [cr_3971]
(Costa Rica)
White moth [kalbar_1675]
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0036]
Orange and green grasshopper [panama_0732]
Colorful long-horned beetle (Family Cerambycidae)
Sea Nettle Jellyfish
Black, white, orange, and yellow moth [west-papua_5720]
Dragonfly in Peru
Giant cockroach in Madagascar
Spiny Leaf Insect (Extatosoma tiaratum)
Blue dragonfly
(United States)
Red, green, and turquoise damselfly [kalimantan_0472]
Green leaf-mimicking katydid
Red and black beetle
Drosophila hydei
Red and black beetle [java_0622]
Pinktoed tarantula (Avicularia avicularia) [colombia_1263]
Clipper butterfly (Parthenos sylvia) -- sabah_2557
Red-eyed leafhopper
Green praying mantis
Insect [suriname_1487]
Ant [sabah_tawau_0233]
Pink and yellow spider on a yellow egg sac [costa_rica_la_selva_0432]
(Costa Rica)
Rainforest crab [madagascar_masoala_0360]
Yellow butterfly
Grasshopper [madagascar_masoala_0222]
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0006]
Green mantid
White planthopper with orange eyes
Eupholus schoenherri weevil, a blue-green-turquoise beetle from New Guina [west-papua_0466]
Butterfly in Aceh [aceh_0211]
Raspberry-colored dragonfly [colombia_2437]
Blue-gray dragonfly -- borneo_3461
Orb spider [cr_4059]
(Costa Rica)
Yellow leaf-shaped katydid [costa_rica_4509]
(Costa Rica)
Forest crab
Orange shield bug
Giant purple planaria [aceh_0493]
Butterfly [sabah_kinabatangan_0330]
Green and black jumping spider
Metallic blue, green, and orange beetle (Catascopus sp of the Carabidae family) [west-papua_5936]
Beige moth
Black and red beetle [west-papua_6373]
Orange and black leafhopper [costa_rica_osa_0480]
(Costa Rica)
Jumping spider