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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Protea [south_africa_hermanus_1334] (South Africa)
Flowers (United States)
Fireweed (United States)
Palm tree (Costa Rica)
Pink flower (Malaysia)
African Baobab (Adansonia digitata) (Tanzania)
Orange and red flowers (Malaysia)
Banyan trees (United States)
Red Heliconia (Colombia)
Umbrella palm (Indonesia)
Flowers (Sri Lanka)
Black, green, and red slender pitcher plant (Nepenthes gracilis) (Malaysia)
Fig tree (Indonesia)
Ginger combs (Colombia)
Orange Bracket fungus in Madagascar [madagascar_perinet_0525] (Madagascar)
Red cup fungi (Cookeina speciosa) [costa_rica_la_selva_0492] (Costa Rica)
Neoregelia Bromeliad. Identification by Alexander Gostner. (Colombia)
White mushrooms (China)
0 (Malaysia)
Orange Bracket fungus in Madagascar [madagascar_perinet_0529] (Madagascar)
Bamboo fungus (Phallus indusiatus) in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. (China)
Striped pitcher plant (Malaysia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0096] (South Africa)
0 (Malaysia)
Rainforest plant (Mexico)
Papaya leaf (Indonesia)
Red fruit (Panama)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0072] (South Africa)
Frigatebird displaying in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Fred fruit and yellow flowers (Costa Rica)
Red tubular flower [australia_fnq_0132] (Australia)
Orange flowers (United States)
Cloud forest orchids (Peru)
Galapagos penguins mating (Ecuador)
Pachypodium geayi (local name: Vontaka) (Madagascar)
Orange rainforest flowers (Indonesia)
Ferns illuminated in the late afternoon sun [madagascar_6740] (Madagascar)
Gal‡pagos penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus) (Ecuador)
White flower (China)
Fungi (Indonesia)
Heliconia [costa_rica_siquirres_0160] (Costa Rica)
Plant [madagascar_3946] (Madagascar)
Inside a Strangler fig [australia_daintree_218] (Australia)
African Baobabs (Adansonia digitata) (Tanzania)
Red flower buds (Indonesia)
Orange cup mushroom (Indonesia)
Palm leaf in the rainforest (Indonesia)
White mushrooms in the rainforest (Indonesia)
Yellow flower [Apocynaceae (a bit like Mandevilla) or Acanthaceae (bit like Thunbergia)] (Madagascar)
Red cup fungi [costa_rica_la_selva_0026] (Costa Rica)
Red flowers (Indonesia)
Unknown butterfly; lime green wings with beige to yellow border (Peru)
Heliconia leaves in the Costa Rican rain forest (Costa Rica)
Bromeliad (Cambodia)
A fern in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Bird of Paradise in the Amazon rainforest [colombia_0497] (Colombia)
White cauliflorous flowers of Carpotroche longifolia (Euphorbiaceae) growing out of tree trunk (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
Flower bugs (Cambodia)
Passion vine blossom (Suriname)
Bamboo forest (United States)
Flower with ant (unidentified species) in the Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Red berries in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Diego Suarez Baobab (Adansonia suarezensis) (Madagascar)
Flora of the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Red bromeliad (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
Kapok flower (Peru)
Orchid (Australia)
Cecropia leaves (Peru)
5-petal flower [madagascar_maroantsetra_0078] (Madagascar)
Tikal (Belize)
Frigatebirds in flight (Ecuador)
Fungi -- sabah_2850 (Malaysia)
Bird nest ferns (Madagascar)
Pink lotus flower (Nymphaea pubescens) (China)
Orange flowering tree (Madagascar)
Red hibiscus (Madagascar)
Close up of cacti spikes (unidentified speices) in the Saguaro National Park, Arizona (United States)
Heliconia flower (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Red and green Heliconia (Malaysia)
White mushrooms (Cambodia)
Liana (Indonesia)
Fungi -- sabah_2849 (Malaysia)
Mandela's Gold [south_africa_capetown_0028] (South Africa)
Trees in Ngorogoro Crater (Tanzania)
Purple flowers (Vietnam)
Adansonia madagascariensis baobab [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0506] (Madagascar)
Yellow snapdragon (Thailand)
Heliconia [costa_rica_siquirres_0742] (Costa Rica)
Yellow mushroom (United States)
Orange cup fungi (China)
Bird of paradise flower (0)
Red flowers of a bromeliad in the Amazon rainforest canopy (Colombia)
Purple figs (Vietnam)
Fan palms [australia_daintree_040] (Australia)
Flower (Costa Rica)
Umbrella palm (Indonesia)
Ficus ischnopoda flower (China)
Thorns on a rainforest tree trunk (Costa Rica)
Fan palms [australia_daintree_037] (Australia)
Shell ginger (Alpinia zerumbet) - Yellow and red flower with white buds (Colombia)
Giant water lily (Victoria amazonica) [brazil_155453] (Brazil)
Galapagos mockingbird (Ecuador)
Horseman's star (Hippeastrum) in the Lacassine Wildlife Refuge cypress swamp (United States)
Vanilla orchid (Madagascar)
Seed pod (Malaysia)
Wildflower (species unidentified) in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico (United States)
Protea [south_africa_capetown_0087] (South Africa)
Bamboo fungus (China)
Palm fruit (Costa Rica)
Gal‡pagos penguins mating (Spheniscus mendiculus) (Ecuador)
White flowers [aceh_0399] (Indonesia)
Slender pitcher plant (Nepenthes gracilis) -- borneo_4982 (Malaysia)
Honeybee approaching a red dahlia (Thailand)
The Pinguicula casabitoana,complete with tiny prey,is the only carnivorous plant native to the Dominican Republic and is specifically endemic to this one particular ridge of the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve. (Dominican Republic)
Birdnest fern [madagascar_maroantsetra_0057] (Madagascar)
Flower [costa_rica_4615] (Costa Rica)
Giant water lily (Victoria amazonica) [brazil_155438] (Brazil)
Jackfruit [brazil_155507] (Brazil)
Purple fern (Peru)
Red heliconia [costa_rica_osa_0310] (Costa Rica)
Palm leaf [australia_daintree_113] (Australia)
Commelinaceae family (Madagascar)
Palm frond in the rainforest (Panama)
Pachypodium geayi (local name: Vontaka) [madagascar_7680] (Madagascar)
Commelinaceae family [madagascar_3745] (Madagascar)
Heliconia [colombia_2693] (Colombia)
Magenta and white flowers [java_0161] (Indonesia)
Emerging Victoria amazonica leaf (Colombia)
Orange Bracket fungus in Madagascar [madagascar_perinet_0526] (Madagascar)
Plant [costa_rica_siquirres_0686] (Costa Rica)
Orange wild plantain (Heliconia) (Indonesia)
Pink flower (0)
Pinkish-white bog flower (United States)
Ginger flower comb (Colombia)
Tree fern at view point in the Daintree (Australia)
Red mushrooms (Peru)
Pink snapdragon (Thailand)
Strangler fig (China)
Vines with purple flowers growing in canopy tree [tambopata-Tambopata_1028_4346] (Peru)
Orange mushrooms (Vietnam)
Frigatebirds in flight (Ecuador)
Bamboo [brazil_155409] (Brazil)
Red bromeliads (Racinaea) in Manu cloud forest (Peru)
Pandanus palms and blooming water lilies along river leading to Camp Leaky (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Red heliconia (Thailand)
White mushrooms (Cambodia)
Protea [south_africa_hermanus_1330] (South Africa)
Parasitic plant (Peru)
Fireball lily (Kenya)
Red bromeliad flower (Peru)
Pandanus palm (Madagascar)
Horsetail plants in an Alaskan bog (United States)
Orange flower (Indonesia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0042] (South Africa)
Yellow flower (Vietnam)
Hibiscus flower (United States)
Victoria water lilies at XTBG (China)
Red ginger flower (Indonesia)
Gal‡pagos penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus) (Ecuador)
Fire fungi (Panama)
Maroon flowers with light blue berries (Suriname)
Cup fungi (Peru)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0078] (South Africa)
Diego Suarez Baobab (Adansonia suarezensis) [madagascar_4183] (Madagascar)
Mushroom (China)
White palm flowers (Costa Rica)
Orange cup fungi (China)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0081] (South Africa)
Pitcher plant (Indonesia)
Orange flowers (Panama)
Ginger plant [costa-rica_0670] (Costa Rica)
Red and yellow mushroom (Cambodia)
Yellow leaf (Costa Rica)
Pink flowers [belize_8470] (Belize)
Senecio keniodendron, endemic to Mount Kenya (Kenya)
Orange cup fungi (Indonesia)
Red and yellow heliconia (Costa Rica)
Banana leaf (Peru)
Palm fruits (Costa Rica)
Philodendron leaves (Belize)
Giant bamboo [madagascar_3228] (Madagascar)
Fig fruits (Indonesia)
Giant liana in Vietnam (Vietnam)
Plant [madagascar_3917] (Madagascar)
Adansonia za Baobabs [madagascar_7463] (Madagascar)
Bees pollinating a pink and yellow flower (Suriname)
Bromeliads (Australia)
Passion flower (China)
Bamboo fungus (Phallus indusiatus) in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. (China)
Figs (Vietnam)
Yellow Heliconia maraca [costa_rica_la_selva_0952] (Costa Rica)
Yellow flower (Vietnam)
Silver mushroom (Indonesia)
Pink flowers (Peru)
Palm leaf [australia_daintree_112] (Australia)
0 (Malaysia)
Yellow heliconia (Costa Rica)
Red cup fungi [costa_rica_la_selva_0010] (Costa Rica)
Giant bamboo [costa_rica_osa_0759] (Costa Rica)
Heliconia structure (Costa Rica)
Giant water lily (Victoria amazonica) [brazil_155435] (Brazil)
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (China)
Blue fruit/berries (Belize)
Fruit (Suriname)
Mandela's Gold [south_africa_capetown_0023] (South Africa)
Orange flowers (United States)
Pink and yellow flowers (Colombia)
Protea flower (Colombia)
Epiphytes in China (China)
Tree at dusk in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Pink ginger flowers (Indonesia)
Slender pitcher plant (Nepenthes gracilis) -- borneo_4940 (Malaysia)
Red and yellow Heliconia (Colombia)
Red-orange fungus (Malaysia)
Colorful leaves (China)
Orange, yellow, and white flower (Costa Rica)
Andringitra plant [madagascar_6493] (Madagascar)
Plant [costa_rica_siquirres_0558] (Costa Rica)
Bromeliad (Cambodia)
Yellow flowers [australia_fnq_0345] (Australia)
Maroon berries (Indonesia)
Wildflower (species unidentified) in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico (United States)
Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium) [madagascar_masoala_0860] (Madagascar)
Mt. Kenya alpine floral community (Kenya)
Upper alpinezone vegetation below Mt. Kenya's peak (Kenya)
Red and yellow flowers among the tsingy [madagascar_4400] (Madagascar)
0 (Malaysia)
Red and yellow heliconia [costa-rica-d_0097] (Costa Rica)
Red flower from a vine (Peru)
Philodendrons (Costa Rica)
Unknown cactus [co02-0026] (Colombia)
Bamboo forest on the Pipiwai trail (United States)
Kapok flower (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
Cup mushroom (Indonesia)
Seed pod (Suriname)
Fungi (Indonesia)
Iridescent green beetle (Peru)
Galapagos penguins (Ecuador)
Pink Aechmea fasciata bromeliad flower. Identification by Alexander Gostner. [co03-9927] (Colombia)
Chinese bamboo (China)
Victoria water lilies at XTBG (China)
Bromeliad [costa-rica-d_0083] (Costa Rica)
Orange fungi [costa_rica_osa_0323] (Costa Rica)
Red flowers (Malaysia)
Banyan trees (United States)
Light brown fungi (Malaysia)
Papaya leaves (Indonesia)
Orchid (Indonesia)
Elephant Ear Plants [madagascar_2174] (Madagascar)
Giant bamboo [costa-rica-d_0058] (Costa Rica)
0 (Malaysia)
Rust-colored fungi (Malaysia)
Roots of a strangler fig (Indonesia)
Victoria water lilies at XTBG (China)
Red Heliconia stem (Colombia)
Pink dahlia (Thailand)
Fungi on a log [kalbar_1016] (Indonesia)
Yellow flowers in Sitka (United States)
Bamboo [brazil_155423a] (Brazil)
Red cup mushroom [costa_rica_la_selva_0935] (Costa Rica)
Cup fungi (Peru)
Orchid (Colombia)
Fungi -- sabah_3721 (Malaysia)
Fungi (Indonesia)
Blue flower (Vietnam)
Pachypodium species (Madagascar)
Ginger (0)
Yellow mushroom (Indonesia)
Pink Dahlia (Thailand)
Yellow heliconia [costa_rica_4819] (Costa Rica)
Arachnis flosaeris orchid (native to Indonesia, not Madagascar) (Madagascar)
Orange seed pod (Australia)
Euphorbia grandicornis (Colombia)
White flower with yellow and pink inner parts (United States)
Pink flower of a Tillandsia epiphyte (Belize)
White and pink flower (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Red and yellow vine flower (Kenya)
Heliconia flower (Costa Rica)
Diego Suarez Baobab (Adansonia suarezensis) [madagascar_ankarana_0456] (Madagascar)
White-yellow flower (Indonesia)
White flower with yellow and pink inner parts (United States)
Heliconia [costa_rica_la_selva_1779] (Costa Rica)
Victoria water lilies at XTBG (China)
Orange cup fungi (China)
Baobabs in village outside of Tulear (Madagascar)
Pitcher plant in Borneo, light green in color (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Cecropia tree (Colombia)
Yellow flowers emerging from charred earth [madagascar_6407] (Madagascar)
Fungi (Australia)
Pink lotus flowers and lily pads (Java) (Indonesia)
Bird of Paradise in the Amazon rainforest (Colombia)
Frigatebird displaying in the Galapagos (Ecuador)
Passion flower [costa-rica_0989] (Costa Rica)
Orange cup fungi (China)