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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Invasive floating plants on the Kinabantagan River (Malaysia)
Adansonia za Baobabs [madagascar_7471] (Madagascar)
Orange and purple flower [sabah_tawau_0298] (Malaysia)
Plant [madagascar_3919] (Madagascar)
Sally Lightfoot Crab (Grapsus grapsus) (Ecuador)
Orange and purple flower [sabah_tawau_0308] (Malaysia)
Wildflowers above 10,000 feet (3300 meters) in China (China)
Ficus ischnopoda flower (China)
Red palm frond [panama_0161] (Panama)
Bamboo forest on the Pipiwai trail (United States)
Coffee berries [australia_fnq_0251] (Australia)
White mushroom (Indonesia)
Rust-colored fungi (Costa Rica)
Euphorbia ankarensis [madagascar_4248] (Madagascar)
Sprouting seedling (Indonesia)
Tiny epiphytic ferns (Madagascar)
Bamboo grove [panama_0445] (Panama)
Nepenthes rafflesiana pitcher plants -- borneo_4985 (Malaysia)
Fungi [madagascar_1961] (Madagascar)
Heliconia [costa_rica_siquirres_0741] (Costa Rica)
Red finger flower (Indonesia)
Alluaudia procera [madagascar_2931] (Madagascar)
Yellow heliconia [costa_rica_la_selva_0424] (Costa Rica)
Mangroves in the Estero Hondo Marine Sanctuary in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Elephant Ear Plant (Madagascar)
Impressive karst formations in Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Red cup mushroom -- sabah_3728 (Malaysia)
Flowers [madagascar_masoala_0537] (Madagascar)
Pink flowers in the Costa Rican rainforest [costa_rica_osa_0454] (Costa Rica)
White fungi [kalsel_0068] (Indonesia)
Seed pod [australia_fnq_0169] (Australia)
Red bromeliads (Peru)
Bamboo grove [panama_0429] (Panama)
Coastal vegetation in Big Sur (United States)
Peatland flower [kalteng_0553] (Indonesia)
Pink fungi (Indonesia)
Prickly fruit (Laos)
Cyphostemma (Cyphostemma montagnacii) - Mangeboka (local name) (Madagascar)
Touch Ginger (Nicolaia elatior) [costa_rica_siquirres_0831] (Costa Rica)
Orange fungi (United States)
Adansonia za Baobabs [madagascar_7470] (Madagascar)
Banana flower [costa_rica_la_selva_0708] (Costa Rica)
Rainforest fern [costa_rica_osa_0253] (Costa Rica)
Fungi (Indonesia)
Wild orchid (Vanilla madagascariensis) used for impotence [madagascar_3909] (Madagascar)
Fire-resistant Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) near Isalo [madagascar_7107] (Madagascar)
White fungi [colombia_1369] (Colombia)
Fungi on a rotting log [kalbar_0397] (Indonesia)
Glow-in-the-dark mushrooms seen in the light (Malaysia)
Red tubular flowers [aceh_0369] (Indonesia)
Figs -- sabah_3419 (Malaysia)
Slender pitcher plant (Nepenthes gracilis) -- borneo_4938 (Malaysia)
Sprouting seedlings at reforestation project in Tanjung Puting National Park (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
St. Francis statue with roses in Santa Fe, New Mexico (United States)
Large tree seeds (Botswana)
Mangroves on a Turneffe Atoll island [belize_0224] (Belize)
Bright orange fruit (Indonesia)
Rainforest and karst formations in Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Blue berry (Madagascar)
Winter in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico (United States)
Diseased leaf (Indonesia)
Wildflowers on a hillside in NW Yunnan (China)
Liana [sabah_tawau_0068] (Malaysia)
Epipyte near Mt Lewis [australia_fnq_0101] (Australia)
0 (Malaysia)
Green bromeliads in Manu cloud forest (Peru)
Red understory flowers in Borneo [sabah_tawau_0511] (Malaysia)
Pink flower (Indonesia)
Young cacao pod (Indonesia)
Fungi (Indonesia)
Yellow hibiscis flower -- sabah_2734 (Malaysia)
Orange flowers (United States)
Wildflower (species unidentified) in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico (United States)
White fungi (Malaysia)
Gourd used for holim, or traditional penis sheaths (Indonesia)
Giant liana [sabah_tawau_0492] (Malaysia)
Spider monkey (Belize)
Yellow flowering tree (Panama)
Figs (Indonesia)
Orange tubular flowers [aceh_0372] (Indonesia)
Pitcher plants (0)
Pink rainforest flower (Malaysia)
Red flowers [manu_0332] (Peru)
Yellow flowers [colombia_0439] (Colombia)
Rainforest fern [costa_rica_osa_0255] (Costa Rica)
White and pink orchids in the highlands of New Guinea [papua_0067] (Indonesia)
Patterns on a tree trunk [australia_fnq_0160] (Australia)
Plant [madagascar_2386] (Madagascar)
Flower [sabah_kinabatangan_0408] (Malaysia)
Fungi (Indonesia)
Coastal vegetation [australia_daintree_049] (Australia)
Blue flowers [costa_rica_siquirres_0604] (Costa Rica)
Touch Ginger (Nicolaia elatior) [costa_rica_siquirres_0832] (Costa Rica)
Flower (Thailand)
Liana [sabah_tawau_0066] (Malaysia)
Jackfruit (Indonesia)
White Angrecum orchid (Jumellea sp.) [madagascar_0735] (Madagascar)
Fungi (China)
Dying (red-colored) Nepenthes mirabilis pitcher plant (Malaysia)
Ferns (United States)
Red Racinaea bromeliads in Manu (Peru)
Purple flowers (Panama)
Plants emerging from lava (United States)
Flowers (Indonesia)
Red cup fungi (Cookeina speciosa) [costa_rica_la_selva_0545] (Costa Rica)
Ginger combs [colombia_4677] (Colombia)
0 (Malaysia)
Fireweed in Alaska (United States)
Red cup mushroom [costa_rica_la_selva_0934] (Costa Rica)
Blooming cactus (species unknown) in New Mexico (United States)
Andringitra plants [madagascar_6717] (Madagascar)
Strangler fig (China)
White flower (Panama)
Baobabs around Antsiranana Bay (Madagascar)
Moss and grasses (Kenya)
Wild antherium? [kalteng_0422] (Indonesia)
Red flower buds (Indonesia)
Orange flower [colombia_0511] (Colombia)
Red cup mushroom [costa_rica_la_selva_1635] (Costa Rica)
Trees growing between tsingy near Lac Vert [madagascar_4419] (Madagascar)
Pink water lotus in New Guinea [papua_0742] (Indonesia)
Red cup fungi (Cookeina speciosa) [costa_rica_la_selva_0519] (Costa Rica)
Bromeliad [costa_rica_siquirres_0864] (Costa Rica)
Yellow flower [wayquecha-andes_0180] (Peru)
Bamboo grove [panama_0420] (Panama)
Fungi [java_0259] (Indonesia)
A Vervain Hummingbird (Mellisuga minima),the second smallest hummingbird in the world,in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Red berries (Malaysia)
Red fruit [kalteng_0518] (Indonesia)
Pink ginger flowers [sumatra_1101] (Indonesia)
Tree fern [australia_fnq_0167] (Australia)
Yellow heliconia [costa_rica_la_selva_1472] (Costa Rica)
A tree with bromeliads in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Heart-shaped mushroom (Cambodia)
Fungi [madagascar_masoala_0700] (Madagascar)
Plant [madagascar_masoala_0608] (Madagascar)
Cape buffalo with a Red-billed Oxpecker -- tz_1594 (Tanzania)
White flowers (Indonesia)
Leucadendron salignum [south_africa_capetown_0057] (South Africa)
Red ginger (Indonesia)
Green-white orchid in Mexico (Mexico)
Fungi [australia_fnq_0097] (Australia)
Pitcher plants [riau_5753] (Indonesia)
Clover canopy (United States)
Fan palms [australia_daintree_030] (Australia)
Borneo rainforest tree with buttress roots -- borneo_4232 (Malaysia)
Rainforest seedling [sabah_tawau_0495] (Malaysia)
Tropical acorns (Cambodia)
Nepenthes mirabilis pitcher plant -- borneo_4993 (Malaysia)
Bellavista cloud forest (Ecuador)
Impressive karst formations in Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Red cacao pods (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Phallic palm root [costa-rica_0843] (Costa Rica)
Rainforest leaves [costa_rica_osa_0226] (Costa Rica)
Red cup fungi (Cookeina speciosa) [costa_rica_la_selva_0489] (Costa Rica)
Canopy ferns (Indonesia)
White orchid (Thailand)
Nazca booby with chick (Ecuador)
Reddish-brown fungi [kalbar_0329] (Indonesia)
Green cacao pods (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) -- sulawesi7270 (Indonesia)
Reddish-brown fungi [kalbar_0325] (Indonesia)
Fungi [java_0258] (Indonesia)
Purple flower (Ecuador)
Flowers of a bromeliad [belize_6898] (Belize)
Orange seeds (Suriname)
5-petal flower [madagascar_maroantsetra_0076] (Madagascar)
Fungi [kalbar_0281] (Indonesia)
Rainforest palm in the understory (Indonesia)
Brown flower (Suriname)
White flower [costa_rica_la_selva_1694] (Costa Rica)
A view of the unique spiny forest that borders the beach of Bahia de las Aguilas at Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Heliconia flower (Peru)
Andringitra plants [madagascar_6803] (Madagascar)
Magenta bananas (Costa Rica)
Pink rainforest flowers (Panama)
Bromeliad [costa_rica_la_selva_0896] (Costa Rica)
Red fungi (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Seedlings taking root at reforestation project in Tanjung Puting National Park (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Canopy tree and a liana [suriname_0790] (Suriname)
Yellow Heliconia maraca [costa_rica_la_selva_1194] (Costa Rica)
Maroon flowers (Peru)
Looking up at tree ferns (Uganda)
Bromeliad [manu_0092] (Peru)
Red orange flowers -- borneo_3102 (Malaysia)
Red sea cliffs of Rabida Island (Ecuador)
Orchids (0)
Lavendar flowers on a tree [costa-rica_0060] (Costa Rica)
Birdnest fern in the rainforest canopy (Madagascar)
Wild orange hibiscis (Indonesia)
Ficus auriculata tree (China)
Orange berries [australia_mossman_gorge_389] (Australia)
Plants (Indonesia)
Carduus species on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Tree trunk (Indonesia)
Living Dipterocarp tree with "the value of a BWM" [sumatra_0544] (Indonesia)
Banyan trees (United States)
Fungi [madagascar_maroantsetra_0053] (Madagascar)
Fungi (China)
Young teak trees (Sulawesi - Celebes) -- sulawesi7477 (Indonesia)
Yellow and orange flowers (Indonesia)
Plant [costa_rica_siquirres_0819] (Costa Rica)
Forest in the Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysua (Malaysia)
Bamboo grove [panama_0427] (Panama)
Bromeliad [costa_rica_siquirres_0608] (Costa Rica)
Fungi (China)
Spiny forest species for a reforestation project [madagascar_7792] (Madagascar)
White mushroom (United States)
Flora of the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Fern in Madagascar (Madagascar)
African baobab -- tz_xt_3321 (Tanzania)
Heliconia [costa_rica_la_selva_1458] (Costa Rica)
White flower (Peru)
Researcher examining a bamboo fungus (China)
Birdnest fern (Vietnam)
Coastal vegetation in Big Sur (United States)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0246] (South Africa)
Cauliflorous fruit [madagascar_masoala_0792] (Madagascar)
Red heliconia (Malaysia)
Roses and adobe house in Santa Fe, New Mexico (United States)
Black, green, and red slender pitcher plant (Nepenthes gracilis) -- borneo_4997 (Malaysia)
Rust-colored mushroom (Peru)
Tsingy vegetation [madagascar_ankarana_0390] (Madagascar)
Nepenthes rafflesiana pitcher plant -- borneo_6556 (Malaysia)
Yellow and white orchids [madagascar_2092] (Madagascar)
Flowers [australia_daintree_222] (Australia)
Yellow-orange fungi (United States)
Mountain views from the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Glowing fungi -- sabah_3595 (Malaysia)
Giant bamboo [costa_rica_osa_0769] (Costa Rica)
Red berries in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Fungi (Brazil)
Yellow flowers in Brazil's Mata Atlantica [brazil_154849] (Brazil)
Mushrooms (Indonesia)
Pink flower (Indonesia)
Banyan trees (United States)
Tree fern at view point in the Daintree [australia_daintree_005] (Australia)
Poinsettia in New Guinea (Indonesia)
Sea lion at the Puerto Ayora fish market (Ecuador)
Rainforest palm (Indonesia)
Black, green, and red slender pitcher plant (Nepenthes gracilis) -- borneo_5013 (Malaysia)
Impressive karst formations in Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Epiphyte in Borneo [kalbar_1651] (Indonesia)
White flower (Indonesia)
Yellow flower [sumatra_0240] (Indonesia)
Pink cyclone flower [madagascar_3682] (Madagascar)
Cauliflorous fruit on a fig tree trunk (Indonesia)
Yellow heliconia [costa_rica_4496] (Costa Rica)
Common Swamp Pitcher-Plant (Nepenthes mirabilis) (Malaysia)
Green, yellow, orange, and red seeds (Indonesia)
Spiny forest vegetation [madagascar_7646] (Madagascar)
White fungi (Madagascar)
Vines (Malaysia)
Tree ferns (0)
Purple orchids (Peru)
Yellow flowers in the cloud forest (Peru)
Bamboo grove [panama_0428] (Panama)
Ravenala madagascariensis (Andasibe) (Madagascar)
Red understory flowers in Borneo [sabah_tawau_0514] (Malaysia)
White fungi [australia_fnq_0106] (Australia)
Red bracht [costa-rica-d_0165] (Costa Rica)
Bamboo grove [panama_0444] (Panama)
White flower [madagascar_ankarana_0326] (Madagascar)
Red cup fungi [costa_rica_la_selva_0004] (Costa Rica)
Palm fruits [costa_rica_la_selva_1750] (Costa Rica)
Pink cactus flower (United States)
Giant waterlily (Victoria amazonica) [brazil_155450] (Brazil)
Nazca booby with chick (Ecuador)
Fungi growing off log (Guyana)
Mistletoe (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Winter in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico (United States)
Off-white orchid with orange spots -- borneo_3404 (Malaysia)
Yellow mushroom (Indonesia)
Oscar Mishaja; rainforest guide in the Tambopata region (Peru)
Flower (Thailand)
Cactus (unidentified species) in the Saguaro National Park, Arizona (United States)
Hummingbird (Ecuador)
Giant bamboo [costa_rica_osa_0761] (Costa Rica)
Glowing fungi -- sabah_3603 (Malaysia)
Yallow marigold (Thailand)
Plant [costa_rica_siquirres_0818] (Costa Rica)
Orange flowers (United States)
Cattle egrets nesting in mangrove trees in Estero Hondo Marine Sanctuary in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Dark red fungi with a white fringe [kalbar_1376] (Indonesia)
Pink and yellow flowers (Thailand)
Pink flowers [wayquecha-andes_0198] (Peru)
Flower (China)
Seed pod (Madagascar)
Coastal vegetation [australia_daintree_048] (Australia)
Swallowtail feeding on red flowers (United States)
White flowers -- sabah_2735 (Malaysia)
Peatland flower [kalteng_0557] (Indonesia)
Bamboo forest on the Pipiwai trail (United States)
Woody liana (Costa Rica)
Nepenthes pitcher plant (Malaysia)
Water lilies and other vegetation along blackwater river (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Red bromeliad (Peru)
Pitcher plants (0)
Fallen limb of a giant strangler fig tree (Madagascar)