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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Saguaro cactus in the Saguaro National Park, Arizona (United States)
Teak leaves (Indonesia)
Siquirres rainforest [costa_rica_siquirres_0670] (Costa Rica)
Cecropia in the Peruvian cloud forest (Peru)
Mandela's Gold (South Africa)
Glowing red-orange fungi in Madagascar [madagascar_masoala_0862] (Madagascar)
Flora [south_africa_hermanus_0559] (South Africa)
Rainforest plant (Mexico)
Giant water lily (Victoria amazonica) (Brazil)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0041] (South Africa)
Tarantula (Belize)
Ruins of Tikal protruding from the rainforest (Belize)
Amazon water lilies in Colombia (Colombia)
A mango tree in the mountains near the village of Mencia,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Red tubular flowers (Indonesia)
Protea [south_africa_capetown_0083] (South Africa)
Victoria water lilies at XTBG (China)
Bird of paradise in Borneo (Indonesia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0110] (South Africa)
Kelumpang Sarawak (Sterculia megistophylla) -- sabah_4087 (Malaysia)
Mushroom in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Pink Aechmea fasciata bromeliad flower. Identification by Alexander Gostner. (Colombia)
Yellow flower (Vietnam)
Diego Suarez Baobab (Adansonia suarezensis) [madagascar_ankarana_0454] (Madagascar)
Pandanus palm [madagascar_masoala_0158] (Madagascar)
Red dahlia with a bee (Thailand)
Magenta flowers (Costa Rica)
Orange fungi (Indonesia)
Borneo flora (Malaysia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens (South Africa)
Magenta and white flowers (Indonesia)
Orange moss (not lichen) (Kenya)
Red hibiscus (Costa Rica)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0021] (South Africa)
Senecio keniodendron, endemic to Mount Kenya (Kenya)
Wild red ginger flowers (Indonesia)
Heliconia leaf (Colombia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0030] (South Africa)
Giant bamboo (Costa Rica)
Fig fruit (Indonesia)
Jackfruit (Brazil)
Red bird of paradise flower (Colombia)
Bright orange cauliflorous 'Janus' flowers (Malaysia)
Orange fungi (Costa Rica)
Red cup fungi [costa_rica_la_selva_0007] (Costa Rica)
Red ginger flower (China)
Red passion vine flower (Colombia)
Baby marine iguanas (Ecuador)
Ginger plant (Costa Rica)
Orange berries (Costa Rica)
Light pink lily (Kenya)
Palm fruits (close up) (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Red cup mushroom (Cookeina speciosa) [costa_rica_la_selva_0319] (Costa Rica)
Maroon and white vine flower (Uganda)
White Victoria amazonica flower (Colombia)
Palm seeds (Costa Rica)
Pink and red ginger flower (Indonesia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0034] (South Africa)
Yellow heliconia maraca comb (Ginger shampoo) (Costa Rica)
Pink Rhododendron [olympic_rainforest_0058] (United States)
Staghorn fern (Indonesia)
Banyan trees (United States)
Ginger flower (Costa Rica)
Sun accented palm leaves (Malaysia)
Flora (South Africa)
Baobabs on the shore of Diego Suarez Bay (Madagascar)
Palm fron (Costa Rica)
Victoria water lilies at XTBG (China)
Plants [south_africa_capetown_0342] (South Africa)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0112] (South Africa)
Fallen rainforest flower (Indonesia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0036] (South Africa)
Bamboo in China (China)
Flowering plant (United States)
Flower (Thailand)
Seed pod (Costa Rica)
Adansonia madagascariensis baobab [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0505] (Madagascar)
Glowing fungi (Malaysia)
Protea [south_africa_hermanus_1332] (South Africa)
Pink blossoms (Indonesia)
Oxbow lake filled with Amazon water lilies in Colombia (Colombia)
Poppy in Borneo (Indonesia)
Bamboo fungus (Phallus indusiatus) in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. (China)
Red cup mushroom (Cookeina speciosa) [costa_rica_la_selva_0327] (Costa Rica)
Researcher examining a bamboo fungus (China)
A wild orchid in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Water lilly (Botswana)
Red cup mushroom (Malaysia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0045] (South Africa)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Honeycomb-shaped flower of Zingiber spectabilis (Colombia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0068] (South Africa)
Bamboo fungus (Phallus indusiatus) in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. (China)
Purple flower (Kenya)
Orange cup fungi (Indonesia)
Flame orange fungi (Vietnam)
Pink Aechmea fasciata. Identification by Alexander Gostner. (Colombia)
Heliconia [costa_rica_la_selva_1468] (Costa Rica)
BartolomŽ Island (Ecuador)
Bamboo mushroom (China)
Pink dahlia (Thailand)
Red flower (Laos)
Protea [south_africa_capetown_0086] (South Africa)
Red-orange flowers (Uganda)
Strangler fig (China)
Pitcher plant, Nepenthes reinwardtiana, in rain forest of Borneo (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Flora of the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0101] (South Africa)
Banana flowers and red banana fruit (Costa Rica)
Liana (Indonesia)
Strangler fig (Indonesia)
Giant bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus) (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Red cup mushroom (Costa Rica)
White flowers [aceh_0458] (Indonesia)
A view of the unique spiny forest that borders the beach of Bahia de las Aguilas at Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Plant with bright pink stems (Peru)
Rainforest of the Darien (Colombia)
Red ginger (Indonesia)
Wild ginger (Costa Rica)
Pachypodium geayi (Madagascar)
Red passion vine flower (Costa Rica)
White cauliflorous plant (Australia)
Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) (Colombia)
Bromeliad (Brazil)
Bromeliad (Costa Rica)
Amazonian Bird of Paradise (Colombia)
Wild ginger [costa_rica_la_selva_1745] (Costa Rica)
Bamboo fungus (Phallus indusiatus) in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. (China)
Colorful leaves (China)
Yellow flower (Vietnam)
Strangler fig (Australia)
Rainforest leaf decaying on the forest floor (Costa Rica)
Adansonia madagascariensis baobab [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0501] (Madagascar)
Diego Suarez Baobab (Adansonia suarezensis) [madagascar_ankarana_0452] (Madagascar)
Red cup mushroom (Cookeina speciosa) (Costa Rica)
Orange orchid with magenta spots (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
California poppies in Big Sur (United States)
Lobelia telekii (Kenya)
Ginger flower [costa_rica_la_selva_1684] (Costa Rica)
The mountain views near Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Protea [south_africa_hermanus_0558] (South Africa)
Red cup mushroom (Cookeina speciosa) [costa_rica_la_selva_0324] (Costa Rica)
Blue-footed booby (Ecuador)
Red fungi (Malaysia)
Burning the savanna in Guatemala (Belize)
Pink fringed hibiscus (Hibiscus schizopetalus) (Belize)
Epiphytes in China (China)
Patterns on a tree trunk (Australia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0115] (South Africa)
Red rainforest leaves (Colombia)
Yellow mushroom (Indonesia)
White flowers (Indonesia)
Kelumpang Sarawak (Sterculia megistophylla) (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Orange and maroon fungi (United States)
Fireball Lily (Scadoxus multiflorus) (Kenya)
Red ginger flower (Colombia)
White flowers (Malaysia)
Giant Rosette Plant (Lobelia keniensis) (Kenya)
Giant Amazon water lily (Victoria amazonica) (Brazil)
Bahia de las Aguilas - 8 km of undeveloped beach in Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Glowing fungi -- sabah_3607 (Malaysia)
Ginger flower (China)
Fireball lily (Kenya)
Fall colors in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico (United States)
Fungi on a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Cactus flower (United States)
Plants [south_africa_capetown_0343] (South Africa)
Epiphyte in the rainforest canopy (Malaysia)
Protea [south_africa_capetown_0084] (South Africa)
Heliconia [colombia_2231] (Colombia)
Pomelo (Jerunga) fruit (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Brown and white mushroom (Malaysia)
Red ginger (Belize)
Bamboo shoot (Indonesia)
Flower [madagascar_masoala_0430] (Madagascar)
A fern in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Wild Geraniums [kalbar_0434] (Indonesia)
Red fruit (Indonesia)
Red Heliconia with yellow and white blossoms (Colombia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0065] (South Africa)
Protea [south_africa_hermanus_1338] (South Africa)
Tikal (Belize)
Strangler fig (China)
African baobab (Tanzania)
Pink dahlias (Thailand)
Red cup mushroom (Cookeina speciosa) [costa_rica_la_selva_0323] (Costa Rica)
Baobabs [madagascar_7421] (Madagascar)
Banyan trees (United States)
Fungi (Malaysia)
Giant Rosette Plant (Lobelia keniensis) (Kenya)
Papaya leaves (Indonesia)
Magenta ginger flowers (Costa Rica)
Nepenthes rafflesiana, a large pitcher plant commonly found in swampy forests of Borneo (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Kapok flower (Peru)
Heliconia [costa_rica_osa_0780] (Costa Rica)
Red heliconia (Costa Rica)
Leucadendron salignum (South Africa)
Black fungi (Australia)
Banyan trees (United States)
A tree with bromeliads in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Red cup fungi (Cookeina speciosa) (Costa Rica)
A tree with bromeliads in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Bright red ginger flower on the forest floor (Malaysia)
Flowering bromeliad (Brazil)
Plants (South Africa)
Plants [south_africa_capetown_0219] (South Africa)
Fan palms (Australia)
Flora of the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Heliconia collinsiana (Costa Rica)
Flowering bromeliad [brazil_155468] (Brazil)
White flower (United States)
White flower (Costa Rica)
Orange and yellow flowers (Indonesia)
Pink lotus flower (Java) (Indonesia)
Fungi -- sabah_3724 (Malaysia)
Rainforest leaves (Costa Rica)
Heliconia flower (Peru)
Giant waterlily (Victoria amazonica) (Brazil)
Heliconia (Costa Rica)
Heliconia [costa_rica_la_selva_1658] (Costa Rica)
Cactus flower (United States)
Broken booby egg (Ecuador)
Red-orange fungi (Indonesia)
Red cup fungi (Costa Rica)
Orange fungi (Vietnam)
Aechmea fasciata, Red bromeliad flower. Identification by Alexander Gostner. (Colombia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0040] (South Africa)
Purple Impatiens flower (Madagascar)
Beach at Witch Hill (Ecuador)
Pink bananas (Colombia)
Corn fields in Yunnan (China)
Red cup mushrooms (Cookeina speciosa) (Costa Rica)
Rainforest tree leaf (Uganda)
A fern in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Canopy of clovers [olympic_rainforest_0070] (United States)
Light orange heliconia (Belize)
Aloe (Namibia)
Bird of paradise (Thailand)
Orange fungi (Indonesia)
Red fflowers (Malaysia)
Flower (unidentified species) in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
A new mangrove tree grows in the Estero Hondo Marine Sanctuary in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Liana wrapped around a rainforest canopy tree (Belize)
Protea [south_africa_hermanus_0556] (South Africa)
Giant Dipterocarp tree (Indonesia)
Bird of Paradise in the Amazon (Colombia)
Bamboo in Madagascar [madagascar_maroantsetra_0204] (Madagascar)
Green and purple orchid, possibly Paphiopedilum sp. or Phragmipedium sp. (Colombia)
Rainforest seed pod (Costa Rica)
Strange plant on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0073] (South Africa)
Red leaf (Colombia)
Tikal (Belize)
Dirt road running between two African Baobabs (Adansonia digitata) (Tanzania)
New Victoria amazonica leaf (Colombia)
Flora of the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Bamboo (Brazil)
Corteza Amarilla (Tabebuia ochracea) (Costa Rica)
Kapok flower (Peru)
Birdnest fern [madagascar_masoala_0045] (Madagascar)
Red ginger (Suriname)
Heliconia [costa_rica_la_selva_1491] (Costa Rica)
Pink flower (Malaysia)
Pink flowers (Costa Rica)
Protea (South Africa)
Umbrella plant in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Pink flowers in the Costa Rican rainforest (Costa Rica)
Peacock moss (Indonesia)
A bromeliad in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Red cup fungi (Cookeina speciosa) [costa_rica_la_selva_0535] (Costa Rica)
Orange and yellow heliconia (Costa Rica)
Flowers (Costa Rica)
Gumbo limbo 'Tourist trees' used for treating rashes and sunburn (Belize)
Heliconia [costa_rica_siquirres_0001] (Costa Rica)
Bromeliads in Costa Rica's cloud forest (Costa Rica)
0 (Malaysia)
White flower [madagascar_6529] (Madagascar)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0098] (South Africa)
Mexican rainforest vegetation (Mexico)
Lily (Costa Rica)
Birdnest fern [madagascar_maroantsetra_0056] (Madagascar)
Flowers (Sri Lanka)
Orange flower (Laos)
Heliconia (Colombia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0033] (South Africa)
Epiphyte (Costa Rica)
Slender pitcher plant (Nepenthes gracilis) (Malaysia)
Heliconia [colombia_3675] (Colombia)
0 (Malaysia)
Bamboo [brazil_155424a] (Brazil)
Heliconia (Brazil)
Yellow and red Heliconia (Peru)
Plant (Costa Rica)
Orange tubular flowers (Indonesia)
Epiphyte in Sarawak (Malaysia)
Inside a Strangler fig (Australia)
Red ginger (Costa Rica)
Palm tree at sunrise (United States)
Clover canopy [olympic_rainforest_0069] (United States)