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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Orangutan (Indonesia)
Rainforest palm (Indonesia)
Baby orangutan at a conservation center (Indonesia)
Sumatran elephants in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park [sumatra_9267] (Indonesia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
White flower (Indonesia)
Peat forest cleared for wood fiber production (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Black, violet, and green damselfly [sumatra_0921] (Indonesia)
Baby orangutan at a conservation center (Indonesia)
Peatforest deforestation [riau_1028] (Indonesia)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Oil palm and acacia killed by fire (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Woodpulp plantation [riau_5191] (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Green insect (Indonesia)
Deforestation for plantations in Riau [riau_0999] (Indonesia)
Orangutan (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Riau (Indonesia)
Destroyed peat forest (Indonesia)
Slash-and-burned forest (Indonesia)
Baby orangutan (Indonesia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Umbrella leaves (Indonesia)
Destroyed peatlands (Indonesia)
Orangutan relaxing in tree (Indonesia)
Natural forest and acacia (Indonesia)
rhinoceros hornbill in flight (Indonesia)
Illegal deforestation for palm oil (Indonesia)
Changeable hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) (Indonesia)
Excavators working in a cleared acacia plantation [riau_5820] (Indonesia)
Black beetle with an orange-red head (Indonesia)
Sumatran jungle cicada (Indonesia)
Interviewee (Indonesia)
Ginger (Indonesia)
Swamp forest in Way Kambas (Indonesia)
Excavator in an acacia plantation [riau_0291] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation in the process of being replanted (Indonesia)
A burned acacia plantation (Indonesia)
Black, brown, and yellow insect [sumatra_1065] (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Destroyed peat forest (Indonesia)
Fungi (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Thomas leaf monkey eating figs [sumatra_0381] (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Internet center set up by the Sumtran Orangutan Center in Bukit Lawang (Indonesia)
Smoke rising from a forest fire in Riau (Indonesia)
Oil field owned by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (Indonesia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation on former rainforest land [sumatra_1416] (Indonesia)
Mother Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Grasshopper (Indonesia)
Excavators loading acacia logs [riau_5674] (Indonesia)
Male rhinoceros beetle (Indonesia)
A recently cleared oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Mother and baby orangutan on the ground (Indonesia)
Oil palm worker (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Oil palm, rice, and agroforest in Riau [riau_5407] (Indonesia)
Forest fragment due to palm oil (Indonesia)
Green snake with red markings (Indonesia)
Rhinoceros hornbill (Indonesia)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Mountains of the Leuser ecosystem with an oil palm plantation in the foreground (Indonesia)
Skink (Indonesia)
Thomas' Leaf Monkey in tree (Indonesia)
Changeable hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) (Indonesia)
Sumatran heron (Indonesia)
Degraded peat forest and a wood pulp plantation (Indonesia)
Illegal clearing and burning inside Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Buluh river flowing to the Batang river (Indonesia)
Orangutan (Indonesia)
Rainforest and oil palm in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Deforested peatland and woodpulp plantations in Riau [riau_1499] (Indonesia)
Oil palm and rubber (Indonesia)
Rainforest creek in Gunung Leuser national park (Indonesia)
Bohorok River at sunset [sumatra_0218] (Indonesia)
Railway carrying logs in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Illegal deforestation for palm oil (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Orangutan hanging in tree (Indonesia)
Cleared oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Riau rainforest [riau_5128] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation at dawn (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino in a wallow (Indonesia)
Peatland destroyed for acacia (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Baby orangutan (Indonesia)
Dipterocarp in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Red-headed katydid (Indonesia)
New oil palm development in forest next to Gunung Leuser National Park [sumatra_0681] (Indonesia)
Gecko on a palm fron [sumatra_1370] (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Peat forest cleared for palm oil (Indonesia)
White-fringed butterfly (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Sumatran elephants in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park [sumatra_9240] (Indonesia)
Strangler fig near Jantho, Aceh [aceh_0137] (Indonesia)
Rhinoceros hornbill (Indonesia)
Deforestation in Riau [riau_1262] (Indonesia)
Cleared oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Burning within Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Rainforest palm (Indonesia)
Sumatran heron (Indonesia)
Strip of natural forest in an acacia plantation (Indonesia)
Mahout atop an Sumatran elephant [sumatra_9194] (Indonesia)
Cleared peat forest (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Sunset in Bukit Tigapuluh (Indonesia)
Sumatran elephants in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park [sumatra_9251] (Indonesia)
Peat forest clearing in Riau [riau_0846] (Indonesia)
Rainforest stream [aceh_0441] (Indonesia)
Insect (Indonesia)
Tiger paw print (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation and natural forest (Indonesia)
Mating butterflies [aceh_0419] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation in Riau [riau_1294] (Indonesia)
Female Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Tesso Nilo rain forest (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation and natural forest (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle (Indonesia)
Orangutan hanging in tree (Indonesia)
Black, yellow, white, and orange caterpillar [sumatra_0322] (Indonesia)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Baby orangutan in a diaper (Indonesia)
Jungle rubber forest clearing in Riau [riau_5370] (Indonesia)
A recently cleared oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Red flowers (Indonesia)
Oil refinery in Riau (Indonesia)
Natural forest and acacia (Indonesia)
Acacia logs floating in a canal [riau_1537] (Indonesia)
Sumatran rainforest (Indonesia)
Peatland fire in Riau (Indonesia)
Vine (Indonesia)
Rainforest (Indonesia)
Peatlands deforestation for oil palm [riau_0069] (Indonesia)
Katydid camouflaged to resemble bird droppings on a fern [sumatra_1349] (Indonesia)
Degraded peat forest (Indonesia)
Heliconia plant (Indonesia)
Tree viper (Indonesia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Acacia and oil palm (Indonesia)
Recently cleared peatland planted with oil palm (Indonesia)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino in a wallow (Indonesia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Sumatran rainforest (Indonesia)
Rhinoceros hornbill (Indonesia)
Riau rainforest [riau_0894] (Indonesia)
Wild freshwater turtle in Sumatra [sumatra_0519] (Indonesia)
Rhinoceros hornbill (Indonesia)
Wild freshwater turtle in Sumatra [sumatra_0522] (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Slash-and-burned forest (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Baby orangutan (Indonesia)
Pollution over Singapore (Indonesia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Fisheye view of cleared of peatland (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Excavators working in a cleared acacia plantation [riau_5829] (Indonesia)
Degraded peat forest (Indonesia)
Excavators loading acacia logs [riau_5655] (Indonesia)
Excavators loading acacia logs [riau_5650] (Indonesia)
Acacia wood fiber plantation and natural forest (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
White flowers (Indonesia)
Tesso Nilo rainforest (Indonesia)
Acacia wood fiber plantation (Indonesia)
Orangutan relaxing in tree (Indonesia)
Peat forest cleared for palm oil (Indonesia)
Deforested landscape in Tesso nilo (Indonesia)
Spider (Indonesia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Mahout atop an Sumatran elephant [sumatra_9197] (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Excavators working in a cleared acacia plantation [riau_5796] (Indonesia)
Degraded peat forest (Indonesia)
Peatland destroyed for palm oil production (Indonesia)
Long-tailed macaque nursing a baby monkey [riau_5502] (Indonesia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Activist staging a protest against palm oil (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Cicada [aceh_0131] (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Wild red ginger flowers [sumatra_9051] (Indonesia)
Oil palm on peatland (Indonesia)
Baby orangutan (Indonesia)
The most amazing insect I have ever seen--bigger than my fist (Indonesia)
Destroyed peat forest (Indonesia)
Damselflies (Indonesia)
Ants fighting (Indonesia)
Moon rise over the rainforest (Indonesia)
Cleared peat forest (Indonesia)
Deforested peatland [riau_0610] (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Tesso Nilo rainforest (Indonesia)
Sumatran rhino at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (Indonesia)
Sumatran surili (Presbytis melalophos) (Indonesia)
Deforestation for oil palm [riau_1162] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation in Jambi (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation in Riau [riau_0937] (Indonesia)
Deforestation on the edge of Bukit Tigapuluh NP (Indonesia)
Sumatran freshwater turtle [sumatra_0511] (Indonesia)
Giant black, green, blue, and red cicada (Indonesia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Sumatran gecko (Indonesia)
Mother and baby orangutan in at tree (Indonesia)
Sumatran rhino at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (Indonesia)
Aceh rainforest canopy (Indonesia)
Dead trees in a peat lake (Indonesia)
Railroad running through a peat forest in Riau (Indonesia)
Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) [sumatra_9007] (Indonesia)
Orangutan (Indonesia)
Orangutan making faces [sumatra_0272] (Indonesia)
Assassin bug [riau_0242] (Indonesia)
Logged and degraded forest in Jambi [sumatra_9336] (Indonesia)
Palm oil: 'greening the Earth' [sumatra_0775] (Indonesia)
Mother orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
A burned acacia plantation (Indonesia)
Fungi emerging from a log (Indonesia)
Sumatran squirrel [sumatra_9171] (Indonesia)
Spider eating a cricket (Indonesia)
Ants fighting (Indonesia)
Blue and black butterfly (Tanaecia Iapis cocytina) [male] [sumatra_0953] (Indonesia)
Orangutan (Indonesia)
Brick-making operation in Riau (Indonesia)
Rubber plantation [riau_1316] (Indonesia)
Cleared peatland being planted with oil palm trees (Indonesia)
Peat forest [riau_1143] (Indonesia)
Forest cleared for palm oil (Indonesia)
Small holder clearing for oil palm [riau_5470] (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Peatland burned illegally for oil palm (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Riau [riau_5232] (Indonesia)
Destroyed peat forest (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Gunung Leuser rainforest (Indonesia)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Butterfly [aceh_0017] (Indonesia)
Rushing rainforest river [aceh_0549] (Indonesia)
Way Kampas flooded grassland (Indonesia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Slow loris (Indonesia)
Orangutan (Indonesia)
Brown toad [sumatra_0162] (Indonesia)
Flying gecko (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Canal through a plantation [riau_0372] (Indonesia)
Logged over rainforest in Riau [riau_5220] (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Sumatran gecko (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Haze rising from an oil palm plantation and forest in Riau (Indonesia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Damselfly (Indonesia)
Bug (Indonesia)
Peat fire in Riau [riau_0656] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation in Jambi [sumatra_9333] (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Oil palm nursery and processing facility [sumatra_1470] (Indonesia)
Peat forest [riau_1134] (Indonesia)
Pulp and paper operation [riau_0414] (Indonesia)
Excavators loading acacia logs [riau_5652] (Indonesia)
Deforestation in Riau [riau_0652] (Indonesia)
Illegal logging for palm oil in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Sunset over a deforested area [riau_0310] (Indonesia)
Colorful tiger beetle [sumatra_1298] (Indonesia)
Orange leafhopper [aceh_0114] (Indonesia)
Orange flower (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Riau (Indonesia)
Purple flower (Indonesia)
Orangutan yawning (Indonesia)
Rainforest buttress roots [sumatra_1035] (Indonesia)
Thomas' Leaf Monkey in tree (Indonesia)
Newly planted oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Felled acacia (Indonesia)
Pulp and paper operation [riau_0401] (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Spider (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation in Jambi [sumatra_9329] (Indonesia)
Riau rainforest canopy (Indonesia)
Edge of a peat lake (Indonesia)
Polyura athamas faliscus [Butterfly with yellow-green and gray underparts] [sumatra_1320] (Indonesia)
Termites [sumatra_9037] (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)