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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
River in a Riau peat forest [riau_0698] (Indonesia)
Agricultural fire set by smallholders [riau_1330] (Indonesia)
Destroyed peat forest (Indonesia)
Young orangutan (Indonesia)
A burned acacia plantation (Indonesia)
Assassin bug [riau_0243] (Indonesia)
Burning within Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Baby orangutan at a conservation center (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Oil palm on peatland (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Oil palm fruit (Indonesia)
Mating butterflies [aceh_0402] (Indonesia)
Bug [aceh_0351] (Indonesia)
Logs under the rainforest canopy (Indonesia)
Excavator loading acacia logs (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Slash-and-burned forest (Indonesia)
Natural forest and acacia (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Riau rainforest [riau_0899] (Indonesia)
Orange fungi (Indonesia)
Acacia wood fiber plantation and natural forest (Indonesia)
Cleared forest in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Giving an adult male orangutan a health check (Indonesia)
Logging camp (Indonesia)
Flying frog (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle [riau_5519] (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Butterfly with yellow-green and gray underparts (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Rainforest river [aceh_0311] (Indonesia)
Newly cleared peatland in Riau (Indonesia)
Mother and baby orangutan on the ground (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Turquoise waters of Butterfly beach on the Batang river (Indonesia)
Deforestation in Riau [riau_1258] (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Orangutan hanging in tree (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Giam Siak Kecil [riau_0814] (Indonesia)
Fist-sized black, lime green, turquoise, and red cicada in Indonesia (Indonesia)
Rainforest river that forms the border of Gunung Leuser N.P. near Bukit Lawang (Indonesia)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation and natural forest (Indonesia)
Orangutan in nest (Indonesia)
Giving an adult male orangutan a health check (Indonesia)
Hornbill (Indonesia)
Female Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation with the rainforest of Gunung Leuser National Park in the background [sumatra_1437] (Indonesia)
Deforested landscape in Tesso nilo (Indonesia)
Destroyed peat forest (Indonesia)
Woodpulp plantation and rainforest [riau_5217] (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Canal running through an acacia plantation (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation [riau_5032] (Indonesia)
Acacia wood fiber plantation (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Forest cleared for palm oil production [riau_5927] (Indonesia)
Oil palm, rice, and agroforest in Riau [riau_5412] (Indonesia)
Felled acacia (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation in Riau [riau_0922] (Indonesia)
Peat forest cleared for palm oil (Indonesia)
Harvestman (Indonesia)
Peat fire in Riau [riau_0658] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation adjacent to Gunung Leuser National Park [sumatra_1149] (Indonesia)
River in Way Kambas (Indonesia)
Smoke rising from a forest fire in Riau (Indonesia)
Railroad running through a peat forest in Riau (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
rhinoceros hornbill in flight (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Giam Siak Kecil [riau_0799] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation on peatland (Indonesia)
Macaque (Indonesia)
Illegal deforestation for palm oil (Indonesia)
Oil palm flowers (Indonesia)
Woodpulp plantation [riau_5202] (Indonesia)
Riau rainforest [riau_5142] (Indonesia)
Peatlands destruction [riau_5490] (Indonesia)
Slash-and-burned forest (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Brown toad [sumatra_0159] (Indonesia)
Illegal logging for palm oil in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Sumatran rainforest (Indonesia)
Green grasshopper [sumatra_9375] (Indonesia)
Dove (Indonesia)
Tree ferms in Aceh [aceh_0556] (Indonesia)
Excavator harvesting acacia trees [riau_1423] (Indonesia)
Forest cleared for palm oil production [riau_5922] (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Pulp and paper plantation (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Burning within Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Yellow, black, and brown katydid (Indonesia)
Degraded peat forest (Indonesia)
Duri oil field in Riau (Indonesia)
Logs on a railway (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation (Indonesia)
Deforested landscape in Tesso nilo (Indonesia)
Oil palm fruit (Indonesia)
Woodpulp plantation [riau_0587] (Indonesia)
Plantations, forest, and orchards near Medan, Sumatra (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Riau (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Riau rainforest [riau_5149] (Indonesia)
Waterfall (Indonesia)
Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Mama Orangutan climbing with baby [sumatra_0119] (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation in Riau [riau_0952] (Indonesia)
Rubber plantation (Indonesia)
Mother and baby orangutan in at tree (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Deforestation on the edge of Bukit Tigapuluh NP (Indonesia)
Swamp forest in Way Kambas (Indonesia)
Baby orangutan in a diaper (Indonesia)
Baby orangutan getting a check-up (Indonesia)
Sumatran cup mushroom (Indonesia)
Sumatran moth (Indonesia)
Logging concession in Sumatra (Indonesia)
rhinoceros hornbill (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantations in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Burned forest in Sumatra [riau_5315] (Indonesia)
Palm fruit in a community oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Sumatran rhino at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Forest interior in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Rainforest on the outskirts of PKU (Indonesia)
Sumatran rainforest (Indonesia)
Canal in an acacia plantation [riau_0151] (Indonesia)
Orangutan eating flowers (Indonesia)
Green snake with red markings (Indonesia)
Mama Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Slash-and-burned forest (Indonesia)
Aceh Rainforest [aceh_0171] (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation in stages of regrowth (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Giam Siak Kecil [riau_0816] (Indonesia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Mushrooms (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Truck carrying acacia logs [riau_5914] (Indonesia)
Jewelled Naweb (Polyura delphis concha) [White, yellow, and orange butterfly] (Indonesia)
Poaching trap (Indonesia)
Dipterocarp in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Pulp and paper operation [riau_0386] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantion being replanted (Indonesia)
Excavators working in a cleared acacia plantation [riau_5768] (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Weevil [riau_0351] (Indonesia)
Long-tailed macaque (Indonesia)
Changeable hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation adjacent to Gunung Leuser National Park [sumatra_1133] (Indonesia)
Peacock moss (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Rainforest tree in Aceh (Indonesia)
Silvery leaf monkey (Indonesia)
Sumatran rainforest (Indonesia)
Red millipede (Indonesia)
Sunset over the Sumatran rainforest (Indonesia)
Acacia wood fiber plantation (Indonesia)
Rainforest creek in Gunung Leuser [sumatra_1078] (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Slow loris (Indonesia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation in Riau [riau_5379] (Indonesia)
Dipterocarp tree (Indonesia)
Orb spider (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Vine (Indonesia)
Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Orange cup mushroom (Indonesia)
Peatland fire in Riau (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Fungi (Indonesia)
Deforested landscape in Tesso nilo (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Chevron's Duri oil field in Riau (Indonesia)
Deforestation in Riau [riau_1224] (Indonesia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Orangutan in nest (Indonesia)
Logging concession in Indonesia (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Oil palm and rainforest (Indonesia)
Chopped down acacia plantation (Indonesia)
Peat forest and oil palm [riau_1115] (Indonesia)
Pitcher plants [riau_5755] (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Cleared peat forest (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Smoke rising through the rainforest (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Truck transporting acacia logs [riau_5659] (Indonesia)
Railway running through a peat forest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Forest clearing for oil palm [riau_0022] (Indonesia)
Activist protesting deforestation for palm oil (Indonesia)
Burning within Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Cleared oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Mother and baby orangutan on the ground (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Giam Siak Kecil [riau_0761] (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Turquoise, violet, and black damselfly [sumatra_9105] (Indonesia)
Illegal clearing and burning inside Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Acacia and oil palm (Indonesia)
Burned peatlands (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Clearing for a new oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Canal in an acacia plantation [riau_0135] (Indonesia)
Orangutan on the ground (Indonesia)
Excavators working in a cleared acacia plantation [riau_5779] (Indonesia)
Three of the world's largest drivers of deforestation: cattle, palm oil, rubber [riau_1304] (Indonesia)
Baby orangutan (Indonesia)
Long-tailed macaque (male) [sumatra_0590] (Indonesia)
Butterflies (Indonesia)
Illegal clearing and burning inside Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Canopy of an oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Female Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
A recently cleared oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Forest cleared for palm oil (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation and natural forest (Indonesia)
Rainforest river [aceh_0336] (Indonesia)
Illegal deforestation for palm oil (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Ghost frog [aceh_0450] (Indonesia)
Peat forest cleared for palm oil (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Weaverbird nest (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Pitcher plant [riau_0164] (Indonesia)
Assassin bug [riau_0235] (Indonesia)
Replanting an oil palm plantation on the edge of Gunung Leuser National Park [sumatra_0753] (Indonesia)
Macaque (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Smallholder clearing of peat forest [riau_5092] (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Woodpulp plantation [riau_5206] (Indonesia)
Barge carrying acacia logs next to peat forest (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation [riau_5278] (Indonesia)
A burned pulp and paper plantation (Indonesia)
Excavator clearing peatland (Indonesia)
Forest interior in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Deforestation in Riau [riau_1196] (Indonesia)
Logging concession in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Deforestation in Riau [riau_1276] (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation and natural forest (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation [riau_0124] (Indonesia)
Dead trees in a peat lake (Indonesia)
Tesso Nilo research enter (Indonesia)
Excavators loading acacia logs [riau_5653] (Indonesia)
Long-tailed macaque (Indonesia)
Caterpillar (Indonesia)
Grasshopper with blue antenna [aceh_0597] (Indonesia)
Rainforest creek in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Mother orangutan in tree (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Burning within Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation adjacent to Gunung Leuser National Park [sumatra_1122] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation in Riau [riau_5008] (Indonesia)
Orangutan eating flowers (Indonesia)
Tropical forest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Swamp forest in Way Kambas (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Stack of acacia logs [riau_5619] (Indonesia)
Orangutan hanging in tree (Indonesia)
Recently harvested acacia plantation [riau_0912] (Indonesia)
Dried peat lake (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation [riau_5069] (Indonesia)
Black dragonfly eating an assassin bug (Indonesia)
Slash-and-burned forest (Indonesia)
Truck carrying acacia logs [riau_5905] (Indonesia)
Small-holder rubber plantation (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Excavator harvesting acacia trees [riau_1412] (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino in a wallow (Indonesia)
Barge carrying acacia logs next to peat forest (Indonesia)
Railroad running through a peat forest in Riau (Indonesia)
Burning within Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Katydid (Indonesia)
Peat fire in Riau [riau_0672] (Indonesia)
Thomas' Leaf Monkey (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation near Gunung Leuser National Park [sumatra_0806] (Indonesia)
Darma in Gunung Leuser national park (Indonesia)
Colorful tiger beetle [sumatra_1299] (Indonesia)
Newly planted oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Orangutan on the ground (Indonesia)
Tesso Nilo rainforest (Indonesia)