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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Butterfly (Peru)
Giant damselfly (China)
Blue leafhopper [costa_rica_la_selva_1430] (Costa Rica)
Spider [madagascar_1634] (Madagascar)
Schoenherr's blue weevil (Eupholus schoenherri - Curculionidae family) [not Eupholus bennetti] (Indonesia)
Green fly [west-papua_5356] (Indonesia)
Moth [costa_rica_la_selva_1706] (Costa Rica)
Butterfly [colombia_4687] (Colombia)
Millipede [sabah_tawau_0103] (Malaysia)
Orange jumping spider (Indonesia)
True bug [colombia_4859] (Colombia)
Locust with bright orange eyes [panama_0620] (Panama)
Bug [aceh_0349] (Indonesia)
Green and orange flat-footed bug [manu_0491] (Peru)
Giant orb spider in Madagascar [madagascar_masoala_1022] (Madagascar)
Fly with metallic blue-green legs [west-papua_0379] (Indonesia)
Orange, green, and brown grasshopper (Costa Rica)
Jewel beetle -- sabah_2720 (Malaysia)
Tiny mantis (Indonesia)
Jungle katydid (Indonesia)
Butterfly [belize_8335] (Belize)
Longhorn beetle (Madagascar)
Moth [costa_rica_la_selva_1725] (Costa Rica)
Black and white butterfly with a fake head [panama_0697] (Panama)
Green and brown grasshopper (Madagascar)
Blue leafhopper [colombia_0474] (Colombia)
Metallic spider -- borneo_4260 (Malaysia)
Insect eggs on a narrow leaf [belize_8197] (Belize)
Black and light blue caterpillar (United States)
Tiger beetle [java_0710] (Indonesia)
Beetle [aceh_0257] (Indonesia)
Blue Morpho (M. menelaus) with wings closed while resting on a pink flower (0)
Insect (Peru)
Spider (Malaysia)
Green mantis [west-papua_6198] (Indonesia)
Worm encased in sticks [sumatra_0937] (Indonesia)
Dark gray and red butterfly (Pierella helvetia incanescens) [cr_3727] (Costa Rica)
Grasshopper (Indonesia)
Dark gray moth with metallic-green spots [madagascar_0808] (Madagascar)
Gaudy locust (Madagascar)
Mohawk caterpillar [sumatra_0620] (Indonesia)
Insect [costa_rica_la_selva_1495] (Costa Rica)
White butterfly with black polkadots -- borneo_6191 (Malaysia)
Brown katydid [colombia_1216] (Colombia)
Giraffe-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) [madagascar_0761] (Madagascar)
Cicada about to emerge from its shell [costa-rica_0852] (Costa Rica)
Giant purple wasp (Indonesia)
Red-eyed fly [sumatra_1314] (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Peru)
Bright orange assassin bug nymphs [colombia_2255] (Colombia)
Hermit crab [madagascar_masoala_0098] (Madagascar)
Black pill millipede [kalteng_1092] (Indonesia)
White shield bug [sabah_sepilok_0166] (Malaysia)
Black insect -- sabah_3406 (Malaysia)
Butterfly (Mexico)
Red stick insect (Pseudophasma) [suriname_2474] (Suriname)
Turquoise, blue, and yellow weevil [costa_rica_osa_0111] (Costa Rica)
0 (Malaysia)
Stick insect [panama_1063] (Panama)
Beetle (Peru)
Butterfly [wayquecha-andes_0356] (Peru)
Land crab [colombia_2597] (Colombia)
Butterfly (Malaysia)
Stick insect [costa_rica_siquirres_0434] (Costa Rica)
White ghost-like lacewing insect (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) [west-papua_5700] (Indonesia)
Purple wing of an insect (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Great Mormon - Papilio memnon?) (Indonesia)
Blue morpho Butterfly (Peru)
Rainbow grasshopper (Indonesia)
Orb spider (Vietnam)
Tortoise beetle [costa_rica_la_selva_0400] (Costa Rica)
Green wasp [colombia_3798] (Colombia)
Blue morpho with wings closed feeding on a bird dropping (0)
Mossy stick insect [madagascar_perinet_0325] (Madagascar)
Spider [java_0341] (Indonesia)
Leaf-mimicking katydid (Indonesia)
Black and green grasshopper (Vietnam)
Red millipede with red legs (Madagascar)
Green-eyed fly [sumatra_1051] (Indonesia)
Wasps clustered on a leaf [suriname_0205] (Suriname)
Chinese katydid (China)
Tiger beetle [java_0711] (Indonesia)
Katydid [costa_rica_osa_1009] (Costa Rica)
Stick insects mating [madagascar_5416] (Madagascar)
Stream Glory (Neurobasis chinensis) a metallic green damselfly [sumatra_0904] (Indonesia)
Planthopper (Malaysia)
Light brown grasshopper with purple antennae [suriname_1198] (Suriname)
Yellow and black weevil (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Grasshopper with blue antenna [aceh_0595] (Indonesia)
Orange assassin bug [west-papua_6453] (Indonesia)
Caterpillar-fest (Peru)
Orb spider (Peru)
Pill millipede [sabah_tawau_0429] (Malaysia)
Maroon grasshopper (Colombia)
Grasshopper (Vietnam)
Yellow and orange leafhopper [manu_0547] (Peru)
Neon red and orange katydid nymph [west-papua_0107] (Indonesia)
Red bug [madagascar_3268] (Madagascar)
Multicolored spider [mcar_0031] (Madagascar)
Clipper (Parthenos sylvia) (0)
Insect [costa_rica_la_selva_0288] (Costa Rica)
Grasshopper with a green body, blue antennae, turquoise hind legs, red front legs, and a black head [west-papua_6358] (Indonesia)
Orange spider with black legs [west-papua_0312] (Indonesia)
Heliconius melpomene butterfly with child's hand (0)
Chinese jumping spider (China)
Transparent-winged butterfly (Greta oto) [costa_rica_siquirres_0791] (Costa Rica)
Unknown caterpillar [madagascar_perinet_0389] (Madagascar)
Woody moth (Peru)
Butterfly [riau_5530] (Indonesia)
Butterfly [aceh_0023] (Indonesia)
Butterfly [panama_0021] (Panama)
Black weevil with orange legs [west-papua_5604] (Indonesia)
Green grasshopper with an orange abdomen [costa_rica_4746] (Costa Rica)
Cricket [madagascar_3535] (Madagascar)
Butterflies feeding on a flower [manu_0629] (Peru)
Praying mantis [costa_rica_la_selva_0661] (Costa Rica)
Moth (Peru)
Harvestman (China)
Ants on the forest floor [suriname_8797] (Suriname)
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Butterfly [brazil_155024] (Brazil)
Shield bug (China)
Butterfly [brazil_155085] (Brazil)
Green mantis -- sabah_3814 (Malaysia)
Black wasp-like insect with indigo blue eyes, orange wings, and orange antenna. This robber fly or mydas fly, (Asilidae or Mydidae family) is a mimic of the Tarantula Hawk Wasp (Pepsis formosa) [costa_rica_5275] (Costa Rica)
Ants on a bracht (Indonesia)
Colorful cicada [kalbar_1878] (Indonesia)
Butterfly -- sabah_3669 (Malaysia)
Polka-dotted moth [madagascar_ankarana_0164] (Madagascar)
Black and yellow longhorn beetle [costa_rica_la_selva_0598] (Costa Rica)
Stick insect [panama_1064] (Panama)
Shield bug [sabah_tawau_0363] (Malaysia)
Sweat bees emerging from a hive (Indonesia)
Blue leafhopper [costa_rica_la_selva_1422] (Costa Rica)
Great Mormon (Papilio memnon) feeding on a red hibiscus [sumatra_9142] (Indonesia)
Ant [sabah_kinabatangan_0429] (Malaysia)
Dark green beetle with red spots [belize_8293] (Belize)
Fly with bright blue eyes [west-papua_6087] (Indonesia)
Freshwater shrimp (Colombia)
Orange planthopper [colombia_1637] (Colombia)
Praying mantis with green eyes (Indonesia)
Yellow caterpillar with black spots [australia_daintree_251] (Australia)
Bright red dragonfly -- borneo_3913 (Malaysia)
Butterfly [madagascar_perinet_0465] (Madagascar)
Insects in the Santuario Otún Quimbaya (Colombia)
Group of caterpillars feeding on a leaf (Peru)
Blue, yellow, and orange insect [costa-rica_0909] (Costa Rica)
Red assassin bug (Malaysia)
Black both with lime green eyes and orange and yellow zigzags (Colombia)
Sleeping Caligo sp or Owl Butterfly [costa_rica_5603] (Costa Rica)
Spider [suriname_8956] (Suriname)
Red beetle with black spots (Indonesia)
Clipper (Parthenos sylvia) (0)
Yellow and blue weevil [madagascar_perinet_0141] (Madagascar)
Madagascar moth with an orange marking on its back [madagascar_masoala_1019] (Madagascar)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_1075] (Costa Rica)
Red beetle with a black head [Leaf Beetle, family Chrysomelidae, subfamily Hispinae] (Colombia)
Butterfly (Great Mormon - Papilio memnon?) (Indonesia)
Moth [costa_rica_siquirres_0754] (Costa Rica)
Butterfly (0)
Insect [costa_rica_la_selva_1502] (Costa Rica)
Orb spider - viewed from the back (Uganda)
Orb spider in Uganda (underside) (Uganda)
Leaves wrapped in a spider web (Uganda)
Lake flies in an orb spider's web (Uganda)
Orb spider (Uganda)
Orb spider in Uganda (Uganda)