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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Yellow assassin bug (Indonesia)
Dark green millipede (Indonesia)
Assassin bug [riau_0237] (Indonesia)
Brown grasshopper [br_co-0177] (Colombia)
Red dragonfly (Suriname)
Blue morpho butterfly [costa_rica_la_selva_0353] (Costa Rica)
Malay Red Harlequin butterfly (Paralaxita damajanti) [kalbar_2145] (Indonesia)
Turquoise blue katydid larva [west-papua_6205] (Indonesia)
Wasp (Panama)
Wasp eating a caterpillar [manu_0606] (Peru)
Brown moth [west-papua_6476] (Indonesia)
Multicolored dragonfly (Indonesia)
Cricket -- sabah_2997 (Malaysia)
Butterfly (Cambodia)
Turquoise blue katydid larva [west-papua_6124] (Indonesia)
A hermit crab at Bahia de las Aguilas at Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Juvenile Malagasy Emerald Pill Millipedes (Sphaerotheriida) [madagascar_0955] (Madagascar)
Green and red insect (Indonesia)
Colorful butterflies feeding on minerals on a river beach -- malaysia0638 (Malaysia)
Green dragonfly [sumatra_0701] (Indonesia)
Moth (Peru)
White bug -- sabah_3556 (Malaysia)
Mangrove crab [sabah_sepilok_0545] (Malaysia)
Orb-weaving spider (Indonesia)
Butterfly [brazil_155075] (Brazil)
Furry planthopper [java_0282] (Indonesia)
Neon blue and green wasp [wayquecha-andes_0630] (Peru)
Black, turquoise, yellow, orange, brown, and pink grasshopper [west-papua_6431] (Indonesia)
Sea lions on a dinghy in San Cristobal Harbor (Ecuador)
Stick insect [madagascar_1646] (Madagascar)
Assassin Bug, family Reduviidae [costa_rica_5434] (Costa Rica)
Wasp [colombia_0111] (Colombia)
White planthopper (China)
Orb spider [madagascar_masoala_0194] (Madagascar)
Red mite (Sri Lanka)
Green grasshopper with turquoise legs [west-papua_6316] (Indonesia)
Blue, yellow, and orange insect [costa-rica_0905] (Costa Rica)
Butterfly -- sabah_3664 (Malaysia)
Red and black millipede [sabah_tawau_0256] (Malaysia)
Insect [sabah_tawau_0215] (Malaysia)
Butterfly [costa_rica_la_selva_0800] (Costa Rica)
Assassin bug in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Orange moth (China)
Black, violet, and green damselfly [sumatra_0924] (Indonesia)
Orange praying mantis with green eyes (Indonesia)
Colorful butterflies feeding on minerals on a river beach -- malaysia0636 (Malaysia)
Ghost crabs on the beach [java_0824] (Indonesia)
Wasp [panama_0855] (Panama)
Red and black millipede [sabah_tawau_0255] (Malaysia)
Red, black, and white butterfly in New Guinea [west-papua_6400] (Indonesia)
Brown, orange, and green beetle (Suriname)
Butterflies on the background tapestry at the California Academy of Sciences (0)
Wasp nest (Costa Rica)
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Vietnam)
Green shield bug [madagascar_masoala_0482] (Madagascar)
Black Tortoise beetle with yellow polkadots [madagascar_masoala_0657] (Madagascar)
Butterfly (India)
Black wasp with turquoise markings and orange antenna (Peru)
Cicada (United States)
Bright green beetle (Guyana)
Cicada [aceh_0121] (Indonesia)
A hermit crab at Bahia de las Aguilas at Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Orange cricket [west-papua_6158] (Indonesia)
Butterfly [colombia_3895] (Colombia)
Moth (Peru)
Yellow and black insect -- borneo_3390 (Malaysia)
Damselfly (Indonesia)
Madagascar Fire Millipede (Aphistogoniulus sp) [madagascar_5341] (Madagascar)
Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) (Madagascar)
Ant (Peru)
Long-legged insect [sumatra_1044] (Indonesia)
Green beetle [colombia_2750] (Colombia)
Spider -- sabah_2967 (Malaysia)
Eupholus schoenherri weevil, a blue-green-turquoise beetle from New Guina [west-papua_0478] (Indonesia)
Red millipeded with red feet [madagascar_3840] (Madagascar)
Giraffe-necked weevils (Trachelophorus giraffa) (Madagascar)
Blue-winged dragonfly (Panama)
Wasp -- sabah_3879 (Malaysia)
Bright red dragonfly -- borneo_3912 (Malaysia)
Blue-eyed dameselfly (Indonesia)
Katydid camouflaged to resemble bird droppings on a fern [sumatra_1342] (Indonesia)
Moth [panama_0724] (Panama)
Caterpillar (Indonesia)
Striped leafhopper (green, yellow, blue and black) [manu_0691] (Peru)
Red and orange Galerucinae Leaf Beetle [madagascar_6791] (Madagascar)
Bright orange assassin bugs (Colombia)
Cicada emerging [kalteng_1143] (Indonesia)
Red millipede (Indonesia)
Raspberry dragnofly [madagascar_3677] (Madagascar)
Black, turquoise, yellow, orange, brown, and pink grasshopper [west-papua_6441] (Indonesia)
Fake ant [australia_mossman_gorge_290] (Australia)
Small colorful spider [madagascar_3258] (Madagascar)
Transparent-winged butterfly [costa_rica_siquirres_0792] (Costa Rica)
Sweat bees emerging from a hive (Indonesia)
Orange, yellow, black, and green grasshopper (China)
Block beetle (Madagascar)
Glasshopper [costa_rica_siquirres_0739] (Costa Rica)
White nymph [colombia_3699] (Colombia)
Leopard Lacewing (Cethosia cyane) (0)
Yellow wasps [madagascar_masoala_0352] (Madagascar)
Blue and black butterfly [java_0636] (Indonesia)
Multicolored dragonfly (Indonesia)
Sea lion (Ecuador)
Stick insect -- sabah_3684 (Malaysia)
Caterpillars (Malaysia)
Beetle in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Cantheconidea furcellata, an insect predator used to control oil palm pests (Malaysia)
Spider [sumatra_1062] (Indonesia)
Stick insect (Malaysia)
Halloween bug [panama_0823] (Panama)
Glasswing butterfly (Greta oto) (Costa Rica)
Hairy caterpillar [kalbar_1723] (Indonesia)
Grasshopper -- sabah_4091 (Malaysia)
Spider in a tree hollow (Indonesia)
Butterfly [kalbar_1504] (Indonesia)
Longhorn beetle (Cerambycidae family) (Peru)
Spider hole (Laos)
Green and dark gray planthopper (Indonesia)
Blue and orange insect [colombia_1640] (Colombia)
Sweat bees emerging from a hive (Indonesia)
Black ants (Thailand)
Jumping spider [panama_0867] (Panama)
Damselfly (Indonesia)
Tarantula [costa_rica_siquirres_0405] (Costa Rica)
Devil's flower mantis (Idolomantis diabolica) (Uganda)
Katydid [madagascar_maroantsetra_0064] (Madagascar)
Brazilian Lady (Vanessa braziliensis) [wayquecha-andes_0574] (Peru)
Mossy stick insect [madagascar_perinet_0337] (Madagascar)
Yellow-green insect on the forest floor [costa_rica_4565] (Costa Rica)
Butterfly [aceh_0022] (Indonesia)
Green katydid [manu_0603] (Peru)
Black and white millipede (Madagascar)
Wood-like praying mantis [kalbar_1718] (Indonesia)
Multi-colored bug [madagascar_perinet_0027] (Madagascar)
Orange, black, and white bug [colombia_2274] (Colombia)
Fly with orange eyes and blue and black legs (Indonesia)
Butterfly in Aceh [aceh_0217] (Indonesia)
Leaf cutter ant nest (Costa Rica)
Beige jumping spider [west-papua_0183] (Indonesia)
Weevil -- borneo_4339 (Malaysia)
Bug (Indonesia)
Blunt-headed treesnake (Imantodes lentiferus) (Peru)
Giant brown female Long-horned Beetle (Callipogon lemoinei) with off-white markings [costa_rica_5506] (Costa Rica)
Ant in Namibia [namibia_2287] (Namibia)
Blind for observing macaws at clay lick (Peru)
Green mantis [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0216] (Madagascar)
Celadon and red-orange fly (Peru)
Red grasshawk dragonfly [sumatra_1140] (Indonesia)
Avicularia metallica tarantula (Suriname)
Katydid [west-papua_6572] (Indonesia)
Red dragonfly (Indonesia)
Magenta and green leafhopper [manu_0815] (Peru)
Olive green, orange, and brown beetle [suriname_0715] (Suriname)
Ants carrying a centipede (Costa Rica)
Christmas beetle in Bali (Indonesia)
Mastusia quadricarinata grasshopper (Colombia)
Blue Moon Butterfly (Hypolimnas bolina) (0)
Green praying mantis [sabah_sepilok_0576] (Malaysia)
Neon green, turquoise, purple, red, and orange grasshopper [madagascar_6509] (Madagascar)
Insect [brazil_155286] (Brazil)
Green insect (Colombia)
Neon pink planthopper (Mexico)
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Spider in a tree hollow (Peru)
Red dragonfly (Madagascar)
Leaf-footed bug nymph [colombia_2836] (Colombia)
Scorpion (Belize)
Insect [sabah_tawau_0218] (Malaysia)
Nest of stingless bees, family Apidae, tribe Meliponini, known locally as angelita (Colombia)
Termites [suriname_8944] (Suriname)
Purple leafhopper with light green and magenta markings [manu_0958] (Peru)
Small neon green insect with orange spots (Indonesia)
Red bug [madagascar_ankarana_0274] (Madagascar)
Brown moth (Indonesia)
Fly eating a small beetle (Indonesia)
Long-legged spider (Thailand)
White moth (Malaysia)
Critter -- sabah_3688 (Malaysia)
Armored katydid [west-papua_6559] (Indonesia)
Skipper butterfly (Indonesia)
Stick insect -- malaysia0326 (Malaysia)
Blue Postman butterfly (Heliconius sp) [colombia_4355] (Colombia)
Nazca booby (Ecuador)
Black and yellow dragonfly with green eyes (Indonesia)
Black dragonfly eating an assassin bug (Indonesia)
Green cicada [manu_0790] (Peru)
Red beetles (Peru)
Heliconius sp butterfly (0)
Tiger beetle in Malaysia [sabah_tawau_0388] (Malaysia)
Red and black bugs (Madagascar)
Bug (Indonesia)
Grasshopper [madagascar_masoala_0609] (Madagascar)
Black Tortoise beetle with yellow polkadots [madagascar_masoala_0658] (Madagascar)
Beetles mating (Peru)
Red and black centipede (Indonesia)
Orb spider [colombia_0501] (Colombia)
Brown moth [sumatra_9030] (Indonesia)
Black and yellow longhorn beetle [costa_rica_la_selva_0601] (Costa Rica)
Butterfly (Peru)
Spider [panama_0885] (Panama)
Butterfly [aceh_0018] (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Mating butterflies [panama_0631] (Panama)
Bright green katydid (Indonesia)
Dark gray moth with yellow markings and blue-green spots (Madagascar)
Black bee [sabah_kinabatangan_0395] (Malaysia)
Brown cricket [sumatra_9391] (Indonesia)
x -- borneo_3391 (Malaysia)
Green insect [madagascar_1642] (Madagascar)
Scorpion eating a katydid [colombia_1211] (Colombia)
Elongated blue and orange insect -- borneo_3366 (Malaysia)
Planthopper nymph [riau_0271] (Indonesia)
Orange, white, and brown butterfly (Indonesia)
Moth [mcar_0001] (Madagascar)
Ant nest (Peru)
Yellow and black insect -- borneo_6234 (Malaysia)
Blue and black butterfly [costa_rica_la_selva_1205] (Costa Rica)
Polka-dot beetle (Indonesia)
Shield bug [madagascar_masoala_0509] (Madagascar)
Large ant [colombia_2932] (Colombia)
Red-headed katydid (Indonesia)
Indonesian Orb-weaving Spider (Indonesia)
Leaf-mimicking praying mantis [suriname_0999] (Suriname)
Orange knee tarantula (Bracypelma smithi) (0)
Worm encased in sticks [sumatra_0936] (Indonesia)
Butterfly [colombia_5525] (Colombia)
Black and red assassin bug -- sabah_3291 (Malaysia)
Red and black katydid (Vietnam)
Closeup on the jaws of a soldier army ant [costa-rica-d_0411] (Costa Rica)
Black pill millipede -- sabah_3691 (Malaysia)
Multicolored shield bug [west-papua_0130] (Indonesia)
Forest roach [colombia_0421] (Colombia)
Blue beetle (Peru)
Black caterpillar in Perinet (Andasibe) (Madagascar)
Dragonfly (Peru)
Grasshopper (Madagascar)
Leaf-mimicking praying mantis [suriname_1009] (Suriname)
Black caterpillar with white speckles and white spines (Indonesia)
Great Eggfly (Hypolimnas bolina) (0)
Rainforest cricket [sumatra_1046] (Indonesia)
Green and orange flat-footed bug [manu_0499] (Peru)
Mating caddisflies (Trichoptera) [madagascar_3305] (Madagascar)
Giant green millipede (Indonesia)
Cricket [kalsel_0184] (Indonesia)
Mantid (Indonesia)
Chinese moth (China)
Red assassin bug [kalbar_2061] (Indonesia)
Grasshopper [costa_rica_la_selva_0567] (Costa Rica)
Pinktoe tarantula (Avicularia avicularia) [colombia_1178] (Colombia)
Red and black millipede (Vietnam)
Black and orange beetle (India)
Grasshoppers -- sabah_3301 (Malaysia)
Giant wasp holding a beetle in its mouth [kalbar_0114] (Indonesia)
Pink and purple butterfly (Indonesia)
Green insect [panama_1243] (Panama)
Rays (Ecuador)
Fly with orange eyes and blue and black legs [west-papua_6501] (Indonesia)
Crab [madagascar_masoala_0064] (Madagascar)
Glass Wing Butterfly (Peru)
Grasshopper (Indonesia)
Ants on a bracht (Indonesia)
Yellow, orange, blue, and green insect (Peru)
Brown tarantula (Theraphosa blondi) (Suriname)
Black and red insect (Madagascar)
Grasshopper [panama_0771] (Panama)
Butterfly (Vietnam)
Butterfly (Peru)
Male rhino beetle (Peru)
Slate gray and red butterfly [costa_rica_4524] (Costa Rica)
Tractor millipede [sabah_tawau_0317] (Malaysia)
Mass of baby spiders (Indonesia)
Fly [west-papua_5972] (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Vietnam)
Common Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus) (0)
Purple moth (Malaysia)
Elongated blue and orange insect -- borneo_3356 (Malaysia)
Sweat bees emerging from a hive (Indonesia)
Katydid resembling a leaf (Indonesia)
Planthopper nymph (Malaysia)
Bug [aceh_0344] (Indonesia)
Orange and black bugs mating [wayquecha-andes_0663] (Peru)
Blue Moon Butterfly (Hypolimnas bolina) (0)
Katydid [riau_0367] (Indonesia)
Green beetle [colombia_2757] (Colombia)
Gold fly [kalbar_1774] (Indonesia)
Orange moth (China)
Red centipede [aceh_0476] (Indonesia)
Black roach (Indonesia)
Red mite (Sri Lanka)
Yellow and black tortoise beetle (Indonesia)
Mating butterflies [aceh_0421] (Indonesia)
Moth (Peru)
Red and green katydid [west-papua_6521] (Indonesia)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0131] (Malaysia)
Green and orange beetle with six spots [kalbar_2170] (Indonesia)
Giant red centipede [sumatra_0470] (Indonesia)
Leaf-cutter ants [costa_rica_la_selva_1312] (Costa Rica)
Cicada emerging from from its larval stage [java_0661] (Indonesia)
Orange and brown butterfly (Indonesia)