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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
0 (Malaysia)
Kapok tree towering over the forest (Costa Rica)
Walking palm (Costa Rica)
A tree fern in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Lowland rain forest in Java's Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Fall colors in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico (United States)
A look up the trunk of a giant kapok (Peru)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Strangler fig (Indonesia)
Brazil nut tree (Peru)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree in the Southern Cardamom Mountains (Cambodia)
Dipterocarp in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Fuschia-colored tree flower in Colombia (Myrtaceae, probably Syzygium) (Colombia)
Strangler fig in China (China)
Dipterocarp tree (Indonesia)
Compass tree (Indonesia)
Strangler fig (Indonesia)
Orchids growing up the trunk of a tree in a Colombian cloud forest (Colombia)
Rainforest tree in China (China)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree in the Southern Cardamom Mountains (Cambodia)
1000 year old tree' in Vietnam's Cuc Phuong (Vietnam)
Ficus auriculata tree (China)
Strangler fig (Madagascar)
Tulip trees in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Red flowers (Passifloraceae?) [madagascar_3950] (Madagascar)
Teak leaves (Indonesia)
Roots of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Osa rainforest tree [costa_rica_osa_0082] (Costa Rica)
Gumbo limbo 'Tourist tree' (Bursera simaruba) (Belize)
Rainforest tree with lianas (Malaysia)
A tree fern in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Redwoods in Huddart County Park (United States)
Son Tra banyan tree (Vietnam)
Adansonia madagascariensis baobab [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0503] (Madagascar)
Buttress roots (Indonesia)
Rays of sun in a rewdood forest (United States)
Siquirres rainforest [costa_rica_siquirres_0592] (Costa Rica)
0 (Malaysia)
Morning in Cuc Phuong rainforest (Vietnam)
Strangler fit growing on karst (China)
Vietnam's karst forest (Vietnam)
Ficus ischnopoda flower (China)
Rainforest tree [costa_rica_la_selva_1451] (Costa Rica)
Fall colors in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico (United States)
1000 year old tree' in Vietnam's Cuc Phuong (Vietnam)
Large rainforest tree [java_0091] (Indonesia)
Epiphytes in a rainforest canopy tree [costa_rica_osa_0063] (Costa Rica)
Morning in Cuc Phuong rainforest (Vietnam)
Emergent rainforest tree (Peru)
Giant kapok (ceiba) rising above the Amazon rainforest canopy (Colombia)
Strangler fig (China)
Roots of a strangler fig (Malaysia)
Cecropia leaves (Costa Rica)
Look up the trunk of a rainforest tree (Peru)
Morning in Cuc Phuong rainforest (Vietnam)
Cecropia in the Peruvian cloud forest (Peru)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Looking up the inside of a strangler fig (Indonesia)
Morning in Cuc Phuong rainforest (Vietnam)
Gigantic strangler fig [java_0548] (Indonesia)
Great Banyan tree on Son Tra (Vietnam)
A view up inside the trunk of a strangler fig in China (China)
Dipterocarp tree (Indonesia)
Baobab tree in Ankarana (Madagascar)
A view up inside the trunk of a strangler fig in China (China)
Sumatran rainforst tree (Indonesia)
Canopy tree with buttress roots (Suriname)
Tulip trees and coconuts in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Giant isolated kapok tree (Peru)
Siquirres rainforest [costa_rica_siquirres_0587] (Costa Rica)
1000 year old tree' in Vietnam's Cuc Phuong (Vietnam)
Looking up the inside of Sulawesi's famous strangler fig (Indonesia)
Stranger fig roots wrapped around Kapok tree (Peru)
Emergent rainforest tree in Peru (Peru)
Giant Ceiba tree in the Colombian Amazon (Colombia)
Strangler fig (China)
Ficus ischnopoda flower (China)
Tulip trees in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Mangroves in the Estero Hondo Marine Sanctuary in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Amazon rainforest tree (Peru)
Roots of rain forest tree (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Strangler fit growing on karst (China)
Dipterocarp in Sumatra (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Strangler fig in Australia [australia_mossman_gorge_015] (Australia)
Kelumpang Sarawak (Sterculia megistophylla) -- sabah_4090 (Malaysia)
Red fruit (Malaysia)
Giant rainforest tree [costa_rica_la_selva_0477] (Costa Rica)
Roots of a rainforest tree -- sabah_3713 (Malaysia)
Mangroves in Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Strangler fig (China)
Gigantic strangler fig [java_0544] (Indonesia)
Giant ceiba ('Big Tree') in the Panamanian rainforest [panama_0208] (Panama)
Tree with vine (Guyana)
Maroon-colored flowers of the African sausage tree (Kigelia pinnata) (Kenya)
Morning in Cuc Phuong rainforest (Vietnam)
1000 year old tree' in Vietnam's Cuc Phuong (Vietnam)
Cecropia leaf (Costa Rica)
Roots of a strangler fig (Malaysia)
Rainforest buttress roots (Indonesia)
Roots of a stranger fig [java_0195] (Indonesia)
African baobab -- tz_1591 (Tanzania)
A bromeliad in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Roots of a strangler fig (Malaysia)
Buttress roots of a rainforest tree (Peru)
Dipterocarp in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Seed pod [suriname_0308] (Suriname)
A look up the trunk of a giant kapok (Peru)
Roots of a strangler fig (Malaysia)
Shallow-rooted rainforest canopy trees often have buttress roots for support (Colombia)
Rainforest tree (Malaysia)
Figs in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Mangroves along the Sabang River -- borneo_5164 (Malaysia)
A view up inside the trunk of a strangler fig in China (China)
Borneo rainforest tree with buttress roots -- borneo_4233 (Malaysia)
Buttress roots of a canopy tree (Malaysia)
Look up the trunk of a rainforest tree (Peru)
Tangled lianas (vines) hanging from a canopy tree with buttress roots (Malaysia)
Palm tree at sunrise (United States)
Daintree rainforest [australia_mossman_gorge_078] (Australia)
Rainforest in Vietnam's Cuc Phuong (Vietnam)
Big tree [colombia_3763] (Colombia)
Look up the trunk of a rainforest tree (Peru)
World's tallest rainforest tree (Malaysia)
Sulawesi rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Trees draped in Usnea lichen on Mt Kenya (Kenya)
Tree with pink flowers [madagascar_3250] (Madagascar)
Banyan trees (United States)
Bromeliad atop a rainforest canopy tree (Colombia)
Rain forest tree with cotton-like seed pods (Malaysia)
Dipterocarp tree in the Borneo jungle (Indonesia)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Fig tree (Indonesia)
Australian rainforest tree (Australia)
Big tree [colombia_3764] (Colombia)
Rainforest tree (Malaysia)
Cauliflorous figs (Indonesia)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Roots of a strangler fig (China)
Giant kapok tree emerging from the rainforest canopy (Panama)
Morning in Cuc Phuong rainforest (Vietnam)
Canopy of the Dipterocarp forest -- sabah_3396 (Malaysia)
Oropendula nests along the Amacayacu, a tributary of the Amazon river (Colombia)
Banded pattern on the bark of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Baobab tree damaged by elephants (Tanzania)
Philodendron epiphyte in Kapok tree (Peru)
Epiphyte-laden canopy tree (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Acacia trees share a symbiotic relationship with ants (Belize)
Tree (Madagascar)
Rainforest dipterocarp -- sabah_3381 (Malaysia)
A mango tree in the mountains near the village of Mencia,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Indonesian rainforest (Indonesia)
1000 year old tree' in Vietnam's Cuc Phuong (Vietnam)
Flowering kapok (Peru)
Road in the Ngorogoro Crater (Tanzania)
Great Banyan tree on Son Tra (Vietnam)
Tree with a red trunk in Borneo [kalbar_1092] (Indonesia)
Rainforest tree roots (Malaysia)
Tree with vines on trunk (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
Roots of a strangler fig (Malaysia)
A fern in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Giant Sitka spruce [olympic_rainforest_0051] (United States)
Rainforest in Vietnam (Vietnam)
A mangrove tree in Estero Hondo Marine Sanctuary in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Fig tree (Indonesia)
Rainforest eucalyptus in New Guinea (Indonesia)
Tree trunk dense with orchids and epiphytes (Thailand)
Dipterocarp tree (Indonesia)
Son Tra banyan tree (Vietnam)
Dipterocarps in the Borneo rainforest -- sabah_4108 (Malaysia)
Deforestation on the edge of the Okavango delta (Botswana)
Warbler feeding on the nectar of the African sausage tree (Kigelia pinnata) (Kenya)
Acacia leaves on Komodo (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest tree with buttress roots (Malaysia)
Brazil nut tree (Peru)
Ficus auriculata tree (China)
Long buttress root of rainforest tree (Malaysia)
Dipterocarp in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Mangroves in Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Palms along a brackish estuary (Malaysia)
Look up the trunk of a rainforest tree (Peru)
Daintree rainforest [australia_mossman_gorge_080] (Australia)
Great Banyan tree on Son Tra (Vietnam)
Roots of a strangler fig (Malaysia)
Baobab tree at sunset (Tanzania)
A tree in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Strangler fig in China (China)
Giant kapok tree (Peru)
A view up inside the trunk of a strangler fig in China (China)
The shallow root structure of a canopy tree (Colombia)
Roots of a rainforest tree (Malaysia)
Giant stranger fig (Ficus sp.) (Peru)
Red tree (Indonesia)
Kayu batu (Xanthopyllum flavescens) (Indonesia)
Black oil palm tree (local name: Chunga) (Astrocaryum standleyanum) (Panama)
Mountain views from the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Vietnam's karst forest (Vietnam)
Leaves atop the canopy (Panama)
Ficus ischnopoda flower (China)
Tree hollow created by a woodpecker (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Great Banyan tree on Son Tra (Vietnam)
Jungle tree (Indonesia)
A tree with bromeliads in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Morning in Cuc Phuong rainforest (Vietnam)
Orange tree trunk (Indonesia)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree [java_0051] (Indonesia)
Strangler fig [australia_daintree_120] (Australia)
Cecropia with insect-eaten leaves (Suriname)
Lavendar flowers on a tree (Costa Rica)
Great Banyan tree on Son Tra (Vietnam)
Rainforest palm (Indonesia)
Strangler fig [colombia_3859] (Colombia)
Rainforest tree -- borneo_3827 (Malaysia)
Tree branches (United States)
A tree with bromeliads in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Rainforest outside Iwokrama (Guyana)
Great Banyan tree on Son Tra (Vietnam)
Figs in Sulawesi's rainforest (Indonesia)
Indonesian rainforest (Indonesia)
Epiphytes and ferns in a tree (Colombia)
Rainforest palm leaves (Costa Rica)
Mangroves along the Sabang River (Malaysia)
Giant buttress roots of a strangler fig in Ankarana (Madagascar)
Giant canopy tree (Malaysia)
Peat forest tree [riau_5704] (Indonesia)
View of rain forest canopy from platform in Kapok tree (Peru)
Bromeliads blanketing a canopy tree in the Andean montane forest (Colombia)
Fallen strangler fig (Madagascar)
Strangler fig in China (China)
A palm tree in the village of Mencia in the Pedernales Province of the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Sulawesi rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Strangler fig (China)
Looking up the inside of a strangler fig tree (Indonesia)
Cauliflorous figs (Indonesia)
Palm tree at sunrise (United States)
Figs in Sulawesi's rainforest (Indonesia)
Corteza Amarilla (Tabebuia ochracea) [costa-rica-d_0589] (Costa Rica)
Tree (Australia)
0 (Malaysia)
Sumatran rainforst tree (Indonesia)
Giant kapok ('Big Tree') in the Panamanian rainforest (Panama)
Duroia hirsuta trees in blood. (Peru)
Giant Sitka spruce [olympic_rainforest_0057] (United States)
Ujung Kulon rain forest tree (Indonesia)
A tree with bromeliads in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Strangler fit growing on karst (China)
Borneo rainforest canopy tree (Malaysia)
Rainforest Dipterocarp in Borneo (Indonesia)
Strangler fit growing on karst (China)
Looking up the trunk of a canopy tree in Gabon (Gabon)
Meranti tree [kalbar_0224] (Indonesia)
Vietnam's karst forest (Vietnam)
Strangler fig (Indonesia)
Amazon rainforest tree (Peru)
Redwood trees in Huddart County Park (United States)
A tree with bromeliads in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Detail of petrified log in Arizona's Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona (United States)
Mangroves on a Turneffe Atoll island (Belize)
Dipterocarp forest in Borneo -- sabah_4127 (Malaysia)
Buttress roots of rain forest tree (Malaysia)
Bat-dispersed fruit (Suriname)
0 (Malaysia)
Roots of a strangler fig (Malaysia)
Green fruit (Malaysia)
Rainforest tree near Jantho [aceh_0192] (Indonesia)
Big strangler fig (Colombia)
Banyan trees (United States)
Canopy tree laden with hundreds of epiphytes (Colombia)
Kapok or Ceiba tree buttress roots (Panama)
Great Banyan tree on Son Tra (Vietnam)
Palm tree at sunrise (United States)
Stranlger fig in Loita forest (Kenya)
Giant kapok tree (Peru)
Giant African baobab -- tz_xt_3504 (Tanzania)
Canopy trees with white leaves (Colombia)
Rainforest tree in China (China)
Striking yellow blossoms of the Corteza Amarilla (Tabebuia ochracea) in bloom (Costa Rica)
Canopy tree and a liana (Suriname)
Tree [madagascar_masoala_0488] (Madagascar)
Indonesian rainforest (Indonesia)
Massive stranger fig tree (Indonesia)
Strangler fig [australia_daintree_212] (Australia)
Buttress roots of a canopy tree -- borneo_3976 (Malaysia)
Strangler fig roots (Thailand)
Indonesian rainforest canopy (Indonesia)
Tulip trees in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Kapok (Ceiba) cotton tree (Peru)
Great Banyan tree on Son Tra (Vietnam)
A view of the river,a community gathering spot,near Mencia in the Pedernales Province of the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Fall colors in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico (United States)
Giant stranger fig tree (Indonesia)
Fallen limb of a giant strangler fig tree [madagascar_4226] (Madagascar)
Ceiba tree (Costa Rica)
Strangler fig in China (China)
1000 year old tree' in Vietnam's Cuc Phuong (Vietnam)
Long buttress root (Malaysia)
Canopy tree with yellow flowers (Peru)