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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Teak leaves (Indonesia)
Celebes crested macaque (Macaca nigra) (Indonesia)
Tombs carved in a rock face at Lemo (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Colorful house among green rice paddies (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Rice fields near Batutomonga village (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Deep red millipede on forest floor (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Palm fruits (close up) (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Tau-Tau Effigies at Londa Nanggala (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Forest and coconut plantation in North Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Rainforest guides in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Mother tarsier and baby (Indonesia)
Celebes crested macaque (Macaca nigra) (Indonesia)
Strangler fig (Indonesia)
Giant bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus) (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Sulawesi sunset (Indonesia)
Mother tarsier and baby (Indonesia)
Muddy rice fields in Tana Toraja (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Black butterfly with blue-purple markings on its wings (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Orange orchid with magenta spots (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Red anchovies at fish market in Rantepao (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Reefs and islands off the coast of Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Little girls at Lemo (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Lowland rice paddies of Sulawesi (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Indonesian rainforest (Indonesia)
Pomelo (Jerunga) fruit (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Rice fields at Lemo (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Top breed white water buffalo (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Palawa village (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Manado Tua volcano (Indonesia)
Emerald green rice paddies of south Sulawesi (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Rice fields (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Bamboo stakes placed to control water hyacinth at Lake Tempe (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Riverside village downriver from Bantimurung falls (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Emerald green rice terraces of south Sulawesi (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Looking up the inside of a strangler fig (Indonesia)
Bear Cuscus (Indonesia)
Infant Crested Back Macaque (Indonesia)
Umbrella plant in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Yellow and brown toad in Sulawesi (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Colorful house among green rice fields of south Sulawesi (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Grey tree frog (Indonesia)
Reefs and islands off the coast of Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Crested black macaques (Indonesia)
Umbrella palm (Indonesia)
Fig tree (Indonesia)
Male and Female Knobbed Hornbill (Aceros cassidix) (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Celebes crested macaque (Macaca nigra) (Indonesia)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Red flower buds (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Palm leaf in the rainforest (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Rainforest below Dua Saudara (Indonesia)
House gecko on yellow-orange background (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Buttress roots (Indonesia)
White mushrooms in the rainforest (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Flying dragon (Indonesia)
Boy streering a traditional boat near Lake Tempe (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Rice paddies near Batutomonga village (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Rice fields at Lemo (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) -- sulawesi6702 (Indonesia)
Sulawesi sunset (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Londa Nanggala cave with wooden funeral effigies and hanging coffins (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
People planting rice in south Sulawesi (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Orange fly with purple eyes (Indonesia)
Black sand beach on the Lembeh Strait (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Male Sulawesi wrinkled hornbill (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Flying dragon (Indonesia)
Sulawesi limestone mountains (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Plane view of clouds at sunset over the island of Sulawesi (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Woman with kids (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Sulawesi Scops-Owl (Otus manadensis) (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Rice paddies near Batutomonga village (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) -- sulawesi7200 (Indonesia)
Reefs and islands off the coast of Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Tarsier Hunting (Indonesia)
Rainforest below Dua Saudara (Indonesia)
Umbrella palm (Indonesia)
Polka-dotted beetle (Indonesia)
Vine Snake (Ahaetulla prasina) (Indonesia)
Buttress roots (Indonesia)
Bunaken sunset with Manado Tua volcano in the background (Indonesia)
Sulawesi beach at dawn (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Rainforest guides in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Gunung Tangkoko (mountain) and rainforest (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Fishing boat on a beach near Batuputih (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Dive boat off Bunaken (Indonesia)
Spectral tarsier (Indonesia)
Spectral tarsier (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Traditional painting on the side of a home in Palawa (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Great Mormon - Papilio memnon?) (Indonesia)
Spectral tarsier (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Infant Crested Back Macaques Playing (Indonesia)
White sand beach and turquoise waters in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Dawn on the Lembeh Strait (Indonesia)
Spectral tarsier (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Figs in Sulawesi's rainforest (Indonesia)
Flat beetle (Indonesia)
Mother tarsier and baby (Indonesia)
Buttress roots (Indonesia)
Fig fruits (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Indonesian rainforest (Indonesia)
Painting of roosters and water buffalos--orange, red, and dark brown paint (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Green cicada (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Vines and lianas (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Flying dragon (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Pair of Sulawesi knobbed hornbills (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Rice and mountains (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Dusk on an Indonesian island (Indonesia)
Water buffalo in rice paddies near Batutomonga village (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Butterfly (Great Mormon - Papilio memnon?) (Indonesia)
Male Sulawesi wrinkled hornbill (Indonesia)
Buttress roots (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Dua Saudara Mountain (Indonesia)
Silk threads (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Sulawesi bear cuscus (Ailurops ursinus) (Indonesia)
Black sand beach in Tangkoko (Indonesia)
Sphenomorphus skink species in Sulawesi (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Reefs and islands off the coast of Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Pair of Sulawesi wrinkled hornbills (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Corn and rainforest in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Infant Crested Back Macaque (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Sulawesi sunrise (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Fishing boat on a beach near Batuputih (Indonesia)
Strangler fig (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Male Sulawesi wrinkled hornbill (Indonesia)
Corn and rainforest in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Wild orange hibiscis (Indonesia)
Spectral tarsier (Indonesia)
Blue-eared Kingfisher (Alcedo meninting) on branch above stream (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Indonesian rainforest (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Eastern Tarsier (Tarsius tarsier) (Indonesia)
Selecting among fish at market in Rantepao (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Colorful flower buds (Indonesia)
Orb-weaving spider (Indonesia)
Sunrise at Batuputih (Indonesia)
Skink (Indonesia)
Iridescent turquoise and black butterfly in hand (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Kingfisher (Indonesia)
Grey tree frog (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Flying dragon displaying its wings (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Black macaque (Indonesia)
Looking up the inside of a strangler fig tree (Indonesia)
Pair of Sulawesi knobbed hornbills (Indonesia)
Mangroves and seagrass on Bunaken Island (Indonesia)
Paradise? (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Flying dragon (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Kingfisher (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque displaying his foot (Indonesia)
Mountain in Tangkoko (Indonesia)
Sulawesi dawn (Indonesia)
Rainforest leaves (Indonesia)
Indonesian rainforest (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Buttress roots (Indonesia)
Sulawesi sunset (Indonesia)
Mangroves and seagrass on Bunaken Island (Indonesia)
Kingfisher (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Airplane view of clouds at sunset over the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Black macaque showing its fangs (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Black macaque (Indonesia)
Reefs and islands off the coast of Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Black macaque showing its fangs (Indonesia)
Roots of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Flying dragon displaying its wings (Indonesia)
White butterfly (Indonesia)
Camouflaged flying dragon (Indonesia)
Coffins and wooden effigies in cave at Londa Nanggala (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Male flying dragon doing a territorial display (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
House gecko (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest canopy (Indonesia)
Fisherman working at sun down in Indonesia (Indonesia)
Rainforest tree roots (Indonesia)
Baby Tarsier (Indonesia)
Umbrella plant in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Forest and coconut plantation in North Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Male flying dragon doing a territorial display (Indonesia)
Bunaken dawn (Indonesia)
Umbrella palm (Indonesia)
Crested black macaques (Indonesia)
Eastern Tarsier (Tarsius tarsier) (Indonesia)
Sulawesi home outside of Ujung Pandang (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Wooden coffin carved in the shape of a pig (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Green Vine Snake (Ahaetulla prasina) (Indonesia)
Crustal clear waters of Bunaken National Marine Park (Indonesia)
Male Sulawesi wrinkled hornbill (Indonesia)
Looking up the inside of a strangler fig (Indonesia)
Green, yellow, orange, and red seeds (Indonesia)
Orange praying mantis with green eyes (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Isolated mountain home in forests of Sulawesi (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
White mushrooms in the rainforest (Indonesia)
Sulawesi black *ape* (Indonesia)
Muddy rice fields near Ketu Kese (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Strangler fig (Indonesia)
Infant Crested Back Macaque (Indonesia)
Sulawesi home outside of Makassar (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Tidepool on Bunaken Island with Siladen in the distance (Indonesia)
Corn and rainforest in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Sunrise over Siladen and Bunaken Islands (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Young blacked crested macaque (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Riverside huts along river draining Lake Tempe (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Strangler fig (Indonesia)
Coconut plantation aside forest below Dua Saudara Mountain (Indonesia)
Rice fields planted on former mangrove forest land (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Infant Crested Back Macaques Playing (Indonesia)
Wild orange hibiscis (Indonesia)
Flying dragon (Indonesia)
Red flowers growing out of a tree trunk (Indonesia)
Kingfisher (Indonesia)
Tulip trees in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Vines and lianas (Indonesia)
Teak leaves (Indonesia)
Roots of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Spectral tarsier (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Rice paddies at Batutomonga (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Rainforest canopy leaves (Indonesia)
Tarsier (Indonesia)
Beach at low tide near Bunaken Cha Cha (Indonesia)
Buttress roots (Indonesia)
Flying dragon (Indonesia)
Male and Female Knobbed Hornbill (Aceros cassidix) (Indonesia)
Reefs and islands off the coast of Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Fishing village of Batu Putih (Indonesia)
Men loading sardines for export into the back of a pickup truck (Indonesia)
Rainforest below Dua Saudara (Indonesia)
Infant Crested Back Macaques Playing (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)