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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Tlingit totem pole (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Trees in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Red berries in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Yellow flowers in Sitka (United States)
Tree leaves (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Trees in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Creek in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) (United States)
Tlingit totem pole (United States)
Tlingit totem pole (United States)
Bay near Sitka, Alaska (United States)
Creek in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Sitka as seen from Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Bay near Sitka, Alaska (United States)
Vegetation in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Tree branches (United States)
Fern in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Tlingit totem pole (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Purple and yellow flowers in Sitka (United States)
Bay near Sitka, Alaska (United States)
Green "flowers" (United States)
Bay near Sitka, Alaska (United States)
Leaf in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Flowers in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Red-orange fungus (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Creek in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Tlingit totem pole (United States)
Fireweed in Alaska (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Red berries in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Vegetation on a rotting log (United States)
Creek in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Bay near Sitka, Alaska (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Fishing boat heading out to sea near Sitka (United States)
Tlingit totem pole (United States)
Tlingit totem pole (United States)
Tlingit totem pole (United States)
Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) with Sitka Bay in the background (United States)
Clear-cutting in Alaska (United States)
Trees in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Tlingit totem pole (United States)
View of Sitka from Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Bay near Sitka, Alaska (United States)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)