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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Peucang Island beach [java_0434] (Indonesia)
Camping in the Antanifotsy Valley (Madagascar)
Ban Hat Xai Khoune (Laos)
Deforestation in the Arfak mountains [west-papua_0664] (Indonesia)
Aerial view of gallery forest and a sisal plantation in Berenty [madagascar_2992] (Madagascar)
Blue waters off the Osa Peninsula (Costa Rica)
Sunsets over the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy (Colombia)
Aerial view of spiny forest of Andohahela and sisal [madagascar_3034] (Madagascar)
Forest along the Nam Ou river (Laos)
Dry river bed in the Amazon basin (Peru)
Amazon landscape scarred by open pit gold mining (Peru)
Yellow flowering tree in the Amazon rainforest [peru_aerial_1176] (Peru)
Logging truck carrying timber out of the Malaysian rainforest (Malaysia)
Kalimantan forest [kalbar_1564] (Indonesia)
Andean peaks (Peru)
View of the rainforest canopy looking up the trunk of an emergent tree (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation near Gunung Leuser National Park [sumatra_0796] (Indonesia)
Vat Phou (Laos)
Flooded terraced rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley [madagascar_6227] (Madagascar)
Terraced rice fields at Gunung Kawi (Indonesia)
Vezo kids dancing atop a sand dune (Madagascar)
Rain forest along the Bohorok River [sumatra_0643] (Indonesia)
Tikal (Belize)
Receding glacier in China (China)
Amazon rainforest river in the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Lowland jungle creek in Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Peaks surrounding Karakal Lake (China)
Aerial view of oil palm plantations in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Highland Amazon stream [manu_0289] (Peru)
Cancun sunrise (Mexico)
Aerial view of forests and islands of Golfo Dulce (Costa Rica)
Iguassu Falls (Argentina)
Vezo fishing pirogue (Madagascar)
Aerial picture of a rainforest river in Peru (Peru)
Deforestation in Myanmar (Thailand)
Massive open pit gold mine in the Peru's Madre de Dios department (Peru)
Oxplowing a rice paddy (Laos)
New Guinea rainforest (Indonesia)
View from observation tower in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Vendor carrying all of his wares on the back of his motorbike (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Sand dunes near Arovana (Ankorohoke) (Madagascar)
Rain forest cleared for oil palm plantation in Malaysia (Malaysia)
Mining scars in Laos (Thailand)
Lake Kyemengo, with buffalo on the short (Uganda)
Iguazu Falls (Argentina)
Torres del Paine National Park (Chile)
Arfak cloud forest [west-papua_0759] (Indonesia)
Amazon river tributary (Peru)
Gigantic strangler fig [java_0548] (Indonesia)
Giant Groundsel (Senecio brassica) with Mt. Kenya in the background (Kenya)
Antanifotsy Valley [madagascar_6108] (Madagascar)
Rainforest leaves (Colombia)
Indigenous park guard on forest patrol (Suriname)
Wetlands area near the Osa Peninsula (Costa Rica)
New oil palm development near the boundary of Gunung Leuser National Park (Indonesia)
Pink ginger flowers [sumatra_1105] (Indonesia)
Wild red ginger flowers [sumatra_9055] (Indonesia)
Danum Valley canopy walkway -- borneo_3548 (Malaysia)
Umbrella leaves illuminated by the sun (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation and rainforest near Tangkahan village [sumatra_0850] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation and rainforest (Indonesia)
Buddha statue (Thailand)
Manu cloud forest (Peru)
Camels in western China (China)
Dawn on Bunaken (Indonesia)
Epiphyte-laden branches of a giant Kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra) at Tikal (Belize)
Lowland river in West Papua (Indonesia)
Amazon rainforest river in the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Aerial view of an oil palm plantation and a heavily logged natural forest -- borneo_2803 (Malaysia)
Arenal volcano (Costa Rica)
Mountain peak in South Sulawesi (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Iguassu Falls from the Argentinian side (Argentina)
Tikal (Belize)
Rain forest along the Seikonyer River (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Rainforest pool (Belize)
Forest fire in the Amazon (Peru)
Adenium flower (introduced to Madagascar) (Madagascar)
Oil palm plantation and rainforest [sumatra_1460] (Indonesia)
Rice along a road in Yunnan (China)
Rice fields on Don Khong (Laos)
Colombia's llanos: ranches, farms, and forest (Colombia)
Plumeria-shrouded staircase at Wat Phot (Laos)
Waterfall in Arenal Hanging Bridges Private Reserve (Costa Rica)
Sunset over Tarangire National Park -- tz_elf_0554 (Tanzania)
Matt Davis Trail, Mount Tamalpais (United States)
Highly biodiverse submontane forest of the Amazon basin (Peru)
Coastline of the Osa Peninsula with Corcovado in the distance (Costa Rica)
Dry rice fields and rainforest (Laos)
Village and terraced rice paddies in Madagascar's Central Plateau (Madagascar)
Iguacu Falls (Argentina)
Woman planting in rice paddy (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Loita forest (Kenya)
Upper Amazon cloud forest and the Andes (Peru)
Bismarck Palm (Bismarckia nobilis) at sunset [madagascar_7119] (Madagascar)
Iguassu Falls (Argentina)
Ngorongoro Crater with Lake Magadi, as seen from above (Tanzania)
Borneo rainforest -- borneo_3656 (Malaysia)
Imposing mountains of the Pamir Plateau (China)
Costal views on the Pedernales Peninsula,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Rice fields on Don Khong (Laos)
Canopy tree with buttress roots (Suriname)
Aerial photograph of Amazon broccoli forest (Peru)
Beach on Peucang Island [java_0137] (Indonesia)
Iguacu Falls (Argentina)
Aerial view of oil palm plantations on peatlands in Sumatra [java_0015] (Indonesia)
Euphorbia plant at daybreak (Uganda)
Nile sunset [egypt_1333] (Egypt)
Flooded rice fields at sunset [madagascar_5847] (Madagascar)
Research tower in Panama (Panama)
Alluaudia procera [madagascar_7612] (Madagascar)
Canopy walkway in Manu cloud forest (Peru)
Traditional wood and bark hut build by the Mouley clan (Indonesia)
Massive gold mining area in the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Forest clearing project sponsored by the Indonesian government (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Logging near Gunung Leuser National Park (Indonesia)
Sunset over Tarangire National Park -- tz_xt_3331 (Tanzania)
Airplane view of the RÃÂÂÂo Huaypetue gold mine in Peru (Peru)
Golden plains, purple skies (Kenya)
Forest and creek at the top of Tad Kwang Si waterfall near Luang Prabang (Laos)
Rift Valley escarpment with Lake Manyara National Park below (Tanzania)
Redwood forest in Wunderlich (United States)
Loita-Purko (Maasai) village at the base of the Loita Hills (Kenya)
Tajik tombs seen from the Karakoram Highway (China)
Land-clearing fire in Madagascar [madagascar_4493] (Madagascar)
Rosewood trafficking boats [madagascar_2262] (Madagascar)
Tree fall in the Malaysian rainforest (Malaysia)
Tidepool on Bunaken Island (Indonesia)
Rice paddies and palm trees with Borobudur temple in the background (Java) (Indonesia)
Antanifotsy Valley at sunset (Madagascar)
Pool on a rainforest stream at Riam Berasap [kalbar_0798] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation and logged over rain orest (Malaysia)
Agriculture in the upper Mekong river valley (China)
Hawaiian sunrise near Hana (United States)
Bukit Lawang (Indonesia)
Trail through the tsingy in Ankarana (Madagascar)
Waves breaking on an Osa Peninsula beach at sunset [costa-rica-d_0523a] (Costa Rica)
Limestone mountains along the Yangtze (China)
Daybreak in Cancun (Mexico)
Village surrounded by forest in Laos (Laos)
Terraced rice paddies in the upper Mekong (China)
Sunset seen from Wailea Beach in Maui (United States)
Danum river in Borneo -- borneo_3714 (Malaysia)
High Andean grassland (Peru)
Forest degraded by baby orangutans (Indonesia)
Purple silk in loom (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Burned savanna (Tanzania)
Mountain pass in western China (China)
Rice fields at Lemo (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) -- sulawesi6660 (Indonesia)
Nam Nern river (Laos)
Montane forest in Tanzania (Tanzania)
Lake outside Soda Springs (United States)
Sunset seen from Wailea Beach in Maui (United States)
Peak in Ujung Kulon [java_0372] (Indonesia)
Yak traffic on the Karakoram highway (China)
Peucang Island beach [java_0453] (Indonesia)
Terraced rice paddies in rural China (China)
Mist over the Danum river (Malaysia)
Rainforest on ridge -- malaysia1232a (Malaysia)
Modernizing Shanghai (China)
Mountain peak near Tarangire (Tanzania)
Village in the Tsaranoro Valley [madagascar_5954] (Madagascar)
Floating bamboo poles for construction (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Turquoise waters of Lighthouse Reef [belize_0365] (Belize)
High elevation valley in NW Yunnan (China)
Lake Sentani houses on stilts [papua_1056] (Indonesia)
Boulders and rice fields (Madagascar)
Overhead view of the forest of the Amazon basin (Peru)
Storm approaching over the llanos [colombia_4659] (Colombia)
River in the Maasai Mara (Kenya)
Waterfall and pool in Turkana (Kenya)
Anja rock face (Madagascar)
Ankarana sink hole [madagascar_4078] (Madagascar)
Meandering river in the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Burned field adjacent to a forest fragment (Costa Rica)
Ngorongoro Crater - the dark area is vegetation along the Munge River (Tanzania)
Feluccas on the Nile River at sundown (Egypt)
Iguacu Falls (Argentina)
Giant prayer wheel in Zhongdian (China)
Horseman's star (Hippeastrum) in the Lacassine Wildlife Refuge cypress swamp (United States)
Papuan hut and garden (Indonesia)
Massive gold mining area in the Amazon (Peru)
The rough road towards Datong (China)
Mekong in the mountains of southeastern Tibet / northwestern Yunnan (China)
Sugar cane stalks in a cassava field (Suriname)
Airplane view of flowering trees and rainforest canopy in the Ucayali department of the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Siladen, Bunaken, and Sulawesi at sunset (Indonesia)
Tsingy [madagascar_3938] (Madagascar)
Lake Sandoval in the Peruvian Amazon [peru_aerial_1232] (Peru)
Costal views on the Pedernales Peninsula,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Coral reef near Blue Hole National Park (Belize)
Riparian forest in Colombia (Colombia)
Fire in Madagascar [madagascar_6928] (Madagascar)
Pasture near Acandi (Colombia)
Queen's Rova at dawn (Madagascar)
Man carving wood souvenirs at Ketu Kese (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Airplane view of the RÃÂÂÂo Huaypetue gold mine the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Reefs and mangroves in New Guinea [west-papua_5080] (Indonesia)
Antananarivo rice paddies (Tana) (Madagascar)
Fisherman at daybreak on the Mekong (Laos)
Andringitra landscape: boulders and palms [madagascar_6646] (Madagascar)
Chinese glaciers melting on the high plateau of Xinjiang in western China (China)
Rio Pini Pini flowing out of Manu National Park (Peru)
Pasture, regenerating forest, and forest in Las Cruces [cr_3801] (Costa Rica)
Airplane view of lowland rainforest in Peru's Amazon [peru_aerial_0708] (Peru)
Daybreak in Cancun (Mexico)
Clear-cutting in Laos (Laos)
Lake outside Soda Springs (United States)
Logging near Gunung Leuser National Park [sumatra_0729] (Indonesia)
Painting carved wooded boxes at Keta Kese (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Logging road in Borneo -- borneo_2904 (Malaysia)
Mining in the Malaysian rainforest (Malaysia)
Lao forest (Laos)
Lone acacia tree near a Tarangire marsh (Tanzania)
Basketball / volleyball court in Kwamalasamutu (Suriname)
Rainforest mine (Malaysia)
Illegal logging in the rainforest of Indonesian Borneo [kalbar_0059] (Indonesia)
Smoke hanging in the forest near a village (Indonesia)
Airplane view of Amazon rainforest landscape scarred by open pit gold mining (Peru)
Woman leading a donkey across a road near Datong (China)
Hawaiian sunrise near Hana (United States)
Deforested landscape along Route 3 in Laos (Laos)
Peucang Island beach [java_0465] (Indonesia)
Sunset over the Borneo rainforest -- borneo_4433 (Malaysia)
Logging road in Borneo -- borneo_2970 (Malaysia)
Aerial view of deforestation on mountainous terrain in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Aerial view of the Amazon rainforest and a palm swamp (Peru)
Cancun sunrise (Mexico)
Cattle pasture (Colombia)
Danum river -- borneo_6097 (Malaysia)
World Food Programme (WFP) sign for Kakuma Refugee Camp (Kenya)
Red and pink flower (Indonesia)
View from Pak Ou caves across the MeKong and Nam Ou (Laos)
Deforestation in Bokeo (Laos)
Mekong river in the mountains of Tibet / Yunnan (China)
Dani village in New Guinea (Indonesia)
Flooded grassland with Zhongdian in the background (China)
Sunset over Brownsberg reservoir [suriname_8851] (Suriname)
Kaheawa Wind Farm in the West Maui Mountains (United States)
Tsaranoro Valley [madagascar_5898] (Madagascar)
Sunset over Maroantsetra lagoon (Maroantsetra) (Madagascar)
Sun rays catching a rainforest palm fron (Indonesia)
Waterfall entering the turquoise sea and rainforest of Gorgona Island [colombia_3045] (Colombia)
Sulawesi homes surrounded by rice fields (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Sunrise and a palm tree at Blackbird Caye beach (Belize)
Isla Gorgona [colombia_4633] (Colombia)
Manado Tua volcano (Indonesia)
Illegally logged timber cut from a Borneo rainforest [kalbar_1167] (Indonesia)
Wild red ginger flowers [sumatra_9057] (Indonesia)
Sign for the Pasalat Reforestation Project in Tanjung Puting National Park (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0437] (Indonesia)
Islands and reefs off the northern coast of New Guinea [west-papua_0041] (Indonesia)
Logging road in Peru (Peru)
Rainforest canopy in Suriname [suriname_0667] (Suriname)
Iguassu Falls from the Brazil side (Argentina)
Rainforest creek in Borneo [kalbar_0166] (Indonesia)
Tad Fane falls (Laos)
Peak in Ujung Kulon [java_0371] (Indonesia)
Sunset over the Alalakeiki channel (United States)
Brownsberg reservoir [suriname_0483] (Suriname)
Peucang Island beach [java_0470] (Indonesia)
Sulawesi sunrise (Indonesia)
Rice paddies near Batutomonga village (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) -- sulawesi7194 (Indonesia)
Highly biodiverse submontane forest of the Amazon basin (Peru)
Colorful canopy along the Mekong (Laos)
Rainforest near Tangkahan [sumatra_0999] (Indonesia)
Oil palm estate [sumatra_0742] (Indonesia)
Sunset seen from Mount Kenya (Kenya)
Grass huts in New Guinea (Indonesia)
Flowering trees and rainforest canopy in the Western Amazon (Peru)
Tikal ruins protruding from the rainforest (Belize)
Coloful songbirds for sale as food in the Luang Prabang morning market (Laos)
Green rice paddies in Udomxai province (Laos)
Lake Pehoe in Torres del Paine National Park (Chile)
Young banana shoot (Java) (Indonesia)
Rainforest canopy in the Arfak Mountains [west-papua_5296] (Indonesia)
Palm grove in the Panamanian rainforest (Panama)
Palm-lined lagoon near Maroantsetra (Maroantsetra) (Madagascar)
Plane view of Amazon basin rainforest (Peru)
Fields near Tashkurgan - seen from the Karakoram highway (China)
Cleared and degraaded forest in Laos (Laos)
Pine forests plants in the 1960s and 1970s in the Yunnan province (China)
Mount Kilimanjaro peeking through clouds (Tanzania)
Waterfall along the road from Shangri-la to the Yangtze river valley (China)
Market in Rantepao (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Nosy Mangabe at sunrise [madagascar_2215] (Madagascar)
Mining road through rainforest in Indonesian Borneo [kalbar_2269] (Indonesia)
Aerial view of a forest margin in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Rice field at dusk (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Aerial view of logging roads in Borneo (Malaysia)
Muddy rainforest river (Suriname)
Oil palm plantation with the rainforest of Gunung Leuser National Park in the background [sumatra_1443] (Indonesia)
Cypress forest (United States)
Temple in Ban Houa Khong (Laos)
Coastal wetland and river mouth in West Papua (Indonesia)
Aerial picture of large-scale forest clearing for cattle pasture in the Peruvian Amazon (Peru)
Pink skies over a Balinese rice paddy (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Maroantsetra sunset (Maroantsetra) (Madagascar)
Rice fields on Don Khong (Laos)
Batur volcano (Indonesia)