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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Oil palm plantations in Malaysian Borneo -- borneo_2843 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Tourists on a canopy walkway (Malaysia)
Coralscape in Sabah [sabah_underwater_0073] (Malaysia)
x -- borneo_3971 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0814] (Malaysia)
Loss of rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia -- sabah_0388 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_0938 (Malaysia)
Forest in Sabah, Malaysia -- sabah_1919 (Malaysia)
Logging truck carrying timber out of the Malaysian rainforest -- borneo_2952 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Rain forest and oil palm [sabah_sepilok_0414] (Malaysia)
Channel between Sapi and Pulau Gaya [sabah_sapi_island_0024] (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1736 (Malaysia)
Forest in Sabah -- sabah_2350 (Malaysia)
Red Leaf-monkey (Presbytis rubicunda) -- borneo_3153 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in Sabah [sabah_underwater_0221] (Malaysia)
Orangutan eating string beans [sabah_sepilok_0224] (Malaysia)
Pig-tailed macaque [sabah_kinabatangan_0140] (Malaysia)
Red and black millipede [sabah_tawau_0252] (Malaysia)
deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_1886 (Malaysia)
Snake [sabah_tawau_0042] (Malaysia)
Sapi Island beach -- sabah_0185 (Malaysia)
Deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_0726 (Malaysia)
Orangutan hanging from an access rope at Sepilok -- borneo_5273 (Malaysia)
Proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) on the banks of the Kinabantagan River in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Red fruit -- borneo_4363 (Malaysia)
Male proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0385] (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Acacia and rainforest -- sabah_1021 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0295] (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantations in Malaysian Borneo -- borneo_2839 (Malaysia)
Coralscape in Sabah [sabah_underwater_0029] (Malaysia)
Red understory flowers in Borneo [sabah_tawau_0501] (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0945 (Malaysia)
Channel between Sapi and Pulau Gaya [sabah_sapi_island_0021] (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_0876 (Malaysia)
Snake [sabah_tawau_0038] (Malaysia)
Walking stick insect [sabah_tawau_0193] (Malaysia)
Palm oil plantation in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Logging truck carrying timber out of the Malaysian rainforest -- borneo_2945 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0849 (Malaysia)
Red grasshawk [sabah_sepilok_0557] (Malaysia)
Water monitor with a blue-tongue (Malaysia)
Jungle in Borneo -- sabah_2051 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0490] (Malaysia)
Shrimp ponds and oil palm in Tawau [sabah_aerial_3117] (Malaysia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0002] (Malaysia)
Green humphead parrotfish [sabah_underwater_0173] (Malaysia)
Nepenthes rafflesiana pitcher plant -- borneo_4934 (Malaysia)
Chopping down rainforest in Malaysia -- sabah_0393 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0846 (Malaysia)
Shield bug [sabah_tawau_0377] (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0988 (Malaysia)
Borneo rain forest -- sabah_2353 (Malaysia)
Sea anemone [sabah_underwater_0439] (Malaysia)
Turquoise water, reefs, and tropical forest of Siamil island [sabah_mabul_semporna_0118] (Malaysia)
Borneo vine [sabah_tawau_0334] (Malaysia)
Danum river -- borneo_6095 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest in Sabah -- sabah_2060 (Malaysia)
Katydid [sabah_tawau_0345] (Malaysia)
Snake birds [sabah_kinabatangan_0238] (Malaysia)
Sea turtle [sabah_underwater_0037] (Malaysia)
Male proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0393] (Malaysia)
Sun bear climbing a tree [sabah_sepilok_0117] (Malaysia)
Palm oil plantation in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0871] (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Stork-billed Kingfisher [sabah_kinabatangan_0023] (Malaysia)
Proboscis monkey jumping [sabah_sepilok_0808] (Malaysia)
Red and black millipede [sabah_tawau_0259] (Malaysia)
Forest in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_2349 (Malaysia)
Forest and tree crops -- sabah_1658 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest in Malaysia -- sabah_1993 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0785 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1749 (Malaysia)
deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_1669 (Malaysia)
Young orangutan -- borneo_5213 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Sunset over the Borneo rainforest -- borneo_4407 (Malaysia)
deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_2162 (Malaysia)
Deforestation -- sabah_0095 (Malaysia)
Macaques (unidentified species) visit lodge in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_1248 (Malaysia)
Coralscape in Sabah [sabah_underwater_0025] (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantations in Malaysian Borneo -- borneo_2842 (Malaysia)
Young orangutan hanging from a rope at Sepilok -- borneo_5286 (Malaysia)
Bats -- sabah_0110 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1622 (Malaysia)
Deforestation in Borneo -- sabah_2091 (Malaysia)
Macaque feeding on a flower [sabah_kinabatangan_0069] (Malaysia)
Deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_0670 (Malaysia)
Snake [sabah_tawau_0046] (Malaysia)
Heavily logged forest -- sabah_1865 (Malaysia)
Orange beetle -- borneo_3747 (Malaysia)
Water monitor [sabah_kinabatangan_0032] (Malaysia)
Shark [sabah_underwater_0338] (Malaysia)
Deforestation -- sabah_0296 (Malaysia)
Male proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0415] (Malaysia)
Acacia and rainforest -- sabah_1136 (Malaysia)
Macaque feeding [sabah_kinabatangan_0095] (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Green praying mantis [sabah_sepilok_0589] (Malaysia)
Chopping down rainforest in Malaysia -- sabah_0543 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in Sabah [sabah_underwater_0212] (Malaysia)
Logging truck carrying timber out of the Malaysian rainforest -- borneo_2987 (Malaysia)
Forested hill (Malaysia)
Piles of oil palm fruit at a palm oil mill -- borneo_5101 (Malaysia)
Proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0823] (Malaysia)
Logging truck carrying timber out of the Malaysian rainforest -- borneo_2932 (Malaysia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0021] (Malaysia)
Mist rising from the Borneo rainforest -- borneo_6436a (Malaysia)
Ocean [sabah_underwater_0746] (Malaysia)
Primary rainforest in Imbak Canyon, Borneo (Malaysia)
Borneo Rainforest Lodge at Danum Valley -- borneo_3768 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1234 (Malaysia)
Green cauliflorous growths [sabah_tawau_0421] (Malaysia)
Squirrel eating a jackfruit [sabah_sepilok_0092] (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1046 (Malaysia)
Factory -- sabah_2253 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1599 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation and rainforest border [sabah_sepilok_0718] (Malaysia)
Chocolate chip starfish [sabah_underwater_0438] (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0796] (Malaysia)
Deforestation -- sabah_0093 (Malaysia)
Semporna fishing village [sabah_mabul_semporna_0006] (Malaysia)
Cockroach in the Gomantong Cave in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0364 (Malaysia)
Orangutan hanging by its feet while eating sugar cane -- borneo_5405 (Malaysia)
Young Oil palm trees -- borneo_4706 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0504] (Malaysia)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0136] (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0351 (Malaysia)
Green Crested Lizard ( Bronchocela cristatella ) -- borneo_3417 (Malaysia)
Old-growth rainforest in Imbak Canyon, Malaysia (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0418] (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Orangutans feeding [sabah_sepilok_0201] (Malaysia)
Agamid Lizard ( Bronchocela cristatella ) -- borneo_3093 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1168 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_1892 (Malaysia)
Forest newly cleared for an oil palm plantation in Peninsular Malaysia -- sabah_0000 (Malaysia)
Deforestation in Borneo -- sabah_2532 (Malaysia)
Wild male Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) in a tree along the Kinabantagan River in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Forested interior of Borneo -- borneo_2756 (Malaysia)
Green cicada (Malaysia)
Logging road -- sabah_0783 (Malaysia)
Chopping down rainforest in Malaysia -- sabah_0316 (Malaysia)
Dark red beetle -- borneo_3899 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0555] (Malaysia)
Deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_1197 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Green backed beetle with orange underparts -- borneo_4439 (Malaysia)
Green and brown cicada -- borneo_4070 (Malaysia)
White shield bug [sabah_sepilok_0172] (Malaysia)
Kinabatangan river at sunrise [sabah_kinabatangan_0202] (Malaysia)
Reddish snake with dark brown bands -- borneo_4094 (Malaysia)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0152] (Malaysia)
Logging road in Borneo -- borneo_2899 (Malaysia)
Deforestation in Borneo -- sabah_2072 (Malaysia)
Black hornbills (Anthracoceros malayanus) [sabah_kinabatangan_0312] (Malaysia)
Deforestation -- sabah_0089 (Malaysia)
Canopy tower in the Rainforest Discovery Center (Malaysia)
Borneo forest -- sabah_2299 (Malaysia)
Coralscape in Sabah [sabah_underwater_0050] (Malaysia)
Macaques (unidentified) on the banks of the Kinabantagan River in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Bird of prey -- borneo_4827 (Malaysia)
Giant canopy tree -- borneo_4895 (Malaysia)
Orange and black moth [sabah_tawau_0347] (Malaysia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0016] (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0280] (Malaysia)
Rhinoceros Hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros) -- borneo_4797 (Malaysia)
Macaque feeding [sabah_kinabatangan_0087] (Malaysia)
Oil palm estate -- sabah_1807 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_2546 (Malaysia)
Haze rising from an oil palm plantation established on former rainforest land -- borneo_4885 (Malaysia)
Fly [sabah_sepilok_0566] (Malaysia)
Deforestation in Borneo -- sabah_2025 (Malaysia)
Baby macaque [sabah_kinabatangan_0107] (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0488 (Malaysia)
Kinabatangan river [sabah_kinabatangan_0452] (Malaysia)
Giant Raffles' Pitcher-Plant (Nepenthes rafflesiana) -- borneo_4955 (Malaysia)
Jungle in Borneo -- sabah_1944 (Malaysia)
Orange fruit [sabah_kinabatangan_0469] (Malaysia)
Blue-eared Kingfishers (Alcedo meninting phillipsi) [sabah_kinabatangan_0305] (Malaysia)
Jungle in Borneo -- sabah_2302 (Malaysia)
Malaysian ant [sabah_tawau_0371] (Malaysia)
Palm oil mill -- sabah_1840 (Malaysia)
Elongated blue and orange insect -- borneo_3360 (Malaysia)
Kinabatangan river [sabah_kinabatangan_0458] (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0278] (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1154 (Malaysia)
Logging truck carrying timber out of the Malaysian rainforest -- borneo_2995 (Malaysia)
Forest dragon lizard [sabah_tawau_0128] (Malaysia)
Canopy tree -- borneo_6364 (Malaysia)
Forest loss in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_0381 (Malaysia)
Malaysian ant [sabah_tawau_0368] (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_0454 (Malaysia)
Yellow flowers (Malaysia)
Forest lizard -- borneo_3301 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest tree with buttress roots -- borneo_4219 (Malaysia)
Massive monitor lizard (Malaysia)
deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_2153 (Malaysia)
Chopping down rainforest in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_0313 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0478] (Malaysia)
Rainforest and an oil palm plantation in Sabah [sabah_sepilok_0056] (Malaysia)
Deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_0725 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_0921 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1721 (Malaysia)
Logging road -- sabah_1469 (Malaysia)
Mining -- sabah_0697 (Malaysia)
Rainforest canopy [sabah_sepilok_0767] (Malaysia)
deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_2196 (Malaysia)
Tawau waterfall [sabah_tawau_0090] (Malaysia)
Logging truck carrying timber out of the Malaysian rainforest -- borneo_2950 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0451 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_0570 (Malaysia)
Shrimp ponds and oil palm in Tawau (Malaysia)
Borneo cyprinds (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0426] (Malaysia)
Logging road -- sabah_0836 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0761] (Malaysia)
Deforestation for oil palm -- borneo_2814b (Malaysia)
Yellow and pink flower -- borneo_4205 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_0895 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0450 (Malaysia)
Bornean sun bear [sabah_sepilok_0615] (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0948 (Malaysia)
Crude palm oil -- borneo_5094 (Malaysia)
Orange and purple flower [sabah_tawau_0300] (Malaysia)
Kinabatangan river at sunrise [sabah_kinabatangan_0217] (Malaysia)
Ditches surrounding palm oil plantation in Sabah, Malaysia to keep elephants out, though sometimes they become stuck (Malaysia)
Orange and black moth [sabah_tawau_0349] (Malaysia)
Fire burning on an oil palm plantation -- sabah_1838 (Malaysia)
Green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) [sabah_underwater_0255] (Malaysia)
Sorting fish on an Malaysian fishing boat [sabah_mabul_semporna_0037] (Malaysia)
Oldgrowth rainforest in Imbak Canyon, Malaysian Borneo (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Factory -- sabah_2194 (Malaysia)
Oldgrowth rain forest -- sabah_1430 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0442 (Malaysia)
Male proboscis monkey [sabah_sepilok_0431] (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Undersea life in Sabah [sabah_underwater_0219] (Malaysia)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0158] (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Rain forest in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_1965 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1641 (Malaysia)
Sapi Island -- sabah_0262 (Malaysia)
Fly [sabah_sepilok_0567] (Malaysia)
Borneo rain forest -- borneo_4239 (Malaysia)
deforestation for oil palm -- sabah_2141 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0966 (Malaysia)
Insect [sabah_tawau_0214] (Malaysia)
School of razorfish [sabah_underwater_0540] (Malaysia)
Pill millipede [sabah_tawau_0449] (Malaysia)
Piles of oil palm fruit at a palm oil mill -- borneo_5120 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0980 (Malaysia)
Orangutan pointing to itself while hanging from a rope (Malaysia)
Borneo forest -- sabah_1941 (Malaysia)
Turquoise water, reefs, and tropical forest of Siamil island [sabah_mabul_semporna_0147] (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0479] (Malaysia)
Harvesting oil palm fruit -- borneo_5024 (Malaysia)
Sapi Island forest -- sabah_0232 (Malaysia)
The eyes of a leopard cat (Felis bengalensis) in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation and rainforest border [sabah_sepilok_0712] (Malaysia)
Malaysian sun bear in a tree [sabah_sepilok_0745] (Malaysia)
Undersea life in the Coral Triangle [sabah_underwater_0860] (Malaysia)
Orangutan with a leaf umbrella -- borneo_5322 (Malaysia)
Rainforest tree -- borneo_3824 (Malaysia)
Red understory flowers in Borneo [sabah_tawau_0116] (Malaysia)
Orangutan feeding on string beans [sabah_sepilok_0211] (Malaysia)
Fire burning on an oil palm plantation -- sabah_1856 (Malaysia)
Deforestation in Borneo -- sabah_2441 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Mangrove shoots [sabah_sepilok_0553] (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1001 (Malaysia)
Cantheconidea furcellata, an insect predator used to control oil palm pests (IPM) (Malaysia)
Rainforest and an oil palm plantation in Sabah [sabah_sepilok_0040] (Malaysia)
Harvestman [sabah_kinabatangan_0416] (Malaysia)
Maroon Leaf-monkey (Presbytis rubicunda) (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1594 (Malaysia)
Coralscape in Sabah [sabah_underwater_0054] (Malaysia)
Moth [sabah_sepilok_0575] (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Deforestation in Borneo -- sabah_2429 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_0885 (Malaysia)
Pristine rainforest (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation -- sabah_1166 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0453 (Malaysia)
Rainforest creek -- borneo_4024 (Malaysia)
Deforestation in Borneo -- sabah_2066 (Malaysia)