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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Purko (Kenya)
Rainforest guide sitting in a canoe (Gabon)
Child near a village in Gabon (Gabon)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Village bar near Loango National Park (Gabon)
Purko elder (Kenya)
Wildlife photographer in Loango lagoon (Gabon)
Stacks of charcoal in Kampala (Uganda)
Turkana (Kenya)
Turkana woman inside her home (Kenya)
Mike Fay's toilet in Gabon (Gabon)
Village near Loango National Park (Gabon)
A man carrying muscles on the beach near Point St. Catherine (Gabon)
Road construction in Uganda (Uganda)
Purko (Kenya)
Bwindi orphans, some of whom lost their parents to AIDS, performing (Uganda)
Settlement established near a logging road (Gabon)
Wildlife guide (Gabon)
Purko around a camp fire (Kenya)
Purko (Kenya)
School children in Uganda (Uganda)
Purko (Kenya)
Gorilla handler helping a gorilla orphan learn forest skills (Gabon)
Rainforest guide (Gabon)
Gabonese football palyer running to practice (Gabon)
Guide preparing to call monkeys by creating a distrubance (Gabon)
Guide preparing to call monkeys by creating a distrubance (Gabon)
Bwindi orphans group children doing traditional dances and songs (Uganda)
Guides examining elephant tusk damage to a rain forest tree (Gabon)
People [egypt_0176] (Egypt)
People [egypt_0177] (Egypt)
People (Egypt)