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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Vegetation of the upper alpine zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Giant Rosette Plant (Lobelia keniensis) (Kenya)
Asparagus-like plant. Any ideas? (Kenya)
Mt. Kenya alpine floral community (Kenya)
Muppet plants - Lobelia telekii (Kenya)
Grassy bog on Mount Kenya (Kenya)
Giant Groundsel (Senecio brassica) with Mt. Kenya in the background (Kenya)
Giant Groundsel (Senecio brassica) (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Vegetation of the upper alpine zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Looking down from Mt. Kenya at tussock grasses, senecios and the surrounding countryside (Kenya)
White flower with purple veins (Kenya)
Giant Rosette Plant (Lobelia keniensis) (Kenya)
Giant Rosette Plant (Lobelia keniensis) (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Giant Rosette Plant (Lobelia keniensis) (Kenya)
Asparagus-like plant. Any ideas? (Kenya)
Mt. Kenya vegetation (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Carduus species on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Vegetation of the upper alpine zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Mt. Kenya flora (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Grasslands and Giant Groundsel (Senecio brassica) plants in the Upper alpine zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
White flower with purple veins (Kenya)
Carduus species on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Giant Rosette Plant (Lobelia keniensis) (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Carduus species, Lobelia telekii, and Lobelia keniensis on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Tussock grasses, senecios and lobelias in the Afro-alpine moorland zone of Mt. Kenya (Kenya)