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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Flounder camouflaged in the sand (Belize)
Sting ray buried in sand [belize_uw0139] (Belize)
Giant sea sponge (Belize)
Lobster (Belize)
Purple sea anemones (Belize)
Fish (Belize)
Sting ray buried in sand (Belize)
Flamingo tongue (Cyphoma gibbosum) (Belize)
Reef (Belize)
Soft corals (Belize)
Purple soft coral [belize_uw0040] (Belize)
Transparent cleaner shrimp with blue and white markings (Belize)
Yellow sea sponge [belize_uw0090] (Belize)
Yellow sea sponge (Belize)
Transparent shrimp with blue and white markings [belize_uw0173A] (Belize)
Giant sea sponge [belize_uw0041] (Belize)
Green moray eel (Belize)
Brain coral (Belize)
Blue sponge and a damselfish (Belize)
Fan coral (Belize)
Giant sea sponge [belize_uw0087] (Belize)
Purple soft coral (Belize)
Transparent shrimp with blue and white markings (Belize)
Corals (Belize)
Fish [belize_uw0135] (Belize)
Stingray swimming above a sandy sea floor (Belize)
Coralscape (Belize)
Garden eels (Belize)
Moray eel (Belize)
Corals [belize_uw0178] (Belize)
Yellow sea sponge [belize_uw0091] (Belize)
Giant sea sponge [belize_uw0085] (Belize)
Transparent shrimp with blue and white markings [belize_uw0152] (Belize)
Corals [belize_uw0181] (Belize)
Giant sea sponge [belize_uw0086] (Belize)
Sea sponge (Belize)
Corals [belize_uw0183] (Belize)
Transparent shrimp with blue and white markings [belize_uw0174] (Belize)
Transparent cleaner shrimp with blue and white markings [belize_uw0173] (Belize)
Flamingo lips (Belize)
Tarpon (Belize)
Lobster [belize_uw0185] (Belize)
Fish and sea sponges (Belize)
Fish [belize_uw0163] (Belize)
Gray angelfish, Pomacanthus arcuatus (Belize)
Fish frenzy (Belize)
Green moray eel [belize_uw0172] (Belize)
Transparent shrimp with blue and white markings [belize_uw0176] (Belize)
Fish [belize_uw0137] (Belize)
Cleaner shrimp in a sponge [belize_uw0044] (Belize)
Purple sea sponge (Belize)
Cleaner shrimp in a sponge (Belize)