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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Coastline near the village of Sunur, West Java (Indonesia)
Javan forest (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0475] (Indonesia)
Indian Ocean waves breaking on the Western-most part of Java (Indonesia)
Sunset on the ocean-side coastline of Peucang Island (Indonesia)
Yellow planthopper (Indonesia)
Black-headed Heron (Ardea melanocephala) (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach (Indonesia)
Rain forest stream in Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
The ceiling of the rain forest, as seen from below (Indonesia)
Ujung Kulon rain forest (Indonesia)
Ship off Peucang Island (Indonesia)
Rhino Protection Unit on patrol in Ujung Kulon's lowland rainforest (Indonesia)
Roots of a stranger fig (Indonesia)
Java Rusa (Indonesia)
RPU patrol paddling toward Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Rangers patrolling Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Rainforest of Ujung Kulon as seen from the sea (Indonesia)
Stupas at sunrise (Java) (Indonesia)
Gigantic strangler fig [java_0536] (Indonesia)
Fallen rainforest flower (Indonesia)
Fallen rainforest tree in Java's Ujung Kulon N.P. (Indonesia)
Peucang Island rainforest (Indonesia)
Dock near Sunur (Indonesia)
Lowland rain forest in Java (Indonesia)
Coastline of Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Deer on the beach at Peucang Island (Indonesia)
Rain forest giant (Indonesia)
Rainforest creek in Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Blue green and copper colored grasshopper with large red eyes and yellow antennae (Java) (Indonesia)
Tall buttress roots of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Dock and beach near Sunur (Indonesia)
Pile of round logs at an Indonesia sawmill (Indonesia)
Peucang Island, West Java, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Save the Rhino (Indonesia)
Fallen rainforest tree in Ujung Kulon N.P. (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0449] (Indonesia)
Islands near Sumatra (Indonesia)
Javan jungle (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Java's Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Western Javan lutung (Trachypithecus auratus mauritius) (Indonesia)
Red grasshawk dragonfly (Indonesia)
Sunset on the ocean-side coastline of Peucang Island [java_0068] (Indonesia)
Jungle tree in Ujung Kulon NP (Indonesia)
Male wild boar (Indonesia)
Waves breaking on a beach in Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Strangler fig beginning to take hold on a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Javan Rusa (Indonesia)
Javan jungle [java_0719] (Indonesia)
Rainforest and turquoise ocean (Indonesia)
Buttress roots of a rainforest tree on Peucang Island (Indonesia)
Mt. Semeru, the tallest volcano on Java, erupting (Java) (Indonesia)
Fishing boat in Sunur (Indonesia)
Pink lotus flower (Java) (Indonesia)
Peak in Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Sunda Rusa (Rusa timorensis) (Indonesia)
Waves breaking on the ocean-side coastline of Peucang Island (Indonesia)
Traditional fishing boat (Indonesia)
Large rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Ominous clouds off the coast of Sunur (Indonesia)
Peucang Island, West Java, Indonesia [java_0420] (Indonesia)
Boat near a beach on Peucang Island (Indonesia)
Rice paddies with the mountains of Ujung Kulon National Park behind (Indonesia)
Peucang Island forest (Indonesia)
Beach on Peucang Island (Indonesia)
Lowland jungle stream in Java's Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Boat made out of a plastic drum (Indonesia)
Green mantid looking into the camera (Java) (Indonesia)
Coastline of Peucang Island (Indonesia)
Boat off Peucang Island (Indonesia)
Jungle tree on Handeuleum Island (Indonesia)
Pier in Sunur, near the Rhino Protection Unit outpost/local office for the Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Ujung Kulon coastal rainforest (Indonesia)
Flying dragon displaying its colorful dewlap (Indonesia)
Close up on grains of rice in a rice field (Java) (Indonesia)
Split buttress roots of a rainforest tree (Indonesia)
Gigantic strangler fig (Indonesia)
Boat off Peucang Island [java_0410] (Indonesia)
Sunset on the ocean-side coastline of Peucang Island [java_0078] (Indonesia)
Black-headed Heron (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0443] (Indonesia)
Coastline of Peucang Island [java_0405] (Indonesia)
Sunset on the ocean-side coastline of Peucang Island [java_0080] (Indonesia)
Wild boar on Peucang Island (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0445] (Indonesia)
Lowland jungle in Ujung Kulon National Park [java_0188] (Indonesia)
Deer on Java (Indonesia)
Peatland clearing in Indonesia (Indonesia)
Peucang Island, West Java, Indonesia [java_0415] (Indonesia)
Jungle creek in Java's Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Sawmill in Java (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Logs outside an Indonesian sawmill (Indonesia)
Ship off Peucang Island [java_0147] (Indonesia)
Massive stranger fig (Indonesia)
Terraced rice and bananas (Java) (Indonesia)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree [java_0052] (Indonesia)
Green Junglefowl (Gallus varius) (0)
Spiny yellow caterpillar (Java) (Indonesia)
Rice paddies and palm trees (Java) (Indonesia)
Stone statue animal at Borobudur (Java) (Indonesia)
Fishing boat along the coastline near the village of Sunur, West Java (Indonesia)
Tropical forest in Java (Indonesia)
Jungle stream in Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Green rice paddies near Borobudur with forested mountains in the distance (Java) (Indonesia)
Peucang Island, West Java, Indonesia [java_0413] (Indonesia)
Fallen leaf in Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Gigantic strangler fig [java_0528] (Indonesia)
Waves in West Java (Indonesia)
Javan tropical forest (Indonesia)
Mural wall carvings at Borobudur (Java) (Indonesia)
Aerial view of oil palm plantations on peatlands in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Gigantic strangler fig [java_0531] (Indonesia)
Lowland jungle in Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Borobudur temple (Java) (Indonesia)
Indonesian sawmill (Indonesia)
Sawmill for teak logs in Java (Indonesia)
Save the Rhino [java_0159] (Indonesia)
Rice fields on the island of Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Pink lotus flowers and lily pads (Java) (Indonesia)
Giant black bee feeding on morning glory flower nectar (Java) (Indonesia)
Peucang Island rainforest [java_0087] (Indonesia)
Green and black dragonfly resting on leaf (Java) (Indonesia)
RPU ranger in action (Indonesia)
Pink water lotus (Java) (Indonesia)
Roots of a stranger fig [java_0197] (Indonesia)
Java Rusa Deer (Rusa timorensis russa) (Indonesia)
Surf crashing on the western-most part of Java (Indonesia)
Boat off Peucang Island [java_0412] (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0473] (Indonesia)
Lowland jungle stream in Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Java Rusa [java_0647] (Indonesia)
Rainforest canopy of Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Mangroves in Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
One of ninety-two Dhyani Buddha statues at Borobudur (Java) (Indonesia)
Green mantid (Java) (Indonesia)
Purple water lily (Java) (Indonesia)
Sunda Sambar (Rusa timorensis) (Indonesia)
Deer on the beach at Peucang Island [java_0424] (Indonesia)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree [java_0048] (Indonesia)
Java Rusa (Rusa timorensis russa) (Indonesia)
Aerial view of oil palm plantations on peatlands in Sumatra [java_0024] (Indonesia)
Gigantic strangler fig [java_0543] (Indonesia)
Peucang Island rainforest [java_0088] (Indonesia)
Dock and beach near Sunur [java_0846] (Indonesia)
Lowland forest in Java's Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Lowland rain forest creek in Ujung Kulon (Indonesia)
Javan forest [java_0727] (Indonesia)
Rainforest of Ujung Kulon as seen from the sea [java_0276] (Indonesia)
Rainforest and turquoise ocean [java_0264] (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0468] (Indonesia)
Peucang Island rainforest [java_0509] (Indonesia)
Ciadon rainforest canopy (Indonesia)
Lowland rain forest in Java's Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Fuel wood cut from the rainforest of Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0439] (Indonesia)
RPU ranger in the rainforest on Peucang Island (Indonesia)
Ebony langur (Indonesia)
Aerial view of oil palm plantations on peatlands in Sumatra [java_0029] (Indonesia)
Ranger using a camera phone on patrol (Indonesia)
Rainforest and turquoise ocean [java_0267] (Indonesia)
Peucang Island rain forest (Indonesia)
Fuel wood cut from the Java jungle (Java) (Indonesia)
Rhino Protection Unit on patrol (Indonesia)
Indian Ocean Ujung Kulon beach (Indonesia)
'Save The Rhino' written on a white-sand beach (Indonesia)
Mural wall carvings at Borobudur (Java) -- java5946 (Indonesia)
Silhouetted Boboudur buddha in early morning (Java) (Indonesia)
Peucang Island, West Java, Indonesia [java_0417] (Indonesia)
Wall carvings at Borobudur, wheeled-cart (Java) (Indonesia)
Ship off Peucang Island [java_0142] (Indonesia)
Indian Ocean surf breaking on the Western-most part of Java (Indonesia)
Peucang Island forest [java_0496] (Indonesia)
Sawmill for teak (Indonesia)
Black-headed Heron on a tropical beach (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Coastline of Peucang Island [java_0408] (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0463] (Indonesia)
Large rainforest tree [java_0091] (Indonesia)
Waves breaking on the ocean-side coastline of Peucang Island [java_0071] (Indonesia)
Sunda Deer (Rusa timorensis) (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0434] (Indonesia)
Lowland jungle creek in Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Gigantic strangler fig [java_0548] (Indonesia)
Ants (Indonesia)
Beach on Peucang Island [java_0137] (Indonesia)
Aerial view of oil palm plantations on peatlands in Sumatra [java_0015] (Indonesia)
Rice paddies and palm trees with Borobudur temple in the background (Java) (Indonesia)
Silhouetted Dhyani buddha of Boboudur at daybreak (Java) (Indonesia)
Peak in Ujung Kulon [java_0372] (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0453] (Indonesia)
Mural wall carvings at Borobudur (Java) -- java5955 (Indonesia)
Wall carvings at Borobudur, people under tree (Java) (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0465] (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0437] (Indonesia)
Peak in Ujung Kulon [java_0371] (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0470] (Indonesia)
Young banana shoot (Java) (Indonesia)
Mural wall carvings at Borobudur (Java) -- java5950 (Indonesia)
Gigantic strangler fig [java_0544] (Indonesia)
Mural wall carvings at Borobudur (Java) -- java5958 (Indonesia)
Coastline of Peucang Island [java_0395] (Indonesia)
Javan Hawk-eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi) (0)
Yellow and black orb spider (Java) (Indonesia)
Aerial view of oil palm plantations on peatlands in Sumatra [java_0023] (Indonesia)
Roots of a stranger fig [java_0195] (Indonesia)
Long-tailed macaques rummaging through trash on a beach (Indonesia)
Statue at Borobudur, open mouth (Java) (Indonesia)
Mural wall carvings at Borobudur--pigs (Java) (Indonesia)
Coastline of Ujung Kulon [java_0391] (Indonesia)
Fishing boat in Sunur [java_0360] (Indonesia)
Borobudur temple (Java) -- java5985 (Indonesia)
Lowland jungle creek in Java's Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Rice fields with Borobudur temple as the backdrop (Java) (Indonesia)
Monkeys on a beach (Indonesia)
Close up on grains of rice in a paddy (Java) (Indonesia)
Stupas at Borobudur (Java) (Indonesia)
Breaking surf in West Java (Indonesia)
Rain forest creek in Java's Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Man harvesting chilis in Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Mural wall carvings at Borobudurówomen (Java) (Indonesia)
Terraces of rice and bananas in Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Local men returning from a day of working in the forest (Java) (Indonesia)
Sphenomorphus skink species on Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Dock and beach near Sunur [java_0838] (Indonesia)
Fungi [java_0257] (Indonesia)
Jungle in Java (Indonesia)
Palm leaf (Java) (Indonesia)
Javan lutung (Trachypithecus auratus) (Indonesia)
Giant black planaria (Java) (Indonesia)
Surf crashing on the western-most part of Java [java_0818] (Indonesia)
Peucang Island sign (Indonesia)
Fuelwood cut from the rain forest of Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Buttress roots after a tree fall [java_0518] (Indonesia)
Dusky heron on a tropical beach (Indonesia)
Jungle tree (Indonesia)
Green Junglefowl (Gallus varius) (0)
Deer (Indonesia)
Skink on tree trunk in Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Darkened Stupas at Borobudur (Java) (Indonesia)
Looking up the trunk of a rainforest tree [java_0051] (Indonesia)
Green rice fields near Borobudur with forested mountains in the distance (Java) (Indonesia)
Mother and daughter returning from the fields (Java) (Indonesia)
Silhouette of stupas at Boboudur with moon setting in background (Java) (Indonesia)
Small shack amid forest and tree crops in Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Java rice paddies (Java) (Indonesia)
Rice fields near Borobudur with forested mountains in the distance (Java) (Indonesia)
Rice fields and palm trees with Borobudur temple in the background (Java) (Indonesia)
Cultivation of chilis in Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Herons on a tropical beach (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Java (Indonesia)
Silhouetted buddha of Boboudur (Java) (Indonesia)
Aerial view of oil palm plantations on peatlands in Sumatra [java_0014] (Indonesia)
Dock and beach near Sunur [java_0841] (Indonesia)
Red roof of a hut among rice paddies and chili fields in Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Ujung Kulon rain forest tree (Indonesia)
Beach on Peucang Island [java_0145] (Indonesia)
Bright green lizard (Bronchocela cristatella?) in Java, Indonesia (Java) (Indonesia)
Black butterfly with white markings in Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Waves breaking on the ocean-side coastline of Peucang Island [java_0073] (Indonesia)
Surf crashing on the western-most part of Java [java_0808] (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0467] (Indonesia)
Eruption of volcano at Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (Java) (Indonesia)
Black butterfly with white spots in Java (Java) (Indonesia)
RPU patrol paddling toward Ujung Kulon [java_0764] (Indonesia)
Draco volans flying dragon (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0471] (Indonesia)
The ceiling of the rain forest, as seen from below [java_0504] (Indonesia)
Industrial plant near Jakarta (Indonesia)
Massive stranger fig tree (Indonesia)
Silhouette of Boboudur at early morning (Java) (Indonesia)
Fallen rainforest log (Indonesia)
Mural wall carvings at Borobudur-Buddha (Java) (Indonesia)
Green figs (Java) (Indonesia)
Giant stranger fig tree (Indonesia)
Java rice fields (Java) (Indonesia)
Bright green lizard (Bronchocela cristatella?) on tree trunk in Java, Indonesia (Java) (Indonesia)
Doorways at Borobudur (Java) (Indonesia)
Red berries or flower buds (Indonesia)
Green preying mantis (Java) (Indonesia)
Agroforestry (Java) (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0458] (Indonesia)
Pink lotus (Java) (Indonesia)
Terraces of rice and bananas (Java) (Indonesia)
Wall carvings at Borobudur, woman (Java) (Indonesia)
Gigantic strangler fig with an RPU ranger for scale (Indonesia)
Beach on Peucang Island [java_0144] (Indonesia)
Mural wall carvings at Borobudur (Java) -- java5969 (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Java's Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Large black bumble bee preparing to land on a morning glory flower (Java) (Indonesia)
Green Junglefowl (Gallus varius) (0)
Indian Ocean surf breaking on the Western-most part of Java [java_0801] (Indonesia)
Gigantic strangler fig [java_0541] (Indonesia)
Traditional fishing boat with Krakatoa in the distance (Indonesia)
Mural wall carvings at Borobudur (Java) -- java5959 (Indonesia)
Man spraying pesticides on chili farm in Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Rainforest tree on Handeuleum Island (Indonesia)
Aerial view of mining in Java (Java) (Indonesia)
Giant black flatworm (Java) (Indonesia)