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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Butterfly (Indonesia)
Butterfly [brazil_155024] (Brazil)
Shield bug (China)
Butterfly [brazil_155085] (Brazil)
Black wasp-like insect with indigo blue eyes, orange wings, and orange antenna. This robber fly or mydas fly, (Asilidae or Mydidae family) is a mimic of the Tarantula Hawk Wasp (Pepsis formosa) [costa_rica_5275] (Costa Rica)
Ants on a bracht (Indonesia)
Colorful cicada [kalbar_1878] (Indonesia)
Butterfly -- sabah_3669 (Malaysia)
Polka-dotted moth [madagascar_ankarana_0164] (Madagascar)
Black and yellow longhorn beetle [costa_rica_la_selva_0598] (Costa Rica)
Stick insect [panama_1064] (Panama)
Shield bug [sabah_tawau_0363] (Malaysia)
Sweat bees emerging from a hive (Indonesia)
Blue leafhopper [costa_rica_la_selva_1422] (Costa Rica)
Great Mormon (Papilio memnon) feeding on a red hibiscus [sumatra_9142] (Indonesia)
Ant [sabah_kinabatangan_0429] (Malaysia)
Dark green beetle with red spots [belize_8293] (Belize)
Fly with bright blue eyes [west-papua_6087] (Indonesia)
Orange planthopper [colombia_1637] (Colombia)
Praying mantis with green eyes (Indonesia)
Yellow caterpillar with black spots [australia_daintree_251] (Australia)
Bright red dragonfly -- borneo_3913 (Malaysia)
Butterfly [madagascar_perinet_0465] (Madagascar)
Insects in the Santuario Otún Quimbaya (Colombia)
Group of caterpillars feeding on a leaf (Peru)
Blue, yellow, and orange insect [costa-rica_0909] (Costa Rica)
Red assassin bug (Malaysia)
Black both with lime green eyes and orange and yellow zigzags (Colombia)
Sleeping Caligo sp or Owl Butterfly [costa_rica_5603] (Costa Rica)
Red beetle with black spots (Indonesia)
Clipper (Parthenos sylvia) (0)
Yellow and blue weevil [madagascar_perinet_0141] (Madagascar)
Madagascar moth with an orange marking on its back [madagascar_masoala_1019] (Madagascar)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_1075] (Costa Rica)
Red beetle with a black head [Leaf Beetle, family Chrysomelidae, subfamily Hispinae] (Colombia)
Butterfly (Great Mormon - Papilio memnon?) (Indonesia)
Moth [costa_rica_siquirres_0754] (Costa Rica)
Butterfly (0)
Insect [costa_rica_la_selva_1502] (Costa Rica)
Bright green mantid insect (Gabon)
Green mantid (Gabon)
Slug in the rain (Uganda)
Orb spider (Gabon)
Honey bee preparing to land on yellow flower (Gabon)
Grass spider (Gabon)
Black, yellow, and blue dragonfly (top view) (Gabon)
Brown praying mantis (Gabon)
Brown katydid on leaf (Gabon)
Honey bee preparing to land on yellow flower (Gabon)
Black and yellow butterflies gathered on elephant dung (Uganda)
Butterfly on dark green leaf (Uganda)
Honey bee feeding on yellow flower (Gabon)
Butterflies gathered on the edge of a puddle (Uganda)
Winged mantid on a lichen covered tree trunk (Gabon)
Dark brown to black butterfly with purple, red, and pale yellow markings showing its light brown underwings (Uganda)
Beetle with long antenna (Gabon)
Bright green grasshopper (Gabon)
Black and yellow butterflies gathered on elephant waste (Uganda)
Green grasshopper on blade of grass (Uganda)
Uganda's beautiful and diverse butterfly fauna in the grill of our Land Rover (Uganda)
Red dragonfly (Gabon)
Soldier ant (Gabon)
Beige mantid (Gabon)
Cloud of lake flies in flight (Uganda)
Blue and green butterfly (Gabon)
Black and yellow butterflies (Belenois creona) gathered on elephant droppings (Uganda)
Beige praying mantis in grassy savanna (Gabon)
Mushroom-shaped terminte nest (Gabon)
Ants defending host tree (Gabon)
Dung beetle in Uganda (Uganda)
Forest beetle (Gabon)
Orange beetle with black spots (Gabon)
Ant atop an orange flower (Gabon)
Butterfly (Uganda)
Black caterpillar with red and yellow bands, resting on a green leaf (Uganda)
Praying mantis on underside of a leaf (Gabon)
Brown katydid spotted with flashlight at night (Gabon)
Roach in a glass (Gabon)
Mantid on underside of a leaf (Gabon)
Orange skipper butterfly (Uganda)
Pale orange butterfly with black and white markings (Uganda)
Black and yellow honey bee (Uganda)
Beetle with long antenna (Gabon)
Black, yellow, and blue dragonfly (Gabon)
Insect egg case (Gabon)
Green fly (Gabon)
Black and white worm on a plant stem (Uganda)
Orange skipper butterfly (Uganda)
Hundreds of butterflies gathered on elephant droppings (Uganda)
Elongated grasshopper (Gabon)
Termite nests that have emerged followed savanna burning (Gabon)
Black and white butterfly (Uganda)
Colorful caterpillars eating rainforest vegetation (Uganda)
Line of ants (Gabon)
Dung beetles on the forest floor (Uganda)
Iridescent flies feasting on animal droppings (Uganda)
Orange butterfly landing on a vine leaf (Uganda)
Cloud of flying lake flies (Uganda)
Dark brown to black butterfly with purple, red, and pale yellow markings (Uganda)
Masses of lake flies near Lake Victoria (Uganda)
Tiny red beetles with clear insect eggs (Uganda)
Brown katydid (Gabon)
Pale orange butterfly on a dead leaf (Uganda)
Honey bee preparing to land on yellow flower (Gabon)
Lakes flies in the Entebbe Botanical gardens (Uganda)
Lines of termites moving across forest floor (Gabon)
Termites moving across forest floor (Gabon)
Black beetle with yellow markings (Gabon)
Red-headed caterpillar on small ferns (Uganda)
Butterflies gathering on elephant dung (Uganda)
Green katydid on a green leaf (Gabon)
Waves of lake flies in the air (Uganda)
Bright green mantid (Gabon)
Soldier ant (Gabon)
Black, white, orange, and yellow caterpillars eating rainforest plants (Uganda)
Black millipede curled around a blade of grass (Uganda)
Orb spider in web (Gabon)
White moth on leaf litter (Gabon)
Red-headed caterpillar (Uganda)
Ant on flower bud (Gabon)
Forest roach (Gabon)
Light brown mantid (Gabon)
Yellow dragonfly resting on a vine's leaf (Uganda)
Black, yellow, and blue dragonfly (Gabon)
Iridescent flies feasting on animal waste (Uganda)
Green fly (Gabon)
Dung beetle pushing a ball of dung up a sand bank (Gabon)
Uganda's beautiful and diverse butterflies in the grill of our Land Rover (Uganda)
Black and white butterfly on a dead flower (Uganda)
Thorn spider (Gabon)
Ant carrying a flower blossom (Gabon)
Ants protecting host tree from damage (Gabon)
Black, orange, and red thorn spider (Gabon)
Red and black spider (Gabon)
Butterflies feeding on minerals in the soil (Uganda)
Mushroom-shaped terminte nest in a burned savanna landscape (Gabon)
Soldier ant (Gabon)
Green caterpillar on a red background (Uganda)
Aqua and black butterfly found on our car windshield (Uganda)
Ant tree in Gabon (Gabon)
Tan grasshopper (Gabon)
Brown katydid (Gabon)
Red, black, and blue dragonfly (Gabon)
Black green and white grasshopper on a leaf (Uganda)
Green, tan, and brown grasshopper (Gabon)
Forest roach (Gabon)
Grasshopper in Gabon (Gabon)
Close up on the head of a mantid (Gabon)
Lake flies on a leaf (Uganda)
Thorn spider (Gabon)
Black, green, and yellow dragonfly (Gabon)
Temites in the rainforest (Gabon)
Termites in forest leaf litter (Gabon)
Green katydid with yellow eyes (Gabon)
Blue and black wasp on grass (Uganda)