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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Coral reef fish in Komodo (Indonesia)
Mangroves (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Borneo [kalteng_0677] (Indonesia)
Rainforest burned for oil palm in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Flower [riau_0178] (Indonesia)
Orangutan (Indonesia)
Red fruit [kalteng_0515] (Indonesia)
Rainforest (Indonesia)
Sumatran surili (Presbytis melalophos) (Indonesia)
Fishing village on Pulau Mesa (Indonesia)
Slow loris (Indonesia)
Collapsed road in North Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Balinese rice paddy with tower in the background (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Destroyed peatlands (Indonesia)
Soft corals (Indonesia)
Black butterfly with iridescent purple-blue spots on the underwings (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Oil palm, rice, and agroforest in Riau [riau_5416] (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Flying dragon (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Mohawk macaque (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Oil palm and rubber (Indonesia)
Kingfisher (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Hylarana raniceps frog in an Indonesian peat swamp [kalteng_0619] (Indonesia)
Labuan Bajo fish market (Indonesia)
Blue damselfish (Indonesia)
Looking up the inside of a strangler fig (Indonesia)
Black macaque (Indonesia)
Oil palm fruit in a motorbike basket (Indonesia)
Acacia logs being loaded onto trucks [riau_5872] (Indonesia)
Excavators loading acacia logs [riau_5682] (Indonesia)
Papaya tree with papayas (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Oriental Whipsnake (Ahaetulla prasina) (Indonesia)
Shallow seas off Komodo Island (Indonesia)
Rice stalks (Indonesia)
Timber and oil palm plantations (Indonesia)
Indonesian fisherman at sunset (Indonesia)
Group of macaques including a baby (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Slash-and-burn in Aceh (Indonesia)
Manado Tua volcano (Indonesia)
Female Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation at daybreak (Indonesia)
Excavators working in an acacia plantation [riau_5686] (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Lubuan Bajo port (Indonesia)
Green and brown katydid (Indonesia)
Deforestation on the edge of Tangkoko Reserve (Indonesia)
Islands off Komodo (Indonesia)
Jungle mountains near Wamena (Indonesia)
Forest next to Labuan Bajo (Indonesia)
Rainforest on Sumbawa (Indonesia)
Crocodile patterns carved in wood at Tongkonan house (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Yellow-, green-, and orange-spotted butterfly with blue underparts; in Borneo rainforest (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Yellow, brown, and black cricket (Indonesia)
Dani man carrying firewood (Indonesia)
Riau peat forest [riau_5159] (Indonesia)
Labuan Bajo fish market (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation in Riau [riau_1053] (Indonesia)
Labuan Bajo fish market (Indonesia)
Komodo's coralscape (Indonesia)
Aerial view of peatland destruction in Borneo [kalimantan_0049] (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Deforestation for plantations in Riau [riau_1010] (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Male and Female Knobbed Hornbill (Aceros cassidix) (Indonesia)
Red leaves (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Birdwatching guide in the forest of the Arfak Mountains (Indonesia)
Komodo Island (Indonesia)
Grasshopper with blue antenna [aceh_0593] (Indonesia)
Above and below the surface on Komodo's coral reef (Indonesia)
Dani men in war paint [papua_5587] (Indonesia)
Komodo Island (Indonesia)
Crested black macaques grooming (Indonesia)
Rainforest and oil palm in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Long-tailed macaque at Uluwatu (Jimbaran, Bali (Indonesia)
Black beetle with orange spots [riau_0504] (Indonesia)
Forest clearing in Aceh [aceh_0247] (Indonesia)
Komodo's coralscape (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest [kalbar_0881] (Indonesia)
Bearded pigs (Sus barbatus) feeding on rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Group of Lani people in a hut (Indonesia)
Excavator working in an acacia plantation [riau_0117] (Indonesia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Bornean orangutan [kalteng_0829] (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Islands off Komodo (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Way Kambas swamp forest (Indonesia)
Agroforestry (Java) (Indonesia)
Tesso Nilo rainforest (Indonesia)
Komodo corals (Indonesia)
Ex-captive orangutan learning forest survival skills at the Orangutan Care Centre and Quarantine in Pangkalan (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Thomas' Leaf Monkey (Indonesia)
Coral (Indonesia)
Aerial view of mangrove-lined river in Borneo (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Komodo's coralscape (Indonesia)
Blue damsels (Indonesia)
Mist rising over the Sumatra (Indonesia)
Sulawesi sunrise (Indonesia)
Rainforest damaged by fire in Riau [riau_5309] (Indonesia)
Blue skies over a rice field in Bali (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Peat forest cleared for a plantation (Indonesia)
Forest interior in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Siladen Island at sunrise (Indonesia)
Haze rising from an oil palm plantation and forest in Riau (Indonesia)
Excavators loading acacia logs [riau_5630] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation on peatland in Riau [riau_1357] (Indonesia)
Coral reef in Komodo (Indonesia)
Swidden agriculture in New Guinea (Indonesia)
Mother Tarsier and Baby (Indonesia)
Lizard in New Guinea (Indonesia)
Deforestation in the Arfak mountains [west-papua_0578] (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle [aceh_0518] (Indonesia)
Fungi (Indonesia)
Peucang Island beach [java_0458] (Indonesia)
Fishing buoy (Indonesia)
Balinese Kecack Dance (Indonesia)
Smoke rising from a forest fire in Riau (Indonesia)
Orbicular batfish in Komodo (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation adjacent to Gunung Leuser National Park [sumatra_1117] (Indonesia)
Multicolored grasshoppers mating [sumatra_9385] (Indonesia)
Rainforest on Sumbawa (Indonesia)
Reefs off Flores (Indonesia)
Burned out tree stumps in a former rainforest in Borneo [kalbar_0039] (Indonesia)
Shallow seas off Komodo Island (Indonesia)
Pink lotus (Java) (Indonesia)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Approaching Buginese motorized canoe on Lake Tempe (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Picking the right eeel at the fish market in Rantepao (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Rainforest (Indonesia)
Rainforest (Indonesia)
Multicolored dragonfly (Indonesia)
Malaysian Blue Clipper (Parthenos sylvia) (0)
Baby Komodo dragon atop a tree (Indonesia)
Giant purple planaria [aceh_0489] (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Peat swamp in Indonesia [riau_0450] (Indonesia)
Metallic blue and red beetle (Indonesia)
Flying dragon (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Grasshopper (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Giam Siak Kecil [riau_0796] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation in Riau [riau_1297] (Indonesia)
Sumatran rainforest [riau_1374] (Indonesia)
Clownfish (Indonesia)
Oriental Pied Hornbill in flight [kalimantan_0457] (Indonesia)
Rainforest burned for oil palm in Sumatra [riau_5313] (Indonesia)
Coral reef fish in Komodo (Indonesia)
Terraces of rice and bananas (Java) (Indonesia)
Newly established oil palm plantation near Tangkahan village [sumatra_0833] (Indonesia)
Shallow seas off Komodo Island (Indonesia)
Rhinoceros beetle [riau_0221] (Indonesia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Blue damselfish (Indonesia)
Peat forest cleared for palm oil (Indonesia)
Peatlands destruction in Riau [riau_1107] (Indonesia)
Clownfish (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Colorful tiger beetle [sumatra_1291] (Indonesia)
Komodo Island (Indonesia)
Slash-and-burned forest (Indonesia)
Batfish in Komodo (Indonesia)
Komodo's coralscape (Indonesia)
Clownfish (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation on former rainforest land (Indonesia)
Monkey statue in Ubud's monkey forest (Indonesia)
Aikima mummy (350 years old) (Indonesia)
Batfish in Komodo (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Rainforest river [aceh_0332] (Indonesia)
Blue and orange insect [sumatra_1092] (Indonesia)
Sunset near Labuan Bajo (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Borneo [kalteng_0769] (Indonesia)
Damselfly (Indonesia)
Tree ferms in Aceh [aceh_0561] (Indonesia)
0 (Indonesia)
Roots of jungle tree (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Orangutan on the ground (Indonesia)
Komodo's coralscape (Indonesia)
Balinese rice terraces (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Female Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Bornean Flying tree frog (Rhacophorus pardalis) [kalbar_2015] (Indonesia)
Balinese Kecack Dance (Indonesia)
Deep rainforest pool on the Batang river [sumatra_9114] (Indonesia)
Indonesian rainforest (Indonesia)
Illegal deforestation for palm oil (Indonesia)
Palm fresh fruit bunch (Indonesia)
Skink (Indonesia)
Pink, orange, yellow, violet katydid with spots and green eyes [west-papua_0174] (Indonesia)
Mountains on Komodo Island (Indonesia)
Sulawesi Hawk eagle (Spizaetus lanceolatus) (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation (Indonesia)
Multicolored katydid [west-papua_0234] (Indonesia)
Cleared forest inside Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Giam Siak Kecil [riau_0793] (Indonesia)
Black and yellow grasshopper (Indonesia)
Bornean orangutan [kalteng_0839] (Indonesia)
Red-eyed fly [sumatra_1311] (Indonesia)
Syou village (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Riau [riau_5227] (Indonesia)
Black and neon green leafhopper (Indonesia)
Black crested macaque (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Giam Siak Kecil [riau_0783] (Indonesia)
Slash-and-burned forest (Indonesia)
Wall carvings at Borobudur, woman (Java) (Indonesia)
Red flowers growing out of a tree trunk (Indonesia)
Clownfish (Indonesia)
Red clownfish in a green sea anemone (Indonesia)
Damar resin (Indonesia)
Banana leaves and the rainforest canopy (Indonesia)
Rainforest canopy in Sumatra [riau_1492] (Indonesia)
Rainforest tree in Way Kambas (Indonesia)
Forest clearing for oil palm [riau_0012] (Indonesia)
Blue damselfish (Indonesia)
Peatland burned illegally for oil palm (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Komodo Island (Indonesia)
Komodo corals (Indonesia)
Red-eyed fly [sumatra_1307] (Indonesia)
Baby Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Cleared peat forest (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Tokay Gecko (Gekko gecko) (Indonesia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Excavators working in a cleared acacia plantation [riau_5786] (Indonesia)
Coral and sea anemones (Indonesia)
Crested black macaque (Indonesia)
Sumatran rhino at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (Indonesia)
Pair of Sulawesi wrinkled hornbills (Indonesia)
Smallholder deforestation [riau_5047] (Indonesia)
Gigantic strangler fig with an RPU ranger for scale (Indonesia)
Red bark (Indonesia)
Clownfish (Indonesia)
Damselfish (Indonesia)
Burning within Tesso Nilo National Park (Indonesia)
Rainforest canopy in Sumatra [riau_1479] (Indonesia)
Bohorok River [sumatra_0195] (Indonesia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Black beetle with orange spots [riau_0512] (Indonesia)
Beach on Peucang Island [java_0144] (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation and rainforest [sumatra_1462] (Indonesia)
Komodo Island (Indonesia)
Islands and reefs off the northern coast of New Guinea [west-papua_0049] (Indonesia)
Female Lexias dirtea montana butterfly (Indonesia)
Peat forest and oil palm [riau_1120] (Indonesia)
Rainforest that has been slash-and-burned in Borneo (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Mother macaque spanking a juvenile monkey (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Misty rainforest (Indonesia)
rhinoceros hornbill in flight (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation [riau_5074] (Indonesia)
Komodo's coralscape (Indonesia)
Green dragonfly [kalsel_0001] (Indonesia)
Long-tailed macaque looking for parasites in the fur of its partner (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Tree with a red trunk [kalbar_0457] (Indonesia)
Peat fire in Riau [riau_5466] (Indonesia)
Slash-and-burned forest (Indonesia)
Mural wall carvings at Borobudur (Java) -- java5969 (Indonesia)
Female Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Rainforest near Jantho [aceh_0104] (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation in Riau [riau_0974] (Indonesia)
Boat carrying bags of silica extracted from Borneo rainforest for export to China (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Canal built by the government of Central Kalimantan in 2012 to drain the peat forest [kalteng_0478] (Indonesia)
Deforestation in Riau [riau_1248] (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Sand-bottom creek that formers the border of Gunung Palung [kalbar_0097] (Indonesia)
Blue damselfish (Indonesia)
Terraced rice fields of Batutomonga (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) -- sulawesi7152 (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Java's Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia)
Butterfly [aceh_0021] (Indonesia)
Clearwater rain forest stream in Borneo (Indonesia)
Deforestation in Riau [riau_0620] (Indonesia)
Red millipede (Indonesia)
Female Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)
Acacia plantation and natural forest (Indonesia)
Common bluebottle butterflies (Graphium sarpedon) feeding on minerals [Turquoise and black butterflies] (Indonesia)
Cleared rainforest in Riau (Indonesia)
Tree with red bark in the Borneo jungle (Indonesia)
Green katydid in hiding posture [kalbar_0407] (Indonesia)
Coral fish in Komodo (Indonesia)
Sumatran rhino (Indonesia)
Coffee being sold at the central market in Rantepao (Toraja Land (Torajaland), Sulawesi) (Indonesia)
Labuan Bajo fish market (Indonesia)
Islands near Komodo (Indonesia)
Millipedes (Indonesia)
Mosque in Pare Pare, hometown of former president BJ Habibie in Sulawesi (Sulawesi - Celebes) (Indonesia)
Illegal logging in Borneo [kalteng_0330] (Indonesia)
Reforestation in a peat forest [riau_5509] (Indonesia)
Stork-billed Kingfisher (Pelargopsis capensis) in Borneo (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
View from the summit of Kelor Island (Indonesia)
Frog in Labuan Bajo (Indonesia)
Peatland fire in Riau (Indonesia)
Dawn on Bunaken (Indonesia)
Above and below the surface on Komodo's coral reef (Indonesia)
Smoke rising from a forest fire in Riau (Indonesia)
Reefs and islands off the coast of Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Female Sumatran rhino with calf (Indonesia)