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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1260 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0956 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in the Imbak Canyon Conservation Area (Malaysia)
A mango tree in the mountains near the village of Mencia,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0227] (South Africa)
Oil palm plantation and forest in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Forest in Malaysian Borneo (Malaysia)
Forest in Imbak Canyon (Malaysia)
Redwood forest on the Matt Davis-Steep Ravine Loop trail (United States)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0864 (Malaysia)
Pristine rain forest in Imbak Canyon, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Forest in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Virgin rainforest (Malaysia)
Lake Louise (Canada)
Lake Louise (Canada)
Rainforest river in Laos (Laos)
Banff forest (Canada)
Khao Yai rainforest (Thailand)
Forest in Stasiun Karantina orangutan batumbelin - Sibolangit (Indonesia)
Imbak Canyon Conservation Area (Malaysia)
Lake Louise (Canada)
Swamp forest in Way Kambas (Indonesia)
Karst forest in Laos (Laos)
Banff forest (Canada)
Malaysian Borneo forest (Malaysia)
Forest in New York (United States)
Sun setting over Amazon rainforest (Peru)
Jungle in Borneo -- sabah_1962 (Malaysia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0229] (South Africa)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0997 (Malaysia)
Madagascar dry forest [madagascar_ankarana_0322] (Madagascar)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0871 (Malaysia)
Pristine rainforest in Imbak Canyon, Borneo (Malaysia)
The mountain views near Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Tropical forest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Colorful forest along the Mekong (Laos)
Tropical forest in Nam Et-Phou Louey (Laos)
Matt Davis Trail, Mount Tamalpais (United States)
Understory vegetation (Indonesia)
Shrub in the temperate rainforest of Alaska (United States)
Rainforest leaves [costa-rica_0737] (Costa Rica)
Madagascar dry forest [madagascar_ankarana_0421] (Madagascar)
Temperate rainforest of Alaska (United States)
Coastal forest and mangroves near Cairns (Australia)
Canopy of the Osa Peninsula rainforest (Costa Rica)
Rainforest rainbow (Malaysia)
Untouched rain forest in Imbak Canyon, Sabah (Malaysia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Forest in Sabah, Malaysia -- sabah_2009 (Malaysia)
Coastal forest and mangroves near Cairns [australia_fnq_1124] (Australia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Tropical forest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Forest in Crater Lake National Park (United States)
Forest along bank of Tambopata river (Peru)
Ancient rain forest in Sabah (Malaysia)
River valley in the Arfak mountains (Indonesia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Primary rainforest in Imbak Canyon, Malaysian Borneo (Malaysia)
Forest in Borneo (Malaysia)
Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Ancient rainforest in Imbak Canyon, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
African montane forest (Tanzania)
Rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_2300 (Malaysia)
Forest along the Nam Ou river (Laos)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Rainforest in Borneo (Malaysia)
Jungle in Borneo -- sabah_1932 (Malaysia)
Primeval rain forest in Imbak Canyon, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Primary rainforest in Malaysia (Malaysia)
Forest of Idaho inlet (United States)
Lake Louise (Canada)
Forest in Crater Lake National Park (United States)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0356 (Malaysia)
Lake Louise (Canada)
Jungle in Malaysian Borneo (Malaysia)
Tropical forest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
A new mangrove tree grows in the Estero Hondo Marine Sanctuary in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Banff forest (Canada)
Lake Louise (Canada)
Rain forest in Malaysian Borneo (Malaysia)
Jungle in Borneo (Malaysia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Pristine rainforest in Imbak Canyon, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Pristine rain forest in Imbak Canyon, Sabah (Malaysia)
Oldgrowth rainforest in Imbak Canyon, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest in Malaysia (Malaysia)
Banff forest (Canada)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1581 (Malaysia)
Canoers in Lake Louise (Canada)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1565 (Malaysia)
Rift Valley escarpment with the forest of Lake Manyara National Park below (Tanzania)
Bamboo forest (Thailand)
Banff forest (Canada)
Tree leaves (United States)
Eastern forest (United States)
Banff forest (Canada)
Banff forest (Canada)
Forest leaves in Ashland (United States)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Eastern forest (United States)
Aerial view of forest near Banff (Canada)
Rainforest vegetation (Costa Rica)
Redwood trees in Big Basin [ca_big_basin_00133] (United States)
Forest in Sabah -- sabah_2008 (Malaysia)
Lowland rainforest Malaysian Borneo (Malaysia)
Moss and lichen on a tree branch (United States)
Loita hills forest (Kenya)
Industrial oil palm in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Mountains near Banff (Canada)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0803 (Malaysia)
Malaysian Borneo forest -- sabah_1963 (Malaysia)
Lowland rainforest in New Guinea (Indonesia)
Forest recovering from clear-cutting (United States)
Pristine rain forest in Imbak Canyon, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Virgin rain forest (Malaysia)
Clear-cut logging in Alaska (United States)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0344 (Malaysia)
Gunung Leuser rainforest (Indonesia)
Bamboo forest (United States)
Red berries in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Imbak Canyon Dipterocarp forest (Malaysia)
Coastal forest and mangroves near Cairns [australia_fnq_1122] (Australia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0461 (Malaysia)
Mountains near Lake Louise (Canada)
Redwood forest in Muir Woods National Monument (United States)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Redwood forest in Muir Woods National Monument (United States)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_2057 (Malaysia)
Wild geranium (Indonesia)
Deforestation, oil palm, forest, and wetlands in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0349 (Malaysia)
Forest near Lake Louise (Canada)
Aerial view of forest near Banff (Canada)
Forest in Crater Lake National Park (United States)
Eastern forest (United States)
Forest in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_2007 (Malaysia)
Eastern forest (United States)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0228] (South Africa)
Coastal forest and mangroves near Cairns [australia_fnq_1100] (Australia)
Rift valley escarpment forest with yellow-fever acacia trees (Kenya)
Loita hills forest (Kenya)
Forest near Bow Lake (Canada)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0842 (Malaysia)
Malaysian Borneo forest -- sabah_1927 (Malaysia)
Bartlett Cove forest (United States)
Horseman's star (Hippeastrum) in the Lacassine Wildlife Refuge cypress swamp (United States)
Forest in Crater Lake National Park (United States)
Eastern forest (United States)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0970 (Malaysia)
Yunnan snub-nosed monkey habitat in Yunnan (China)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Mountains near Lake Louise (Canada)
Redwood trees in Muir Woods National Monument (United States)
Rainforest in Malaysian Borneo (Malaysia)
Waterfall before the Rouge Gorge Chasm (United States)
Primeval rain forest in Imbak Canyon, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Banff forest (Canada)
Tropical forest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Bamboo forest (Thailand)
Epiphytes in the Sumatran rainforest (Indonesia)
Redwood forest in Muir Woods (United States)
Aerial view of slash-and-burn agriculture in the Amazon (Peru)
Redwood forest in Muir Woods (United States)
Forest in Westchester county, NY (United States)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0706 (Malaysia)
Old-growth rainforest (Malaysia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Tree in Ranthambore (India)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Recovering burned forest (Canada)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0877 (Malaysia)
Coastal forest and mangroves near Cairns [australia_fnq_1099] (Australia)
Forest in Big Basin Redwoods State Park (United States)
Rainforest canopy (Costa Rica)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0778 (Malaysia)
Forest in Borneo -- sabah_2003 (Malaysia)
Mountains near Banff (Canada)
Forest near Banff (Canada)
Rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_2319 (Malaysia)
Banff forest (Canada)
Way Kambas swamp forest (Indonesia)
Banff forest (Canada)
Redwood trees in Muir Woods (United States)
Deciduous forest in New York state (United States)
Forest of Idaho inlet (United States)
Borneo rainforest in Sabah (Malaysia)
Settlement and fragmented forest along road in Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Redwood forest in Muir Woods (United States)
Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Mountains near Banff (Canada)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Fern forest at Volcanos National Park (United States)
Swamp forest in Way Kambas (Indonesia)
Ancient rainforest in Borneo (Malaysia)
Lake Louise (Canada)
Coastal forest and mangroves near Cairns [australia_fnq_1088] (Australia)
Canopy of the Osa Peninsula rainforest [costa-rica_0957] (Costa Rica)
Lake Louise (Canada)
Redwood forest in Muir Woods National Monument (United States)
Ancient rainforest in Imbak Canyon, Borneo (Malaysia)
Tropical forest leaves caught in sunlight (Costa Rica)
Cairns forest [australia_fnq_1067] (Australia)
Kirstenbosch national botanical gardens [south_africa_capetown_0226] (South Africa)
Forest near Banff (Canada)
Banff forest (Canada)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0789 (Malaysia)
Rain forest canopy in the late afternoon (Peru)
Swamp forest in Way Kambas (Indonesia)
Forest in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_1935 (Malaysia)
Bamboo forest on the Pipiwai trail (United States)
Banff forest (Canada)
Logged forests and mountains in Alaska (United States)
Old-growth rainforest in Malaysia (Malaysia)
Clear-cutting in the Amazon rainforest as viewed overhead by plane (Peru)
Banff forest (Canada)
Virgin rain forest in Imbak Canyon, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Coastal forest and mangroves near Cairns [australia_fnq_1105] (Australia)
Virgin rainforest in Sabah (Malaysia)
Primary rainforest in Sabah (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_2047 (Malaysia)
Forest near Banff (Canada)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Smoke rising through the rainforest (Indonesia)
Canoers in Lake Louise (Canada)
Mist rising in Idaho inlet (United States)
Cairns forest (Australia)
Banff forest (Canada)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Cairns forest [australia_fnq_1063] (Australia)
Aerial view of forest near Banff (Canada)
Bayou forest (United States)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0968 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0851 (Malaysia)
Way Kambas swamp forest (Indonesia)
Eastern forest (United States)
Trees in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Lake Louise (Canada)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1875 (Malaysia)
Aerial view of forest (Canada)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Clear-cut logging in Alaska (United States)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Rainforest canopy in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation and forest in Costa Rica [costa-rica-d_0624a] (Costa Rica)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Malaysian Borneo forest -- sabah_1952 (Malaysia)
Forest in Crater Lake National Park (United States)
Redwood forest in Muir Woods National Monument (United States)
Creek in Lithia Park, Ashland (United States)
Rainbow over the rainforest (Malaysia)
Redwood trees in Big Basin [ca_big_basin_00163] (United States)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Trail through a fern forest (United States)
Managed grassland and forest in Khao Yai (Thailand)
Old-growth rainforest in Sabah (Malaysia)
Forest in Stasiun Karantina orangutan batumbelin - Sibolangit (Indonesia)
Eastern forest (United States)
Mountain hemlock and Shasta red fir in Crater Lake National Park (United States)
Tropical forest of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Tanzania)
Single tree blooming in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Lake Louise (Canada)
Fig (Indonesia)
Eastern forest (United States)
Impressive giant mangroves in Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Tropical montane forest in Africa (Tanzania)
Autumn leaves in Washington DC (0)
Rainforest in the Arfak Mountains [west-papua_0616] (Indonesia)
Forest in Borneo -- sabah_1895 (Malaysia)
Redwood forest in Muir Woods National Monument (United States)
Loita hills forest meadow (Kenya)
Rouge Gorge Chasm (United States)
Mountains near Banff (Canada)
Forest of Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Tropical forest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Lake Louise (Canada)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0299 (Malaysia)
Redwood trees in Muir Woods National Monument (United States)
Trees in Sitka National Historical Park (United States)
Recovering burned forest (Canada)
Eastern forest (United States)
Upper Rouge River (United States)
Eastern forest (United States)
Coastal forest and mangroves near Cairns [australia_fnq_1090] (Australia)
Swamp forest in Way Kambas (Indonesia)
Mountains near Banff (Canada)
Forest in Crater Lake National Park (United States)
Forest in Crater Lake National Park (United States)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Mountains near Banff (Canada)
Rainforest in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_1982 (Malaysia)
Way Kambas swamp forest (Indonesia)
Forest atop Sulphur Mountain (Canada)
Eastern forest (United States)