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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Sharp-tailed Ibis (Cercibis oxycerca) [colombia_5872] (Colombia)
Bird [colombia_6261] (Colombia)
Tucuxi Dolphin in the Amazon river (Colombia)
Woolly monkey [br_co-0318] (Colombia)
Red crab on Playa Palmera [colombia_4209] (Colombia)
Gray-necked Wood-Rail [colombia_6461] (Colombia)
River near Penalosa [colombia_1900] (Colombia)
Caiman [colombia_4761] (Colombia)
Multi-colored leaf-hopper (Colombia)
Pygmy Marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea) [colombia_1025] (Colombia)
Pygmy Marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea) [colombia_1029] (Colombia)
Fly in the rainforest canopy [colombia_0261] (Colombia)
White-headed capuchin monkeys tearing open an ant nest (Colombia)
Amazon water lily (Colombia)
Male iguanas fighting [colombia_6377] (Colombia)
New deforestation for cattle pasture in coastal Colombia [colombia_2881] (Colombia)
Butterfly [colombia_5088] (Colombia)
Green and beige walking stick [colombia_2381] (Colombia)
Industrial area outside Bogota [co08-1559] (Colombia)
Mushroom [colombia_0100] (Colombia)
Melanerpes Woodpecker [colombia_5574] (Colombia)
Rio Don Diego valley, a former coca-growing area [colombia_1601] (Colombia)
Gorgona island [colombia_4158] (Colombia)
The muddy Amazon [colombia_0179] (Colombia)
Marbled Dart Frog (Epipedobates boulengeri) (Colombia)
Blue leafhopper [colombia_0476] (Colombia)
Close-up of a green iguana (Colombia)
Turkey vulture [colombia_5342] (Colombia)
Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi) [colombia_1476] (Colombia)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5155] (Colombia)
Frog [colombia_3712] (Colombia)
Red ginger flower [colombia_0594] (Colombia)
Bird [colombia_5988] (Colombia)
Amacayacu river [br_co-0221] (Colombia)
Giant anole [colombia_2654] (Colombia)
Chicks hiding their heads (Colombia)
Tikuna community of Vergel in the Colombian Amazon [colombia_0717] (Colombia)
White ginger (Colombia)
Hoatzins [colombia_5513] (Colombia)
Green Ibis [colombia_5049] (Colombia)
Lineated Woodpecker (Dryocopus lineatus) [colombia_6011] (Colombia)
Brown and yellow grasshopper with a green spot (Colombia)
Aplomado falcon (Falco femoralis) [colombia_5926] (Colombia)
White mushrooms growing up a tree trunk (Colombia)
Tapir (Colombia)
Green and Black Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus) in Colombia [colombia_2738] (Colombia)
Kitchen in an Amazon home (Colombia)
Brown-throated Parakeets (Aratinga pertinax) [colombia_5857] (Colombia)
Capabaras [colombia_6543] (Colombia)
Blue Postman butterfly (Heliconius sp) [colombia_4351] (Colombia)
Common woolly monkey at a rehabiltiation center for animals once trafficked for the pet trade [colombia_1122] (Colombia)
Bird of paradise [colombia_3705] (Colombia)
Sugar cane in Colombia [colombia_4539] (Colombia)
Black and green moth [colombia_0691] (Colombia)
Red planthopper larvae/nymphs (Colombia)
Brush-clearing (Colombia)
Birds [colombia_5357] (Colombia)
Chestnut-eared Aracari (Pteroglossus castanotis) [colombia_6074] (Colombia)
Cocui heron [colombia_6058] (Colombia)
Tree frog (Dendrpsophus sp) (Colombia)
Aerial photo of an Amazon tributary [colombia_1351] (Colombia)
Rhinella granulosa [colombia_1862] (Colombia)
Brown pelicans in flight [colombia_1378] (Colombia)
Amazon rainforest camp site set up, with tarp (Colombia)
Green iguana eating grass (Colombia)
Mine outside Bogota [colombia_sd_0037] (Colombia)
Blue butterfly [colombia_4834] (Colombia)
Palm roots (Colombia)
Chocó rainforest [colombia_2186] (Colombia)
Brother and sister in the Amazon (Colombia)
Hoatzins [colombia_5062] (Colombia)
Cowboys herding cattle across a river [colombia_2079] (Colombia)
Woodcreeper [colombia_2456] (Colombia)
Natural rubber processing facility [colombia_3211] (Colombia)
Bromeliads and other epiphytes in a canopy tree (Colombia)
Bromeliads in the Amazon rain forest canopy [co04-1027] (Colombia)
Turtles [colombia_5730] (Colombia)
Cowboy fishing with a throw net [colombia_3609] (Colombia)
Juvenile green iguana (Iguana iguana) [colombia_2513] (Colombia)
Deforestation of a hillside in Colombia (Colombia)
Birds [colombia_5316] (Colombia)
Orange, blue, and yellow lizard [colombia_5352] (Colombia)
Group of capybara on a river bank [colombia_3366] (Colombia)
Hanging nests [colombia_4787] (Colombia)
Young Rhinella margaritifera (Laurenti, 1768) (Colombia)
White-headed capuchin monkey eating fruit [colombia_4314] (Colombia)
Cabybara [colombia_5946] (Colombia)
Red howler monkey [colombia_5109] (Colombia)
Hoatzins [colombia_5054] (Colombia)
River in Colombia (view from an airplane) (Colombia)
Jabiru stork standing in its nest [colombia_3444] (Colombia)
Pature and forest [colombia_4623] (Colombia)
Butterfly [colombia_5139] (Colombia)
Mule and timber cut from the Darien rainforest [colombia_2234] (Colombia)
Damselfly [colombia_0461] (Colombia)
Pasture and forest fragment in the Colombian Choco [colombia_1710] (Colombia)
Group of capuchin monkeys resting on a roof [colombia_4100] (Colombia)
Pinktoed tarantula (Avicularia avicularia) [colombia_1253] (Colombia)
Common Basilisk (Basiliscus basiliscus) [colombia_1500] (Colombia)
Butterfly [colombia_5197] (Colombia)
Cattle pasture in Colombia [colombia_4613] (Colombia)
Alouatta seniculus (Colombia)
Hermit crab [colombia_2957] (Colombia)
Gorgona island [colombia_4202] (Colombia)
Black skimmer [colombia_3289] (Colombia)
Colombian cowboys wrangling wild horses [colombia_3854] (Colombia)
Brown-throated Parakeets (Aratinga pertinax) [colombia_5859] (Colombia)
River crossing in Acandi (Colombia)
Red-headed basilisk [colombia_4327] (Colombia)
Amazon rainforest canopy [colombia_0328] (Colombia)
Hoatzins [colombia_5232] (Colombia)
Rusty caterpillar (Colombia)
Capybaras in a river [colombia_3426] (Colombia)
Cowboy fishing with a throw net [colombia_3595] (Colombia)
Common Basilisk (Basiliscus basiliscus) [colombia_1520] (Colombia)
Oropendula nests in the canopy of a giant Kapok tree [colombia_0266] (Colombia)
Coastal swamp forest in the Colombia Choco (Colombia)
Large ant [colombia_2933] (Colombia)
Mosaic deforestation for cattle pasture outside of Capurgana [colombia_1820] (Colombia)
Buff-necked Ibis (Theristicus caudatus) [colombia_6114] (Colombia)
River turtles [colombia_3354] (Colombia)
Baby screamer chick (Anhima cornuta) [colombia_3776] (Colombia)
Sunset over the Amazon near Puerto Nariño (Colombia)
Orinoco goose [colombia_3339] (Colombia)
Small scale deforestation in the Colombian Amazon [colombia_0064] (Colombia)
Aerial photo of an Amazon tributary [colombia_1352] (Colombia)
Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) (Colombia)
Hermit crab (Colombia)
Orange, metallic green, and black assassin bug [colombia_0575] (Colombia)
Industrial rubber plantation [colombia_4617] (Colombia)
Male iguanas fighting [colombia_6343] (Colombia)
Mosiac deforestation in Colombia's Choco [colombia_3965] (Colombia)
Hoatzin [colombia_5426] (Colombia)
Amazon rainforest canopy [colombia_0324] (Colombia)
Black spider monkey in the Colombian Amazon [co06-1183a] (Colombia)
Pine plantation in Colombia [colombia_4536] (Colombia)
Cowboys herding cattle across a river [colombia_2016] (Colombia)
Cocui heron [colombia_3455] (Colombia)
Orange flower [colombia_0512] (Colombia)
Forest anole [colombia_2764] (Colombia)
Leafcutter ants [colombia_1414] (Colombia)
Group of capuchin monkeys resting on a roof (Colombia)
Aplomado falcon [colombia_5655] (Colombia)
Young trees in Latin America's largest rubber plantation [colombia_3207] (Colombia)
Cabybara [colombia_5650] (Colombia)
Masses of bromeliads in a rainforest tree (Colombia)
Aerial view of subsistence agriculture and rainforest in the Amazon (Colombia)
Common woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) [colombia_0745] (Colombia)
Green grasshopper [colombia_3612] (Colombia)
Brown katydid [colombia_3096] (Colombia)
Woman cutting the head off a catfish [colombia_3178] (Colombia)
Group of capybara on a river bank [colombia_3363] (Colombia)
Sunset over the Sierra Nevadas del Cocuy [colombia_6025] (Colombia)
Potential coca plantation in the Amazon rainforest (Colombia)
Red-headed basilisk [colombia_4340] (Colombia)
Iguana (Colombia)
Black skimmers [colombia_3461] (Colombia)
Aerial view of Colombia outside of Bogota (Colombia)
Cowboy fishing with a throw net [colombia_3597] (Colombia)
Kids in Gaupi jumping off a dock [colombia_4035] (Colombia)
Deforestation in Colombia's Choco [colombia_3931] (Colombia)
Grasshopper [colombia_0459] (Colombia)
Red howler monkey [colombia_5449] (Colombia)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5496] (Colombia)
Male iguanas fighting [colombia_6338] (Colombia)
Corn in Colombia's llanos [colombia_3182] (Colombia)
Wetlands in the llanos [colombia_6406] (Colombia)
Blue-and-yellow macaw [colombia_6118] (Colombia)
Ascending to the canopy [co04-0954] (Colombia)
Corn in Colombia [colombia_4556] (Colombia)
Soy in Colombia [colombia_4393] (Colombia)
Waterfall entering the turquoise sea and rainforest of Isla Gorgona [colombia_3046] (Colombia)
Running capybara [colombia_6429] (Colombia)
Hot lips flower (Rubiaceae: Psychotria poeppigiana) (Colombia)
Coastal forest in Western Colombia [colombia_4014] (Colombia)
Chocó rainforest [colombia_2145] (Colombia)
Horned screamer chick (Anhima cornuta) [colombia_3777] (Colombia)
Pinktoed tarantula (Avicularia avicularia) [colombia_1265] (Colombia)
Blue butterfly [colombia_4836] (Colombia)
Deforestation for cattle pasture in the Colombian Choco [colombia_1804] (Colombia)
Assassin bug [colombia_0504] (Colombia)
Cowboys herding cattle across a river [colombia_2069] (Colombia)
Heliconia [colombia_2771] (Colombia)
Capped Heron (Pilherodius pileatus) [colombia_3494] (Colombia)
Orange planthopper [colombia_1638] (Colombia)
Common woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) [colombia_0828] (Colombia)
Frog (Scinax sp?) [colombia_1213] (Colombia)
Dark brown stick insect (Colombia)
Young green iguana [colombia_6280] (Colombia)
Corn field in Colombia [colombia_4411] (Colombia)
Pond on Gorgona [colombia_4183] (Colombia)
Deforestation for cattle pasture near Chugandi [colombia_2410] (Colombia)
Red crabs eating coconut (Colombia)
Bird [colombia_5700] (Colombia)
Small-scale clearing in the Amazon [colombia_0012] (Colombia)
Orange fungi (Colombia)
Llanos of eastern Colombia [colombia_4527] (Colombia)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5826] (Colombia)
Breaching humpback whale (Colombia)
Epiphytes on a rainforest tree (Colombia)
Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi) [colombia_1453] (Colombia)
Butterfly [colombia_5183] (Colombia)
Hoatzins [colombia_5239] (Colombia)
Red-headed basilisk [colombia_4292] (Colombia)
Red and blue damselfly [colombia_0351] (Colombia)
Blue-eyed Hypsiboas crepitans tree frog (Colombia)
Cattle pasture and forest [colombia_1958] (Colombia)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) [colombia_5038] (Colombia)
Common woolly monkey at a rehabiltiation center for animals once trafficked for the pet trade [colombia_1117] (Colombia)
Bird [colombia_5102] (Colombia)
Green and beige walking stick [colombia_2379] (Colombia)
Horned screamer [colombia_6577] (Colombia)
Turtle heads in a pond (Colombia)
Maroon cowboy [colombia_1944] (Colombia)
Black and yellow weevil [colombia_2539] (Colombia)
Aerial view of a winding river in the Colombian Amazon (Colombia)
Cowboy fishing with a throw net [colombia_3583] (Colombia)
Alpaca in Colombia [colombia_1646] (Colombia)
Praying mantis (Colombia)
Buff-necked Ibis (Theristicus caudatus) [colombia_6194] (Colombia)
Rice in eastern Colombia [colombia_4509] (Colombia)
Raptor [colombia_4824] (Colombia)
Scinax ruber frog (Colombia)
Chocó rainforest [colombia_2187] (Colombia)
Humpback whale [colombia_4191] (Colombia)
Hoatzin [colombia_5454] (Colombia)
Home on the banks of the Amazon river [colombia_0174] (Colombia)
Kid in Gaupi (Colombia)
Aplomado falcon (Colombia)
Lizard [colombia_6284] (Colombia)
Sign for the Don Diego Indigenous Reserve (Colombia)
Bird [colombia_6060] (Colombia)
Black, violet, and sky blue dragonfly [colombia_2289] (Colombia)
Young green iguana [colombia_3627] (Colombia)
Buff-necked Ibis (Theristicus caudatus) [colombia_6044] (Colombia)
Rio Don Diego valley, a former coca-growing area [colombia_1600] (Colombia)
Bird [colombia_6517] (Colombia)
Yellow, green, and black grasshopper (Mastusia quadricarinata) (Colombia)
Orb spider [colombia_2859] (Colombia)
Fish gasping for air at the surface of a pond in the Amazon [colombia_6227] (Colombia)
White-headed capuchin [colombia_2973] (Colombia)
Blue-and-Gold Macaw (Ara ararauna) (Colombia)
Colombian cowboys wrangling wild horses [colombia_3840] (Colombia)
Lineated Woodpecker (Dryocopus lineatus) [colombia_4714] (Colombia)
Black vulture [colombia_2488] (Colombia)
Hoatzin [colombia_3309] (Colombia)
Male iguanas bloodied during a fight [colombia_6393] (Colombia)
Cowboys herding cattle across a river [colombia_2048] (Colombia)
Forest fragment in a sea of bananas (Colombia)
Parrot [colombia_6296] (Colombia)
Sharp-tailed Ibis (Cercibis oxycerca) [colombia_4812] (Colombia)
Colombian cowboys wrangling wild horses [colombia_3812] (Colombia)
Rain forest of Gorgona island [colombia_3026] (Colombia)
Pasture and forest in Colombia [colombia_2291] (Colombia)
Horned screamer [colombia_6170] (Colombia)
Capybara at sunset [colombia_6182] (Colombia)
Orange-crowned Oriole (Icterus auricapillus) eating bananas in a kitchen [colombia_1527] (Colombia)
Amazon rainbow lizard (Ameiva ameiva) (Colombia)
Pinktoed tarantula (Avicularia avicularia) [colombia_1263] (Colombia)
White-headed capuchin monkey [colombia_4076] (Colombia)
Turquoise sea and rain forest of Gorgona Island [colombia_3054] (Colombia)
Bird [colombia_5558] (Colombia)
Llanos near Villavicencio (Colombia)
Male iguanas fighting [colombia_6328] (Colombia)
Raspberry-colored dragonfly [colombia_2437] (Colombia)
Cabybara [colombia_5920] (Colombia)
Oropendula nests (Colombia)
Red-capped cardinal [colombia_5741] (Colombia)
Forest fragmentation/deforestation in the Colombian Choco (Colombia)
Gecko [colombia_1231] (Colombia)
Hypsiboas tree frog with gorgeous eyes (Colombia)
Brown-mantled Tamarin (Saguinus fuscicollis) [colombia_0942] (Colombia)
Brown-mantled Tamarin (Saguinus fuscicollis) [colombia_0929] (Colombia)
White-headed capuchin monkey [colombia_4079] (Colombia)
Aerial view of mine near Bogota [colombia_0004] (Colombia)
Coastal forest in Western Colombia [colombia_4012] (Colombia)
Dendrpsophus sp treefrog [colombia_1237] (Colombia)
Brown Capuchin (Cebus apella) [colombia_1070] (Colombia)
Wattled jacanas (Colombia)
Melanerpes Woodpecker [colombia_5597] (Colombia)
Amazon ranch house (Colombia)
Black and yellow weevil [colombia_2543] (Colombia)
Rio Don Diego valley, a former coca-growing area (Colombia)
Fulgoridae family bug [colombia_2810] (Colombia)
Hoatzin [colombia_3506] (Colombia)
Rough bark [colombia_5603] (Colombia)
Social flycatcher bathing [colombia_2423] (Colombia)
Deer [colombia_5822] (Colombia)
Male peacock displaying to a female [colombia_1665] (Colombia)
Cowboy fishing with a throw net [colombia_3589] (Colombia)
Black and red shield bug with yellow-tipped antennae [colombia_0495] (Colombia)
White-headed capuchin (Cebus capucinus) tearing open an ant nest [colombia_2985] (Colombia)
Deforestation near Guapi [colombia_4019] (Colombia)
Aplomado falcon [colombia_5707] (Colombia)
Sally lightfoot crab [colombia_3106] (Colombia)
Stink bug (Colombia)
Turquoise ocean and rainforest of Gorgona Island (Colombia)
Tree amid a rice field [colombia_4571] (Colombia)
Rainforest cleared for cattle pasture near Peñaloza [colombia_2120] (Colombia)
Crab eating coconut [colombia_4273] (Colombia)