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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Cuscus being sold as meat in the Wamena market (Indonesia)
Iguana (Suriname)
Monkey hunting [suriname_2597] (Suriname)
Monkey hunting (Suriname)
Cuscus being sold as meat in the Wamena market [papua_5137] (Indonesia)
Monkey hunting [suriname_2606] (Suriname)
A monkey limb in the bottom of a dugout canoe (Gabon)
Monkey hunting [suriname_2611] (Suriname)
Iguana [suriname_2635] (Suriname)
Iguana [suriname_2637] (Suriname)
Monkey hunting [suriname_2592] (Suriname)
Monkey hunting [suriname_2596] (Suriname)
Monkey hunting [suriname_2612] (Suriname)
Severed monkey leg in the bottom of a canoe (Gabon)
Iguana [suriname_2638] (Suriname)
Monkey hunting [suriname_2598] (Suriname)
Severed monkey leg (Gabon)
Fish (Suriname)
Monkey hunting [suriname_2603] (Suriname)
Monkey hunting [suriname_2602] (Suriname)
Monkey hunting [suriname_2605] (Suriname)
Monkey hunting [suriname_2613] (Suriname)
Monkey foot protruding from a bucket in a dugout canoe (Gabon)