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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Planthopper nymph [riau_0269] (Indonesia)
Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0299] (Madagascar)
Blue planthopper [madagascar_masoala_0110] (Madagascar)
Multicolored shield bug [west-papua_0227] (Indonesia)
Leafhopper [costa_rica_siquirres_0530] (Costa Rica)
White planthopper [west-papua_5441] (Indonesia)
Red and black bug [colombia_0624] (Colombia)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_0803] (Costa Rica)
Flatid leaf bug nymphs, resembling white lichen [madagascar_4111] (Madagascar)
Yellow and black leafhopper [colombia_0473] (Colombia)
Green insect with polka dots [costa_rica_4445] (Costa Rica)
Red leafhopper larvae/nymphs, orange daddy longlegs, and adult planthopper (Colombia)
Light green bug (Indonesia)
Shield bug (Peru)
Purple, yellow, and brown planthopper [kalbar_0675] (Indonesia)
Light green bug (Indonesia)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_0555] (Costa Rica)
Orange planthopper [madagascar_maroantsetra_0143] (Madagascar)
Bug (Panama)
Leaf-footed bug nymph [colombia_2830] (Colombia)
Black bug with an orange fringe [west-papua_6215] (Indonesia)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0129] (Malaysia)
Flatid leaf bug nymphs, resembling white lichen (Madagascar)
Black and white planthopper with red eyes (Indonesia)
Halloween bug [panama_0831] (Panama)
Insect [madagascar_3657] (Madagascar)
Planthopper nymph [riau_0265] (Indonesia)
Multicolored bug [madagascar_perinet_0628] (Madagascar)
Assassin bugs (Peru)
Brown katydid (Indonesia)
Green-eyed, orange-headed, purple-bodied planthopper [kalbar_1843] (Indonesia)
Green shield bug [madagascar_masoala_0483] (Madagascar)
Fulgoridae family bug [colombia_2813] (Colombia)
Assassin bug (Brazil)
Orange bug (Indonesia)
White-blue leafhopper [colombia_3580] (Colombia)
Orange and black planthopper [panama_0828] (Panama)
Shield bug (China)
Insect (China)
Light yellow planthopper with green eyes [west-papua_5324] (Indonesia)
Orange planthopper [java_0299] (Indonesia)
Orange planthopper [madagascar_maroantsetra_0136] (Madagascar)
Orange leafhopper [kalteng_0722] (Indonesia)
Blue leafhopper [costa_rica_la_selva_0412] (Costa Rica)
Planthopper [costa_rica_siquirres_0074] (Costa Rica)
Black, yellow, and neon orange planthoppers (Colombia)
Shield bug [colombia_0098] (Colombia)
Green, white, and orange planthopper (China)
Fulgoridae family bug [colombia_2812] (Colombia)
Mating bugs (Panama)
Orange planthopper (Colombia)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0150] (Malaysia)
Shield bug (Peru)
White planthopper with orange eyes (China)
Orange, turquoise, and black bug (Indonesia)
Green and orange flat-footed bug [manu_0490] (Peru)
White planthopper [west-papua_5437] (Indonesia)
Brown insect with orange spots (Colombia)
Light yellow planthopper with green eyes [west-papua_5335] (Indonesia)
Caterpillar in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Shield bug (Peru)
Orange and black assassin bug (Indonesia)
Spittle bugs (Indonesia)
Shield bug (China)
Shield bug (China)
Magnificent blue planthopper (Colombia)
Lanternfly (Zanna nobilis) (Indonesia)
Neon pink planthopper (Peru)
Blue leafhopper [costa_rica_la_selva_1428] (Costa Rica)
White insect [sabah_sepilok_0279] (Malaysia)
Red assassin bug (China)
Black, purple, turquoise, red and orange leafhopper (Indonesia)
Bright blue planthopper (Colombia)
Latern bug (Fulgora lampestris) [sabah_kinabatangan_0386] (Malaysia)
Black and green leafhopper (Indonesia)
Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0295] (Madagascar)
Red assassin bug (China)
Cicada [costa_rica_la_selva_1832] (Costa Rica)
Green metallic, yellow, and black bug [west-papua_6511] (Indonesia)
Neon pink planthopper (Peru)
0 (Malaysia)
Multicolored bug [madagascar_perinet_0627] (Madagascar)
Leaf-footed bug nymph [colombia_2831] (Colombia)
Green and dark gray planthopper (Indonesia)
Assassin bug (Indonesia)
A bright blue beetle in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Orange, turquoise, and black bug [west-papua_5771] (Indonesia)
White planthopper with orange eyes (China)
Reduviidae juvenile (Madagascar)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_1074] (Costa Rica)
Light yellow leafhopper (Madagascar)
Multi-colored leaf-hopper [colombia_0110] (Colombia)
Assassin bug spearing a mite -- sabah_3386 (Malaysia)
Coreidae bug with red antenna [madagascar_7272] (Madagascar)
A cricket near Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Leaf-mimicking treehopper [madagascar_3519] (Madagascar)
Yellow assassin bug (Indonesia)
Green and red insect (Indonesia)
White bug -- sabah_3556 (Malaysia)
Furry planthopper [java_0282] (Indonesia)
Assassin bug in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Green shield bug [madagascar_masoala_0482] (Madagascar)
Bright orange assassin bugs (Colombia)
White nymph [colombia_3699] (Colombia)
Sea lion (Ecuador)
Halloween bug [panama_0823] (Panama)
Green and dark gray planthopper (Indonesia)
Multi-colored bug [madagascar_perinet_0027] (Madagascar)
Orange, black, and white bug [colombia_2274] (Colombia)
Bug (Indonesia)
Neon pink planthopper (Mexico)
Leaf-footed bug nymph [colombia_2836] (Colombia)
Red bug [madagascar_ankarana_0274] (Madagascar)
Black dragonfly eating an assassin bug (Indonesia)
Red and black bugs (Madagascar)
Bug (Indonesia)
Planthopper nymph [riau_0271] (Indonesia)
Shield bug [madagascar_masoala_0509] (Madagascar)
Black and red assassin bug -- sabah_3291 (Malaysia)
Multicolored shield bug [west-papua_0130] (Indonesia)
Green and orange flat-footed bug [manu_0499] (Peru)
Red assassin bug [kalbar_2061] (Indonesia)
Planthopper nymph (Malaysia)
Bug [aceh_0344] (Indonesia)
Orange and black bugs mating [wayquecha-andes_0663] (Peru)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0131] (Malaysia)
Hot pink planthopper (Mexico)
Leaf footed bug (Coreidae) (Colombia)
Multicolored shield bug [west-papua_0226] (Indonesia)
Bright orange assassin bug larvae [colombia_2262] (Colombia)
Bug [aceh_0348] (Indonesia)
Cicada emerging from nymph skin [costa_rica_la_selva_0815] (Costa Rica)
Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0301] (Madagascar)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_0808] (Costa Rica)
Blue leafhopper [costa_rica_la_selva_0413] (Costa Rica)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0156] (Malaysia)
Hot pink planthopper (Mexico)
Gray-purple planthopper with an orange eye [panama_1076] (Panama)
Insect nymph (Peru)
Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0298] (Madagascar)
Bug (Indonesia)
Shield bug [madagascar_3752] (Madagascar)
Black, orange, and turquoise stink bug [west-papua_5446] (Indonesia)
Shield bug (Peru)
Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage [madagascar_perinet_0396] (Madagascar)
Male giant water bug (Abedus herberti) with eggs on its back (0)
True bug [colombia_4866] (Colombia)
Assassin bug eating an ant [colombia_2637] (Colombia)
Green, blue, and orange leafhopper (Madagascar)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_0778] (Costa Rica)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_0805] (Costa Rica)
Shield bug (China)
Orange planthopper [madagascar_maroantsetra_0140] (Madagascar)
Brown insect with orange spots [colombia_0605] (Colombia)
Green, white, and orange planthopper (China)
Orange and black assassin bug [kalbar_0083] (Indonesia)
Red bug (Colombia)
Bug [west-papua_5609] (Indonesia)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_0065] (Costa Rica)
Yellow and black leafhopper [colombia_3135] (Colombia)
Stink bug [madagascar_4690] (Madagascar)
Green shield bug [madagascar_masoala_0480] (Madagascar)
Blue leafhopper [kalbar_0288] (Indonesia)
Furry planthopper nymph (Peru)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_0547] (Costa Rica)
Flatid leaf bugs (nymph form) [madagascar_3533] (Madagascar)
Green-eyed, orange-headed, purple-bodied planthopper [kalbar_1847] (Indonesia)
Furry planthopper (Indonesia)
Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0308] (Madagascar)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_1069] (Costa Rica)
Green and orange flat-footed bug [manu_0497] (Peru)
Orange planthopper [java_0302] (Indonesia)
Orange and black bugs mating [wayquecha-andes_0659] (Peru)
Orange, metallic green, and black assassin bug [colombia_0573] (Colombia)
Blue planthopper [madagascar_masoala_0109] (Madagascar)
Assassin bug [colombia_2638] (Colombia)
Bright orange assassin bug larvae [colombia_2244] (Colombia)
Orange and black bugs mating [wayquecha-andes_0662] (Peru)
Neon pink planthopper (Peru)
Red bug (Madagascar)
Black, purple, turquoise, red and orange leafhopper [kalbar_0123] (Indonesia)
Blue leafhopper [costa_rica_la_selva_1425] (Costa Rica)
Mating bugs (Madagascar)
Colorful shield bugs mating (Peru)
Blue planthopper [madagascar_masoala_0604] (Madagascar)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_0776] (Costa Rica)
Bright orange-pink planthopper (Indonesia)
White bug -- sabah_3561 (Malaysia)
Blue leafhopper (Indonesia)
Orange assassin bug [panama_0779] (Panama)
Leaf-footed bug nymph [colombia_2842] (Colombia)
Green, white, and orange planthopper (China)
Red assassin bug [kalbar_2057] (Indonesia)
The Pinguicula casabitoana,complete with tiny prey,is the only carnivorous plant native to the Dominican Republic and is specifically endemic to this one particular ridge of the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve. (Dominican Republic)
Orange and white planthopper (Peru)
White shield bug [sabah_sepilok_0167] (Malaysia)
Insect (China)
Bug [costa_rica_siquirres_0557] (Costa Rica)
Orange and blue planthopper [mcar_0006] (Madagascar)
Green insect with polka dots [costa_rica_4442] (Costa Rica)
Bug (Indonesia)
Furry planthopper [java_0284] (Indonesia)
Bright orange-pink planthopper [kalsel_0053] (Indonesia)
Assassin bug (Vietnam)
Turquoise planthopper (Indonesia)
Cicada [costa_rica_la_selva_1841] (Costa Rica)
Bug (Mexico)
Green leafhopper with polka dots [costa_rica_4447] (Costa Rica)
White-blue leafhopper [colombia_3575] (Colombia)
A moth near Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Orange and black bug (Indonesia)
Flag-footed bug (Anisocelis flavolineata) (Colombia)
Planthopper (Indonesia)
Bug [riau_0215] (Indonesia)
Planthopper (Indonesia)
Bright orange-pink planthopper [kalsel_0048] (Indonesia)
Orange assassin bug [west-papua_6460] (Indonesia)
Planthopper nymph [riau_0267] (Indonesia)
Orange assassin bug [west-papua_6456] (Indonesia)
Leafhopper (Costa Rica)
0 (Malaysia)
Red bugs mating [aceh_0388] (Indonesia)
Yellow and black leafhopper [colombia_3137] (Colombia)
Latern bug (Fulgora lampestris) [sabah_kinabatangan_0389] (Malaysia)
Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage (Madagascar)
Cicada [costa_rica_la_selva_1831] (Costa Rica)
Blue and orange planthopper [panama_0878] (Panama)
White planthopper [west-papua_5434] (Indonesia)
Blue leafhopper [kalbar_0286] (Indonesia)
Sea lion (Ecuador)
White shield bug [sabah_sepilok_0177] (Malaysia)
Green-eyed, orange-headed, purple-bodied planthopper [kalbar_1841] (Indonesia)
Shield bug (Peru)
Shield bug [madagascar_masoala_0511] (Madagascar)
Black and red assassin bug -- sabah_3286 (Malaysia)
Latern bug (Fulgora lampestris) [sabah_kinabatangan_0387] (Malaysia)
Planthopper (Indonesia)
Cicada [costa_rica_la_selva_1843] (Costa Rica)
Planthopper nymph [riau_0278] (Indonesia)
Orange, turquoise, black, and white insects mating [west-papua_5393] (Indonesia)
Orange, turquoise, black, and white insects mating [west-papua_5415] (Indonesia)
Shield bug (Peru)
Purple, yellow, and brown planthopper [kalbar_0672] (Indonesia)
Orange planthopper [madagascar_maroantsetra_0137] (Madagascar)
0 (Malaysia)
Green and dark gray planthopper (Indonesia)
Flower-like ballet bug [west-papua_6583] (Indonesia)
Cicada emerging from nymph skin [costa_rica_la_selva_0817] (Costa Rica)
Bug [costa_rica_la_selva_0821] (Costa Rica)
Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage [madagascar_ankarafantsika_0296] (Madagascar)
Leaf-footed bug nymph [colombia_2838] (Colombia)
Leafhopper [costa_rica_siquirres_0528] (Costa Rica)
Latern bug (Fulgora lampestris) [sabah_kinabatangan_0374] (Malaysia)
Green-eyed insect (Indonesia)
Green, turquoise, and orange assassin bug [colombia_1175] (Colombia)
Green-eyed insect [kalbar_0377] (Indonesia)
True bug [colombia_4865] (Colombia)
Orange, black, and white bug [colombia_2269] (Colombia)
Purple, yellow, and brown planthopper (Indonesia)
Neon green planthopper (Indonesia)
Shield bug (China)
Green and red insect [kalbar_1754] (Indonesia)
Blue and orange planthopper [panama_0884] (Panama)
Insect nymph [manu_0543] (Peru)
Black, yellow, and neon orange insects [colombia_2210] (Colombia)
Neon pink planthopper (Peru)
Orange bug on a flower (China)
Red-orange leafhopper (Madagascar)
Orange and black planthopper [panama_0826] (Panama)
Yellow assassin bug (Indonesia)
Stink bug (China)
A hawk moth near Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Red-headed bug (Colombia)
Blue leafhopper nymph [brazil_155660a] (Brazil)
Red bug [madagascar_ankarana_0275] (Madagascar)
Assassin bug spearing a mite -- sabah_3385 (Malaysia)
White nymph [colombia_3698] (Colombia)
White insect [sabah_sepilok_0278] (Malaysia)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0133] (Malaysia)
Orange and black assassin bug (Indonesia)
Shield bug [costa_rica_osa_0386] (Costa Rica)
Assassin bug [west-papua_6333] (Indonesia)
Lantern bug [sabah_sepilok_0151] (Malaysia)
Neon pink leafhopper [madagascar_5400] (Madagascar)
Latern bug (Fulgora lampestris) [sabah_kinabatangan_0385] (Malaysia)
Light pink flatid leaf bugs (Madagascar)
Orange planthopper (Madagascar)
Neon orange bugs (Indonesia)
Clown leaf-footed bug (Colombia)
Green, yellow, brown, and black shield bug (Panama)
Bug -- sabah_3717 (Malaysia)
Planthopper nymph [riau_0274] (Indonesia)
Cotton-like planthopper (Panama)
Bug [costa_rica_la_selva_1792] (Costa Rica)
Black and red shield bug with yellow-tipped antennae (Colombia)
White bug -- sabah_3564 (Malaysia)
Green and dark gray planthopper (Indonesia)
White-eyed Assassin Bug (Platymeris biguttata) (0)
Neon orange and black insect [panama_0921] (Panama)
Yellow and black leafhopper [colombia_3136] (Colombia)