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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Blackwater creek in Taman Negara
Cyprinds in the blackwater Tahan river
Blackwater forest pool in Taman Negara
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0757
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0752
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0755
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0760
Blackwater creek in the rain forest
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0729
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0718
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0745
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0754
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0750
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0753
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0724
Elongated cyprind fish in Malaysian blackwater creek
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0756
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0715
Cyprinds in the Tahan river -- malaysia0562a
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0748
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0717
Cyprinds in the Tahan river
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0735
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0763
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0742
Small cyprinds
Cyprind fish in Malaysian blackwater creek
Tahan River -- malaysia0692
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0762
Aquatic palm vegetation
Tor tambroides and Puntius schwanefeldii in their natural habitat in the blackwater Tahan River -- malaysia0731