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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Mandibles of a stag beetle (Malaysia)
Flamboyant Flower Beetle (Eudicella gralli) (0)
Metallic green, orange, and brown beetle (Suriname)
Rainbow metallic beetle in Bali (Indonesia)
Female rhinoceros beetle (Indonesia)
Elephant weevil [aceh_0465] (Indonesia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0005] (Malaysia)
Orange and black weevil [costa_rica_5604] (Costa Rica)
Assassin bug [riau_0243] (Indonesia)
White lined leaf frog (Phyllomedusea vaillanti) (Peru)
Orange and yellow leaf beetle (Colombia)
Tortoise beetle [kalbar_0270] (Indonesia)
Beetles [namibia_2017] (Namibia)
Tiger beetle [riau_5519] (Indonesia)
Rainbow metallic beetle in Bali (Indonesia)
Black and yellow weevil [west-papua_0188] (Indonesia)
Blue beetle (Peru)
Olive green, orange, and brown beetle (Suriname)
Leaf-mimicking moth (Panama)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0025] (Malaysia)
Blue beetle [kalbar_1438] (Indonesia)
Beetle (Peru)
Weevil [riau_0351] (Indonesia)
Orange beetle being carried by ants (Indonesia)
Red beetles on tree trunk in Bali (Ubud, Bali) (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle [java_0676] (Indonesia)
Giant beetle -- sabah_aerial_0986 (Malaysia)
Tiger beetle in Malaysia [sabah_tawau_0397] (Malaysia)
Giant beetle -- sabah_aerial_0979 (Malaysia)
Assassin bug [riau_0235] (Indonesia)
Olive green, orange, and brown beetle [suriname_0720] (Suriname)
Spectacular red and green beetle in Bali (Indonesia)
Yellow-speckled Cleonine weevil (genus Lixus - Curculionidae family) [madagascar_6117] (Madagascar)
Colorful tiger beetle [sumatra_1299] (Indonesia)
Giraffe-necked Weevil (Madagascar)
Dung beetle in Madagascar [madagascar_2854] (Madagascar)
Orange and black weevil (Colombia)
Giraffe-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) [madagascar_0753] (Madagascar)
Orange beetle (Colombia)
Green and brown Lycidae weevil ( Coleoptera) (Madagascar)
Roller dung beetle (Canthon triangularis) [suriname_2142] (Suriname)
Beetle: black back, orange head (Suriname)
Black and yellow weevil [colombia_2645] (Colombia)
White bug -- sabah_3562 (Malaysia)
Juvenile insect, not the giraffe-neck weevil (Madagascar)
Black and orange beetle (Laos)
Mating Leaf Beetles, Chrysomelidae (Costa Rica)
Yellow weevil (Indonesia)
Orange beetle (Indonesia)
Black and orange Assassin Bug, family Reduviidae (Colombia)
Polybothris Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae) [madagascar_5354] (Madagascar)
Male atlas beetle (Chalcosoma atlas) (Indonesia)
Metallic blue, green, and orange beetle (Catascopus sp of the Carabidae family) [west-papua_5938] (Indonesia)
Colorful tiger beetle [sumatra_1296] (Indonesia)
Blue, orange, and green beetle on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Dung Beetle, family Scarabaeidae (Costa Rica)
Multicolored metallic beetle with a broad white band (Indonesia)
Red and green metallic beetle in Bali (Indonesia)
Polka-dot beetle (Indonesia)
Dung beetle (Suriname)
Fire fly [riau_0250] (Indonesia)
Beetle (Peru)
Metallic blue, green, and orange beetle (Catascopus sp of the Carabidae family) [west-papua_5956] (Indonesia)
Eupholus schoenherri weevil, a blue-green-turquoise beetle from New Guina [west-papua_0470] (Indonesia)
Brownish-red Long-horned Beetle (family Cerambycidae, subfamily Prioninae) [costa_rica_5651] (Costa Rica)
Kalimantan tiger beetle [kalbar_1594] (Indonesia)
Jewel beetle -- sabah_2722 (Malaysia)
Mating weevils (Vietnam)
Dark green beetle (Suriname)
Long-horned beetle (Panama)
Male rhinoceros beetle (Peru)
Polybothris Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae) [madagascar_perinet_0463] (Madagascar)
Tortoise beetle [costa_rica_la_selva_0399] (Costa Rica)
Eupholus schoenherri weevil, a blue-green-turquoise beetle from New Guina [west-papua_0460] (Indonesia)
Weevil [costa_rica_la_selva_0820] (Costa Rica)
A yellow beetle in the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Red-orange beetle (Indonesia)
Giraffe-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) (Madagascar)
Spotted tiger beetle (Cicindela aurulenta) -- borneo_3646 (Malaysia)
Brownish-red Long-horned Beetle (family Cerambycidae, subfamily Prioninae) [costa_rica_5659] (Costa Rica)
Green beetle (Colombia)
Beetle (Canada)
Orange insect on our windshield (Uganda)
Beetle (China)
Striped beetle (Costa Rica)
Jewel beetle -- sabah_2723 (Malaysia)
Male rhinoceros beetle (Indonesia)
Yellow eaf Beetle (family Chrysomelidae) climbing a blade of grass (Colombia)
Colorful long-horned beetle (Family Cerambycidae) (Laos)
Beetle (Peru)
Black beetle with yellow zigzag pattern (Pleasing Fungus Beetle, family Erotylidae) (Colombia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0002] (Malaysia)
Giraffe-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) [madagascar_0756] (Madagascar)
Female Atlas beetle (Chalcosoma atlas) (Indonesia)
Light brown Dung Beetle, family Scarabaeidae [costa-rica-d_0002] (Costa Rica)
Orange beetle -- borneo_3747 (Malaysia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0021] (Malaysia)
Tiger beetle [java_0679] (Indonesia)
Orange and blue beetle (Madagascar)
Schoenherr's blue weevil (Eupholus schoenherri - Curculionidae family) [west-papua_0369] (Indonesia)
Dark red beetle -- borneo_3899 (Malaysia)
Green backed beetle with orange underparts -- borneo_4439 (Malaysia)
Tiger beetle [java_0672] (Indonesia)
Blue beetle with a red head [sumatra_0464] (Indonesia)
Yellow-speckled Cleonine weevil (genus Lixus - Curculionidae family) [madagascar_6119] (Madagascar)
Bluish beetle [wayquecha-andes_0424] (Peru)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0016] (Malaysia)
Kalimantan tiger beetle (Indonesia)
Blue beetle with an orange head (Malaysia)
Orange and black beetles mating (Indonesia)
Colorful tiger beetle [sumatra_1300] (Indonesia)
Silver beetle with a red-orange head (Madagascar)
Coppery beetle [sumatra_1236] (Indonesia)
Beetle (Indonesia)
Colorful long-horned beetle (Family Cerambycidae) (Laos)
Beetles [namibia_2013] (Namibia)
Beetle [brazil_154608] (Brazil)
Beetle [kalteng_0580] (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Blue-black Leaf Beetles, Chrysomelidae (Costa Rica)
Brilliant green beetle [Tortoise beetle of the Chrysomelidae family] (Madagascar)
Beetle with long antennae (Indonesia)
Beetle [costa_rica_la_selva_0714] (Costa Rica)
White bug -- sabah_3555 (Malaysia)
Orange and maroon beetle (Vietnam)
Red-orange beetle (Indonesia)
Black and yellow weevil [colombia_2539] (Colombia)
Flat beetle (Indonesia)
Red beetle (Madagascar)
Red beetle [panama_0658] (Panama)
Weevil (Indonesia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0036] (Malaysia)
Colorful long-horned beetle (Family Cerambycidae) (Laos)
Red and black beetle (Panama)
Red and black beetle [java_0622] (Indonesia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0006] (Malaysia)
Eupholus schoenherri weevil, a blue-green-turquoise beetle from New Guina [west-papua_0466] (Indonesia)
Metallic blue, green, and orange beetle (Catascopus sp of the Carabidae family) [west-papua_5936] (Indonesia)
Black and red beetle [west-papua_6373] (Indonesia)
Beetle (Canada)
Red and black weevil eating a spider [kalimantan_0461] (Indonesia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0019] (Malaysia)
Black and yellow weevil [colombia_2543] (Colombia)
Colorful metallic beetle (Thailand)
Beetle covered by fungi (Peru)
Large black beetle on a pants leg in Borneo (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Beetle with long antennae [madagascar_5491] (Madagascar)
0 (Malaysia)
Orange and brown dung beetle (Panama)
Black beetle with orange spots [riau_0507] (Indonesia)
Giant beetle -- sabah_aerial_0983 (Malaysia)
Flamboyant Flower Beetle (Eudicella gralli) (0)
Tiger beetle with yellow spots in Kalimantan (Indonesia)
Green leaf beetle [colombia_0620] (Colombia)
Black and white tortoise beetle (Aslamidium capense) (Colombia)
Large armored beetle -- borneo_3626 (Malaysia)
Beetle (Panama)
Yellow beetle [sumatra_0134] (Indonesia)
Weevil [panama_1246] (Panama)
Elephant weevil [aceh_0472] (Indonesia)
Red beetle [suriname_1496] (Suriname)
Large black beetle in Kalimantan (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle (Indonesia)
Red beetle [madagascar_3590] (Madagascar)
Dung beetle in Madagascar [madagascar_2855] (Madagascar)
Tiger beetle (Peru)
Black and yellow weevil [west-papua_0192] (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle in Malaysia [sabah_tawau_0390] (Malaysia)
Male atlas beetle (Chalcosoma atlas) (Indonesia)
Polka-dotted beetle (Indonesia)
Beetle [kalbar_1876] (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle in Malaysia [sabah_tawau_0386] (Malaysia)
Red-orange beetle (Indonesia)
Dung beetle (Peru)
Spectacular red and green beetle in Bali (Indonesia)
Assassin bug [riau_0236] (Indonesia)
Large black beetle in Indonesian Borneo (Kalimantan, Borneo - Indonesian Borneo) (Indonesia)
Dung beetle (Indonesia)
Orange beetle (Indonesia)
Schoenherr's blue weevil (Eupholus schoenherri - Curculionidae family) [west-papua_0357] (Indonesia)
Red and black weevil eating a spider [kalimantan_0459] (Indonesia)
Black and yellow weevil [west-papua_0186] (Indonesia)
Jewel beetle -- sabah_2730 (Malaysia)
Spotted Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae, genus Polybothris) [madagascar_5438] (Madagascar)
Dung beetle next to a piece of poop (Indonesia)
Red and black insects on a green fruit [tambopata-Tambopata_1028_4464] (Peru)
Metallic blue tiger beetle [sumatra_0929] (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle [java_0665] (Indonesia)
Assassin bug [riau_0233] (Indonesia)
Blue beetle with an orange head -- sabah_3257 (Malaysia)
Mating weevils (Indonesia)
Red beetle (Indonesia)
Orange and black beetle -- borneo_4075 (Malaysia)
Yellow and blue weevil [madagascar_perinet_0138] (Madagascar)
Mating weevils (Vietnam)
Green metallic beetle [kalbar_1908] (Indonesia)
Flamboyant Flower Beetle (Eudicella gralli) (0)
Blue beetle (Peru)
Yellow eaf Beetle (family Chrysomelidae) climbing a blade of grass [co03-9745] (Colombia)
Tiger beetle [java_0668] (Indonesia)
Red and orange beetle (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle (Indonesia)
Blue-green beetle [kalbar_1447] (Indonesia)
Green and orange beetle with six spots (Indonesia)
Bluish beetle [wayquecha-andes_0419] (Peru)
Juvenile insect, not the giraffe-neck weevil [madagascar_0922] (Madagascar)
Yellow and black tortoise beetle [colombia_0693] (Colombia)
Dung beetles - Hansreia affinis (Fabricius, 1801) (Suriname)
Blue and turquoise weevil (Eupholus schoenherri - Curculionidae family) [west-papua_0445] (Indonesia)
Weevil (Indonesia)
Yellow tortoise beetles mating (Malaysia)
Red ladybug with a pair of green spots (Costa Rica)
White bug -- sabah_3563 (Malaysia)
Yellow weevil (Indonesia)
Yellow, red, and black beetle [java_0560] (Indonesia)
Red beetle [panama_1097] (Panama)
Spotted Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae, genus Polybothris) (Madagascar)
Orange beetle -- borneo_3743 (Malaysia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0003] (Malaysia)
Beetle [costa_rica_siquirres_0390] (Costa Rica)
Weevil [costa_rica_siquirres_0821] (Costa Rica)
Giant Atlas beetle (Indonesia)
Beetle [namibia_0317] (Namibia)
Weevil (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle [costa_rica_siquirres_0560] (Costa Rica)
Yellow and black beetle (Peru)
Weevil (Colombia)
Blue, orange, and green beetle (Indonesia)
Multicolored beetle (Indonesia)
Beetle [kalbar_1726] (Indonesia)
Metallic blue, green, and orange beetle (Catascopus sp of the Carabidae family) [west-papua_5937] (Indonesia)
Multicolored metallic beetle with a broad white band [west-papua_6217] (Indonesia)
Beetle (Colombia)
Black and red beetle (Peru)
Blue and turquoise weevil (Eupholus schoenherri - Curculionidae family) [west-papua_0433] (Indonesia)
Rainbow metallic beetle in Bali (Indonesia)
Beetle [colombia_0601] (Colombia)
White mushrooms (Peru)
Beetle [brazil_154626] (Brazil)
Giant beetle -- sabah_aerial_0981 (Malaysia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0009] (Malaysia)
Female rhinoceros beetle (Indonesia)
Weevil with white feet (Panama)
Beetle (Indonesia)
Orange and black beetle (Panama)
Beetle [kalteng_0579] (Indonesia)
Insect [brazil_154666] (Brazil)
Eupholus schoenherri weevil, a blue-green-turquoise beetle from New Guina [west-papua_0455] (Indonesia)
Polybothris jewel beetle [madagascar_perinet_0460] (Madagascar)
Weevil [colombia_1252] (Colombia)
Eupholus schoenherri weevil, a blue-green-turquoise beetle from New Guina [west-papua_0468] (Indonesia)
Black and orange beetle (Peru)
Iridescent green beetle [suriname_1206] (Suriname)
Large armored beetle -- borneo_3627 (Malaysia)
Dung beetle [kalbar_1662] (Indonesia)
Metallic blue, green, and orange beetle (Catascopus sp of the Carabidae family) [west-papua_5951] (Indonesia)
Blue and turquoise weevil (Eupholus schoenherri - Curculionidae family) [west-papua_0439] (Indonesia)
Weevil in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Colorful metallic beetle (Thailand)
Black and red beetle [west-papua_6376] (Indonesia)
Click beetle, family elateridae [madagascar_4498] (Madagascar)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0023] (Malaysia)
Black and orange beetle (Peru)
Beetle (species unidentified) on rose in Santa Fe, New Mexico (United States)
Weevil [west-papua_6230] (Indonesia)
Green beetle [colombia_2751] (Colombia)
Mating beetles [madagascar_perinet_0123] (Madagascar)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0010] (Malaysia)
Red-orange beetle (Indonesia)
Black beetle with orange spots [riau_0503] (Indonesia)
Tiger beetle in Malaysia [sabah_tawau_0399] (Malaysia)
Multicolored beetle [kalbar_2178] (Indonesia)
Male atlas beetle (Chalcosoma atlas) (Indonesia)
Eupholus schoenherri weevil, a blue-green-turquoise beetle from New Guina [west-papua_0469] (Indonesia)
Blue and yellow weevil [sabah_sepilok_0033] (Malaysia)
Tortoise beetle [costa_rica_la_selva_0395] (Costa Rica)
Big black beetle (Colombia)
Beetle (Madagascar)
Weevil [costa_rica_siquirres_0822] (Costa Rica)
Glowing click beetle (Peru)
Beetles [namibia_2022] (Namibia)
Beetle [brazil_154630] (Brazil)
Beetle (China)
Orange beetle -- borneo_3746 (Malaysia)
Black and red elongated beetle (Indonesia)
Yellow weevil (Indonesia)
Turquoise, blue, and yellow weevil [costa_rica_osa_0105] (Costa Rica)
Yellow tortoise beetles mating -- sabah_3250 (Malaysia)
Orange and red Pleasing Fungus Beetle, family Erotylidae (Colombia)
Dark green beetle [suriname_0721] (Suriname)
Blue beetle (Peru)
Tiger beetle in Malaysia [sabah_tawau_0406] (Malaysia)
Flamboyant Flower Beetle (Eudicella gralli) (0)
Beetle (Peru)
Brown beetle with orange spots [sumatra_1040] (Indonesia)
Black and yellow longhorn beetle [costa_rica_la_selva_0597] (Costa Rica)
Beetle (Suriname)
Spotted tiger beetle (Cicindela aurulenta) -- borneo_3635 (Malaysia)
Black and orange beetle (India)
Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) [madagascar_perinet_0442] (Madagascar)