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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Group of White-nosed Coati [costa-rica_0688] (Costa Rica)
Kinkajou in the rainforest canopy [costa-rica_0783] (Costa Rica)
Antoon (Nasua narica) (Costa Rica)
Red-legged Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes cyaneus) [male: blue in color] [costa-rica_0544] (Costa Rica)
Giant bamboo [costa-rica-d_0055] (Costa Rica)
Snookum bear (Nasua narica) [costa-rica_0674] (Costa Rica)
Mama sloth with baby [costa-rica_0694] (Costa Rica)
Banded convict cichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) in a swampy pond in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
Golden-hooded Tanager (Tangara larvata) [costa-rica_0662] (Costa Rica)
Eyelash viper [costa-rica_a_0061] (Costa Rica)
Red passion vine flower [costa-rica_0735] (Costa Rica)
Canopy lily (Costa Rica)
Giant bamboo [costa-rica-d_0056] (Costa Rica)
Buff-throated Saltator (Saltator maximus) [costa-rica_0644] (Costa Rica)
Blue Narrow-winged damselfly, family Coenagrionidae [Order ODONATA] (Costa Rica)
Red bracht [costa-rica-d_0139] (Costa Rica)
Hot pink fungi [costa-rica_0457] (Costa Rica)
Monkey ladder liana/vine (Costa Rica)
Rainforest vegetation [costa-rica-d_0107] (Costa Rica)
Unusual palm (Costa Rica)
Magenta ginger flowers [costa-rica-d_0099] (Costa Rica)
Ruddy Pigeon (Patagioenas subvinacea), although possibly a Short-billed Pigeon (Patagioenas nigrirostris) (Costa Rica)
White-nosed Coati (Nasua narica) [costa-rica_0678] (Costa Rica)
Mama sloth with baby [costa-rica_0692] (Costa Rica)
Fallen rainforest tree (Costa Rica)
Baltimore Orioles (Icterus galbula) [costa-rica_0378] (Costa Rica)
Moss-covered cloud forest trees (Costa Rica)
bird [costa-rica_0421] (Costa Rica)
bird [costa-rica_0417] (Costa Rica)
Leaf cutter ant nest (Costa Rica)
Fungi on a log [costa-rica-d_0081] (Costa Rica)
Red and green eyelash viper (Bothriechis schlegelii) [costa-rica_0835] (Costa Rica)
Rufous Motmot (Baryphthengus martii) [costa-rica_a_0057] (Costa Rica)
Eyelash viper [costa-rica_a_0060] (Costa Rica)
Giant bamboo [costa-rica-d_0054] (Costa Rica)
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper (Glyphorynchus spirurus) (Costa Rica)
Red leaf in the rainforest canopy (Costa Rica)
Butterfly [costa-rica_0583] (Costa Rica)
Former rainforest, now cattle pasture [costa-rica-d_0064] (Costa Rica)
Red-lored parrot (Amazona autumnalis) (Costa Rica)
Rainforest [costa-rica-d_0120] (Costa Rica)
Pregnant spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi ornatus) [costa-rica_0762] (Costa Rica)
Pizote (Nasua narica) [costa-rica_0680] (Costa Rica)
Eyelash viper (Costa Rica)
Epiphyte flower (Costa Rica)
Red-breasted Blackbird (Sturnella militaris) [costa-rica_0356] (Costa Rica)
Red and green eyelash viper seen from the ground in its typical habitat or place of rest (Costa Rica)
Crab-eating Raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus) in a rehabilitation center [costa-rica-d_0088] (Costa Rica)
Blue-gray Tanager (Thraupis episcopus) [costa-rica_0384] (Costa Rica)
Honey bear or kinkajou (Potos flavus) in the process of being rehabilitated [costa-rica_0598] (Costa Rica)
Pair of Rufous Motmot following a column of army ants in order to catch insects stirred up by the activity [costa-rica_0869] (Costa Rica)
Black-headed trogon (Trogon melanocephalus) [costa-rica_0410] (Costa Rica)
Bird [costa-rica_0392] (Costa Rica)
Tiny moth (Costa Rica)
Canopy walkway [costa-rica_0811] (Costa Rica)
Eyelash viper [costa-rica_a_0062] (Costa Rica)
Rufous Mourner (Rhytipterna holerythra) or a Rufous Piha (Lipaugus unirufous) (Costa Rica)
Caiman [costa-rica_0659] (Costa Rica)
Passerini's Tanager (Ramphocelus passerinii) [costa-rica_0395] (Costa Rica)
Phallic palm root (Costa Rica)
White flowers [costa-rica_0739] (Costa Rica)
Leaf-cutter ants [costa-rica_0817] (Costa Rica)
Raging waterfall near Leaves and Lizards [costa-rica-d_0077] (Costa Rica)
Yellow-throated Euphonia (Euphonia hirundinacea) (Costa Rica)
Scale-crested Pygmy-tyrant [costa-rica_0873] (Costa Rica)
Buff-rumped Warbler (Basileuterus fulvicauda) (Costa Rica)
Rainforest canopy [costa-rica_0808] (Costa Rica)
Crab-eating Raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus) in a rehabilitation center [costa-rica-d_0093] (Costa Rica)
Immature Leaf Beetle grubs, Chrysomelidae devouring a plant leaf (Costa Rica)
Anole [costa-rica-d_0140a] (Costa Rica)
Kinkajou (Potos flavus) in the process of being rehabilitated [costa-rica_0595] (Costa Rica)
Common Slender Anole (Anolis limifrons) [costa-rica_0776] (Costa Rica)
Buff-throated Saltator (Saltator maximus) (Costa Rica)
Tawny-capped Euphonia (Euphonia anneae) [costa-rica_0716] (Costa Rica)
Caged spider monkey [costa-rica_0548] (Costa Rica)
Green bromeliad flower (Costa Rica)
Social Flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis) [costa-rica_0567] (Costa Rica)
Group of White-nosed Coati [costa-rica_0687] (Costa Rica)
Cattle pasture and regenerating forest in Costa Rica [costa-rica-d_0085] (Costa Rica)
Snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) [costa-rica_0664] (Costa Rica)
Leaf-cutter ants [costa-rica_0831] (Costa Rica)
Arenal Hanging Bridges (Costa Rica)
Kinkajou in the rainforest canopy [costa-rica_0801] (Costa Rica)
Blue-gray Tanager (Thraupis episcopus) [costa-rica_0383] (Costa Rica)
Orange-chinned Parakeet (Brotogeris jugularis) (Costa Rica)
Bromeliads in a Costa Rican cloud forest (Costa Rica)
Crab-eating Raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus) in a rehabilitation center [costa-rica-d_0090] (Costa Rica)
Cicada about to emerge from its shell [costa-rica_0852] (Costa Rica)
Group of White-nosed Coati [costa-rica_0690] (Costa Rica)