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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Red-eyed tree frog (Costa Rica)
Black and orange banded insect (Suriname)
Ring-tailed lemurs in riverine gallery forest [madagascar_2720] (Madagascar)
Camouflaged Amber Mountain chameleon (Calumma ambreense) [madagascar_3824] (Madagascar)
Rust-colored moth with yellow and red markings and a black fringe (Suriname)
Baby orangutan in a diaper (Indonesia)
White rhino [south_africa_kruger_0426] (South Africa)
Detail of sparkling violetear hummingbird (Colibri coruscans) in Quito, Ecuador. (Ecuador)
Baby orangutan in a diaper (Indonesia)
Springbok [namibia_1802] (Namibia)
Female lion with wildebeest kill -- tz_2218 (Tanzania)
Hoatzins (Opisthocomus hoazin) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Red grasshawk dragonfly (Indonesia)
Green iguana in Colombia (Colombia)
A foal, as a baby zebra is known (Kenya)
Indri feeding on leaves [madagascar_0658a] (Madagascar)
Baby orangutan in a diaper (Indonesia)
Green Tree Dragon ( Bronchocela cristatella ) (Malaysia)
Desert elephant in Namibia [namibia_0973] (Namibia)
White Spotted Reed Frog (Heterixalus alboguttatus) [madagascar_5142] (Madagascar)
Male greater kudu [south_africa_kruger_0871] (South Africa)
Green grasshopper with an orange abdomen [costa_rica_4746a] (Costa Rica)
Blue morpho with its wings closed (Costa Rica)
Green snake with red markings (Indonesia)
Female Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) [south_africa_kruger_0379] (South Africa)
Flamingo tongue (Cyphoma gibbosum) (Belize)
Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemurs (Hapalemur griseus) (Madagascar)
Lilac-breasted Roller (Coracias caudatus) [south_africa_kruger_0206] (South Africa)
White Spotted Reed Frog (Heterixalus alboguttatus) [madagascar_5160] (Madagascar)
Slash-and-burn farming in Peten, Guatemala (Belize)
Brown grasshopper -- borneo_6333 (Malaysia)
Prairie or blue-belly lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) (United States)
Masai or Kilimanjaro Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) (Tanzania)
Malachite (Siproeta stelenes) (Costa Rica)
Elephant [south_africa_kruger_0761] (South Africa)
Baby orangutan at a conservation center (Indonesia)
Elephant [south_africa_kruger_5218] (South Africa)
Brown Leaf Chameleon (Brookesia superciliaris) [madagascar_0436] (Madagascar)
Rabbit [namibia_1655] (Namibia)
Hippos [south_africa_kruger_0592] (South Africa)
Rainbow Bush Locust (Phymateus saxosus) (Madagascar)
Coquerel's Sifaka balancing on a bamboo rail (Madagascar)
Brookesia antakarana [madagascar_3631] (Madagascar)
Gray Gentle Lemur (Hapalemur griseus) [madagascar_1485] (Madagascar)
Male panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis) [madagascar_0285] (Madagascar)
Three-striped poison dart frog (Epipedobates trivittatus) (Suriname)
Colorful grasshopper (Costa Rica)
Madagascar Tomato Frog (Dyscophus antongilii) (0)
Namibian desert elephant [namibia_0977] (Namibia)
Infant green sea turtle (Suriname)
White-faced Capuchin [costa_rica_5171] (Costa Rica)
Beetle in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Desert elephant in Namibia [namibia_0979] (Namibia)
Sea turtle hatchlings [cr_4260a] (Costa Rica)
Jungle spider that has constructed a nest by rolling a Heliconia leaf (Malaysia)
Vietnamese mossy frog (Theloderma corticale) (0)
Red frog [costa_rica_4658] (Costa Rica)
Leaf-mimicking praying mantis [suriname_0943] (Suriname)
Bohor reedbuck (Kenya)
Male panther chameleon (breeding coloration) (Madagascar)
Lion [south_africa_kruger_1017] (South Africa)
Wild female Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), which was raised by an indigenous tribe after her mother was hunted for food, periodically seeks out humans (Ecuador)
White rhino [south_africa_kruger_5230] (South Africa)
Waxy monkey tree frog (Phyllomedusa sauvagei) (0)
Lion [south_africa_kruger_1008] (South Africa)
Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata) with a bird in its mouth (Belize)
Greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) [south_africa_kruger_0050] (South Africa)
White rhino [south_africa_kruger_0500] (South Africa)
Oustalet's chameleon (green, yellow, and gray) (Madagascar)
Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa [south_africa_kruger_0148] (South Africa)
Leopard (Panthera pardus) [south_africa_kruger_0537] (South Africa)
A lizard near Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Monitor lizard (Varanus salvator) emerging from a tree hollow (Malaysia)
Elephants feeding on a grassy plain (Kenya)
Coquerel's Sifaka eating leaves [madagascar_2418] (Madagascar)
Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata) (Belize)
Blue, orange, and green Calumma crypticum chameleon [male] [madagascar_5055] (Madagascar)
White rhino [south_africa_kruger_0423] (South Africa)
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill (Tockus leucomelas) [south_africa_kruger_0345] (South Africa)
Brookesia tuberculata [madagascar_3623] (Madagascar)
Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur hanging in a tree [madagascar_1341] (Madagascar)
Red-eyed tree frog (Costa Rica)
Indri in Perinet [madagascar_1210] (Madagascar)
Common zebra (Equus quagga) [south_africa_kruger_0511] (South Africa)
Ant in Namibia [namibia_2289] (Namibia)
Guinea fowl (South Africa)
Desert elephant in Namibia [namibia_0949] (Namibia)
Orange and black "Halloween" moth (Madagascar)
Rainforest canopy crab (Costa Rica)
Male panther chameleon (breeding coloration) [animals_zh_064] (Madagascar)
Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa [south_africa_kruger_0088] (South Africa)
Tiger Ratsnake (Spilotes pullatus). Identification by Anna Vittone (Colombia)
Lion [south_africa_kruger_1063] (South Africa)
Spider monkey hanging in a tree [belize_0026] (Belize)
African lion [south_africa_kruger_0300] (South Africa)
Agouti (Dasyprocta punctata), local name Guatusa (Belize)
Namibian desert elephant [namibia_1055] (Namibia)
Baby orangutan (Indonesia)
Leatherback sea turtle laying eggs on the beach (Suriname)
Lion cubs -- tz_1657 (Tanzania)
Madagascar leaf-nosed snake (Langaha madagascariensis) [calacad_044] (Madagascar)
Elephants -- tz_1775 (Tanzania)
Forest spider in Malaysia (Malaysia)
Malagasy giant hognose snake (Leioheterodon madagascariensis) (Madagascar)
Desert elephant in Namibia [namibia_1095] (Namibia)
Vervet monkey [south_africa_kruger_5259] (South Africa)
Striated heron (Butorides striatus) (Costa Rica)
White rhino [south_africa_kruger_0456] (South Africa)
Ruppell's Long-tailed Starling (Lamprotornis purpuropterus) (Kenya)
Morelet's Crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) [belize_6944] (Belize)
Dark gray and red butterfly (Pierella helvetia incanescens) [cr_3730] (Costa Rica)
Namibian desert elephant [namibia_1111] (Namibia)
Ants on the forest floor [suriname_8778a] (Suriname)
Infant Chacma Baboon (Papio ursinus) in Chobe National Park (Botswana)
Three-striped poison arrow frog (Epipedobates trivittatus) with tadpoles on its back [suriname_1156] (Suriname)
Rust-colored moth with yellow and red markings and a black fringe [suriname_1254] (Suriname)
Blue Masked Lovebird (Agapornis personata personata) (Tanzania)
Baby orangutan (Indonesia)
Masoala peninsula beetle (Madagascar)
Red Leaf-monkey (Presbytis rubicunda) -- borneo_3203 (Malaysia)
White rhino [south_africa_kruger_0473] (South Africa)
Lilac-breasted Roller [south_africa_kruger_0193] (South Africa)
Green insect in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Elephants crossing a stream bed (Tanzania)
Small water monitor lizard taking in the sun on the grass (Malaysia)
Young female lion -- tz_1719 (Tanzania)
Baby orangutan at a conservation center (Indonesia)
Hatchling Olive ridley sea turtle headed out to sea [costa_rica_5699] (Costa Rica)
Burchell's zebra (Equus quagga) [south_africa_kruger_0714] (South Africa)
Satanic Leaf-tail Gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus) [madagascar_0345] (Madagascar)
Sea turtle hatchlings [cr_4208] (Costa Rica)
Stunning male Calumma crypticum chameleon [madagascar_5051] (Madagascar)
Red-billed Oxpecker [south_africa_kruger_1120] (South Africa)
Caligo sp or Owl Butterfly with its wings closed [cr_4127] (Costa Rica)
Pink and purple Homopteran, probably a Flatid or a Fulgorid bug, with huge eyes; this is a nymph that has JUST molted (Madagascar)
Boophis frog (Madagascar)
Green caterpillar - Rhagastis lambertoni, Sphingidae family (Madagascar)
Brownish-red Long-horned Beetle (family Cerambycidae, subfamily Prioninae) [costa_rica_5654] (Costa Rica)
Indri lemur (Indri indri) [madagascar_0621] (Madagascar)
Coquerel's Sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) in Madagascar [madagascar_0140] (Madagascar)
Black Colobus monkey (Colobus angolensis) (Kenya)
Female lion with wildebeest kill -- tz_2270 (Tanzania)
Golden-mantled tamarins (Saguinus tripartitus) raiding a banana garden in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Female common impala (Aepyceros melampus melampus) at Chobe National Park (Botswana)
Ostrich chicks (Tanzania)
Forest beetle (Belize)
Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa [south_africa_kruger_0092] (South Africa)
Phelsuma Day Gecko in leaf (Nosy Mangabe) (Madagascar)
Pink translucent butterfly in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Tiger leech (Haemadipsa picta) -- borneo_3525 (Malaysia)
Scrub Hare, Lepus saxatilis (Tanzania)
Black-capped donacobius (Donacobius atricapilla) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Orange and dark green beetle [suriname_2193] (Suriname)
Juvenile Red-footed Booby (Belize)
Gecko eye (Madagascar)
Lion [south_africa_kruger_1024] (South Africa)
African elephants (Loxodonta africana) drinking in the Chobe River (Botswana)
Harlequin toad (Atelopus spumarius) [suriname_1095] (Suriname)
Bufo guttatus (Smooth-sided toad) [suriname_1308] (Suriname)
Mass of snakes (Dromicodryas bernieri) (Madagascar)
Heliconius melpomene butterflies (0)
Wildebeest herd -- tz_elf_0504 (Tanzania)
Uknown tree frog on Nosy Mangabe (Madagascar)
Dyeing dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius) (Suriname)
Madagascar Pygmy-kingfisher (Ceyx madagascariensis) [madagascar_4895] (Madagascar)
Orange, yellow, and black butterfly (Madagascar)
Transparent moth [cr_3685] (Costa Rica)
Namibian Rock Agama (Agama planiceps) [namibia_0782] (Namibia)
White insect (Suriname)
Costa Rican capuchin monkey headshot [costa_rica_6031] (Costa Rica)
Baby orangutan in a diaper (Indonesia)
Male ostrich with chicks (Tanzania)
Sykes monkey (Cercopithecus mitis) [male] (Kenya)
Male Madagascar leaf-nosed snake (Langaha madagascariensis) (0)
Lion [south_africa_kruger_0230] (South Africa)
Close up on the eye of the Giant Leaf-tail Gecko (Uroplatus fimbriatus) (Madagascar)
Zonosaurus lizard (Madagascar)
Walking stick insect [costa_rica_5417] (Costa Rica)
Orange and dark green beetle (Suriname)
Red-fronted brown lemur in Ranomafana (Madagascar)
Black butterfly (Eumaeus godartii) with a white fringe, an orange patch, and turquoise spots [costa_rica_4601] (Costa Rica)
Bright green leafhopper with polkadots (Costa Rica)
Bohor Reedbuck licking her nose (Kenya)
Brown grasshopper in an orange flower (Costa Rica)
Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Moon Jellyfish (0)
Coquerel's Sifaka jumping (Madagascar)
Moth or butterfly at night in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Desert elephant [namibia_0894] (Namibia)
Amber Mountain Rock-thrush (Monticola erythronotus) [male] [madagascar_3692] (Madagascar)
Scaly Francolin (Francolinus squamatus) (Kenya)
Vultures feeding on a wildebeest carcass (Tanzania)
Family of Chacma Baboons (Papio ursinus) in Chobe National Park (Botswana)
Birds [namibia_2012] (Namibia)
Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa [south_africa_kruger_0151] (South Africa)
Dwarf Mongoose (Helogale parvula) (Tanzania)
Blue-eyed butterfly [suriname_1654] (Suriname)
Orange Parson's chameleon (juvenile) (Madagascar)
Frog eggs floating on the surface of a pool in the Amazon (Suriname)
Indri lemur (Indri indri) [madagascar_0669a] (Madagascar)
Yellow-throated longclaw (Macronyx croceus) (Kenya)
Brownish-green anole (Costa Rica)
Juvenile Malagasy Emerald Green Pill Millipede (Sphaerotheriida) [madagascar_0905] (Madagascar)
Leaf insect in stealth posture (Malaysia)
Bornean forest lizard -- borneo_6114 (Malaysia)
Superb starling (Lamprotornis superbus) -- tz_2451 (Tanzania)
Bats in Abydos temple (Egypt)
Uroplatus fimbriatus gecko [uroplatus_fimbriatus_0073] (Madagascar)
Giant day gecko [animals_zh_004] (Madagascar)
Blue-spotted butterfly or moth in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Common Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciureus) [co03-9452] (Colombia)
Guibemantis liber (Madagascar)
Water frog - species unknown (Kenya)
Verreaux's Sifaka dancing [madagascar_2673] (Madagascar)
Flying frog (Indonesia)
Will's Chameleon (Furcifer willsii) (Madagascar)
Burchell's zebra (Equus quagga) [south_africa_kruger_0696] (South Africa)
Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa [south_africa_kruger_0175] (South Africa)
Female lion eating a wildebeest -- tz_2239 (Tanzania)
Hatchling Olive ridley sea turtle [costa_rica_5690] (Costa Rica)
Elephant [south_africa_kruger_0785] (South Africa)
Black butterfly with turquoise spots [madagascar_5571] (Madagascar)
Spider [suriname_8957] (Suriname)
Cattle egret stalking (Guyana)
White rhino [south_africa_kruger_0462] (South Africa)
Green and brown dragonfly (Kenya)
Bird fluffing feathers to keep warm on Mt. Kenya (Kenya)
Maroon-colored flowers of the African sausage tree (Kigelia pinnata) (Kenya)
Red Leaf-monkey (Presbytis rubicunda) -- borneo_3180 (Malaysia)
White-nosed Coati (Nasua narica) (Costa Rica)
Nile crocodiles on a beach (Kenya)
Collared puffbird (Bucco capensis) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Flame tree flowers (Kenya)
Cobalt-winged parakeets (Brotogeris cyanoptera) at a clay lick in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) [south_africa_kruger_0048] (South Africa)
Male Argusianus argus (Malaysia)
Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) [madagascar_1331] (Madagascar)
Leaf-mimicking treehopper [madagascar_3521] (Madagascar)
Guibemantis pulcher frog (Madagascar)
Parasitic Mind Control of a wasp (Malaysia)
Sanford's Brown Lemur (Eulemur sanfordi) licking its lips (Madagascar)
Leaf-mimicking praying mantis [suriname_0987] (Suriname)
Yellow and blue dyeing poison dart frog (Suriname)
Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa [south_africa_kruger_0138] (South Africa)
Leatherback sea turtle eggs (Suriname)
Leaf-mimicking katydid [madagascar_2024] (Madagascar)
Bee hive in the rainforest canopy (Malaysia)
Sea turtle hatchlings [cr_4266] (Costa Rica)
Orange beetle (Suriname)
Stick insect at night in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Malagasy Kingfisher (Nosy Mangabe) (Madagascar)
Collared puffbird (Bucco capensis) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
A cockroach near Pedernales,Dominican Republic. (Dominican Republic)
Desert elephant [namibia_0951] (Namibia)
Red panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis) (male) (0)
Blue and black insect (Suriname)
African hippos [south_africa_kruger_0599] (South Africa)
Antelope [south_africa_kruger_0042] (South Africa)
Sykes's Monkey, Cercopithecus albogularis (Kenya)
Turquoise insect with orange legs [suriname_2250a] (Suriname)
Spotted Woodcreeper (Xiphorhynchus erythropygius) (Costa Rica)
Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa [south_africa_kruger_0075] (South Africa)
Desert elephant in Namibia [namibia_1039] (Namibia)
Large centipede (Guyana)
Black-and-yellow Broadbill (Eurylaimus ochromalus) -- borneo_4915 (Malaysia)
Bats hanging from the ceiling of a limestone cave in Malaysia (Malaysia)
Young orphan orang-utan -- borneo_6605 (Malaysia)
Buffalo at sunset (Kenya)
White-faced capuchin [cr_4335] (Costa Rica)
Close-up wild female Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), which was raised by an indigenous tribe after her mother was hunted for food, periodically seeks out humans (Ecuador)
Lizard on a tree trunk (Colombia)
Colorful fly (Malaysia)
Red howler monkey in the canopy (Suriname)
Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemur (Hapalemur griseus) [madagascar_1512] (Madagascar)
Greater Bamboo Lemur (Ranomafana N.P.) (Madagascar)
Elephant [south_africa_kruger_1097] (South Africa)
Brilliant green beetle [Tortoise beetle of the Chrysomelidae family] [madagascar_5455] (Madagascar)
Green snake with red markings (Indonesia)
Short-nosed Chameleon (Calumma gastrotaenia) [madagascar_0557] (Madagascar)
Cape buffalo [south_africa_kruger_1118] (South Africa)
Red-Eyed Tree Frog in Costa Rica [costa_rica_5834] (Costa Rica)
Kori Bustard (Ardeotis kori) -- tz_2426 (Tanzania)
Spider [madagascar_2011] (Madagascar)
Tree boa (Andasibe) (Madagascar)
Yellow-throated Sandgrouse (Pterocles gutturalis) (Tanzania)
Kinkajou (Potos flavus), sometimes known as the cat-monkey (Belize)
Female lion with wildebeest kill -- tz_2307 (Tanzania)
Silhouette of a Hadeda ibis in a tree (Kenya)
Scale-crested Pygmy-tyrant (Lophotriccus pileatus) [cr_3930] (Costa Rica)
Vietnamese mossy frog (Theloderma corticale) (0)
Gecko [madagascar_6477] (Madagascar)
Pair of wild boar in forest clearing in Malaysia (Malaysia)
Zebras -- tz_xt_3506 (Tanzania)
Cape buffalo [south_africa_kruger_5236] (South Africa)
Sleeping lion (Kenya)
Invasive day gecko in Hawaii (United States)
Bohor Reedbuck (Redunca redunca) -- tz_1496 (Tanzania)
Namib gecko [namibia_1329] (Namibia)
Green stick insect [madagascar_1632] (Madagascar)